Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 327, Life in the Canyon

After a while, the expression on Xiao Hanyue's face improved a lot. In her opinion, the person who can become a son is already the happiest woman in the world.

There is nothing happier and sweeter than this. Her personality is very gentle and docile, and she is also the most quiet and intellectual girl in front of Li Qiuyu.

She is much more sensible than her younger sister Xiao Qiuyue, because the two sisters have never known who their parents are since they can remember, but she and her younger sister lived a miserable life together.

Since meeting Li Qiuyu, the lives of the two sisters have undergone a major change. The younger sister was born conjoined and was cured by Li Qiuyu, and her life arrangements have been delayed.

With a hint of shyness and intoxication on her face, she said softly to Li Qiuyu: "My lord, Hanyue is no longer in pain."

She was also afraid that Li Qiuyu cared too much about her just now, so she plucked up the courage to sink down and swallowed the son's big dick forcibly, but Li Qiuyu's dick was too strong, causing her severe pain.

Xian Xia was also afraid for a while, if she broke herself, it would be funny, not funny, but miserable, she would lose the love of the son from now on, if there is no love from the son, she doesn't know how she will live in the future.

When Li Qiuyu heard Xiao Hanyue's words, she moved slightly, but the bottom was too tight, and it was painful to pinch his dick, but she didn't dare to force it hard.

He glanced at the bottom, most of his bottom was outside, and there were quite a few inside, he was secretly worried, worried for the two sisters.

Already feeling the apex inside, at this moment, she heard Xiao Hanyue call out softly: "Sister."

It turned out that Xiao Qiuyue's jade hand was gently stroking her sister's jade peak, making Xiao Hanyue's face flushed, but under the stimulation of her sister, she once again melted her soul into the warm world of the three of them.

Li Qiuyu was pulling out the baby, leaving a little bit inside. Fortunately, Xiao Hanyue was already full of water at the beginning, and it didn't hurt Xiao Hanyue when she pulled it out now.

But after Li Qiuyu came out, Xiao Hanyue obviously felt a loss in her heart. This loss surpassed all existence, but Li Qiuyu didn't let her loss last long.

Li Qiuyu pushed his things in slowly, a sense of tightness filled Li Qiuyu, and Xiao Hanyue also felt full.

But the young master's was too powerful, which made her dizzy a little bit. Under the impact of loss and fulfillment, she almost lost her consciousness.

And her hand also stretched towards her younger sister's chest and mouth, gently holding the plump twin peaks, feeling a strange happiness and sweetness in her heart, but she couldn't express this feeling.

Xiao Qiuyue played naughtily on her sister's body, and sometimes on her son's body, Li Qiuyu also smiled secretly, took her over, and opened her mouth to bite Shuangfeng.

"My lord, Hanyue is so happy." She said softly, watching Li Qiuyu killing and killing her with winking eyes, while her younger sister was playing with her mischievously.

But Li Qiuyu only dared to go halfway each time, for fear that Xiao Hanyue would not be able to bear it, but after a quarter of an hour, he saw that Xiao Hanyue had no pain, and his face was flushed, so he increased the speed and strength of going in and out .

Later, Li Qiuyu was able to enter two-thirds of it inside, but it reached the maximum limit, and Xiao Hanyue's body also began to tremble.

When Xiao Qiuyue saw the young master's baby coming in and out of her sister, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, every time the young master could bring great joy and comfort to her sister.

She thought that Mr. Hui could treat her like this, and there was a strong itching below, and the stream overflowed, and the quilt was wet a lot, but she couldn't care about so much shyness anymore.

Because he and his sister belonged to the young master, the young master saw her, and later he would go in and out of her place to bring her happiness, sweetness, and satisfaction.

In her opinion, the son is her god, the god of protection in life, the god of spiritual support, the god who can give her happiness for a lifetime, and her jade hands caress her sister.

Xiao Hanyue has also reached the peak, and her soul has quickly flown into the clouds. The powerful shocks made her body tremble, and finally her body trembled.

Li Qiuyu moved quickly in Xiao Hanyue's body, but when he encountered a heat stream, he shivered. Xiao Hanyue in her had already reached the peak, so she hurried in and out of it dozens of times at a faster speed.Then back out slowly.

Xiao Hanyue also slowly fell asleep, Li Qiuyu gently put her down, covered her with a quilt, stood up, and stepped towards the peak where she was sleeping.

He grabbed a piece of clothes at random, but he didn't know whether it was his own or Xiao Hanyue's, maybe it was Xiao Qiuyue's, so he handed a copy to Xiao Qiuyue.

Xiao Qiuyue knew what the young master meant, so she came to the young master shyly, and wiped the clothes where the young master was, and there were traces of bright red on the clothes, which he knew was the first witness of the loan amount.

Seeing the tougher big guy, Xiao Qiuyue almost felt dizzy. After she wiped it quickly, Li Qiuyu lowered her hands, grabbed Xiao Qiuyue's twin peaks, and stroked them gently.

He paused slowly, and kissed Xiao Qiuyue's rosy mouth, their lips touched together, Xiao Qiuyue sucked in Li Qiuyu's breath.

Li Qiuyu bit Xiao Qiuyue's tongue lightly, and kept tasting it in his mouth, a trace of sweetness poured into his heart, the big guy below was already held by Xiao Qiuyue, and he kept stroking it.

After a while, Li Qiuyu's hand broke away from the two peaks, and slowly stroked downwards, until he came to the not so dense Cao Lin. As early as when he was with Xiao Hanyue, the trousers had been taken off, and now it was a long stream .

"Young master, Qiuyue can't take it anymore, come in." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, her voice was like the sound of mosquitoes, and Li Qiuyu was excited when she heard it.

The 16-year-old peerless beautiful girl completely collapsed in front of her, with spring in her eyes, and of course, Li Qiuyu would not wait, because it was a matter of time.

After this, it is responsibility and love. He completely regards the two sisters as treasures in his palm, and will not allow others to bully and insult them.

"Qiuyue, don't be as reckless as your sister." Li Qiuyu said softly, and finally picked up Xiao Qiuyue gently, and slowly laid her flat.

His body was not as green as that of a 16-year-old girl at all. He pointed his dick at Xiao Qiuyue, but there was no movement, but he looked at Xiao Qiuyue quietly.

"My son, Qiuyue knows that you cherish me and is afraid that I will hurt you, but I know that every girl will have the most painful first time, but after that is happiness, and I want you to give me happiness." Xiao Qiuyue said calmly, eyes Love is hazy.

"Okay, I will give you happiness, and I will accompany you two for the rest of my life. If someone bullies you, I will take their souls out, and I will turn the whole Fengyue Tiannan upside down. They killed them." Li Qiuyu said softly.

As if he was talking to Xiao Qiuyue, but also as if he was talking to herself, Xiao Qiuyue saw it in her eyes and felt excited. This is the young man Qiuyue likes.

"I believe in you, and I love you too. The three of us will be together every day and be with you." Xiao Qiuyue said softly.

"Well, hold on a little bit, I will take it lightly." Li Qiuyu also knew what Xiao Qiuyue said, he moved his body, and suddenly his way forward was blocked by a layer of soft objects.

He knew that it was the first obstacle that a girl should have, but at the beginning Xiao Hanyue was reckless and didn't let him feel that when he pushed forward, he went in for a little bit.

There was a burst of pain on Xiao Qiuyue's face, and then it slowly turned into joy and sweetness, bursts of sweat appeared on her face, and she also groaned softly.

The narrow space caused Li Qiuyu a burst of pain, and Xiao Qiuyue's lower body was even narrower than her sister's, so he didn't dare to move for a moment, but just grabbed it with both hands, kneading her snow-white jade peaks.

This can reduce Xiao Qiuyue's attention, and also make her relax, making herself more comfortable. Sure enough, within a short while, Xiao Qiuyue's mood relaxed a little.

"My lord, please move, it's very hot under Qiuyue." Xiao Qiuyue said softly.Holding Li Qiuyu's arm with both hands, he looked a little uncomfortable.

Li Qiuyu moved slowly a few times, feeling better, and then gently in and out, but there was a mouth inside that sucked his apex, and finally let go.

Layers of tender flesh wrapped around him, making her feel as if she was flying. Xiao Qiuyue was also entered and exited by Li Qiuyu, impacting her soul.

A 16-year-old peerless girl, her whole body and mind is tied to Li Qiuyu. Ever since her senior Li Qiuyu cured her incurable disease, she decided to repay Li Qiuyu.

But later, Li Qiuyu left, and she did not forget Li Qiuyu, because the lives of the two sisters were all arranged by Li Qiuyu.

Arranging the lives of the two sisters properly also made her feel warm. Two years later, Li Qiuyu's reputation spread to Nan'an Dacheng.

In the end, the sisters longed for Li Qiuyu to return to their place, and they finally hoped for Li Qiuyu. Faintly, she felt the warmth and love that the young master gave them.

At fourteen, she also came to the realization that she had gradually fallen in love with the young master, but she didn't know whether the young master liked their sisters, there was a gap in their identities.

During the six months when Li Qiuyu left, she stepped up her practice every day. Apart from practicing, she missed Li Qiuyu. When Li Qiuyu came back, Li Qiuyu's figure did not appear, which made her decline for a while.

Feeling that the whole person has no energy, the soul also ran to Li Qiuyu's place, until Li Qiuyu came back, in order to hurry back, he was surrounded by three alchemy masters.

She finally knew that the young master liked her, and the two years of intimacy made her soul tightly entangled in Li Qiuyu's body.she thought.

My beauty is only for the son, and my body is also for the son. No one can look at her randomly, because she already belongs to Li Qiuyu.

She would rather be a female devil who kills without batting an eye than let anyone touch her hair, this is what Xiao Qiuyue thinks.

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