Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 23 Purchasing [seeking support + recommendation]

After five thousand miles of wind and rain, he was absolutely exhausted even at the fifth level of Qi training, so he asked the waiter to bring some food, washed up and went to sleep. Although this inn is expensive, it is quite safe.

Of course there are no small thieves who don't open their eyes. The monks are fine and won't come here to make trouble. Besides, even if Li Qiuyu sleeps, he will cast a small forbidden spell. Although it is not an advanced spell, it can also prevent peeping and alert effect.

Nothing happened all night, and when I woke up, I was full of energy, and there was no trace of fatigue from yesterday.

"Does the guest officer need any small service? I don't think the guest officer is a local, but the younger one is a native of Nan'an, and he is very familiar with this place."

Xiaoer saw that Li Qiuyu was dressed like a rich man, so he naturally wanted to get more tips from him.

"I want to buy a house in the city. It's better to have a quieter environment. Can you find it?" Li Qiuyu said lightly. Seeing Xiao Er flattering herself, where can I find such a good thing that I don't have to travel by myself.

"Rong, let me think about it," Xiaoer said joyfully. Seeing that Li Qiuyu asked him to do something, he was naturally very excited. After a while, he showed an excited expression, and then became sad.

"No, forget it, I'll look for it myself." Li Qiuyu didn't expect him to help her, and her face was even more joyless, ready to pay the bill and leave after speaking.

"My lord, stay away. What Nongyou said is not that there is no house, but that the place is really not suitable for people to live in." The waiter said eagerly.

"Oh, you have said everything, is there a reason for it?"

"That is the most remote place in the west of Nan'an City. It was originally the house of a rich family. Over forty members of the family were massacred overnight. Two years later, the house was bought at a cheap price, but there was no place to live in it. How long ago, more than a dozen members of the family disappeared inexplicably."

"Is there no official to investigate?" Li Qiuyu asked suspiciously.

"The officials went to investigate, but they didn't find any useful clues. In the end, it's not a problem. After that, no one dared to buy that house again." After Xiaoer finished speaking, he looked at Li Qiuyu quietly, not daring to disturb Li Qiuyu at all. autumn rain.

The money is for you, I will find a place to live by myself. "Li Qiuyu threw a silver coin to the waiter and walked out of the inn in style.

As soon as Li Qiuyu walked out of the inn, the waiter's eyes flashed a cruel and fierce light, then he walked towards the inner courtyard behind the store, passed through several wooden doors, and came to the deepest part of the inn.

The waiter stopped in a small courtyard, not daring to show any air, standing respectfully in front of the door, his whole body trembling slightly.

"You're here, how are things going? Are you afraid that the adults will punish you if you do things like this? Do you want to try the taste of refining your soul?" A cold voice came from inside the wooden door.

"This junior is here for this purpose. Today, a murder-seeking person came to the door. I believe that guy will go somewhere." The shop clerk said tremblingly, obviously very afraid of the person who spoke inside.

"You'd better not lie to me. If there is no improvement, I will use you as a substitute. Get out." The cold voice sounded again, and finally the inside became calm.

The shop clerk didn't hear the conversation inside anymore, his feet were like hot wheels, and he left the place that terrified him in a few steps.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't know this, he didn't know that there was a trap waiting for him to jump, and when he left the inn, he went to a shop called Baibaoge.

"Hello, distinguished guest. Welcome to Baibao Pavilion. May I ask what you want to write?" A shrewd guy came up to say hello when he saw Li Qiuyu coming in. the Lord.

"Excuse me, does your store have magical artifacts?" Li Qiuyu asked lightly.

"Magic artifacts, although this store is small, there are no high-grade magical artifacts, but some low-level magical artifacts are still available, but the price is not cheap." The waiter said loudly.

"Bring it to me and have a look. Look at what I want and ask for a price." Li Qiuyu was secretly delighted when he heard that there was indeed a magic weapon here.

"Okay, please wait a moment." After the guy finished speaking, he went to the cabinet to get the magic weapon.A beautiful maid also brought him tea.

Li Qiuyu sipped the tea slowly, the scented scented tea, one sip made one feel refreshed, this was also the first time he drank tea from this world.

After a while, the guy from before took a wooden box more than a foot long and gently placed it in front of him, and Li Qiuyu took the box in his hand without politeness.

As soon as he got the box, he was stunned. The whole box was as heavy as fine iron. Then he opened the box and found a black dagger lying inside. Li Qiuyu didn't speak, and tapped lightly on the dagger with one hand.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's movements, the clerk in the store frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "This business can't be done, and he doesn't look like a monk. That monk didn't use spells to check the quality of the magic weapon, but he didn't have the power like before. A young man who checks the magic weapon like this is no different from a mortal master."

But he didn't know that Li Qiuyu had already infiltrated the dagger with real energy. A trace of real energy was poured into the dagger, and the dagger moved slightly, and then slowly floated up.

"The immortal master is so skilled, he can actually drive this black cloud sword." Seeing the dagger flying out of the wooden box, he was shocked, he didn't expect the young man in front of him to be able to drive the magic weapon, he was really mistaken just now.

"How do you sell this sword?" Li Qiuyu didn't bother with the other party, he also saw the Heiyun Sword in his eyes, although he had never used a magic weapon before, but he used it before.It has been described in the Miscellaneous Records of Cultivation, this short sword is definitely a magic weapon, but I don’t know its rank

"This Heiyun Sword is a low-level attack weapon, and it is the best of the low-level magic weapons. It costs 800 taels of gold." The assistant praised the Heiyun Sword before telling the price.

"800 taels? Isn't it too expensive? You can buy high-level magical artifacts." Li Qiuyu was shocked by the whole price. He didn't know how much the high-level magical artifacts were worth, but the price of this low-level magical artifact was really impressive. Difficult to accept.

There are four types of magical weapons: low-level, intermediate, high-level, and top-grade. Above the magic weapon is the spiritual weapon, and there are magic weapons on the spiritual weapon, and magic weapons are also divided into levels.

"It's the first time for the guest to go out. In fact, all of you immortal masters use crystals to trade, but crystals are hard to find. One spar is worth more than 100 taels of gold. Otherwise, we will give the little immortal master one." Discount, this sword will be sold to the immortal master for 500 taels." The man said to Li Qiuyu, his eyes were only looking forward to it. Because it is cheap and can’t afford it, it has been kept in the store and no one cares about it.

The clerk in the store has so vicious eyes, although he can't see Li Qiuyu's cultivation, but at least he is a monk, so he took out the Black Cloud Sword from the beginning to see if he could sell it.

"Okay, I'll buy it." Li Qiuyu didn't bother anymore. After paying the money, he took the dagger away. After walking around a few times, he came to a medicine shop. The list was handed to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper darkened the list carefully, with a look of joy on his face, and then said calmly: "The medicinal materials on the customer list are available in our store, but they are not complete."

"Take a look."

"Guest officer, wait a moment, I'll go get it right away."

After a while, the shopkeeper and a staff came out with a stack of boxes. There were more than a dozen of them. Each box was made of high-quality rain bamboo wood. This rain bamboo wood has the function of preservation and is used to preserve medicinal materials. It couldn't be better.

The buddies opened the boxes one by one, and the medicinal materials inside were still alive, without any sign of falling off.

"Clover, Purple Dragon Vine, Phoenix-tailed Grass, Vermilion Fruit..." Sure enough, they are all the materials of the Qi Training Pill, and there is also the medicinal material Twin Flowers that blindly refine the Tianyuan Pill.

"How much are these medicinal materials together?" Li Qiuyu shook his head, pretending not to cut it.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's expression, the shopkeeper hurriedly fiddled with the abacus for a while, and said softly, "Guest officer, these herbs cost 600 taels of gold together. If it's crystal stones, five low-grade crystal stones are enough.

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