The secret attack shot Min Tian to the ground in an instant, and Xiao Qingyun was also confused by the sudden incident. If the attack was aimed at him, Min Tian's fate would be his own mirror, but he reacted quickly Come here, I and Mintian have been targeted for a long time.

It's really a cockroach attacking a cicada, and the oriole is behind. I was actually regarded as a cockroach, and in a hurry, I snatched the storage bag from Min Tian's body, preparing to be escaped.

"Brother Xiao, is this how you treat my lifesaver? Are you not going to thank me?" The monk hiding in the dark came out slowly, blocking Xiao Qingyun's way.

Li Qiuyu finally saw clearly, the man in the dark was also seen in Fangshi, he was dressed in black night clothes, but this person gave Li Qiuyu a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Brother Anye, it's so late, why are you here? Brother Anye helped me just now, I am very grateful, and I will definitely thank you in the future. The night is already late, and I will take my leave first." Xiao Qingyun cast the magic weapon and flew up .

"Just leave like this, it's too embarrassing. Leave the storage bag in your hand." An Ye said darkly, and a black mist hit Xiao Qingyun.

Xiao Qingyun and Ben were surrounded by the black mist without even the slightest chance to fight back, his eyes showed a look of horror, his hands kept struggling, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape from the envelopment of the black mist. Corroded by the black mist, there is no vitality in the whole body.

There was only a skeleton corpse left, and Li Qiuyu was also taken aback by An Ye's exercise, and said inwardly, "What a vicious exercise."

Without the slightest hesitation, the Black Cloud Sword swelled instantly, and the one-foot-long giant sword suddenly slashed towards the dark night more than ten feet away, and the strong force brought up a hurricane.

An Ye was about to take the storage bag in Xiao Qingyun's hand, but he didn't expect that he became a squirrel, and there was a hunter behind him. The sudden attack didn't give him a chance to get the storage bag at all, but he sacrificed a weird shield, It barely blocked Li Qiuyu's Black Cloud Sword.

Li Qiuyu knew that the opponent was not Yi Yi's generation. After the black cloud sword was slashed out, the thunder-attributed sapphire sword drew a purple thunder and lightning in the air. An Ye, who hadn't reacted yet, was enraged by the secret attack.

Anger turned into anger, the purple thunder and lightning was exactly the nemesis of his kung fu, the thunder and lightning fell on the shield, a burnt smell wafted out, one after another thunder and lightning kept hitting the dark night.

"Who is it, you have the guts to get out of here, do you only know how to do some sneak attacks?" An Ye lost his temper after being beaten by the secret attack, but he didn't know that he also used sneak attacks to deal with Min Tian, ​​and now he hates the sneak attacks , the memory is really not very good.

"Okay, my master is out." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, twelve rainstorm needles shot at the dark night from all directions at the same time. Behind the rainstorm needles was an upgraded version of Qingmu Zhan, and the huge full moon scimitar slashed down fiercely.

"Ah, ah, ah, despicable." An Ye's whole body was pinned by twelve rainstorm needles, and when he saw the huge green tree attacking, he couldn't move at all, and watched the energy break through his body.

"Didn't you want me to come out? What will you do with me if I come out?" Li Qiuyu glanced at the dark night who hadn't closed his eyes, and smiled faintly.


An Ye only uttered one word until he died. Even if he was not beheaded by Li Qiuyu's Qingmu station, he would be pissed off by Li Qiuyu's words. .

Li Qiuyu quickly took away the storage bags of the three of them, and also the magical artifacts that fell on the ground.After the search was over, after scanning the surroundings, he leaped directly towards the city, and with all his strength, returned to the city wall in less than half an hour.

Li Qiuyu didn't directly go back to the place where Xiao Hanyue's sister lived, but found a random inn in the city to live in. This was because she was afraid of being discovered by others, and once she entered the inn, she imposed a prohibition.

After confirming that no one was following him, he sat cross-legged and prepared to recover the exhausted physical strength and true energy. Not sleeping for a few days would not affect him at all.

After two full hours, Li Qiuyu finished his skills, opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes became even brighter. The night's fighting made him grow a lot. This is the real fighting method, fighting wits and strength.

Taking advantage of nothing else, Li Qiuyu took out the storage bags of the four people and counted them one by one. These monks are all at the ninth level of Qi training, and they must be richer than the monks of Tianxuanmen and Aolinzong Not a lot.

Sure enough, the first storage bag was Tang Zhengyun, a black-clothed monk who followed him and died in his hands in the end.There are more than 300 spirit stones inside, and there are quite a few adult medicinal materials, which are good materials for refining Qi training pills and second-grade pills. Besides these, there are two magic tools.

Both magic weapons are intermediate attack magic weapons, and better middle-level magic weapons, if the monk in black used this magic weapon to deal with himself from the beginning, he might have solved himself long ago.

The last thing is a gray iron garden card, which depicts a lifelike mountain range, and the four characters on the other side of the garden card of "Tianluan Wonders", Li Qiuyu also heard the important things said by two old men in the grass , don't think too much about it, it's the garden card.

Tianluan is the Tianluan Mountains. I don't know that this garden sign has a mountain connection with the Tianluan Mountains.I have also been to the Tianluan Mountains, although it is in the outer area of ​​the mountains.

Li Qiuyu infiltrated his consciousness slowly, and the depiction on the surface of the garden card appeared more clearly in his mind. There was a canyon in the deepest part of the mountain range. Two in one.

Withdrew his consciousness.He also knew a capital letter, this may be a place for experience, but it has to wait 60 years, the time shown on it is still not far from now.

No wonder the two old men in Fang City can endure the death of their sons for the time being. It seems that things in the Tianluan Mountains are very important. storage bag.

There are only a few dozen spirit stones in his storage bag, one middle-level magic weapon, which is also a very ordinary kind, and the other is a high-level defensive magic weapon just bought from Fangshi tonight.

White Phosphorus Shield

The high-level defensive magic weapon is made from the bones of the magical white phosphorous beast. It can use a small amount of true energy to receive a blow from a high-level top-level magic weapon. Ordinary poor monks in the foundation-building period can only use high-level magic tools, which can be attacked by a high-level magic weapon. It is indeed a rare life-saving treasure obtained by monks in the Qi training period.

Li Qiuyu conveniently put the white phosphorous shield aside, and prepared to start the sacrifice after counting the harvest tonight. He was short of defensive magic tools, so it was a timely help.

Xiao Qingyun's storage bag is similar to Mintian's storage bag, which contains nearly seven hundred spirit stones, two intermediate magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense, all of which are very common.

On the contrary, An Ye, who was finally beaten by himself, had more storage bags.There are nearly a thousand spirit stones, and there are several grotesque mid-level magic tools, but none of them are Li Qiuyu's favorite, because An Ye is practicing evil skills, and the magic tools used are also very evil types.

The only thing that caught his fancy was a jade slip. The blood-red jade slip revealed a trace of mysterious light. Li Qiuyu didn't intend to touch the things of evil cultivators, but the jade slip had a "Forbidden" engraved on the outside.

Li Qiuyu also tried to invade his consciousness, but there was no reaction at all. In desperation, Li Qiuyu threw it into the space necklace. Ten pieces, four or five pieces that he can use, he put all the ones he can use into the space necklace.

The next thing is to refine the white phosphorous shield, which is the top priority. The white phosphorous shield is a life-saving treasure. If you encounter a powerful attack or magic weapon, you can use it to resist it.

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