Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 367 Chapter Tiandan, back to Zhang Yunlu faction

The Dan Ding has been controlled to another level, and the changes of the medicinal materials inside do not need to be monitored with spiritual consciousness. The medicinal materials are thrown into the Dan Ding one by one, and finally all turn into liquid medicine.

After all the 31 thousand-year-old medicinal herbs were melted, Li Qiuyu resolutely threw in one or two thousand-year-old medicinal herbs. The fusion time of the ten-thousand-year medicinal herbs was far more troublesome than that of ordinary thousand-year medicinal herbs.

Fortunately, Li Qiuyu has a lot of time and experience in alchemy, and basically has his own methods and skills of alchemy. The two kinds of medicinal materials are put in at the same time. Although it is difficult to melt, it reduces the phenomenon that the time for the Wannian medicinal materials to melt is too long.

As long as the control is good, the melting of the two ten-thousand-year medicinal materials at the same time not only increases the quality of the ammunition, but also reduces the time for alchemy.


Li Qiuyu probed his spiritual consciousness into the cauldron, and the seven-color medicinal liquid kept boiling inside, and was still slowly solidifying. He absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy, and injected it into it.

After a while, the liquid medicine inside had become solid. He kept the cauldron suspended in the air and rotated it continuously, changing his hands constantly, and the true essence was constantly stirred in the cauldron.


The lid of the Dan Ding slammed lightly, and a string of black and crystal-clear shadows shot out. Li Qiuyu took a photo of a jade bottle towards the shadow, and the shadow was attracted, and quickly entered the jade bottle.

Li Qiuyu threw a Tianyuan Pill into the mouth, and the medicinal effect of the Tianyuan Pill instantly turned into real essence, and half of the true essence consumed just now was recovered.

After tidying up everything, he poured out a elixir, which was shiny black, like a crystal black pearl, exuding traces of rich aura.

"Well, the fourth-grade elixir has finally been refined."

Huitian Dan belongs to the category of fourth-grade pills, but Huitian is just a relatively common fourth-grade pill for cultivation, but it can increase the chances of cultivators in the late foundation establishment stage to reach the alchemy stage.

Increased cultivation base is almost the same as Lingyu Pill, except that Li Qiuyu has not reached the alchemy stage and cannot fully understand and discover the efficacy of Lingyu Pill, and now he can only absorb half of the medicinal effect of Lingyu Pill.

Li Qiuyu put away the treasures of the Returning Heaven Pill, and finally put them into the space necklace. He refined more than forty pills from a furnace of medicinal materials, but after half a year of collection, the medicinal materials are already very rich.

Now that the Huitian Pill has been refined, the Lingyu Pill should not be used, because refining the Lingyu Pill requires a seventh-level inner alchemy demon core, and he only has half of the seventh-level demon core in his body, so he is reluctant to use it.

Li Qiuyu threw a Huitian Pill into his mouth, and the unparalleled medicinal power rushed in. He quickly used the shocking technique to guide the medicinal effect into the meridians, and then circulated it quickly.

Ten days passed, and he slowly opened his eyes, feeling extremely satisfied. One pill took ten days, and its effect was stronger than that of Lingyu pill.

It is almost common not to go to the Shendan Pavilion for ten days and a half months. Where there are other monks stationed there, there are formulas for refining elixirs, such as Lan Yu and other alchemists from the Gongsun family.

Li Qiuyu tidied up and flew directly towards the Shendan Pavilion. Due to the expansion of the Shendan Pavilion, Li Qiuyu bought several surrounding shops at a high price.

"Master, you are here."

When Li Qiuyu came to the Shendan Pavilion, all the staff there knew Li Qiuyu. The staff here were all at the foundation establishment stage, and they were jointly managed by Sima Qun and Gongsun Jiaji.

"Well, how's it going here?" Li Qiuyu saw other monks greet him, and he kept returning the greetings, and finally came to Sima Qun.

"Senior, everything is fine here." Sima Qun said respectfully.

Li Qiuyu inspected the shop, and finally came directly to the shop. There are two alchemy stage monks living here every day.

"The master is here."

A monk at the alchemy stage smiled and said, he is Lan Yunzi, a monk at the alchemy stage under Li Qiuyu, who is at the peak of the early stage of alchemy.Li Qiuyu promised to refine a batch of special medicine for him, and finally kept it.

The other one is called Gongsun Ao, who is the grandfather of Gongsun Lanyu. Except for the seventh young master, everyone in the Gongsun family is an alchemist.

"Well, you take care of these elixirs, one for each person, I'm too lazy to come here every day." Li Qiuyu handed two bottles of high-level Zhengqi pills and ten bottles of intermediate Zhengqi pills to Gongsun Ao and Lan Yunzi respectively.

"Your subordinates must keep these pills well." Lan Yunzi and Gongsun Ao said politely. They both knew that Li Qiuyu was only at the late stage of foundation establishment, but they didn't dare to regard Li Qiuyu as a monk at the stage of foundation establishment.

After Li Qiuyu arranged everything properly, he left the Shendan Pavilion and returned to the cave. He planned to retreat for half a year and raise his cultivation to the peak of the late foundation establishment period.

The Nine Palaces Profound Sky Formation is outside the cave. I believe that no one can easily spy on him, and he can practice with peace of mind. There is everything inside, and there is no need to prepare at all.

But half a year later, his late stage foundation cultivation had not reached the peak, but his spiritual consciousness had reached another level, and other spells and exercises had also been cultivated to the extreme by him.

In the space necklace, the sisters Lvyi, Xueying and Xiao Hanyue were still imprisoned. As his cultivation base increased, the changes inside began to change.

But if he wanted to really get in touch with the imprisonment, Li Qiuyu hadn't found a way to get rid of it yet, so he had to wait slowly, and after his cultivation had improved, he would go to other places to find a way to break it.

During Li Qiuyu's retreat, Sima Qun also came several times, and all the intermediate and advanced Zhengqi pills were sold out, but he also brought Li Qiuyu a wealth of medicinal materials and spirit stones.

In him, there are 4000 million low-level spirit stones and 100 million middle-level spirit stones. This figure is almost the sum of several big families in Nanyue City.

Li Qiuyu also increased the benefits of Shendan Pavilion to four times the original ones, and Chen Yu and the four received ten thousand spirit stones every month.

"Sima Qun, keep these pills for me. Even if you destroy them, you still have to keep this pill. Except for the four of you to open this storage bag together, if you open it alone, it will be completely destroyed." Li Qiu Yu threw a storage bag over.

Inside are ten bottles of intermediate righteousness pills and two bottles of high-level righteousness pills. These pills are nothing to him, but they are a huge fortune.

"Disciple must protect the pill well." Sima Qun said respectfully.

"I want to retreat for half a year, even if the pill is gone, you have to refuse until half a year later." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he entered the cave.

When Sima Qun saw Li Qiuyu leaving, he quickly flew towards the Shendan Pavilion. In the city, few people dared to fight, because fighting would attract the attention of the defense team.

Li Qiuyu locked on Sima Qun with his spiritual sense, and after seeing him leave, he also meditated and rested. As soon as the time fell into the night, he put the silver worm into the storage bag, tidied it up briefly, and transformed his body and appearance into one Middle-aged man.

In the end, he shot out of the city, came under the city wall, and directly used his body skills to the extreme, preventing the defense team of Nanyue City from discovering it at all.

After leaving Nanyue City for five hundred miles, Li Qiuyu sacrificed the Tianyun Shenzhou, and flew gracefully on the Tianyun Shenzhou by himself.

He was not in a hurry and drove slowly in the direction of the Yunlu faction, without any accidents along the way. After the third day, the Yunlu faction was far away, but the sound of intensive fighting was transmitted to the consciousness.

Li Qiuyu was only a hundred miles away from the Yunlu Sect, so he could see the changes that happened to the Yunlu Sect. He could only see four monks at the alchemy stage and a group of monks at the foundation stage constantly attacking the disciples of the Yunlu Sect.

Master Long Yun could only resist the attacks of two alchemy-stage monks, while the other two alchemy-stage monks watched quietly.

"Long Yun, as long as you give up this place, the old man will let you go, and our Raging Flame Sect will not embarrass the disciples below you." A middle-aged monk said loudly, with a hint of a sinister smile on his face.

"Lie Ao, you're thinking really well. Even if my Yunlu faction is exhausted, your Lieyan faction won't be the dominant family." Long Yun said loudly while struggling with the attacks of two alchemy stage cultivators. , without noticing, a flame hit the left arm.

Long Yun's body flashed quickly, and then he wrapped a piece of real energy around his arm to prevent his arm from being scrapped, but his arm was injured, and his condition became more and more serious at this moment.

"Hey, you have so much courage to come to my Yunlu faction." A voice said in a lukewarm voice.

"Who is it, get out for me."

Lao Tzu next to Lie Ao said loudly, maybe it's because of the fire system practice, the monks of the Raging Flame Sect are all hot-tempered.

"Brother Li"

"Uncle Li."

Zixue kept dodging behind Lanyin. Lanyin was facing a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment. She wanted to protect Zixue, but she saw a middle-aged female cultivator who had been seriously injured and was meditating on the sidelines.


When Li Qiuyu saw that he had left the Yunlu faction, someone actually came to make trouble. Although the Yunlu faction did not favor him much, Lanyin and Zixue here saved him.

I saw him running the Phoenix Nine Transformations quickly, and a powerful monster energy was constantly brewing, instantly covering the entire Yunlu faction.

The whole process was only an instant, Li Qiuyu swipe casually, and a huge fire dragon shot towards the mid-term cultivator in front of Lanyin.

"don't want……."

When the mid-term cultivator saw the eerie young cultivator in the air, the powerful coercion had already made him tremble. After seeing the huge fire dragon, he yelled in horror, and the fire dragon swallowed him whole.

After the fire dragon passed, there was not even ashes left for the monks of the middle stage, and the storage bags and magic weapons had been reduced to ashes. The four monks of the alchemy stage and other monks of the foundation stage were all startled by the powerful and shocking evil spirit.

"Who told me to get out just now?"

Li Qiuyu walked down from the air step by step. This kind of movement was beyond their imagination, and several alchemy monks felt that they were in trouble.

"Yes, old man, what I said." The big man said loudly, his voice stammered, obviously feeling scared, but as a monk in the alchemy stage, and there were three senior brothers beside him, he was emboldened.

"Then you should lose it first." Li Qiuyu said calmly, as if the alchemy cultivator in front of him was an ant.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body flashed, and a fist was slammed at the big man. None of the four alchemy monks thought that a monk in the late foundation establishment period would have such a perverted aura, let alone that the other party regarded him as nothing. .

They all sacrificed their top-grade spiritual weapons and magic weapons, and hit Li Qiuyu fiercely, but it was useless, and the huge fist hit the big man's chest in an instant.


The big man's body quickly shot backwards, and before the top-grade spiritual weapon in his hand could be used, the other three powerful attacks also came behind Li Qiuyu.

"Shield of Destruction"

Li Qiuyu said softly, a crystal light shield blocked the three attacks, and the three attacks disappeared in a flash on the light shield.

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