After arranging everything, Li Qiuyu can rest assured to practice. After two years of comprehension and practice, the peak in the late stage of foundation establishment has been loosened. He is faintly happy that the alchemy period is coming, but he doesn't know when.

In the world of comprehension, monks at the peak in the late stage of foundation establishment often feel that the alchemy period is coming, but they have to wait for several years or even a lifetime before it arrives.

It took Li Qiuyu half a month to calm down. It is not an exaggeration to say that his mood has reached the ancient well. He does not know how much he has taken of the three elixirs.

In Yunlu Island, Li Qiuyu has been forgotten. All he knows is that Li Qiuyu fought four alchemy stages before and moved his faction to Yunlu Island.

If it weren't for the high-level pills from the Shendan Pavilion, the monks in Nanyue City and the nearby monks thought that Li Qiuyu's elixir had left.

One day after the Yunlu faction moved to Yunlu Island for four years, there was a sudden thunder in the originally clear sky, and a huge thunderbolt flashed across the sky.

The place where the lightning slid was the main peak of Yunlu Island. When all the monks saw the thunderbolt in the clear sky, they thought it was a change in the sky, but such a sign was seen by several monks in the alchemy stage, and they were all shocked.

The thunder in the sky kept ringing, and electric snakes wandered high in the sky. This kind of scene began to appear on the entire island. After leaving, all the thunder and electric snakes only appeared near the main peak.

Li Qiuyu's mind moved, and an electric snake struck towards him, as if hitting the top of his mind, but the electric snake disappeared in mid-air.


Li Qiuyu hastened to hold his mind, even a fool at this moment had reached the most critical moment, the moment when a monk was looking forward to and fearing the most.

The monks below obviously felt the slightest twist in the aura, and quickly rushed towards the main peak of Yunlu Island. Some senior monks in Nanyue City also saw this scene in their eyes.

"A pill-forming Tianzhao, I don't know who is forming a pill near our Nanyue City. The old man has never seen such a pill-forming Tianzhao."

A monk in the late stage of alchemy said lightly, with a hint of envy and fear on his face, monks who formed alchemy under such a sign of the sky are generally not ordinary monks, what is frightening is the strength of the sign and the chance of alchemy will also reduce the distance.

"It should be the one from Yunlu Island. I haven't heard from him for several years, but I didn't expect to practice in retreat on Yunlu Island."

The one who spoke was An Luo, who helped Li Qiuyu handle the purchase procedures of Yunlu Island, and was also an outburst old man who threatened Li Qiuyu.

"The late stage of foundation establishment is so powerful. In just five or six years, he reached the realm of alchemy from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the realm of alchemy. It's hard to imagine. I don't know what magical pills he has in his hands. I'm really looking forward to it."

The Great Elder said seriously, when Li Qiuyu went to Nanyue level, he was only a monk in the mid-stage of foundation establishment. He established the Shendan Pavilion and became famous in one fell swoop. In just five years, he ushered in the heavenly sign of alchemy.

"I hope you don't become my enemy in Nanyue City."

"Such a monk doesn't care about power, as long as it doesn't touch his reverse scale." An Luo said lightly.

"Elder An, I feel from your words that you are a little biased towards this alchemist. Do you want to marry your precious granddaughter to him?"

An old man in Tsing Yi laughed and looked at An Luo with a strange look in his eyes. Several other elders also looked at An Luo.

"Murong old monster, don't come here. I think your baby is called Murong Qingqing, right? He should have a good impression of this alchemist." An Luo gave the old man in Tsing Yi a hard look.

Except for the alchemy cultivators here, all the alchemy cultivators within a thousand miles near Nanyue City felt this heavenly sign of alchemy.

Li Qiuyu held Yuan Shouyi on the main peak of Yunlu Island, and operated the Heaven-shocking Divine Art. The changes in the sky had nothing to do with him, even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, he would not be moved.

"Leave quickly."

A familiar voice reached Yun Linger's ears, and Yun Linger had already seen the vision in the sky. The voice was obviously from her uncle, so she quickly used her movements to fly down the mountain.

When they came to the bottom of the mountain, they saw nearly a thousand monks looking at the main peak in surprise, and the low-ranking disciples also knew from their elders that this was a sign of alchemy.

"Linger, how is your uncle?" Lanyin asked with concern when she saw Yun Linger come down.

"Uncle Lanyin, I was also told by Uncle Li to leave quickly, and I don't know what happened." Yun Linger looked at the vision in the sky and was also a little scared.

"Tell all the disciples to leave the main peak, the pavilion master should be forming alchemy, and we will have one more monk in the alchemy stage on Yunlu Island." The real person Long Yun said excitedly, Li Qiuyu can kill four in the late stage of foundation establishment. At the alchemy stage, he also wanted to see Li Qiuyu's appearance after reaching the alchemy stage.

Li Qiuyu's peak state in the late stage of foundation establishment was completely loosened, and the true essence in the meridians of the whole body circulated rapidly, and the high-speed circulation made the meridians and dantian almost as uncomfortable as exploding.

It turned out that the rich real energy in the dantian was slowly solidifying, and weird visions appeared in his mind, such as Lan Yan's sweet and charming face, and the heartbroken appearance of his parents and grandfather after hearing the news of his loss.

The Tianlong Legion, the Shenwu Legion, Ya Yuqing's lost words and the celestial phenomena caused by the battle between the two are all spinning in his mind one by one.

The last thing that appeared was Xiao Hanyue's sisters, who were so beautiful in the world, Xiao Hanyue was quiet and beautiful, always quiet and gentle, Xiao Qiuyu was always naughty and lively, peerless beauty.

Beads of sweat on Li Qiuyu's forehead fell to the ground one by one, a smile appeared on his face, bitterness and helplessness, after an unknown amount of time, the necklace on Li Qiuyu's heart moved slightly.

This slight movement struck Li Qiuyu's mind hard, pulling his mind back, and finally, painfully circulated the Shocking God Art in his meridians.

"To prove the golden elixir avenue, break it and then stand it, and turn the yuan into a elixir."

Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, and the true energy all over his body rushed towards the dantian quickly, and the frozen true energy slowly rotated in the dantian.


Li Qiuyu only felt a sharp pain rushing into his mind, and his dantian seemed to burst, almost making him dizzy.

This voice sounded in my mind, the dantian really split apart, and finally healed instantly, the real yuan inside, no, there is no real yuan inside, but a golden bead the size of a sesame seed.

Li Qiuyu forcibly endured the pain to turn the beads, and the small golden beads spun rapidly in the broken and healed dantian.


Li Qiuyu secretly thought in his heart that the aura was not enough, so he quickly gave up the bead and turned on the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, and powerful auras surged from the outside world.

With the support of the spiritual energy, the beads in the dantian quickly rotated on their own. Every time they rotated, the dantian would be broken once and repaired instantly.

It's just that the breaking time was a little shorter than the repairing time. I don't know how long it took, but the dantian was no longer broken, and the beads in the dantian slowly rotated by themselves, and traces of aura were also transformed into silver-white mana.

Naturally, he didn't know that the monks under Yunlu Island saw the scene in the sky, and the spiritual energy was rushing towards the main peak at a speed and volume visible to the naked eye, and it felt like the air was almost being emptied.

Time passed unknowingly, and all the monks were still standing still, for fear of affecting Li Qiuyu's alchemy.

Until the noon of the next day, the aura in the air slowly returned to its original state again. During this day, thunder and lightning remained in the air.

Li Qiuyu broke through on the top of the mountain by himself, and at this moment, a turning rainbow appeared in the sky, and the rainbow ruthlessly pressed down on him.

He has been practicing for a long time, so he naturally knows that after this rainbow, he will be safe, and this rainbow will also bring two different results to the monks who have just formed alchemy.

One is that the rainbow can't be resisted and is immediately destroyed, or the rainbow can be blocked, and then the rainbow can be refined to truly reach the realm of a monk in the alchemy stage.

Li Qiuyu's mind moved, and he whispered in his mouth: "The shield of devouring, the night-shocking gun, the sky-shocking finger, and the god-killing halberd."

A crystal light shield covered him tightly, and Jing Tian pointed out, and then the Night-Starling Spear and Miserable Halberd shot up after him.

The attack of the Sky-Shaking Finger collided with the rainbow in an instant, and a strange light curtain spread in the air to the surroundings. Behind the light curtain, a vacuum appeared, and only a monk in the alchemy stage could detect such a situation.

The alchemy monks who saw the scene behind the light curtain were all horrified, and they were all horrified by the consequences of Li Qiuyu's blow from the air.

The rainbow was also trembled by the power of the Jingtian Finger, and almost scattered. At this moment, Jing Yeqiang and Mie Shen Ji, who died later, also hit the rainbow one after another.

There was only an instant between the three attacks, and the rainbow trembled violently, and the rainbow within a radius of ten feet could hardly drop at all.

The power of the rainbow was weakened a lot by the three attacks, but after two breaths, it pressed down again. The rainbow, which was only two hundred feet high from the top of the main peak, reached the top of the main peak in an instant.

Seeing that none of his three most powerful attacks defeated Rainbow, Li Qiuyu was horrified. He couldn't guarantee that the Devouring Shield could completely resist Rainbow. The Nine Transformations of the Phoenix began to work, and a powerful demonic energy enveloped him.

The phoenix is ​​the king of all demons, and his physique is so strong that some ordinary beasts can't compare to it. With the defense of the phoenix's nine transformations and the shield of devouring, he feels a little relieved.


He opened his mouth and shouted softly, and punched the rainbow fiercely. The best defense is to attack. In his mind, the problem can only be solved after the power of the rainbow is consumed.

Facts proved that he was right, when the fist hit the rainbow, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but with the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix and the Devouring Shield, there was not much threat to him.

After the eighth punch, the rainbow was finally broken. Seeing the rainbow scattered and drifting away, Li Qiuyu couldn't allow this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to slip away.

Jingtian Shenjue rotated quickly, and ruthlessly sucked towards the floating rainbow, and then the rainbow was completely surrounded by him.

His whole body was covered by the rainbow, so Li Qiuyu was naturally not a ignorant practitioner, so he quickly absorbed these talents by running the exercises.

I don't know how long it took before it was completely absorbed by him, and the sky sign in the sky disappeared at some point, and everything returned to calm.

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