Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 26 Night Out 【Recommendation】

Li Qiuyu tried to infiltrate his spiritual sense, and saw three middle-aged men and an old man sitting inside, and after scanning the four of them, he knew the details of several people, all of them were mortals who had never practiced, but Is a rare master.

Especially the old man who was very old at that time, almost reached the master of heaven in the Jianghu. Even a monk at the sixth level of qi training may not be able to beat this old man without using weapons and spells.

"Senior Zhang, I heard that the Dragon and Tiger Gang has brought some helpers, and they are also immortal masters. Do you think our Tianxuan Sect can handle it?" The older middle-aged man said respectfully to the old man in black.

"Master Yu is afraid." The old man in black said sarcastically, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and the other three didn't notice his expression at all.

"Senior Zhang and He Sect Master are here, so we can worry about these things, but I don't know what the benefits of the Dragon and Tiger Gang are. They can invite immortal masters from the seventh level of Qi training, and there are five of them at once. Is there really something that attracts immortal masters in the Dragon and Tiger Gang?" Hall Master Yu said softly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Fortunately, you are still the head of one of the three major gangs in Nan'an City. After all, you are also a character. You can't even see such a basic situation, and you still want to fight against the Dragon and Tiger Gang. I am also a member of your sect. , I have taken your offerings, and I will reveal something to you, lest I die and not know how I died." The old man in black looked helplessly at the three people in front of him, and then said: "The few immortal masters who came here are all Their own people, it can also be said that Jackie Chan and Humen are the peripheral disciples of those immortal masters in the secular world. They specialize in helping them take care of some chores in the secular world."

What he said was the same as in the cultivation world, that sect and force has no low-level peripheral disciples in the secular world. Although the peripheral disciples have no cultivation base, they are numerous and powerful. At least it is possible to find some low-level medicinal materials. Wait. Who doesn't do things that harvest without doing it yourself.

"Senior Zhang is telling the truth?" Hall Master Yu was stunned by the old man's words. In their eyes, immortal masters are superior, and fighting against immortal masters is no different from courting death.

"Look at your worthless appearance, the immortal masters from the Dragon and Tiger Gang are not here to deal with your Tianxuan Sect." The old man in black said sarcastically.

"Senior said that the two gang leaders of their Dragon and Tiger Clan are suppressing our sect master. There is really no need to find so many immortal masters to deal with us. Senior, do you know what they are doing in Nan'an City?" Hall Master Yu said. asked the old man.

"It's okay to tell you, just don't say it casually, lest you get killed by your mouth. I heard that the Dragon and Tiger Gang found something in the empty house in the west of the city. No one knows what it is except him. But it is definitely not an easy thing to alert the people behind the Dragon and Tiger Gang." The old man spoke in a softer voice, for fear that outsiders would hear him.

"Senior is talking about the house where the entire family was slaughtered that night, and the west of the city is our Tianxuan Sect's territory. No wonder the Sect Master gathered all the masters in the Sect. It seems that he intends to fight ahead of the Dragon and Tiger Clan tonight." Hall Master Yu looked the same as before.

Li Qiuyu didn't care about what these people said at first, but after he knew that these people were low-headed snakes in the city, he made plans. The power of one person is really too small, why not use these ordinary people?

Hearing that there are monks on the seventh floor of Qi training intervening, I am even more interested in it, and I want to intervene. Besides, didn’t the shop waiter a while ago mention the mansion in the west of the city, could it be that something good really appeared ?

After listening for a while, the four people in the private room next door didn't continue to talk about the Dragon and Tiger Gang. They also said some polite words, and he was not in the mood to listen any longer. He pushed the door softly and walked towards the first floor.

When he returned to his room, the osmanthus tree that he had destroyed in the courtyard was also taken away, and the courtyard was tidied up.

Since you want to get a hand in, you need to raise your spirits and make preparations. It's only noon now, so you have to wait until late at night when there are fewer people.

Half a day was almost negligible to him. After a few big weeks, it was already very late. Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his two wise eyes.

Gently walked out of the room and came to the two-foot-high courtyard wall in the courtyard. With a slight movement of his body, the whole person disappeared in place, and the person appeared outside the courtyard wall.

In the middle of the night, even in the big city of Nan'an, most people have already rested, and occasionally there will be a dog barking. For monks, the night is not much different from the day.

Slowly unfolding his spiritual consciousness, he brought into his mind a radius of twenty feet. With his current spiritual consciousness, it is enough to extend beyond a hundred feet, but this is not necessary. Besides, the spiritual consciousness will also consume real energy.

A monk will not ask to release all of his spiritual consciousness unless it is necessary. If he encounters a spiritual consciousness stronger than himself, it will be troublesome. Others will think that you are visiting him, and it is impolite to visit others easily , others will think you are provoking him.

Walking along the road without rushing, half an hour later, he came to the west of the city, but he didn't find anything. Li Qiuyu was not in a hurry, but found a hidden place to hide. inside come to mind.

Time passed by, and the surroundings were terribly quiet. The so-called high skill and courage did not affect him at all. After waiting here for almost an hour, he thought that he had made a mistake, and was about to leave. , A few thin voices came over.

Ever since he practiced the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, even if he did not do it intentionally, outsiders would not be able to see his cultivation, unless his realm was much higher than his.

In order to prevent people from discovering his existence, he even concealed all his aura, which is no different from the real tortoise's aura in the legend.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and saw seven men in black flying over the roof with flying instruments. When they were going against the wind, their clothes were blown loudly.

Judging from the cultivation bases of the few people, it is similar to what the black-clothed old man said during the day. Most of them are monks invited by the Dragon and Tiger Gate. Otherwise, they would not be able to use the flying magic weapon, because the magic weapon can only be used after the fifth level of Qi training , even the most basic flying magic weapon.

The few people stopped quickly and landed in a courtyard. Li Qiuyu didn't dare to get too close, so he had to stretch his consciousness tightly into the courtyard.

"Qin Jiulong, is this the place where you found the blood beads?" One of the men in black said coldly after glancing at the courtyard.

"Senior Brother, that blood bead was found here, I dare not lie to Senior Brother." The man in black named Qin Jiulong replied respectfully. He is Qin Jiulong, one of the two leaders of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, and he is beside him. Younger brother Qin Jiuhu.

"Then let's go in and have a look. There may be secret passages here. Be careful, Junior Brother Lei, stay outside and guard." The man in black who spoke first asked Qin Jiulong to lead the way to the backyard, and the one left behind The monk also jumped onto the roof, his eyes scanning his surroundings.

After Li Qiuyu saw a few people entering, she didn't intend to follow immediately, but was ready to watch the fire from the other side, because when they first entered the courtyard, someone from the other side also came, and there were more than one places.

In the same night clothes, there are a total of ten people, a little more than the Dragon and Tiger Gang, but their strength is uneven. There is actually a monk who is at the peak of the eighth level of Qi training, besides him, there are two Qi training levels, The rest are ordinary people, including the old man in black during the day.

He reckoned that these people were probably from the Tianxuanmen, and Li Qiuyu didn't pay much attention to these people. The only thing that caught his attention was that there was a young man about his age hidden not far from the Tianxuanmen.

If Li Qiuyu hadn't been hiding here before him, he would have discovered it when he was young, in the middle of the ninth level of Qi training, and he had the same cultivation level as the master Zhang Huaishan.

I didn't expect it to be so lively at the end of the night. Fortunately, I was careful enough, or I would have become a oriole and be caught by a hunter.

"Since you're here, why are you still hiding? Come out." The monk surnamed Lei who was guarding the roof said calmly, his voice was not loud, as if he was talking to himself.

Li Qiuyu knew that he couldn't have found himself, because he hadn't moved here, and with his current cultivation, it was impossible for a monk at the seventh level of qi training to see through him.

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