Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 365 The Fifth Transformation of the Nine Phoenix Transformations

After returning to the cave, he sorted out all the elixirs, except for refining some elixirs every day to exchange medicinal materials and spirit stones for the Shendan Pavilion.

However, it is absolutely impossible to refine pills by himself to support a Shendan Pavilion. He couldn't think of anything in his mind, trying to find a way to solve the current problem.

The elixirs and medicinal materials I want to find also rely on posting tasks. I don't know what the result will be, and I can only find out after a period of time.

Li Qiuyu's current cultivation base has also reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, and his spiritual consciousness surprised him even more. Now he only has the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment, but his spiritual consciousness has returned to the state of the peak of the previous stage of foundation establishment.

That is to say, within a radius of a hundred miles, not a single plant or tree can escape his spiritual monitoring, and he is much more powerful than ordinary monks in the alchemy stage.

"It seems that we have to restore the late stage of Foundation Establishment tonight."

Li Qiuyu said to himself, with a look of anticipation on his face. After more than a year, it's really uncomfortable to fall from the peak of the late foundation establishment to the middle foundation establishment.

During this period of time, he used high-level righteousness pills, and the amount of Lingyu pills was small, so it was a waste to use them. Using high-level righteousness pills could completely restore his true energy and cultivation.

After he sat cross-legged, he threw a Lingyu Pill into his mouth, and the powerful medicinal power continued to rush through his meridians. He had experience in breaking through, so he naturally wouldn't panic, not to mention that this time it wasn't a breakthrough, it was just a recovery from the mid-term Only in the later stage.

An hour later, the elixir was completely consumed, and the later stage of foundation establishment also recovered as expected, but it was not as deep as before.

But even if it wasn't as terrifying as reaching the peak state, the real essence now is twice as deep as when it first reached the late stage of foundation establishment.

At this time, the Phoenix Nine Transformations skills were inadvertently running, and the speed of the cycle was getting faster and faster, and traces of sweat appeared on Li Qiuyu's body.


There were constant stabbing pains in his body, and he didn't know that the skin on his face was constantly changing. After thin cracks appeared, they healed instantly.

It was like this all over his body, his whole body seemed to fall into the fire in the center of the earth, and he felt as if his whole body was about to explode.

The technique of Phoenix Nine Transformations is completely opposite to the Shocking God Art, he dare not try it, time passed slowly, Li Qiuyu was in a hot state until the feeling subsided.

He opened his eyes, only to see a bewitching look in his eyes, and a light red delicate and unusual three-petal lotus flower appeared between his brows.

The whole human being is extremely strange, with supreme dignity in the strangeness.I saw him operating the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, and suddenly the cave was filled with strong monster energy.

"Haha, the fourth transformation of the Nine Phoenix Transformations has finally been achieved."

Li Qiuyu's mood is extremely good, and he has recovered in the late stage of foundation establishment. Although the state has not reached the peak in the late stage, the strength of the real essence is almost the same as the peak.

The most important thing is that the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix has been broken through now, although it is not known what special skills and changes the Fourth Transformation has.

He faintly felt that he had an additional ability like clairvoyance, and his physical strength was not comparable to before.

He inadvertently saw a figure in the water on his face, and his own image was reflected in it. A bewitching face appeared in the water, and a petal in the middle of the lotus shape between the eyebrows flickered.

Li Qiuyu circulated his true energy in puzzlement, and slowly poured his true energy to the center of his eyebrows, only to see a fiery red light from the lotus flower in the middle of his eyebrows, which condensed and did not disperse. to the ground.

"Well, that's right, it's actually more powerful than the Sky Eye and Clairvoyance."


He drank lightly and swiped with one hand, a delicate flame appeared in his hand, the flame was purple and white, the naked eye could not see the difference between this flame, but Li Qiuyu knew with one hand that this flame was enough to destroy the alchemy stage Monk defense.

The phoenix itself belongs to fire. Now that Li Qiuyu has practiced the nine transformations of the phoenix to the fourth transformation, a trace of the original nature of the phoenix has been slowly manifested.

With the breakthrough of the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, his overall cultivation has reached the peak in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. It has been more than a year since he came to Bihai, and he has not fought against anyone yet, so his heart is itchy.

But he is now the elixir teacher of the Shendan Pavilion in Nanyue City, so it is not easy to fight with others casually, but if he uses the Phoenix Nine Changes technique, ordinary people will not know it.

He suddenly thought of Sima Yong, this guy has reached the peak of the early stage of alchemy for more than ten years, if he is used to practice hands, it would be perfect.

He tidied up a bit, adjusted his body to the peak existence, and then he came out of the cave in a flash, a simple spell wrapped him up, and flew directly towards the reception.

The reception was not far from the city gate, only a short distance of one mile. He quickly moved his body, and his body flashed out of the city gate.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay still. Flying is prohibited in the city, please accept the inspection."

The monks guarding the city shouted loudly, it was almost late at night, and there was no one here, but Li Qiuyu flew out quickly, which had violated the rules of Nanyue City.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's figure quickly disappearing at the city gate, a foundation-building monk said loudly to his companions: "Go and ask Elder Sima, someone has violated the city from here."

"Brother Cheng, follow up first, I'll invite Elder Sima and the others." A monk said quickly, and then flew towards the reception.

Li Qiuyu's body kept flickering, and he shot directly into the distance. In less than a quarter of an hour, he had arrived at a barren hill a hundred miles away, and the foundation-building stage monks behind him had already gone to nowhere.

Li Qiuyu's current speed is several times faster than before. If it weren't for drawing Sima Yong out, a hundred miles would only take a moment for him.

"Fellow Daoists probably don't care about my Nanyue City." Sima Yong said loudly. He already knew that someone broke through the city gate and left Nanyue City, but no matter how much he chased him, the other party was always ahead of him.

After a while, several late-stage foundation-establishment monks who followed him were also thrown off. He also knew that the other party was playing with him, and wanted to get rid of several late-stage foundation-establishment monks.

"Hehe, you're quite courageous. You dare to chase after Nanyue City alone. Let's see how much you can do." Li Qiuyu said lightly.

He is now wrapped in white mist, and Sima Yong can't see the opponent clearly even with his alchemy stage cultivation base, and feels inexplicably regretful in his heart.

The other party was not a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Period, or else he had used some mysterious technique to block his face, but the cultivators in Nanyue City did not have such an existence.

Without waiting for him to think about it, he saw a sky-shattering demonic aura surge out, and then the opponent's body flashed, and a fist hit him fiercely.

"Hmph, the old man wants to see how powerful the demon cultivator is." Sima Yong swiped one hand, wrapped him with a light shield, and then sacrificed a blue magic weapon.

A cyan attack headed towards the attacking fist, only to see a tremor in the air, the cyan attack dissipated, and the fist hit him as usual.


His fist hit the light shield hard, and the light shield trembled violently, the entire light shield was sunken in, and Sima Yong flew backwards backwards.

"What a horrible attack."

Sima Yong was horrified, his magic weapon was broken by a fist, and the remaining force beat him to the point of blood.

"Come out with all your abilities, or you will lose, and I have given you a chance." Li Qiuyu said lightly, her voice extremely cold.

As soon as the words fell, Sima Yong was chanting continuously, and then his body disappeared instantly. Li Qiuyu smiled inwardly, and a fiery red light shot out between his brows.

Immediately the light disappeared, and he flashed to the side, then punched down again, and finally stood firmly at the place where Sima Yong was just now.

I saw Sima Yong fell to the ground fiercely. It turned out that he used a secret technique to avoid Li Qiuyu's sight and attack Li Qiuyu. pattern.

Sima Yong's figure was instantly exposed in the fiery red light, and before he had time to react, he was hit by Li Qiuyu's fist.

When he landed, Li Qiuyu flashed his body, and smashed his huge fist towards Sima Yong's face. Sima Yong's face was ashen, because the speed of the opponent was too fast, and the powerful evil spirit had suppressed him to death.

The fist stopped within an inch of the front door, and the wind of the fist woke him up. He felt his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he finally saw the opponent's face clearly.


"It's time to practice hard."

In Sima Yong's eyes, there was an extremely bewitching young man, and the pale red lotus flower between his brows was even more dazzling. He could only vaguely feel that the young man in front of him was the panacea of ​​the Shendan Pavilion.

"I really didn't expect that you have reached the late stage of foundation establishment. You are a demon cultivator." After Sima Yong asked, he despised himself for asking such an idiot question.

"Let's go back."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flashed, and the person had already left. Under Sima Yong's sweeping glance, Li Qiuyu's figure had already appeared ten miles away.

Li Qiuyu is more and more satisfied with Phoenix's Nine Transformations movement skills. In the past, he had to use Wind Split Wings to fly ten miles. Now that he has reached Phoenix Fourth Transformation, he can fly ten miles with just one movement technique.

After a while, he had already returned to the front of the city wall. With a flash, he entered the city again. When he passed the city gate, the other monks didn't even know that someone had entered here.

Back in the cave, his face showed satisfaction, it was so easy to deal with this cultivator who was at the peak of his alchemy early stage.

The most important speed, a movement is one mile away. If you use Feng Cleft Wing, the distance may be even greater, but whether Feng Cleft Wing can support it is still two words.

Besides, Sima Yong felt cold all over his body when he was blown by the cool wind in place. What happened just now was completely beyond his imagination. Breath beat.

If it wasn't for the other party's holding hands, he would have been damaged, especially with his strange body skills and fists. He had seen a demon cultivator before, but he had never seen such a perverted demon cultivator.

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