Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 373 Obtaining the Golden Core Dao

Seeing the disappearance of the heavenly sign in the sky, the monks below all waited quietly, because the last rainbow was too powerful to be destroyed.

Whether Li Qiuyu's alchemy is destroyed or successful is what they care about, and even some other forces and casual cultivators are concerned about the safety of the spirit alchemist.

Li Qiuyu's loss and success are related to the elixir. If there is no high-level elixir, their chances of cultivation will also decrease a lot.

The golden beads in the dantian were nourished by the spiritual energy and the rainbow, and gradually became stable. The beads were also several times larger than before, and the crystal beads exuded bursts of dazzling brilliance.

Li Qiuyu sat down tiredly, but with an excited smile on his face, the alchemy stage has been reached, this is a realm that a monk dreams of, and perhaps one of the millions of monks can only achieve it after a lifetime of experience realm.

Not only does his strength skyrocket in this realm, but his lifespan has also reached more than 400 years old, which means that as long as there are no accidents, Li Qiuyu can live another [-] years even if he doesn't practice.

He probed the internal vision technique into the dantian, and the dantian changed from the original lake to a vast ocean, but there was not much seawater inside, and a crystal golden bead in the seawater swirled endlessly on it.

The sea water is extremely calm, and Li Qiuyu knows that as long as the exercises are used, the sea water will definitely produce earth-shattering effects.

The meridians are like wide rivers, the water in the river continuously flows into the ocean, and then flows into the river from the other side, and the ocean and river circulate continuously.

These sea waters are the mana for his cultivation, and it is no longer the true essence of the past. After reaching the alchemy stage, the true essence is transformed into mana.

The difference in power between the two was not based on reason at all. With a slight movement of Li Qiuyu's Heaven-shocking Divine Art, mana from his whole body surged out, and a fiery red light ball appeared in his hand. This speed was countless times faster than before.

As long as the mind moves, the spiritual consciousness gathers to control the mana, and a dark blue light cluster appears in the other hand. Li Qiuyu merges the two light clusters at will, and there is no such jerky feeling as before.

Immediately, he pushed his hands up into the sky, and a red and blue light shot straight into the clouds. There was a loud noise, and the clouds in the clouds scattered in all directions. The sky is clear.

Immediately, Li Qiuyu shot into the air, and the whole person appeared [-] feet above the sky, standing firmly in the air, with a fairy-like appearance, looking extremely chic and elegant.

As his current spiritual consciousness breaks through the alchemy stage, his spiritual consciousness has also skyrocketed to another level. It used to extend to 150 miles in front of him, but now it can extend to [-] miles without any problem. It has reached the level of the middle and late stages of ordinary alchemy.

"Congratulations to the Pavilion Master for obtaining the Golden Core Dao." Daoist Long Yun shouted loudly, his heart was full of excitement. Li Qiuyu's ability to reach the alchemy stage added another powerful force to the Yunlu faction.

He used to pay attention to his identity, but now that Li Qiuyu has also reached the alchemy stage, the two of them are of the same seniority, and they no longer have any scruples about their identity.

"Disciple, congratulations to Master Uncle for obtaining the Golden Core Dao." Some monks in the foundation stage shouted respectfully, changing from a peer to an elder is nothing more than normal in the world of comprehension.

"My subordinates, congratulations to the master of the pavilion for obtaining the Golden Core Dao." The four monks who formed the alchemy also saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully. The alchemy period who was originally stationed in Nanyue City also rushed back when they saw the sign of Yunlu Island.

"Disciple, congratulations to master for obtaining the Golden Core Dao." All the disciples in the qi training period respectfully greeted Li Qiuyu as disciples.

"Okay, if I am certified to the Golden Core Dao, the whole school will be rewarded, and the benefits will be doubled for one year." Li Qiuyu said loudly, the distance of eight hundred feet is not a distance at all for monks.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his whole body disappeared into the air in a flash. This is the real teleportation, a skill that only monks above the alchemy stage can possess.

It's just that Li Qiuyu practiced the Nine Changes of the Phoenix in the past, and had some control over teleportation, and now she really understands the profound meaning of teleportation.

He quickly returned to the top of the mountain, and Yun Ling'er also quickly returned to the mountain. Li Qiuyu has just broken through the alchemy stage and needs to stabilize his realm. Many problems in the realm have not been resolved, and his appearance just now is just a signal to Yunlu Island. .

The skyrocketing spiritual consciousness and the skyrocketing cultivation base, he has not yet adapted to it for a while, if the teleportation just now hadn't been for long-term practice of Phoenix Nine Transformations, he would have hit the stone wall long ago.

He smiled wryly, if he was seen by other monks, tell him how to meet people in the future, he hurriedly meditated and practiced, slowly stabilizing the unstable state in his body.

Yun Ling'er didn't go to Li Qiuyu's place to bother her, she just practiced in her original place, secretly envious of her uncle, who is now a master, and secretly envied her master who reached the alchemy stage.

Li Qiuyu was meditating to stabilize her realm, and after a month, Li Qiuyu slowly stood up, her realm has gradually stabilized, and naturally there will be no regressing of her realm.

This month, he has been continuously running the Heaven-shocking Divine Art and Phoenix Nine Changes, and it has become boring, at least his realm has been stabilized.

Nanyue City, which is [-] miles away, also faintly appeared in his mind. This was the benefit of a strong spiritual sense, and he could see objects or monks as far away as [-] miles away.

On this day, several figures in Nanyue City flashed out quickly, and they came in the direction of Yunlu Island. Li Qiuyu naturally sensed that someone was coming, and it was a monk in the alchemy stage who came.

The teleportation of the alchemy stage, five hundred Li Qiuyu is a moment, Li Qiuyu knew that he had to show up, he tidied up a little and prepared to go.

"Nanyue Murong Hao, Nanyue Sikong Yuntian, Nanyue Piaolingyu, Nanyue Sima Yong, congratulations to Your Excellency Yunlu Island Spiritual Alchemy Master for obtaining the golden alchemy avenue. I am here to congratulate you."

The eight alchemy stage monks came to the front of Yunlu Island in a short time, and shouted loudly, Li Qiuyu visited all these people one by one, and the most profound one was Murong Hao, who was already at the peak of the alchemy stage up.

"Haha, fellow daoists, you are being polite. Li Qiuyu has been too far away and has neglected fellow daoists. Please forgive me." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, floated down from Mount Everest, and came to the front of the eight alchemy monks.

"Brother Li, as a spirit alchemist, has made contributions to Nanyue City for all to see. Now that he has obtained the golden alchemy path again, it is really gratifying." Murong Hao also said with a laugh.

"That's right, Nanyue City has never appeared before, but once Brother Li goes, he will be an alchemist, and our status in Nanyue City will greatly increase."

Sikong Yuntian also said politely, during the eight alchemy stages, you kept talking to me one sentence at a time, it was all polite.

The five monks in the alchemy stage of Yunlu Island all came to Li Qiuyu and greeted each other, and finally the group was escorted to the living room where Yunlu received.

"Brother Li has reached the alchemy stage, and my Murong family has nothing to show for it. Only this herb is the most suitable for Brother Li. It is a waste for others to get him."

Murong Hao took out a jade box, handed it to a low-level disciple of the Yunlu Sect, and brought it to Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu opened the box politely, and a powerful spiritual energy gushed out.

"Brother Murong, you are being polite. I am really ashamed to accept such precious medicinal materials." Li Qiuyu said politely, with a slight smile on his face.

Inside is actually a ten-thousand-year dragon scale fruit, its effect is countless times better than that of white phosphorus fruit, not to mention the ten-thousand-year dragon scale fruit, which still has a trace of spirituality.

"Hehe, Brother Li is laughing at you. Only in the hands of a spirit alchemist can the true value of the Wannian medicine be realized." Murong Hao laughed loudly.

"Then I will honor Brother Murong's love, Li will definitely not let it humiliate me." Li Qiuyu smiled softly, and then put the jade box into the storage bag.

"Brother Li's breakthrough, the Sikong family will naturally have some gifts. This is a flaming pearl, brother Li, don't dislike it." Sikong Yuntian also took out a brocade box.

"Raging Flame Orb, hehe, Sikong, you are willing." Piao Lingyu said with a smile, looking at Sikong Yuntian.

"What's the matter? Although the Raging Flame Orb is precious, only Brother Li can use it." Sikong Yuntian said lightly.

Li Qiuyu reached out to open the box, and saw that a fiery red bead in the box was sealed by a magic talisman. Li Qiuyu lifted the bead up with force, and then tore off the talisman.

Suddenly a scorching high temperature spread in the air, Li Qiuyu quickly surrounded the high temperature with mana, and then stuck it with the token.

Just the temperature of the bead's instinct is like this. If it is sacrificed by a monk, the effect will be absolutely astonishing.

Li Qiuyu said a few words politely, and put away the Lieyan plant. Finally, Piao Lingyu also handed the 1-year medicinal material to Li Qiuyu.

On behalf of the defense team, Sima Yong handed a sign to Li Qiuyu, which represented the identity of the most core elder of the defense team.

Several monks at the alchemy stage were horrified when they saw the sign Sima Yong took out. There were only fourteen core elders in the defense team. Although Sima Yong was at the alchemy stage, he was not among the core elders. But was elected as the core elder.

Li Qiuyu put away these things, and politely exchanged his cultivation experience during the alchemy period with several people. These experiences are definitely a huge gain for Li Qiuyu who has just formed an alchemy.

The world of comprehension is no ordinary person, except for some fragrant tea and fruit, they didn't eat or talk at all, and they talked together for more than two hours.

The eight of them took their leave and left, Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't let them go back empty-handed, each of them had two Heaven Returning Pills and one Lingyu Pill.

Several people were overjoyed when they saw the elixir. Li Qiuyu had never taken out this elixir. Naturally, no one had seen the elixirs of the third and fourth ranks.

They all cast admiring glances at Li Qiuyu. The fourth-grade pill is just a legend, and they never expected it to be refined by the spirit alchemist in front of them.

Sending off these monks at the alchemy stage, Master Longyun and the others felt relieved, thinking that these monks at the alchemy stage were here to trouble Yunlu Island, but they didn't expect that they were all here to congratulate them.

"This is for you." Li Qiuyu handed the Moment Spirit Jade Pills to five monks at the alchemy stage respectively. These alchemy stage monks are all from Yunlu Island. Now that he has reached the alchemy stage, the materials for the Spirit Jade Pill are still available. Two furnaces, naturally not afraid of not being able to find materials.

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