Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 338 Shocking 9-style Devouring Shield

"My lord, what kind of spell did you practice just now? It doesn't look like you've been attacked in the slightest by my Aoki Zhanzai." Xiao Hanyue was startled, and asked in a charming voice.

"Hehe, son, I have just practiced a new defensive spell called the Devouring Shield, which exists at the same level as the Shocking Finger, but I haven't succeeded in practicing it yet. If I succeed in practicing it to the Mahayana, I believe that even if the alchemy stage monks use their full strength One hit can follow."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with joy on his face, with this devouring shield, he believed that his strength had increased a little, but he had consumed too much real energy.

"My lord, I seem to have encountered a bottleneck when I was practicing just now, please help me take a look." Xiao Hanyue said seriously, and finally stretched out a jade hand in front of Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu circulated the true energy, gently put it on Xiao Hanyue's hands, and the true energy entered Xiao Hanyue's body, meridians and dantian, silently remembering the movement of the true cloud inside.

"Well, if you take the elixir first and relax your mind and body, you may be able to overcome this bottleneck." Li Qiuyu took back the true energy and said lightly.

"Hanyue knows, young master, after we enter Yunxiao City, other monks will definitely recognize us, and we will definitely be in trouble." Xiao Hanyue said worriedly.

"It's not a problem. I'll teach you a good technique. It can hide your cultivation just now. The biggest advantage is that it can temporarily change your body shape and face." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, thinking about the demon incarnation technique in his heart.

Although the two sisters can't cultivate completely, it is enough to change their faces a little from the inside, and I believe no one will recognize them.

"Is there really such a technique? Then Qiuyue also wants to learn it, son, please teach us quickly." Xiao Qiuyue also woke up during the practice, and she was overjoyed when she heard Li Qiuyu's words.

"You girl is in a hurry, are you afraid that I won't teach you?" Li Qiuyu turned around and glanced at Xiao Qiuyue, then said with a light smile.

"No, Qiuyue knows that the young master loves Qiuyue and her sister the most, but Qiuyue is curious about what kind of exercises the young master will teach us." Xiao Qiuyue stepped forward and coquettishly held Li Qiuyu's arm, and said softly with her mouth pursed.

Xiao Hanyue looked at her younger sister, and giggled, her peerless beauty, her smile was overwhelming, Li Qiuyu was with the two sisters every day, and she was still staring blankly.

"My lord, your soul has been thrown into the clouds by my sister's smile." Xiao Qiuyue gently shook Li Qiuyu's arm, and said with dissatisfaction.

"Then I'll sort out the exercises and engrave them on the jade slips. It's up to you whether you can comprehend them, but it's best to comprehend them today, otherwise we won't be able to participate in the auction." Qiu Yu came back to her senses, with a hint of embarrassment on her face.

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Hanyue felt a burst of sweetness and pride when she saw the young master's appearance, and finally gave Xiao Qiuyue a light look.

In less than a moment, Li Qiuyu sorted out the demon incarnation technique in one fell swoop, and then took out two blank jade slips from the storage bag. With a move of consciousness, he passed the exercises he had sorted out in his heart into the jade slips. It can only exist for a certain period of time, and after a certain period of time, all the exercises in it will disappear.

Only in that way can the powerful monks have the ability to engrave the exercises and information in it forever. The jade slip will never deteriorate, so it is also regarded by the powerful monks as the best equipment for success methods and information preservation.

"Let's see if you can thoroughly comprehend this exercise within a short period of time." Li Qiuyu handed the jade slip to the two sisters and said calmly.

"The two sisters took the exercise into their hands, and finally put the jade slip on their foreheads, and a detailed exercise appeared in their minds.

Li Qiuyu knew that it would not be a matter of time for the two of them to realize enlightenment, so he had to put the blood eagle eagle next to the two sisters to act as a guardian, but he himself walked towards the mountains. In these mountains, there is still a trace of spiritual energy, so he will There are good wild fruits.

Two hours later, the sky gradually darkened, Li Qiuyu saw that the two sisters were still in the process of comprehension, and leaned gently against a big tree to rest.

"Hey, I'm lucky. I actually met two beautiful little girls here. Hey, they're from the middle and late stages of foundation establishment." A hoarse voice came into Li Qiuyu's ears.

As early as far away, he had already spotted this wretched alchemy cultivator, whose brocade clothes looked particularly dazzling.

"Do you want to die?" Sister Theo Qiuyue heard the voice, opened her eyes slightly, and saw the wretched monk ten feet away. Xiao Qiuyue felt disgusted when she saw the wretched monk staring at her and her sister non-stop.

"Hey, little baby, your cultivation in the late stage of foundation establishment is not bad. The small mouth is very fierce. I hope to be more fierce in bed. I hope you are like this. I really didn't expect such a beautiful person in the world. Son." The wretched monk gulped.

"Really? I'll let you have a taste of the soul refining first, before you dare to show such obscene eyes and words in front of my woman."

Li Qiuyu stood up gently, because the big tree blocked his figure, and when he was not performing the exercises, no one would notice.

"Hey, boy, the late stage of foundation establishment is good, as long as you give these two beautiful girls to the old man, I can consider letting you go." The wretched monk glanced at Li Qiuyu and said loudly.

"Is the alchemy stage amazing? The alchemy stage lost in the hands of my son will not be missing you." Seeing Li Qiuyu beside her, Xiao Qiuyue said softly, holding Li Qiuyu's arm between the two peaks with both hands .

"Hey, it looks really amazing, but is your son's bed skills as good as this old man's? After I take you down, let you two, you dolls, taste the old man's strength, and let you try to be under me. .” The wretched monk said with a lewd smile.

"It can be half dead." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a powerful aura swelled from his body, and then a simple fan appeared in his hand, and he slapped the wretched monk lightly.


The wretched monk was surprised, Li Qiuyu's aura was so powerful, could it be that the guy in the alchemy stage was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Li Qiuyu was completely angry, talking about his woman in front of him, the two sisters are shy people, how can they resist this guy's obscene words.

Xiao Hanyue's face blushed for a while, and then she became angry for saying such embarrassing things in front of the son and sister.

Xiao Qiuyue was even more eager to extract the soul of this wretched cultivator, but her son was definitely better than anyone else in that aspect. When the big guy reached the innermost part of her, a small part was exposed outside.Let yourself be ecstasy.

The ancient fan covered the wretched monk with the slow power of space, and saw a trace of panic on the wretched monk's face, and he never looked relaxed again.

"I have really underestimated this guy in the late stage of foundation establishment. This magic weapon can actually slow down space." He secretly thought, shaking his body to the side forcibly, but the speed was several times slower than usual.

"Hmph, if you dare to be disrespectful in front of my son's woman, you should be prepared to be shattered." Li Qiuyu covered the refining Tianhu towards the sluggish and wretched monk. Tianhu.

The mysterious brilliance covered the wretched monk, and the wretched monk's face suddenly turned ashen, his physical strength was exhausted, and his mana was also rapidly drained.


The wretched monk yelled, his eyes hardened, knowing that if this continued, his mana would soon be exhausted, so he stood alone, regretting provoking these three people.

I saw that the body of the wretched monk grew rapidly, and finally reached a height of two feet, and his body became extremely strong, obviously a demon cultivator.

"Hehe, let you understand, Li Qiuyu unleashed the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, and the powerful monster rushed towards the tall body of the wretched monk.

"You are also a demon cultivator?" The wretched monk was shocked. Although Li Qiuyu hadn't transformed, it was not difficult to see from his aura that Li Qiuyu was just a demon cultivator, and a very powerful one at that.

Li Qiuyu didn't speak, he was very hungry and rushed towards the wretched monk with his fist, hitting him hard.

When the wretched monk saw Li Qiuyu's huge fist, he also went up to him fiercely, and the two fists collided with each other.


There was a slight sound, and the wretched monk's fist was cracked inch by inch, and disappeared in an instant. Li Qiuyu's powerful force directly destroyed the wretched monk's arm at the front.

Without waiting for his reaction, Li Qiuyu's body flashed. For him, the distance of ten feet could be easily achieved without using the Wind Cracked Wings on his back.


Li Qiuyu punched the wretched monk's vest, and saw the wretched monk spurt out a mouthful of blood, and his body was shaking, feeling that a gust of wind could blow him away.

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't say obscene language and obscene eyes in front of my woman. No one can see my woman except me."

Li Qiuyu punched the wretched cultivator on the shoulder again, and his arms were completely scrapped. Exercising the demon cultivation technique in front of Li Qiuyu definitely gave Li Qiuyu a chance. How many of his body skills and strength can dominate in front of the Phoenix Nine Transformations .

"Boy, I underestimated you, but you have to lose together, haha." The wretched monk knew that he could not escape Li Qiuyu's torture, and regretted that it was too late, and his eyes turned hard.

"Self-explosion, don't even think about it." With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the Miserable Halberd instantly appeared in the air, and the slowness in the air became even more terrifying.

Before he even had time to blew himself up, a huge blood hole appeared in his entire body, his eyes slowly turned into ashes with unwillingness, and finally fell down.

With a wave of Li Qiuyu's hand, a burst of flames reduced the wretched monk to ashes, and then he took back the storage bag, and the god-killing halberd returned to the storage bag.

"My lord, are you okay?" Xiao Hanyue said with concern, keeping her eyes on Li Qiuyu, wondering if Li Qiuyu was injured.

"My lord, you are the best on the bed, making Qiuyue very happy." Xiao Qiuyue put her mouth close to Li Qiuyu's ear, and said in a soft voice, her face was flushed after she finished speaking.

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