The old man in black took the storage bag from Li Qiuyu's hand, his eyes flashed, and a divine sense penetrated in, checking all the magic tools inside.

Then he handed the storage bag to the old man in Tsing Yi, and the old man in Tsing Yi also looked at it again, and finally nodded with the old man in black, and said: "Little Daoist, these are all low-level magic weapons, a total of 26 pieces, we I will give you three hundred spirit stones, what do you think?"

"Okay, fellow daoists, I won't say much, I'm here to trade, and you will give me 350 spirit stones." Li Qiuyu said flatly.

"Okay, as fellow daoist said, 350 low-level spirit stones." After speaking, the old man in black threw a storage bag to Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu hung the storage bag on his waist without checking it.

Li Qiuyu and the old man in black finished the transaction and asked the middle-aged beautiful woman to take him to the auction site, but they didn't know that after Li Qiuyu left, the old man in black and the old man in green took a hard look at Li Qiuyu at the same time. full of hatred.

Guided by the middle-aged beautiful woman, the two soon came to a large hall, which was large enough to accommodate hundreds of people at the same time, before Li Qiuyu came.There are already more than 200 people inside, all in groups of three or five, exchanging their needs with each other.

No one paid any attention to Li Qiuyu's arrival, the beautiful woman bowed lightly before retreating, Li Qiuyu was not idle, and began to wander among the crowd.

"Friend Daoist, how about I exchange this low-level wood-type spell for your earth-type spell?"

"A high-level technique of the gold system, fifty spirit stones."

In the hall, there were deals and bargains everywhere, no different from a vegetable market. Suddenly, Li Qiuyu was attracted by a hawk.

"For adult medicinal materials, each plant only needs one spirit stone."

Li Qiuyu walked towards the sound, only saw a young monk about 20 years old, there were still a lot of medicinal materials in front of him, but no one traded with him, it seemed relatively deserted.

"Fellow Daoist, do you need medicinal materials?" Seeing Li Qiuyu walking towards him, the young monk greeted him enthusiastically.

"I'll see and talk." Li Qiuyu said lightly

Blue feather flower, clover, bitter fruit.... . .There are more than ten kinds of medicinal materials, and they are all ingredients of more than 50 years. Li Qiuyu's alchemy technique has reached the alchemist level, so he naturally knows these medicinal materials.

"There is nothing special about your medicinal materials, except that they are only 50 years old. Don't you think that one spirit stone for each medicinal material is too expensive?" Li Qiuyu said lightly.

There is no color on the surface, but I am very excited in my heart. Several of them are medicinal materials for refining Qi training pills, and there are even two kinds of medicinal materials that are the main medicinal materials for refining second-grade Tianyuan pills.

"Fellow Daoist, if you buy it sincerely, I can offer it at a lower price." Although the young monk saw that Li Qiuyu belittled his medicinal materials, he felt a little unhappy, but he came here most of the night today.No one came to strike up a conversation, and it was hard for someone to come, so naturally they would not push the door-to-door business out. .

"Tell me, how many spirit stones are needed for these medicinal materials?" Li Qiuyu said calmly, ignoring the young monk's expression.

"Fellow Daoist, you have to buy all these medicinal materials. Take care. There are 130 50-year-old medicinal materials here. You can just give 100 yuan of spirit stones." The young monk said enthusiastically.

"100 yuan spirit stone, why don't you grab it. The maximum is 70 yuan." Li Qiuyu said.

"No, at least 80 yuan is the lowest price." The young monk said painfully.

"Okay, here are the 80 yuan low-level spirit stones." Li Qiuyu handed the 80 yuan low-level spirit stones to the young monk, and then waved his right hand, and the medicinal materials on the ground disappeared, and all of them went into the storage bag.

Li Qiuyu didn't stay too long, and went shopping in other places.They don't have the medicinal materials they need, and they are all low-level monks here, so naturally there is nothing good.

"Fellow daoists, the auction is about to begin, please follow me into the venue." A loud voice suppressed all voices, and the audience also fell silent.

Li Qiuyu looked over, and he had seen the person who spoke before, the old man in black who started to deal with him. Seeing Li Qiuyu looking at him, the old man in black smiled and nodded.

After the old man finished speaking, he pressed lightly on the wall behind him, a crack appeared in the wall, and the crack gradually widened, showing a door with a height of one foot and a width of one foot.

Behind the door is also a huge hall, inside are rows of chairs, more than 400, and within a short while, all the monks are sitting on their seats.There is a number on each seat, Li Qiuyu's number is [-].

"Welcome all fellow Taoists to come to Benfang City and make Benfang City flourish. Well, I won't be too wordy. A total of ten items were auctioned tonight. I hope everyone can return with a full reward."

"The first item is the middle-level top magic weapon, Gu Yun Sword. Although this sword is a middle-level magic weapon, it is a top-notch existence among the middle-level magic weapons. It has a fire attribute, and the cheapest price is [-] low-level spirit stones. Five yuan per gallows Lingshi."

The old man in black put a dark red long sword on the steps, introduced the attributes and price of the ancient rhyme sword, and then asked the disciple next to him to put the long sword away and put it in a storage bag.

"I'll offer 55 yuan." As soon as the old man in black finished speaking, the fierce competition began below.

"I will offer 60 yuan of low-level spirit stones."



In less than a quarter of an hour, the first item, the Fire Attribute Ancient Rhyme Sword, was sold with 120 low-level spirit stones. A middle-level top magic weapon can be obtained by any monk of the fire system, but 120 spirit stones is not an ordinary low-level magic weapon. The monks can get it.

"The second auction item is a kind of medicinal material. This is obtained from the depths of the Tianluan Mountains. There are ten white phosphorus fruits in total. I believe everyone knows the purpose of the white phosphorus fruit. The main drug of the second-grade elixir. The reserve price is as low as 200 yuan High-level spirit stones, the price is ten spirit stones."

"I will offer 210 low-level spirit stones."

After a full cup of tea, no one bid. When the auction was about to fail, Li Qiuyu added ten low-level spirit stones, which was also the lowest bid.

Li Qiuyu was bound to win the white phosphorus fruit, but he didn't expect that no one would participate in the competition, which was beyond his expectations. In the end, Li Qiuyu won ten white phosphorus fruits with 210 low-level spirit stones.

Li Qiuyu handed 210 spirit stones to the disciple who gave the white phosphorous fruit.Put the white phosphorus fruit into the storage bag casually, and easily took the white phosphorus fruit with 200 yuan of Lingshi. I hope that other monks will also be envious.

"Next is the third item, a bottle of low-level Qi training pills. The low price is also 200 yuan for low-level spirit stones. Each bid is 20 yuan for spirit stones. Now start bidding."

The old man in black gave a green jade bottle, but he didn't introduce it, because there was no need for it, as long as he was a monk, he would know the effect of Qi training pills, one hundred pills per bottle.

"220 spirit stones."

"240 spirit stones."

In a short time, the price of a bottle of Qi Training Pill has been auctioned for 500 yuan of low-level spirit stones, and the competition has also begun to stop. The last middle-aged monk was auctioned for 520 yuan of spirit stones.

This price surprised Li Qiuyu. A bottle of qi training pill, and it is still a low-level qi training pill, can be sold for more than 500 spirit stones. I began to calculate in my heart. up.

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