After clearing up his mood, Sima Yong quickly returned to Nanyue City. Some of his subordinates asked him about what happened tonight, but Sima Yong only said that he was a late-stage foundation-establishment cultivator and had already been executed.

He hurried back to the place where he lived, and began to meditate, trying to calm down his mental turmoil, but it took a full hour before he could enter the practice.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu wouldn't care about Sima Yong's thoughts. He wanted to test the power of his Phoenix Nine Transformations. As for Sima Yong, he naturally didn't take it to heart.

Things in the Shendan Pavilion are also slowly getting on the right track. As long as you find some monks who are talented in alchemy, you can accept them as disciples, so that you can be a helper for yourself.

In Nanyue City, this is obviously not possible. Every inch of land in the city is gold, and there is no place for him to let go of his hands and feet. If he is outside the city, he is afraid of attacks from other forces.

He calmed down for a while, and within a moment he entered the emptiness. He also knew the power of the fourth transformation of the Phoenix Nine Transformations, especially the speed, every movement can fly ten miles.

The most powerful is coercion and momentum. With the shocking divine art, even ordinary alchemy monks will be suppressed to death.

In a remote part of Nanyue City, in an ancient hall, there are more than ten and a half hundred old men sitting, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

These old guys are all monks in the late stage of alchemy, especially the old man in the middle, who is full of energy and does not look old at all, and has reached the peak of the late stage of alchemy.

"Elder Long, you have an opinion on the monk who just left. You just checked out with the defensive formation of Nanyue City, and found out that he is a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment." Said the monk Jiedanqu who was sitting in the middle.

"Great Elder, I feel that the monk who just left did not have any malicious intentions, otherwise Sima Yong would not have come back safely." Elder Long said, although his cultivation has reached the late stage of alchemy, compared with the Great Elder, he is still far behind. Not a little.

"Let's not worry about this matter for now, but the elixir masters in the Shendan Pavilion in the city these days are really worthy of our attention." The elder said seriously, and glanced at the person in front of him.

"What the Great Elder said is that this spirit alchemist named Li Qiuyu is indeed a rare genius. I have seen it once, and he has reached the peak of the mid-term foundation establishment. Last time, he released [-] pieces of medicinal materials at the task announcement place. Task."

This old man is the grandfather of the female cultivator, and he is also a late alchemy cultivator named An Luo, who is one of the top forces in Nanyue City.

"Elder An has seen it, do you see anything wrong?" Elder Long looked at An Luo and said loudly.

"This is not true, but the age is indeed only eighteen or nineteen years old. I believe everyone has seen the refined medicine." An Luo said softly.

"It is indeed a high-grade pill, and there is also a high-grade third-grade pill. It seems that Sima Yong has gained a lot of benefits." The elder took out a pill, which was a third-grade high-grade righteousness pill.

"As long as it doesn't endanger my Nanyue City, let him go. I don't believe that he can cause chaos in Nanyue City." An Luo said lightly.

"Elder An is right. As long as we don't endanger our Nanyue City, we don't need to pay attention to him. Besides, our Nanyue City has one more alchemist, which also shows that our Nanyue's strength is gradually increasing."

Elder Long also followed suit and said that he also had selfish intentions. If Li Qiuyu could refine better pills, he would definitely be able to use them for his cultivation. Besides, what a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment should care about.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't know about the conversations of these old guys, and even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to deal with them. Besides, there are not a few of them in this world, so naturally he wouldn't have to deal with them all.

He still cultivated you and alchemy as usual, and before he knew it, half a year had passed, his cultivation in the late stage of Foundation Establishment had stabilized a lot, and he had completely mastered the fourth transformation of Phoenix Nine Transformations.

It is worth mentioning that the divine sense, the killing of gods has reached the peak state before, as for the spirit insect Silver Morphant, it is still the same as before, but it has consumed a lot of spirit stones.

For him, the number of spirit stones has now reached an astronomical number, 2000 million low-level spirit stones, and 50 middle-level spirit stones.

He took care of the spirit stones that Sima Yong didn't have, but Sima Yong didn't want much, and the total crossed out was only 500 million low-level spirit stones.

Sima Qun and the others have also reached the stage of foundation building, which caused an unknown upheaval in Nanyue City. When it comes to the Shendan Pavilion, there is no one who doesn't know about it.

It is said that he also obtained a lot of high-grade medicinal materials from the task release office, and purchased nearly ten million spirit stone medicinal materials, but most of the medicinal materials were exchanged for medicine.

The Shendan Pavilion is no longer the previous elixir shop, and it seems to have formed a force. With the addition of Gongsun Lanyu, Gongsun Yangtian and the other two alchemy stages, the Shendan Pavilion is comparable to some second-rate forces.

Under Li Qiuyu, there are four alchemy periods in total. Sima Yong is a member of the Nanyue City defense team, so it is not easy to join Li Qiuyu's camp.

The monks in the late foundation establishment period also used seven or eight, and the number of monks in the foundation establishment period reached nearly a hundred. Long Yueao was also lucky, and he refined the third-grade elixir the next day and returned to Li Qiuyu's Shendan Pavilion.

Gongsun Lanyu's alchemy technique also made a big breakthrough. Li Qiuyu slightly changed the alchemy technique and passed on this alchemy technique to Gongsun Lanyu.

Ten days ago, the Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion was announced to be withdrawn, and moved into the Shendan Pavilion, specializing in the refining of low-level Qi training pills, second-grade pills, and third-grade low-grade pills.

Li Qiuyu only refines intermediate third-grade pills and high-grade third-grade pills, and the spirit stone transferred to Li Qiuyu gets [-]% and Gongsun's family gets [-]%.

Although it was only [-]%, it was two or three times more than before. Naturally, they had nothing to say, and Li Qiuyu, the medicinal material for alchemy, was in the hands of one person.

Li Qiuyu's medicinal materials at the task release site are owned by Li Qiuyu alone, and he needs to use these medicinal materials to refine the pills he needs, such as Advanced Zhengqi Pill, Lingyu Pill, Lingyu Pill, Huitian Pill, and Tianying Pill.

"My seat announces that the Shendan Pavilion and the Wanbao Pavilion will be merged to operate low, middle and high grades of qi training pills and second-grade pills, third-grade low-grade pills and intermediate-grade pills, high-grade third-grade pills and some rare pills. This pavilion is not open to the public. For sale, unless there are monks who have contributed to this pavilion."

"For the specific method of contribution value and the method of obtaining it, please refer to the announcement column of the Shendan Pavilion. This seat has developed a precious medicine, which is guaranteed to be liked by every female cultivator. Its name is Zhuyan Pill."

Li Qiuyu's words were transmitted from the task announcement place, and under the transmission of the special spar, the voice spread to every corner of the square, and finally a crystal light shot onto the announcement column.

"Zhuyan Pill? Wanbao Pavilion merged into Shendan Pavilion?"

Some monks were surprised and said that for the Shendan Pavilion, they have already regarded it as a source of monks' elixirs, and ordinary high-level elixirs are refined from here.

In addition, Gongsun Lanyu became the disciple of alchemist Li Qiuyu, and successfully refined the third-grade Zhengqi pill and the advanced second-grade pill, becoming the second alchemist in Nanyue City.

"Fairy, the Master Spirit Alchemist of the Shendan Pavilion announced that Zhuyan Pill has been refined, do you want to go and have a look." A woman on the eighth level of Qi training said respectfully to a woman in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

"Zhuyan Pill is indeed the biggest temptation in the eyes of us girls. It's really hard to imagine how our lord alchemist could refine such a rare pill. Let's go and see."

This middle-stage female cultivator had met Li Qiuyu twice before, and was bewildered by Li Qiuyu's chic and elegant demeanor. She reached the late stage of foundation establishment at the age of 19, and she was already a spiritual alchemist.

Her name is Murong Qingqing, and she is the daughter of the Murong family, the second largest force in Nanyue City. With the help of pills and talents, she has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment at the age of 22.

Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a profound cultivation base, and is the target of some high-level monks, but this Murong Qingqing dismisses these monks.

The birth of Zhuyan Pill triggered the pursuit of female monks in Nanyue City and the surrounding small towns and islands. The price of each Zhuyan Pill was twice as expensive as that of Zhuji Pill.

Two months ago, Li Qiuyu also sold more than ten Foundation Establishment Pills. For every five Foundation Establishment Pills, four monks at the tenth level of Qi training successfully reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

It is countless times better than the foundation building that Nanyue City got from outside before, but Li Qiuyu regards this pill as a forbidden medicine, and only monks who work for the Shendan Pavilion can buy the foundation building pill.

The Shendan Pavilion rose in Nanyue City, and its reputation gradually spread far and wide. In order to obtain a high-level righteousness pill from the Shendan Pavilion, some monks did not hesitate to take risks to complete the tasks of the Shendan Pavilion.

The contribution value of the Shendan Pavilion is determined according to the completion of medicinal materials and some released tasks. 100 yuan of low-level spirit stones counts as a contribution value. Only when the corresponding contribution value is reached can one exchange for the purchase of intermediate and high-level Zhengqi pills.

The same is true for the Foundation Establishment Pill. It was reported by some monks that the Spiritual Alchemist of the Shendan Pavilion had refined a kind of elixir that surpassed the third rank, but only a few people had seen this elixir.

There are also people who pay a huge price for the alchemist of the Shendan Pavilion to refine strange medicines. The price is to serve the Shendan Pavilion for 20 years, reach a certain contribution value and a large amount of medicinal materials and spirit stones.

In view of Li Qiuyu's status as a spiritual alchemist, and now that he is the supreme leader of a faction, he is also known as the seat to the outside world.

After Li Qiuyu took care of everything, he practiced and refined pills with peace of mind. He used to refine Qi training pills and second-grade pills. Now someone takes over all these things. He only refines intermediate righteousness pills and advanced Righteousness Pill.

Under the continuous alchemy, his alchemy techniques and techniques have also been greatly improved. The medicinal materials for Huitian have been completely collected. After a period of research, he is ready to refine the Huitian pill.

A bunch of fresh herbs were neatly placed in the alchemy room of the cave, and with a movement of his consciousness, an exquisite alchemy cauldron appeared in his hand.

His connection with the Qiankun Ding became stronger and stronger. The Qiankun Ding was also refined by his blood, and a piece of real energy was hit on it. After the fourth transformation of the Phoenix Nine Transformations, he has mastered the fire-type kung fu to the extreme.

The purple-white flame kept flickering under the cauldron. After a few breaths, the cauldron had reached the requirements of alchemy. A thousand-year-old medicinal material was thrown into it, and the medicinal material slowly melted inside.

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