Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 325 The Battle Between Heaven and Man

"Young Master, Elder Sister, both of you are bullying Qiuyue." Seeing Young Master and Elder Sister sticking close together, Xiao Qiuyue put herself aside and pursed her rosy mouth. 【Ask for gold medals and recommendations】

"Did we bully you, me? Well, we will bully you, or we will be wronged." Li Qiuyu's eyes turned strangely, he turned his head slightly, and lightly bit Xiao Qiuyue's ruddy mouth.


Xiao Qiuyue hummed lightly, her whole body felt like being electrocuted, and she almost fainted from the wonderful feeling.

Li Qiuyu was also able to split at the touch of a button, and was also filled with this wonderful feeling. The true energy in his dantian surged up, no different from that in the later stage of the breakthrough.

Surprised him, Li Qiuyu didn't care to enjoy this wonderful feeling, and quickly pushed the two sisters away gently, changing hands constantly, the Shocking God Art quickly circulated in the whole body, and the speed of the true essence circulated much faster than before .

The two sisters also saw the young master's situation, and they were shocked, thinking that Li Qiuyu had encountered a problem in cultivation, so they didn't dare to lie, and looked at the young master in a daze.

"My lord, what's the matter with you." After a quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu stopped slowly, and Xiao Hanyue asked with concern.

"Well, it's okay, I understand. I kissed Qiuyue just now. Qiuyue is of the water element. I practice the four elements of ice, fire, civil engineering, and water and fire. So we can't do this." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and said lightly.

"Then Qiuyue can't make out with the young master." Xiao Qiuyue's heart was ashamed after hearing Li Qiuyu's words, as if she had fallen into an abyss.

"My lord, I'm a wood attribute, so I can't be intimate with you." Xiao Hanyue was also surprised, and asked in a daze, ignoring her shyness.

"It's okay, I just said that you can't casually make out, because it will cause the real essence to throb, unless the three of us practice at the same time and integrate the real essence." Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"That's good, son, you know how to bully Qiuyue. You said that practicing together is double cultivation?" Xiao Qiuyue blushed after she finished speaking. What does double cultivation mean? road.

"Well, it's dual cultivation, but both of you have my natal essence in your body, so it's not difficult, as long as you are familiar with the exercises I practice, it will be fine."

Li Qiuyu thought for a while, and divided the Heaven-shocking Divine Art he practiced into five points, and let the two sisters practice according to their attributes. Even outsiders might not be able to discover the Heaven-shocking Divine Art he practiced.

"It's so simple, Hanyue belongs to the young master, as long as she doesn't hurt the young master in cultivation, she can do whatever she wants." Xiao Hanyue was too ashamed to hear her sister mentioning double cultivation.

"However, the exercises I practice must not be passed on to the outside world, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Qiuyue listens to the young master." Xiao Qiuyue said in surprise, and beat Li Qiuyu's chest on her head, wanting to get more warmth.

"I will pass on the exercises to you tomorrow. You have to work hard to cultivate. As long as the difference in cultivation outside is two realms, the intimacy outside will have an impact, you know?" Li Qiuyu smiled secretly in his heart.

"We know, we must listen to the young master." The two peerless beautiful girls said obediently, and gently embraced Li Qiuyu's side.


Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and finally kissed Xiao Hanyue's small mouth. He let the shocking gods run, with a tentative look.

Xiao Hanyue was kissed by Li Qiuyu, her face was flushed, her body trembled slightly, and her whole heart seemed to be flying.

"Young master, are you okay? I'm going to try again."

When Xiao Qiuyue saw the young master kissing her sister's red lips, her heart was also moved, but she did not dare to speak out because of the lessons learned before, but finally saw the young master shaking her head lightly, indicating that there was nothing wrong, and she wanted to try again.

Li Qiuyu waited for Xiao Qiuyue to finish speaking, and then gently leaned forward. Their lips quickly stuck together. This time there was no sign of blood surging like last time. Li Qiuyu let go of the raised heart a little. .

"My lord, let me try." Xiao Qiuyue was kissed by Li Qiuyu's lips on her small mouth, the feeling of electric shock was strong, her whole body was indescribably comfortable, and her heartbeat also accelerated.

The two of them broke up at the same time. After a while, Xiao Qiuyue woke up from the kiss just now. After Li Qiuyu's lips left, he felt an inexplicable loss.

Seeing Li Qiuyu lying beside her, she said coquettishly, her chest deliberately kept shaking on Li Qiuyu's body, making Li Qiuyu burn with desire.

"Sleep, we'll talk about it when you grow up, or after your cultivation base has improved." Li Qiuyu pinched Xiao Qiuyue's face lightly, and said with a smile.

"When will I wait? I'm 16 years old and I've grown up already." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, shaking Li Qiuyu reluctantly.

"We have to wait until the age of 17, or reach the late stage of foundation establishment." Li Qiuyu regretted it after finishing speaking, but it was probably too late.

"Young master, Hanyue will be 17 in two months, but in Tianlong, I'm already 17." Xiao Hanyue looked at Li Qiuyu and said shyly, her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Oh, Hanyue is 17 years old, so of course we can make out." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and quickly stretched out a hand to Xiao Hanyue's chest, grabbing the firm and plump Yufeng.


Xiao Hanyue didn't expect the young master to come in front of her sister, and the upper half of the three of them were exposed outside the quilt. The moment Li Qiuyu's palm touched her own Yufeng, her whole body was crisp, without any strength.

"Young master, I want to do the same. I just want to behave after Qiuyue." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, with a trace of shyness on her face and a trace of coquettishness in her eyes.

Li Qiuyu also put his other hand into Xiao Qiuyue's clothes, and kept walking up and down the twin peaks, touching the two bright red cherries lightly from time to time.

The two sisters closed their eyes slightly, enjoying the wonderful happiness and sweetness, time passed slowly, the jade legs of the two sisters clamped Li Qiuyu's feet firmly, and there was a slight moan from their small mouths.

Li Qiuyu's body trembled suddenly, because he didn't know whether it was Xiao Qiuyue or Xiao Hanyue's hand that had been stretched under him, and the jade hand was on the already angry guy, which made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable and irritated.

"Young master, you."

At this moment, Xiao Hanyue spoke softly, with a hint of surprise and fear in her tone. Li Qiuyu opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Hanyue, only to see her face was flushed with surprise and fear. As soon as I turned around, I knew that the hand below me belonged to Xiao Hanyue.

"What's wrong."

Li Qiuyu asked softly, his hands were still walking on the jade peaks on the two jade bodies, and one palm could be completely submerged by the two firm and full jade peaks.

"You, why are you so big down here." Xiao Hanyue said shyly, her voice trembling, she was naturally embarrassed to say it.

After hearing this, Li Qiuyu felt proud. As a man, he can do nothing outside, but he must do it in front of the girls he likes and loves him.

"Sister, what? Let me take a look." Xiao Qiuyue was also curious when she heard her sister's words, and said softly, enduring the numbness and obsession all over her body.

After finishing speaking, a jade hand lifted the quilt, Li Qiuyu had no free hands, and it was too late to stop, the quilt was lifted by Xiao Qiuyue's jade hand.


Xiao Qiuyue lifted the quilt curiously, seeing the scene in front of her, her heart was shocked, and then she was shocked again, her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she stared blankly in front of her eyes.

The elder sister's jade hand was between the young master's legs, and the jade hand reached into the young master's pants, and the pants were slid down a lot. One was about a foot long, and the elder sister's jade hand was grasped on it, like a guy as thick as a loofah. Just can't hold it.

When Xiao Hanyue saw her younger sister lift the quilt, she was too ashamed, quickly took her hand back, and finally glanced secretly at the place she just grabbed, feeling a burst of fear in her heart.

Li Qiuyu also stopped, and gently covered the quilt. Finally, Xiao Hanyue and Xiao Qiuyue buried their heads in Li Qiuyu's chest, not looking at what to say.

"Go to bed, it's getting late." Li Qiuyu said lightly, a burst of desire in his heart made him extremely uncomfortable, especially the moment Xiao Hanyue's jade hand left, he almost fell into the abyss from beyond the clouds.

"I listen to you, my lord, I still like to sleep like this." Xiao Qiuyue pulled Li Qiuyu's hand onto her jade peak, and finally leaned her body tightly.

Xiao Hanyue also looked at Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu naturally understood, and put the other hand into Xiao Hanyue's clothes.

The two sisters were like two octopuses on Li Qiuyu's body, and the three of them slowly fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Li Qiuyu clearly felt that the guy who had finally returned to his original shape was now caught by a jade hand, and become thicker.

What's more terrible is that this jade hand is gently stroking Li Qiuyu's big dick. Based on the feeling, the owner of the jade hand is Xiao Hanyue. Her eyes are slightly closed, her breathing is extremely unstable, and she is obviously awake.

Li Qiuyu's eyes were slightly closed, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his heart. These days are uncomfortable. Two terrific and peerless beautiful girls are together, it is simply a kind of torture.

After another quarter of an hour, Li Qiuyu was still in the battle between heaven and man. Suddenly, another jade hand stretched out and touched her big dick, and then quickly retreated, obviously touching another hand.

Needless to say this is Xiao Qiuyue, she has actually woken up for a long time, the son's hand was on her chest, when she was just dreaming, the big guy under the son was already under her sacred body, she felt a wave of fear and anticipation, her whole body Up and down without the slightest strength.

Finally, with a tremor, the whole body woke up and realized that I was dreaming just now, but when I saw my sister's jade hand on the son's baby while sleeping, I was curious and throbbed in my heart.

She also wanted to try it with her hands, but she was afraid that the young master would wake up. After fighting for a while, she finally plucked up the courage to gently stretch her hand over, but at the moment she touched the young master's treasure, her heart beat fast, a kind A strange feeling came from the hand, and when he met the young master, he also met a jade hand, needless to say it belonged to his sister.

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