Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 16 The Three Brothers of the Chen Family 【Request + Save】

Since the beginning of alchemy, he has not stepped out of the courtyard for two months. He ordered the waiter in the shop to deliver food every two days, and the rent was paid for several months at once, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed while practicing.

In the past two months, besides practicing, he also refined all the medicinal materials in his body into qi training pills. Now the technique of alchemy is becoming more and more proficient, and the rate of each pill can reach fourteen or five. This is a miracle in the alchemy world .

Taking one elixir a day, and with the help of the elixir for two months, his cultivation speed increased like a rocket, and he broke through the sixth level of Qi training in the first two days.

However, half of the elixirs he had consumed were on his body. After finishing his training that day, he walked out of the courtyard after tidying up a bit, went to the counter to check out and left the inn.

Tianxing Pavilion also has several shops in Fengping City. When Li Qiuyu passed by one of his own shops, he was attracted by the noise in front of him.

This is an inn produced by Tianxing Pavilion, and it can be regarded as one of the important industries of Tianxing Pavilion.

"Three young masters, what you have spent in this store this time, is considered a small one. I will compensate you. Please calm down the three young masters."

"Hmph, master, don't I have any money? The guys in your store dirty my clothes, so you just want to forget about it.?"

The aggressive voice reached Li Qiuyu's ears, he couldn't help but frown, and looked at the person who spoke, he also knew these people, they were from the Chen family.

A big force like the Chen family has a large number of people, and it is inevitable that they are mixed. The few in front of us are one of them.Idle around in the city all day long, bullying the weak.

Even so, his cultivation is not bad, he is all at the fourth or fifth level of Qi training.They are the notorious three married brothers in the city.

His father is Chen Zhongyun, the second son of the head of the married family, a great master of Qi training at the tenth level, with such an old man protecting him, he is not arrogant and domineering.

It would be more appropriate to say that they are father and son. The eldest Chen Yu is 19 years old at the beginning of the seventh level of Qi training, the second child Chen Fei is 16 years old at the peak of the fifth level of Qi training, and the youngest Chen Feng and Li Qiuyu are almost the same, and they are also at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training.

"What do the three young masters want to do?" the shopkeeper said with a smile.

The shopkeeper, Li Qiuyu, had met him twice in Tianxing Pavilion, so Zhang Lun was highly regarded by his grandfather, Li Chongyang. He also knew that the three guys in front of him came to the store on purpose to find fault.

However, the other party was the grandson of the head of the Chen family, so he had to swallow his breath, and he was stronger than others. Several other shops in Tianxing Pavilion were suppressed, and this was not the first time that this inn was disturbed by them.

"How about this, you bring fifty gold, if we are happy, young master, let it be, otherwise"

"What else? Say it out and try it. I'd like to see it." Seeing her shop being disrupted deliberately, Li Qiuyu felt uneasy for a while, and interrupted Chen Feng before he could finish speaking.

Li Qiuyu didn't want to cause trouble, but since others came to him, he wouldn't be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Although he didn't know how much 50 taels of gold was worth, he only spent 100 taels of gold this time when he came to Fengping City.

"That short-sighted person, do you want to die? You dare to intervene in the affairs of the three brothers of the Chen family." Chen Feng was very upset when someone interrupted his speech. He had never encountered such a thing.

Li Qiuyu walked from the side of the three of them to the shop step by step, without pretending that the three of them existed.

"Young master, why are you here? Are you alone?" Zhang Lun hurriedly asked Li Qiuyu, but he looked around and didn't see any other people from Tianxing Pavilion.

"So you are that trash from Tianxing Pavilion, who am I?" Chen Feng said shamelessly.

Li Qiuyu nodded his head, agreeing, and turned a blind eye to the three guys behind him.

"Young master, go in, I will take care of it, they will definitely trouble you if you are here," Zhang Lun said eagerly.

"Uncle Zhang, call me about this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

"Trash, it's not enough to give 50 taels of gold now." Chen Feng said harshly.

"Then what do you want? Get out of here quickly, I'm in a good mood and don't care about you." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"A piece of trash dares to talk to us like this. He's really desperate. Go back and lie down." Chen Feng was furious. After speaking, he quickly rushed to Li Qiuyu and punched him in the chest.

The speed at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training is indeed extremely fast, and within a short distance of three feet, he arrived in the blink of an eye. Seeing a punch landed on Li Qiuyu, Chen Feng felt ruthless, and his strength increased.

Although he didn't dare to beat Li Qiuyu to death, he still dared to let him lie down for a few months. He didn't care about a trash at all.

As early as half a year ago, the former knew that the good-for-nothing young master of Tianxing Pavilion was still on the second level of Qi training, and he could lay him down with a punch at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training.

"Young Master" Zhang Lun saw Chen Feng's fourth-level qi training with a deadly hand against Li Qiuyu, who was on the second-level qi training, and his heart sank. He is also a monk at the fourth level of qi training, so naturally he couldn't see through Li Qiuyu's cultivation. Take action to resist for the Lord, thinking that the time is over.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu didn't retreat but advanced, his whole body bumped into Chen Feng's fist, the people around thought that Li Qiuyu was frightened and foolish, and forgot his direction when avoiding.

Chen Feng was also taken aback, but the fist still landed on the opponent. The opponent didn't fall to the ground as expected, but felt that the whole fist felt like hitting cotton, which made people feel uncomfortable and secretly thought something bad.

When he was about to withdraw his fist, the opponent moved quickly, and he was knocked back non-stop by the opponent, so fast that it was too late to retract his fist.


Li Qiuyu said lightly, and saw that Chen Feng was knocked and flew into the street far away like a kite with a broken string, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, everyone was stunned by the sudden contrast, they all thought that Li Qiuyu would be punched and landed on the ground, how could such a result happen.

Li Qiuyu was ready to test his own defense level when Chen Feng made a move, and there was also an element of risk in it. Although there was a distance between the peak of the fourth level of Qi training and his sixth level of Qi training, a full blow would not be too bad. how?He concentrated all the true energy in his body on his chest, and let the fist hit him.

"Young master, are you okay?" Zhang Lun was the first to come back to his senses, his mind was in a daze, although he didn't understand what was going on for a while, but when he saw Li Qiuyu standing upright, he asked eagerly.

"Do you think I seem to have something to do, Uncle Zhang, don't worry." Li Qiuyu gave Zhang Lun a comforting smile.

Chen Yu and Chen Fade saw their younger brother being knocked into the air, and rushed forward to check. They saw that there was nothing serious about Chen Feng, but he had suffered some internal injuries.

"Li Qiuyu, you have the ability to take advantage of my third brother's unpreparedness and hurt him. I will give you a good lesson today and let you know how useless you are." Chen Yu said darkly.

He saw that Chen Feng was knocked into the air, and it was because his younger brother was careless. If he left like this, he would definitely be laughed at. Although he didn't know what Li Qiuyu's cultivation level was, he still knew the reputation of Tianxing Pavilion's practice trash.

"Really? I don't think your Chen family is nothing more than a few fools who don't know how to live or die." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

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