Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 17 Year-End Test

"Boy, you are looking for death." Chen Yu was completely enraged.

"Bring 100 taels, you three can get out, this is the last chance." Li Qiuyu's face became even calmer, and her voice became lighter.

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Chen Yu raised his true energy to the limit, and a faint blue light appeared all over his body.

"I don't know how to live or die." Before Li Qiuyu could finish his sentence, he waved his right hand lightly, and a crescent-shaped energy tore through the air and shot towards Chen Yu, and the energy instantly fell on Chen Yu.

Under the blow of Aoki Zhan, Chen Feng was knocked into the air like Chen Feng, and hit the big tree on the opposite side. What was different from Chen Feng was that he passed out. Compete with one click.

"100 taels, you can get out." Li Qiuyu walked towards the second child Fade Chen step by step.

"Okay, here you are, you will regret it." Fade Chen knew.In such a situation.No matter how unconvinced I am, I will be the next one, so I have to quickly take out the money from my arms and hand it to Zhang Lun.

Fade Chen took a hard look at Li Qiuyu, got up and picked up Chen Yu and Chen Feng, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Remember, I'm Li Qiuyu from Tianxing Pavilion. If you don't agree, just come to me." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the inn, regardless of the discussions around him.

Today's mood was completely gone. After entering the inn, he walked straight to a separate courtyard, and sat on the bed to recover the physical strength and real energy that had just been consumed.

After waiting for a long time, the consumed real energy was recovered, and Zhang Lun was guarding the door when he opened his eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm going back." Li Qiuyu walked out the door after speaking.

The Chen family and Tianxing Pavilion have always been at odds.If he hurt the three brothers of the Chen family by himself, the Chen family would definitely not let it go, they had to go back and practice hard.

"Young master, let's go."

Li Qiuyu did not appreciate the surrounding scenery like last time, but hurried on his way and returned to Tianxing Pavilion an hour later.

"Fourth senior brother, you are finally back." Lan Yan was overjoyed to see Li Qiuyu back.

"Is there a problem?"

"Fourth senior brother, don't you know that tomorrow is the end of the new year?"

"I know. What's the matter?"

"You have participated in the year-end competition before." Lan Yan looked at Li Qiuyu in confusion.

"Oh. I came back just for the end of the year." Li Qiuyu knew that the end of the year was here, but he forgot about the year-end competition, because he only practiced Qi at the second level when he was 14 years old, and he hadn't participated in the competition for two or three years.

The year-end competition is a competition for Tianxing Pavilion to test the cultivation of disciples at the end of the year. Although Tianxing Pavilion is not as powerful as other forces, there are nearly a hundred disciples below.

But most of them are on the third or fourth level of Qi training, and there are only a few of the fifth level of Qi training, only two on the sixth level of Qi training, and two on the seventh level of Qi training.

Li Qiuyu's cultivation base was lower than anyone else's before, but before he was born, he had two senior brothers and one senior sister, so the following disciples all called him fourth senior brother, but in the eyes of everyone, they didn't regard him as a senior brother at all.

"So that's it, fourth senior brother, do you want to eat?"

"No need, you go to rest, the test is coming tomorrow, work hard." Li Qiuyu walked back to the room.

The realm of the sixth level of Qi training is not very stable yet, it needs to be stabilized tonight, tomorrow's test will be very exciting.

all night...

Every year on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Tianxing Pavilion will prepare a ring to conduct a cultivation test for the disciples in the pavilion to check their progress. At the same time, they also let the disciples practice in the competition. Only through continuous fighting practice can they truly grow.

All the disciples who stand in the top five in the ring will get rich rewards, and these are basically the disciples who are above the fifth level of Qi training.

In order to make other younger disciples with lower cultivation bases practice more diligently, there are different rewards for those who have made great progress. As for the amount of rewards, it also depends on the degree of progress.

Today, all the people from Tianxing Pavilion came to the practice field. There are more than ten chairs beside the practice field, which are the elders of Tianxing Pavilion.

Except for grandfather Li Chongyang and several other uncles, even Li Huamin and his wife came back, and only these few days every year are free to come back for reunion, and the others left within a day after returning, busy with the business of Tianxing Pavilion.

The business of Tianxing Pavilion is in Fengping City. Although it is only a hundred miles away from the city, the business in the city must be taken care of personally.

"Students who have improved this year will be rewarded twice as much as last year. The test starts now, show your best results." Zhang Huaishan received Li Chongyang's instruction and began to announce the rules of the test and competition.

You can't use weapons during the test, and you can't cripple your opponent. The test is even simpler. The test is a transparent glass ball, and you just need to input the true energy into the ball.

The glass ball will change different colors according to personal cultivation, red orange yellow green blue blue purple.Red represents the first layer, orange represents the second layer, and so on.This ball can only test the cultivation below the sixth floor.

When the cultivation level reaches the fifth floor, the elders personally test it. During the test, the colors are divided into three types: light, light, and dark. The light color is the early stage, and the dark color is the late stage.

"Liu Yunzhen, 11 years old, in the middle of the third level of Qi training, improved by one level." Zhang Huaishan saw the color of the ball and announced the result of her progress.

"Zhang Min, 11 years old, in the early stage of the third level, progressing by one level."

"Jin Zhengyu, 15 years old, at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training, improved by one level."


"Lan Yan, 13 years old, in the middle stage of the third level of Qi training, improved by one level."

"Lan Yan, congratulations." Li Qiuyu congratulated Lan Yan beside her.

"Thank you fourth brother." Lan Yan replied excitedly.

When Lun came to Li Qiuyu, he just shook his head slightly, and then moved a step to let the other disciples take the test. He hadn't been tested for two consecutive years.

Soon, all the disciples below the fifth level of Qi training finished the test. Except for a few who did not make much progress, the rest all improved by one level. This is a result that Tianxing Pavilion has never had.

"All disciples below the fifth floor will be rewarded with ten taels of gold. I hope you will work harder in your cultivation in the future. The hope of Tianxing Pavilion lies in you. Now we will start the competition for the disciples above the fifth floor."

Zhang Huaishan saw that the disciples in the pavilion were improving faster than in previous years, so he congratulated Li Chongyang after announcing the results loudly.

There are only fourteen disciples above the fifth level of qi training. In addition to two senior brothers and sisters of the seventh level of qi training and a senior sister of the sixth level of qi training, there is also a junior student of the sixth level of qi training, and the other eight are all five-level qi training.

Eldest brother Lin Chengfeng is 20 years old this year. He has the cultivation base of Qi training at the peak of the seventh level. He is one of the four geniuses in Fengping City and the only son of the second uncle Lin Haiyang.

The second senior brother Zhang Yuntian is 19 years old, and his cultivation in the middle stage of Qi training is slightly inferior to that of the senior senior brother. He is the son of the senior uncle Zhang Huaishan.

The third senior sister and concubine Xuan is 16 years old, and she is already at the peak of the sixth level of Qi training, and her cultivation speed in Tianxing Pavilion is almost the same as that of her senior brother.

Seventh junior brother Xiao Yu is 15 years old, and he is the person who looks down on Li Qiuyu the most at the beginning of the sixth level of Qi training.

The competition adopts an elimination system, and the disciples of the fifth level of Qi training will compete first, and the winners can compete with the disciples of the sixth level.

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