Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 36 Becoming a Hunter Again

This is the second time I have encountered danger, the first time was by the center of the fish pond, this time it was really against me, if it wasn't for the method of using the rainstorm needle, I would not have much chance to escape tonight, it seems that my cultivation base It's still too shallow, and the Sapphire Sword still can't exert the effect of the real thunder attribute because of its low cultivation base.

If one's genital energy is deep enough, the consumption will kill the opponent, and low cultivation level is nothing. Li Qiuyu hastily cleaned up the scene, destroyed the body of the black-clothed monk, and hurriedly left this dangerous place.

Everyone already understood that this black-clothed monk was Tang Zhengjun's relative in all likelihood, but the relationship was not very good. There might be a power struggle in the middle, and it had nothing to do with him.

The only thing that mattered was that the monk in black was able to find him so quickly, it must have something to do with the two old men in the square city.I just sold those low-level magic tools to Fangshi, and I was followed by black-clothed monks for a while. Even a fool knows that the two old men in Fangshi are inseparable.

As soon as Li Qiuyu left, the two old men rushed to the place where the monk in black was lost, looked at the fighting scene, and said fiercely: "Damn, I didn't expect to lose another son."

These two were the old men in the square city, and the one who was talking was the old man in Tsing Yi. The old man in Tsing Yi punched the ground fiercely, and a big hole immediately appeared on the ground.

"Junior brother, I'm sorry, do you really regard that low-ranking little monk as the murderer who killed Zhengjun and Zhengyun?" the old man in black persuaded softly.

"Although that low-ranking monk can't be the opponent of Zhengjun and Zhengyun, the person who killed my two sons must be related to that low-ranking monk. Otherwise, how could Zhengjun's magic weapon appear in the hands of that kid? Huan Zhengyun Come to intercept and kill this kid, and he lost it in less than an hour." The old man in Tsing Yi said with a sad analysis.

"What brother said is not unreasonable, it's just that how did that low-level monk fall from the hands of Zheng Yun, who was on the ninth floor of Qi training, and who killed Zheng Yun? By the way, Zheng Yun's storage bag also fell into the opponent's I have it in my hand. Could it be that someone wants to hide the Feiyu Token in Zhengyun's hand?" The old man in black said calmly.

"Okay, let's go back first, and wait for the opportunity to avenge Zhengyun and Zhengjun. Right now, we are still preparing for the disciples below. After waiting for 60 years, we must seize this opportunity." The old man in Tsing Yi calmed down, cold Said coldly.

After the old man in blue finished speaking, he and the old man in black flew up the imperial weapon, and disappeared into the night sky in a blink of an eye. A tired face appeared in the quiet grass after the two left for a quarter of an hour.

It turned out that when Li Qiuyu was about to leave, his powerful spiritual sense faintly sensed that someone was rushing over not far away. If the other party was not flying against the wind too loudly, he would not have noticed, and it would be too late for him to leave.

I had no choice but to hide in a thicket of grass and completely conceal my aura. Fortunately, the two old men who came didn't look for it, otherwise I would really be slaughtered.

After escaping all this, the whole person was physically and mentally exhausted. During the conversation between the two, they also figured out everything. Seeing the situation, this black-clothed monk who died in his own hands had something important in the storage bag left behind.

Li Qiuyu was mostly in the grass, waiting to slowly recover his strength. After waiting for an hour, he finally regained some strength. After scanning his eyes around, after confirming that there was no one there, he used all his strength to leave step by step. this dangerous mountain range.

Li Qiuyu didn't reply in the first place, and before he walked out of the mountains, he exhausted all his energy, so he found a relatively remote bush, sat cross-legged, and slipped the intermediate Qi training pill into his mouth.

The efficacy of the middle-level Qi training pills is far from that of the low-level Qi training pills. The strong medicinal effect instantly makes the body feel like a raging fire, and crystal beads of sweat appear on Li Qiuyu's forehead.

The only thing he can do is to operate the Shocking Divine Art, circulate the powerful medicinal power in the major meridians, and then transform it into true essence. He has no choice but to use the medicinal effect of the intermediate pill to restore the true essence, because he can slowly recover his true essence by himself. It takes at least a day or two to recover from meditation.

Now I have to meditate for two days.This is impossible. Driven by the shocking divine art, the powerful medicine effect is twice as fast every week as compared to other times.

One big Sunday, two big Sundays…….

It took a full two hours before the strong medicinal effect was completely transformed into the life essence. The consumed essence and physical strength had returned to their peak, and the essence in the dantian was thicker than before, and the cultivation base had increased again. Quite a few, every time after intensely consuming true energy, he would slightly increase his cultivation base.

The peak of the sixth level of qi training is only one step away from the seventh level of qi training. Li Qiuyu stood up with a smile on his lips, and he was able to escape from death, and his cultivation was advanced. Can you not like it?

Tonight, his luck was really not very good. He had just finished his work and was not far away, and encountered something that shouldn't be done.The two monks were having a great time fighting on the edge of the mountain.

"Xiao, are you really going against me because of a high-level magic weapon?" Mintian asked angrily as he kept fighting back.

"Mintian, I didn't intend to turn against you at first, but I didn't know that you were really deceitful. I started to take pictures of high-level defensive magic weapons. You have to make things difficult for me." Xiao Qingyun said coldly .

The two of them, Li Qiuyu, also knew each other, and they were the contenders for the high-level defensive magic weapon, which was captured by Min Tian in the end, but Xiao Qingyun, who failed in the competition, did not give up, so when he left the market, he came to kill and seize the treasure.

Since the strengths of the two were almost the same, and they were old rivals, they were relatively familiar with the enemy. They chased and fought all the way for three or four hours, but they couldn't tell the winner.

He didn't expect to be met by Li Qiuyu. He hid in a dark place, and was going to be a hunter again, because when he came here in stealth, he found that there were other people hiding here.

The cultivator who wants to be a squirrel is not low, and the middle-aged monk who has practiced Qi at the peak of the eighth level, he is going to wait for the two of them to lose, and then come to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Xiao Qingyun, you want to get my attention. How hopeful do you think it is? We didn't fight once or twice. You don't know how much you weigh yourself. Let's wave our hands. I don't care about you." After the force was released, he retreated ten feet away, and said calmly.

"Is it possible?" Xiao Qingyun followed closely, attacking continuously with weak energy.

It's just that the two of them fought for several hours, the true energy in their bodies was almost exhausted, and their attacks became weaker and weaker, but Xiao Qingyun didn't intend to let go at all, because he knew that both of them had reached the point of exhaustion. If he can persevere until the end, if he doesn't win the magic weapon this time and waits for Min Tian to refine the high-level magic weapon in time, he will have a bad life.


Just as Min Tian kept retreating, a strong white light came directly at him. Normally, he could avoid it, but now he was exhausted, and facing Xiao Qingyun's attack again, he watched the white light break through his body and fell straight down. on the ground.

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