Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 34 Being Targeted

Although he knew that alchemy was difficult, he didn't expect that the qi training pill was so expensive. A bottle of qi training elixir with five hundred spirit stones was equivalent to the price of a high-grade magic weapon.

The one who photographed the qi training pill was an old man with the eighth level of qi training, and most likely he didn't buy it for himself. A monk who is nearly a hundred years old still only has the eighth level of qi training, so there is almost no hope.

The next few items are almost all magical artifacts. The last item is the finale of this square city, the top-level advanced magical artifact, the Guilin Shield.

"I believe everyone knows the high-level top-level magic weapon, and it is a defensive magic weapon. It can withstand the full blow of a high-level magic weapon or a monk in the foundation stage. The low price is [-] low-level spirit stones, and the price is [-] each time." The old man in black introduced it excitedly, and the entire auction site was also enthusiastically aroused by the high-end top-notch defensive magic weapon.

"550 spirit stones." This time, it was almost the same as the white phosphorous fruit auction. It took a long time before someone called for the price, because few people could come up with [-] spirit stones.

The bidder was a middle-aged monk at the ninth level of qi training. After he bid, he saw that no one was competing with him, and his face showed a smug expression, but just after he finished bidding, a discordant voice sounded.

"I'll offer six hundred spirit stones." The bidder was also a middle-aged black-clothed cultivator at the ninth level of qi training. After bidding, he gave a provocative look like the middle-aged cultivator in green who had started bidding.

"I'll offer 650 spirit stones." The middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi gritted his teeth and added another 50 yuan fiercely.

"700 yuan." The monk in black raised the price again.

"Min Tian, ​​do you really want to make trouble with me?" Seeing the friar in Tsing Yi biting him, the black-clothed friar couldn't help it any longer, and asked the friar in Tsing-clothed ruthlessly.

"Xiao Qingyun, if you have the ability, continue to increase the price. We are competing in the auction house. Even if I really can't get along with you, what can you do? Hehe" Min Tian said with a dark smile and no scruples.

"Okay, Qibai Lingshi, go there, it's best not to let me see you." Xiao Qingyun said helplessly, so he had to cover himself with a step down.

"Honfang City thanks all fellow Taoists for coming. All the items to be auctioned this time have been sold, and today's auction has ended everywhere. Welcome to visit us in the future." The old man in black said loudly.

After the old man in black finished speaking, all the monks in the auction house started to walk towards the door, and Li Qiuyu also mixed in with the crowd. After a while, all the monks left the auction hall.

Leaving Fangshi, hundreds of monks quickly scattered and disappeared into the night.Li Qiuyu walked unhurriedly towards the direction where he lived, less than a mile away from Fangshi, just as he was about to leap and go on his way, an inexplicable cold welled up in his heart.

This is the first time I have encountered this feeling, Li Qiuyu must know that this is not a good thing, what I think in my heart is that I am being targeted by someone, and based on my feeling, the enemy's cultivation level is still higher than her own.

Li Qiuyu walked slowly step by step, his spiritual consciousness brought into his mind the surrounding ten feet, knowing that someone was calling his attention, so he had to walk in the same direction and walk outside the city.

An hour later, Li Qiuyu jumped over the tall city wall, speeding up a lot. In his spiritual consciousness, the people following him followed closely. Seeing that he was far away from the city, Li Qiuyu stopped.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you feel tired following all the way? Come out." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

"Boy, you still have some skills. You can actually see my whereabouts. However, after tonight, you will no longer exist, so let me give you a ride." Li Qiuyu, who was following behind, shouted. No whereabouts, no longer hide.

Seeing a scorching flame coming, Li Qiuyu kept the following movements in his mind, and naturally saw the follower make a move. Before Lie Yan came to him, he quickly moved a little to the side, Lie Yan also When it fell to the ground, the ground was baked black by the intense flames, and from time to time there was a burnt smell.

Li Qiuyu was also taken aback by this strong erosive force. He didn't expect that the following monk would kill him as soon as he came out. He was completely enraged by this attack.

"Fellow Daoist wants to put me to death, is it just killing people to seize treasure?" Li Qiuyu said coldly, her heart getting colder and colder.

"Hey, boy, you are a dead person in my eyes anyway, I might as well tell you that you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, although I also want that person to be lost early, although I don't know if that person died in your hands , I don’t want to know the reason. You must die tonight.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in black came out from the shadows. He was a middle-aged monk in his thirties. Li Qiuyu saw this man in his eyes, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he just couldn't remember. .

"I don't seem to have any deep hatred with you. I can't understand the next sentence of what you said." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

"You need to know, hehe, you know this, right? After the black-clothed monk finished speaking, a handful of green jade pendants appeared in his hand.

"I really don't recognize the item in your hand, and I hope you can point me to it." When the monk in black took out the green jade pendant, Li Qiuyu's mind turned rapidly, and a familiar figure appeared in his mind, Tang Zhengjun from Tianxuanmen, no wonder This person looks familiar.

"Your Excellency, you don't need to explain, just tell me how you got this jade pendant. If you make it clear, I will let you die happily, otherwise I will let you try the taste of refining your soul." The black-clothed monk said yin Said.

"I also bought this in the market. I don't know what this jade pendant has to do with your Excellency. Besides, I have already sold this jade pendant. You may have misunderstood somewhere." Li Qiuyu kept thinking. , Judging by the appearance of this person, he must be Tang Zhengjun's brother, and this market is probably related to Tang Zhengjun.

Otherwise, the black-clothed monk would not have found him after he left Fangshi. It seems that he must be very careful in the future. The most important thing right now is how to get out of this black-clothed monk. The Qi level can handle it.

Although he was able to fight against Master Bo Zhang Huaishan in Tianxing Pavilion, it was because Zhang Huaishan did not have the consciousness of wanting to lose himself, he only had the element of testing, otherwise he would not be able to compete with the people who practiced Qi at the ninth level.

Besides, when fighting Zhang Huaishan, both of them didn't use weapons. The monk in black wanted to take his own life. It seemed that he was busy tonight.

"Boy, I don't have much patience. Even if Tang Zheng didn't die in your hands, you still have to die. If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck. It's too good to return you. If you get the magic weapon, you won't erase the former owner's death." Take out the breath to meet people, hehe, it is your fate." After the black-clothed monk finished speaking, another burst of flames shot out.

"Don't keep doing this trick, can you change to a new trick?" When the monk in black cast the flames, he also cast the thick earth wall at the same time, a thick earth wall blocked Li Qiuyu tightly Reality.


Lie Yan (raging flames) came into close contact with the earth wall, making an ear-splitting sound, the flames dissipated, the earth wall collapsed completely, and the whole venue exuded a hot breath.

"Boy, although the earth attribute has excellent defense, your cultivation level is still too low. No matter what hidden technique you practice, I can't see your cultivation level. Looking at your earthen wall, you also have the ability to practice Qi. Let’s go. Not my opponent yet, hehe.” The black-clothed friar was shocked when he saw that Li Qiuyu used the earthen wall to block his attack instantly.

Before he could finish speaking, a pitch-black dagger appeared in Li Qiuyu's hand. Driven by his true essence, the dagger rapidly swelled wildly, reaching a full length of ten feet before stopping. cut to the opponent.

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