Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 25 Sapphire Sword 【Seeking Support】

For monks, spiritual consciousness is more useful than eyes. Some things are even invisible to the eyes. The strength of spiritual consciousness depends on the cultivation base. But there are exceptions.

The spiritual consciousness of general Qi training can be within one mile, the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the foundation stage can extend fifty miles away, the monks who have formed the alchemy can reach hundreds of miles away, but the monks in the Yuanying stage can extend to five hundred miles, etc. After reaching a higher level, the use of spiritual consciousness will be more extensive.

Among other things, ordinary monks have to rely on their spiritual sense to drive their magical artifacts. Those with a little stronger spiritual consciousness can use multiple magical artifacts at the same time, which is what mortals call multitasking.

For example, Li Qiuyu has broken through to the seventh level of Qi training and can extend his spiritual consciousness to a hundred feet away, and has reached the strength of spiritual consciousness at the ninth level of Qi training. Well, that's just a legend.

After finishing the meditation, he took out a jade box from the space necklace, which was given to him by Li Chongyang when he left the Tianxing Pavilion. According to Li Chongyang, even with his tenth level of Qi training, he could not use the jade box in the box. magic weapon.

Sapphire Sword

Although the name is called Sapphire Sword, it is not made of sapphire, but its surface looks like sapphire, so it is called Sapphire Sword. The dark blue sword exudes dazzling light.

When he was in Tianxing Pavilion, he just poured his true energy into the sword body, and the sword body did not respond at all, but Li Qiuyu knew that the sword body of the Sapphire Sword actually began to absorb his true energy, but he had no intention of going to Tianxing for a while. Ge studied the sapphire sword.

Now that his cultivation base has risen sharply, the strength of his true energy is more than double that of the sixth level of Qi training. Besides, he only has one Heiyun sword he bought in his hand, but its power is not satisfactory. Even ordinary mortals who don't have access to magic tools, even if they encounter ordinary Qi training level six, he has the confidence to wipe out their opponents with bare hands.

But if you encounter someone with the same cultivation level as yourself, or someone with overbearing magical weapons, you will be too passive.Although he doesn't know what grade this sapphire sword is, it still gives him a lot of hope.

A trace of true energy was shot at the blue jade sword in the box, the sword remained motionless, but absorbed the true essence in his body faster and faster, like a bottomless pit, until the true essence in the dantian was consumed by almost half, the blue jade sword Yujian finally stopped absorbing true essence.

And electric arcs began to appear around the sword body. With a move of his consciousness, the sapphire sword disappeared instantly, and a small opening appeared on the wooden door of the room. Then there was a muffled sound in the courtyard, and the sapphire sword returned to the box. Lying firmly in it, where is there any arc.

Li Qiuyu hurriedly got up and came to the courtyard. The bowl-sized sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard had already turned into charcoal, no different from a real lightning strike.

Now he finally knew that the Sapphire Sword had no effect in Li Chongyang's hands. Li Chongyang was trained in Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering, and the Shocking God Art he practiced had no attribute. Judging from the effect of the Sapphire Sword just now, it was clearly of the Thunder attribute.

It can be said that there are very few magic weapons of the thunder attribute, and even if they are obtained, they can't be used. After all, there is no one in a thousand monks with the spiritual root of the thunder attribute.

Li Qiuyu knew that this sapphire sword might not be a magic weapon, it could be a spiritual weapon, it was powerful, but it consumed a lot of real energy, so it was better to use it sparingly under normal circumstances.

Although no one came to disturb the private courtyard of the inn, such a big commotion still caught people's attention. No, a mistress came here, obviously wanting to see what happened.

"Guest officer, what happened inside?" He had just put the Sapphire Sword into the space necklace when he heard Xiao Er asking respectfully from outside.

Li Qiuyu opened the courtyard door, saw Xiao Er standing respectfully at the door, pointed at the charred sweet-scented osmanthus tree inside, and said: "You ask someone to tidy up the inside."

"I'm going to do it right now, sir. Is there any other order for the guest?" The waiter looked blankly at the courtyard. The osmanthus tree that used to be there was gone, and it turned into a charred plant. It was only when Li Qiuyu spoke that he woke up. .

"Nothing else, you go." After finishing speaking, he walked out.

When he came to the hall, he saw that the guests inside were full, and he wanted to find a place to eat, but it was evening, and it was time for dinner, so he couldn't find an empty seat at all.

The shrewd waiter in the store saw Li Qiuyu's clothes, and knew that he was a rich man with no shortage of money, so he ran up to greet him and said, "Guest officer, do you want to eat? There is a private room on the second floor of the store, and the environment is elegant." ,look?"

"Take me up." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Guest officer, please," Xiao Er said and took Li Qiuyu to the second floor. Although there are many people on the first floor, most of them are ordinary diners. It doesn't cost much, but the second floor is several times more expensive than the first floor. .

Naturally, it was much quieter. He followed Xiaoer to a private room called Chunzhu. The environment inside was really good, otherwise it wouldn't be so expensive. Li Qiuyu ordered a few random foods, and ordered a pot of high-quality food liquor.

He has been in this world for a year, and his age in this world is 15 years old. With his cultivation, his whole body looks like he is eighteen years old.

Sometimes drinking a little wine can also make people feel happy. With his current level of qi training, ordinary people's drinks have no effect on him at all.

After a while, the shop waiter brought up all the food and wine she wanted, and he threw a tael of silver to the waiter as a reward, and the waiter retreated consciously, closing the door behind her.

Cultivators are also human beings, and all human beings have to eat. Unless they have reached the bigu level, that is, above the alchemy stage, they can not eat or drink for several years, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish the energy needed by the body.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu is still far from that level, but it won't affect much if he doesn't eat or drink for ten and a half months now. Besides, when his cultivation base is a little higher in the future, it will be calculated in months when he meditates and retreats. I went to find Bigu Dan.

Otherwise, if he is not killed by the monks in the cultivation world, he will be starved to death by himself in seclusion. That would be a big joke in the cultivation world.

Not only is Bigu Dan not a high-level pill, on the contrary, as long as it is a monk, it will be available. In the eyes of monks, it is the same as food for ordinary people. Li Qiuyu also brought a lot when he went out, but they were all low-level Bigu pills. A elixir can be used for half a month.

Although Bigu Pills are just ordinary pills, there are good and bad ones. Low-level Bigu Pills can be used for half a month, intermediate ones can be used for two months, advanced ones can be used for half a year, and super Bigu Pills can be used for two years. .

Li Qiuyu didn't take Bigu Dan before alchemy. After alchemy, he had to meditate immediately to recover his physical strength and his true energy, but he didn't expect that this meditation would make his true essence reach the critical point, until he broke through the bottleneck and reached the seventh level of Qi training It stopped after that, for a full ten days.

Fortunately, he was breaking through, and the spiritual power in his body circulated rapidly, otherwise he would really starve to death, and now when he stopped for a while, his stomach began to churn violently.

Soon, the dishes and drinks on the table were quickly taken care of by him. He put down his chopsticks, touched Yuanyuan's stuffed stomach in an indecent way, and when he was about to go out, the voice of the next door came into his ears.

As early as when he came to the private room, there were people next door, but ordinary people eat in it, and they just chatted, but what they said now made Li Qiuyu very interested.

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