Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 337 Yan Jin Emperor Xie Wuji

"That's the only way, I never thought that the Tianlong Legion would actually attack my Yanjin." Prince He said helplessly as he sat down on his seat weakly.

"For the rest, Li Qiuyu, the general of the Tianlong Shenwu Legion, has cultivated his spiritual consciousness to a terrifying level in the late stage of foundation establishment. The general of Yanjin Siege was instantly killed by Li Qiuyu in the late stage of foundation establishment. Such strength is difficult to deal with. .”

A golden-armored general pondered for a while. He got it from the natal beads of the 20 generals who attacked the city of Yanjin.

"He can't be a monk above the middle stage of alchemy, otherwise why would he be so perverted." A silver-armored general said doubtfully.

"Impossible. A monk in the alchemy stage would not dare to join the legion, let alone a great general, unless he dares to violate the iron law of the cultivation world, but you will know it if you imagine Han Wuji." He said indifferently to the prince. Said, thinking of Han Wuji, he felt a chill in his heart.

"The subordinate strengthens the defense of the Five Cities of Yunxiao, and strives to keep the Tianlong Army out of the Five Cities." A guest official said indifferently. For him, the fall of the Five Cities has nothing to do with him, as long as his own Whichever is available will do.

"Come here, send back the news that Yanjin's 20 siege army has been annihilated." Prince He pondered for a while, with a resolute look on his face. Commander, he is also afraid of losing the battle.

In the surrounding countries of Tianlong, they all got the news that the Tianlong Legion was conquering Yanjin, some were delighted, and some were worried.

The strength of Tianlong Kingdom is similar to that of the nearby countries, but they also want to get a piece of the pie when they get Yanjin to attack Tianlong, but now Tianlong's counterattack enters Yanjin Baili in one day.

The 20 Yanjin army was wiped out for more than an hour, and the Tianlong Legion was completely victorious. The army entered Yanjin, as if there was no one in the land.

The Tianlong Shenwu Legion made appearances one after another among the high-level officials. They just laughed at how powerful the Shenwu Legion was before, but now they have to open their eyes to see the strength of the Shenwu Legion.

Yan Jincheng

Being able to become the power center of Yanjin Kingdom naturally has its advantages. The population of the entire big city has reached 500 million, which is much larger than Tianlong City.

"It's urgent, it's urgent." A guard held a piece of information in his hand and rushed towards the Flame Palace, with a trace of fear on his face.

"Your Majesty, I have sent a message to Prince Wanli that Tianlong's million-strong army invaded Yanjin territory, and the 20 siege army was wiped out." The guard read aloud.

"What?" Yanjin Emperor Xie Wuji, who was sitting on the ninety-five thrones of the Flame Palace, said angrily, his voice was full of disbelief. As the strength of the later stage of foundation establishment, it was Yanjin Emperor again, and he completely lost control.

"The emperor calm down, be careful of the dragon's body." Yanjin Prime Minister Du Lie said hastily.

"Things that are useless are all useless things. The army that had already invaded Tianlong City was not only driven out, but also the commander was damaged. Yanjin lost face, and now Tianlong is making Yanjin fight back against me." Xie Wuji said loudly that he is a fire cultivator, the complete opposite of Li Mutian from Tianlong City.

"I see, according to Chen, there must be someone behind Tianlong City. Otherwise, Tianlong would not dare to touch our Yanjin. For thousands of years, Tianlong has not moved at all. Now that our Yanjin has moved, he gave him an excuse." An old man said loudly , he is a civil servant who opposes the use of force.

"It's useless to say so much now, and Tianlong just invaded my Yanjin Baili. Our Yanjin entered Tianlong [-]li the year before last. If it weren't for Li Qiuyu who defeated Marshal Ya Yuqing, Tianlong is now We are golden." A general said loudly.

"The Heavenly Dragon Legion wiped out 20 of our army in one day, and entered our Yanjin Baili. Now it is an attack on Yunxiao City. As long as the defense of Yunxiao City is done well, Tianlong will not be able to do anything for a while."

A faint voice came in, and I saw that the person who came was an easy and refined scholar, with a light and elegant expression on his body, he stepped forward to salute Xie Wuji and then stood quietly.

"It's Lord Nanyun. As the god of war, Lord Nanyun must have a way to deal with Tianlong." The prime minister bowed politely to the middle-aged refined scholar, and said lightly.

"Nanyun, you came at the right time. You lost the battle with the prince. I think it's better for you to go, Nanyun. With your strength and strategy, I believe that you can defeat Tianlong in one fell swoop." Xie Wuji comforted him a little. Commander Nanyun, one of the Five Great Army Gods of the South.

"I'm under orders, and I also want to see what kind of person Tianlong is. He dared to hit my Yanjin's attention. Besides Murong Xiao, I don't think anyone else has such ability." Nanyun said loudly, with an inexplicable expression on his face. look.

"Okay, if Nanyun is going, I will give you a million troops." Xie Wuji said loudly.

"Then what should the prince do?" Nanyun pondered for a while, thinking of Prince He, finally looked at Xie Wuji, and asked indifferently.

"Fall back to Yanjin City with the prince and accept military punishment." Xie Wuji said loudly without the slightest hesitation.

Under his arrangement, any dissent in the Raging Flame Palace believed that as long as Nan Yun stepped forward, Tianlong would be defeated, and the names of the five Fengyue military gods were not so good.

Besides, the Tianlong Legion entered Yanjin within a day, and the whole army accelerated forward. The three of Li Qiuyu waited in the mountains for a day before a million troops arrived. After resting for a night, they continued on their way without any obstacles. The Tianlong Legion can't meet the enemy at all.

Li Qiuyu only set off on the third day, and arrived at the Tianlong Legion a quarter of an hour later, and after telling Zhang Tianhang and Nan Xinhou some specific actions, he rushed towards the first target, Yunxiao City.

It takes ten days for the army to arrive at Yunxiao City, but it only takes two hours for Li Qiuyu. Along the way, he used his spiritual sense to scan below, paying attention to the movement of the Yanjin Legion, but he was disappointed, there was no one in the Yanjin Legion .

"My lord, it seems that the Yanjin Legion does not plan to fight against the Tianlong Legion, and they are gathering their strength. It seems that they are going to defend Cloud City with all their strength." Xiao Hanyue said to Li Qiuyu on the Blood Eagle Eagle.

"Han Yue's analysis is good, but I have been to Yunxiao City before, and I can't stop Tianlong's pace at all. It just takes a long time, but I am worried that Yanjin's masters will attack Tianlong's senior generals. If Yanjin's reinforcements rush to Yunxiao first , we are more troublesome." Li Qiuyu nodded and said.

The battle between the two armies mainly depends on the deployment of the general and the commander. A good general and commander directly affect the battle. Take Yanjinya Yuqing as an example, his loss directly sent the Yanjin Army to hell.

"My lord, are we going to Cloud City now?" Xiao Qiuyue asked while holding Li Qiuyu's hand, her face was as charming and mischievous as ever.

"Well, we are going to Yunxiao City to buy medicinal materials and useful cultivation resources, so as not to be escaped by them in time." Li Qiuyu showed a wicked smile on his face.

Yunxiao City is a gathering place for monks. There are also many auction houses and square markets, but most of them are casual monks and some low-level monks. There are no powerful figures here. Even if there are, they are only peripheral.

"Hehe, young master, do you think that place is Yunxiao City?" Xiao Hanyue giggled, pointed her jade finger at a tall city a hundred miles ahead, and the acquisition that young master said probably meant robbing it by force.

"Well, that's Yunxiao City. When we get there, we are directly in the city. I think Yunxiao City may have been closed and it will be troublesome to enter." Li Qiuyu replied softly.

"It's still early, let's go in at night, and go in now to avoid being noticed by some people." Xiao Hanyue said, holding Li Qiuyu's arms with both hands.

"What Hanyue said is very true, then let's wait until it gets dark before going in." Li Qiuyu let the blood eagle land on a mountain range not far from the city, and then the three of them meditated.

At this time, it is obviously not suitable to cultivate the Heaven-shocking God Art. A big cycle is five hours, so I can only use the technique of Phoenix Nine Changes to study.

This exercise is already familiar to me, but it still stops at the third time. The fourth change is already in front of me, but I haven't found this opportunity yet.

When it comes to making breakthroughs in cultivation, sometimes you will make a breakthrough without even realizing it, and sometimes you will find an opportunity to make a breakthrough in a flash of inspiration.

There are a lot of people who have reached the peak of their cultivation, but they often can't find an opportunity, and they can't break through for several decades or even a lifetime.

Li Qiuyu also knew it, but he was very curious about the fourth transformation, how powerful the Phoenix Nine Transformations were. The third transformation had raised his physique and aura to a level that other monks looked up to, and the fourth transformation was believed to be even more powerful.

After comprehending for half an hour, he still didn't find an opportunity to break through, but it reminded him of the second form of the Shocking Nine Forms.

The second form is a powerful defensive spell. Li Qiuyu invaded his consciousness, and the information of this defensive spell was passed into his mind.

Devouring Shield

Li Qiuyu slowly comprehended the spell of the Devouring Shield. After an hour, a look of horror appeared on his face, and then a look of doubt appeared on his face.

The expression on his face was constantly changing, and the time passed slowly before he knew it. He swiped his hands, and a gray-white mask covered him.

"Hanyue, how about you try my defense?" Li Qiuyu called over to Xiao Hanyue who had finished her training, with an encouraging look on her face.

"Young master, be careful, Hanyue is about to make a move." After Xiao Hanyue finished speaking, she swung down a huge green wood chop. The huge green wood chop came to Li Qiuyu in an instant, but disappeared on Li Qiuyu's gray-white mask.

Li Qiuyu swayed slightly, and finally withdrew the mask, with a satisfied look on his face. He didn't expect this mask to have such a perverted defensive ability.

This is still halfway through his comprehension of the Devouring Shield, and he has not fully comprehended it. If he fully comprehends it and succeeds in cultivation, he does not know what it will be like, he secretly thought.

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