Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 22 Leaving Tianxing Pavilion 【Recommendation+Favorite+Support】

Since the year-end competition, Li Qiuyu reunited with his parents and grandfather to celebrate the New Year, enjoying the unprecedented family happiness, which made Li Qiuyu feel extremely warm in his heart.

But he also knew that he couldn't be too indulged in this warmth. The cultivation in front of him was the most important thing. After getting together for a day, he returned to the small courtyard and never went out again.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. The journey of cultivating immortals is from shallow to deep. He came to Fengyue Continent half a year ago. Regardless of how smooth his cultivation was, he broke through from the second level of Qi training to the sixth level of Qi training in just a few months. .

But after the sixth level of Qi training, even with the help of pills, he can only cultivate to the peak of the sixth level, and he has not made much progress in meditation practice, so he has to find another way, the most important thing is to find alchemy materials and magic tools.

In the past six months, he did not take pills every day like before, but used the Shocking God Art to meditate and practice most of the time, absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, and he still has ten Qi training pills in his hand.

Before he left Tianxing Pavilion, he still planned to say hello to Li Chongyang, so as to reassure them, which was also the most basic courtesy.

After tidying up a bit, she walked out of her room and saw that Lan Yan had finished her training and was thinking about something in the courtyard, but the sound of the door opening still woke her up.

"Fourth senior brother, your training is over." Lan Yan said softly.She has also made great progress in the past six months, and now she is at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training, and I believe she will break through the fifth level of Qi training in the near future. This is all due to Li Qiuyu's Qi training pill.

Although he didn't have many pills in his hand, he also gave Lan Yan ten pills during this period, two pills every month on time. I believe she is the only one who can receive such treatment in Fengping City.

"Little girl has improved a lot, it seems that she has worked hard during this time." Li Qiuyu looked at the little beauty in front of her and said with a smile.Indeed, this little girl is also 14 years old, and she is even more beautiful than before. With the increase in her cultivation, she is much taller than girls of the same age.

"Thank you brother for your reminder, Lan Yan feels that he will not disappoint you." Lan Yan said seriously.

"I'm going to leave for a while, so you just stay here and practice hard, work hard, I believe you won't let me down." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

When Lan Yan heard that Li Qiuyu was leaving Tianxing Pavilion, her face was extremely calm, as if everything was in her expectation, and she nodded: "I will, senior brother, just be careful outside, I believe senior brother is the most powerful, I Will wait here for your return."

"I'm going to say hello to grandpa right now, and leave immediately after saying hello. Li Qiuyu looked at the calm Lan Yan, and gently patted her head. "I'm leaving. "

Li Qiuyu walked out of the courtyard quickly without waiting for Lan Yan to speak, and walked straight to the place where Li Chongyang lived. When he saw Li Chongyang enjoying the shade under a big tree, he stepped forward to say hello, "Grandpa is well."

"Hehe, why are you so willing to come and see me, an old fellow?" Li Chongyang said with a kind smile, with love in his eyes.

"Grandpa, please don't blame me, it's just that Qiu Yu is busy with cultivation during this time, so I can't come to pay my respects to grandpa."

"Cultivation is loose and tight, you must know how to combine relaxation and relaxation. You are looking for something to do with me."

"Yes, Grandpa, I have cultivated for a while, and I want to go out to practice and increase my knowledge."

"You want to go out?


"It's good to go out and hone it for a while. You can't make a jade without grinding it. Only through experience can you really grow. But everything needs to be thoughtful, so that you can make decisions before you act."

"I see, Qiu Yu will always remember Grandpa's teachings, and I will definitely not embarrass the Li family." Li Qiuyu saluted Li Chongyang respectfully.

"Wait, I'll get you something." After Li Chongyang finished speaking, he walked into the room.

After a while, he came to Li Qiuyu with a white jade box and handed it over.and let it open.

Li Qiuyu looked at the exquisite jade box and was amazed. The box alone is so expensive, and the things inside must be extraordinary. What are they?

Gently opened the box, a dark blue short sword was lying inside, the whole body of the sword was crystal clear, I don't know what kind of material it is made of, and people will be deeply attracted just by looking at it.

"This..." Li Qiuyu looked at the small sword in the jade box, and said inexplicably ecstatically, "Could it be that this small sword is the legendary magic weapon used by monks."

Seeing Li Qiuyu's confusion, Li Chongyang nodded and said: "You guessed right, this is a magic weapon called the Sapphire Sword. I don't know the rank, and I can't use it even now. It's my young sword." The time will come."

"Since even grandpa can't use it?" Li Qiuyu was puzzled.

"Yes, I have used many methods, but I can't erase the remaining consciousness inside, so I can't use it. However, this short sword is so sharp that it can even break through ordinary magic weapons, but at least it is too small."

Li Qiuyu poured true energy into the sword, and the blue jade sword didn't react at all, it was no different from ordinary jade swords, so he had to shake his head helplessly and said, "I can't do it either."

"Take it with you first." Li Chongyang nodded reassuringly.

"Grandpa, I won't go to say hello to my parents, and Lan Yan will also stay in the pavilion to practice."

"Okay, you go, remember you have to come back after one year."

"I'll be back on time in one year." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he saluted Li Chongyang, rushed out, and went straight to the gate of Tianxing Pavilion. The disciples of Tianxing Pavilion are all practicing, so no one knows his departure. go.

Nan'an City

Tianlong Kingdom is the largest city outside the capital. It is located in the south of Tianlong Kingdom, more than [-] miles away from Fengping City. Li Qiuyu has seen it on the map of Tianlong Kingdom. No matter how prosperous it is, or the conditions for cultivation are not small. Fengping City is comparable.

Li Qiuyu bought a cloud beast in Fengping City for transportation. The cloud beast is exactly the same as the horse on the earth, but it is a bit bigger. It can travel thousands of miles a day, and it is the most used transportation tool for ordinary people.

Five days later, Li Qiuyu had already entered the territory of Nan'an. There was a thriving scene everywhere, and there were gradually more monks on the road. He thought to himself: "This time I came to the right place."

Finally, before dark, a majestic city appeared in sight. Although it was only the tip of the iceberg in Nan'an, it was not comparable to Fengping City. The whole city gave people an inexplicable pressure. human feeling.

It took a quarter of an hour to arrive at a distance of more than ten miles. Finally, I saw this ancient city at close range. The gray city walls and countless huge bluestone fortresses still have countless traces left by the war.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the city, I saw more than ten soldiers patrolling in an orderly manner. Although these soldiers were ordinary people, they were all a handful of experts.

Li Qiuyu entered the city before closing the city. The entire street was more than five feet wide, and there were many houses, restaurants and inns throughout the city. Li Qiuyu was not in a hurry, so he came to a hotel called Tianyun Inn to stay.

The room rate is ridiculously expensive. The first-class guest room costs ten taels of silver a day, which is ten times that of Fengping City. He doesn't care about money. To him, gold and silver are just a number. Nothing put together.

This time he came out with more than a thousand taels, although he didn't care about the money, but as the saying goes, money can turn ghosts, it is useless to cultivators, but it is very useful to ordinary people.

After all, this world is made up of mortals, and monks are only one in a thousand, and low-level monks can't afford these yellow and white things.

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