Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 374 Yearly Changes in Yunlu Island

Five monks in the alchemy stage surprised and put the pills into storage bags. Li Qiuyu also returned to the mountain to practice, but some monks did not let him practice. All came to congratulate.

It's congratulations, but it's actually a disguised flattery. Naturally, Li Qiuyu won't reject these monks, since it won't do him any harm.

After ten days, Yunlu Island became the busiest place near Nanyue City. Li Qiuyu received a lot of congratulatory gifts, most of which were medicinal materials and some rare materials.

The reputation of Yunlu Island is almost the same as that of Nanyue City. Some monks joined Yunlu Island, and some small forces were also protected by Yunlu Island.

Li Qiuyu is also known as the island owner, but Li Qiuyu put the newly joined monks through various tests before staying to observe.

Most of these monks are in the Qi training stage or the foundation building stage, but there are also two alchemy stage monks. The two alchemy stage monks each chose a smaller mountain to practice on Yunlu Island.

With the increase in the number of people on Yunlu Island, Li Qiuyu also set the rules. In his opinion, the rules of monks are nothing more than pulling the soul and refining the soul.

Those who fight on the island are severely punished, those who fight each other are severely punished, those who betray Yunlu Island are severely punished, and those who commit crimes at once are severely punished. These severe punishments are all made by Li Qiuyu.

Although Li Qiuyu didn't say the boundaries of the punishment, but from Li Qiuyu's eyes and tone, he knew that such a punishment was not generally acceptable to repairers.

Now the scale of Yunlu Island is large, and the welfare conditions have also been set. The monks in the alchemy stage have [-] low-level spirit stones per month, five thousand per month in the late stage of foundation establishment, two thousand in the early and middle stages of foundation establishment, and ten levels of Qi training. Five hundred, and one hundred spirit stones per month for other monks.

For the benefits of pills, monks below the ninth level of Qi training will get an intermediate Qi training pill every month, monks at the tenth level of Qi training will get a high-level Qi training pill, a high-level second-grade pill at the beginning and middle stages of foundation building, and intermediate-level Qi training pills for late-stage monks. Third-rank Dan, a senior third-rank Dan for monks in the alchemy period.

Disciples and monks who have contributed to Yunlu Island also exchanged for pills and spirit stones. As soon as such benefits were announced, they immediately attracted strong repercussions from Nanyue City and even the entire surrounding monks.

Generally, the low-level monks of the big forces only have five spirit stones every month, and the welfare of the low-level monks on Yunlu Island has reached the foundation-building period or even the alchemy period of the big forces.

The elixir is even more incomparable. In the entire Qianling Island, I am afraid that only the Yunlu Island family has such courage.

Li Qiuyu carved a twenty-foot-high tungsten steel stone pillar into the four island rules of Yunlu Island, and all violators will be wanted by the whole party until their souls are refined.

The souls of those who trespassed on Yunlu Island were extracted, and those who fought in the hundreds of miles near Yunlu Island extracted their souls, including all monks.

At the seaside, the same tall stone pillar enters within five hundred miles of Yunlu Island, and the fighters will be killed without mercy!

Together with some small islands near Yunlu Island, Li Qiuyu has designated them as subsidiary islands of Yunlu Island. These islands are settled by families and monks who have made contributions to Yunlu Island.

The scale of Yunlu Island has expanded, and Li Qiuyu also announced an exciting news at the task release office. All monks with alchemy talents will have a chance to go to Yunlu Island for alchemy training, and monks who pass the assessment can become Yunlu Island alchemy disciple.

Yunlu Island is a place of alchemy. It does not participate in any power struggle and is in a neutral force. However, there are monks and forces that provoke Yunlu Island, destroying the nine clans and punishing the whole faction.

After Yunlu Island released this news, it attracted dissatisfaction from some big forces, but they did not dare to offend Yunlu Island. As for some families who competed for power, they were a little relieved.

Yunlu Island now has seven monks at the alchemy stage, plus the island owner Li Qiuyu's spiritual alchemist, the strength is within a radius of two thousand miles of Nanyue City, and it can be regarded as a first-class force.

In addition to practicing, the disciples of Yunlu Island also need to do various tasks. These tasks are to manage the business of the Shendan Pavilion or collect medicinal materials.

Time passed day by day, and many monks with alchemy experience and talent came to Yunlu Island for assessment. Of course, these were first tested by Gongsun Ao and Gongsun Lanyu, and then Li Qiuyu made the final decision.

After half a year, eighty talented alchemy monks were finally left behind. Li Qiuyu taught these new disciples the modified alchemy technique.

These disciples all joined Yunlu Island, and within half a year, they were able to refine second-grade low-grade pills, and individual monks could also refine intermediate-grade second-grade pills.

Even a young monk named Lingyu in the early stage of foundation establishment refined a third-grade primary elixir, which was accepted by Li Qiuyu as a registered disciple.

With more than 300 alchemy disciples, he didn't need to do any pills below the third-grade low-level pills. They were all handed over to Lingyu and Gongsun Lanyu. Gongsun Ao controlled the alchemy situation of all alchemy disciples.

After one year of Li Qiuyu, all the disciples were assessed by Li Qiuyu, and there were actually eleven disciples who reached the realm of alchemy masters. Li Qiuyu naturally gave them a certain status and honor. Among the alchemists who were audited by spirit alchemists, eleven alchemists The name appeared in Nanyue City.

"Alchemy is a difficult profession, but it is also a glorious and honorable profession. As long as you have a persistent heart, it is not difficult to become a spiritual alchemist. In front of me, you all have the opportunity to become a spiritual alchemist. You He will be the most glorious elixir master in the entire Qianling Island, and even the entire Bihai."

Li Qiuyu said loudly to the eleven alchemists, they would naturally not doubt Li Qiuyu's words, a monk in the alchemy stage who was only less than 20 years old, and a mythical alchemist.

"I will keep in mind Master's teachings, and I will never disappoint Master." The eleven alchemists said respectfully. In terms of cultivation level, perhaps no one admires Li Qiuyu, because they are already numb, but they have no respect for Li Qiuyu. The realm and technology of alchemy have completely reached the existence of a person looking up to.

"The alchemy disciples below also have the opportunity, because you just have little time and experience. When you have enough experience and time, you can also become alchemists or even spirit alchemists."

Li Qiuyu said loudly to more than 200 alchemy disciples below, with a slight smile on his face, showing a confident look in the smile.

"The disciple must work hard, and will not disappoint the island owner."

Li Qiuyu praised these alchemy disciples, and finally returned to the top of the mountain, and concentrated on cultivation, and his alchemy skills still had to be improved.

Time slipped away like this. Li Qiuyu also stayed on Yunlu Island for a full ten years. The disciples below continued to reach the foundation building stage from the tenth level of Qi training, and even several late foundation monks also reached the alchemy stage. The sign of heaven is not as exaggerated as Li Qiuyu, but it still attracts the attention of other forces.

Since Li Qiuyu led the Tianzhao breakthrough to the alchemy stage ten years ago, there have been seven alchemy signs on Yunlu Island in ten years, and five successful alchemy times.

This perverted alchemy rate and speed of cultivation really made Yunlu Island the envy and jealousy of the forces within a radius of ten thousand miles in Nanyue City.

Twelve monks in the alchemy stage, 500 monks in the late foundation stage, more than 42 monks in the other foundation stage, [-] monks in the Qi training stage, and [-] alchemists. Such a force has become the top existence of Nanyue City in one fell swoop. .

After Yunlu Island became stronger, all the disciples felt more and more stable, and they did not dare to feel betrayal at all. Besides, the welfare of Yunlu Island could be compared with several forces.

Li Qiuyu's worth exceeded 20 billion low-level spirit stones in one fell swoop, and 500 million middle-level spirit stones. The materials in his hands were extremely rich, but the only regret was that the Tianying Pill still lacked five kinds of medicinal materials.

They are ten thousand year stalactite, ten thousand year blazing sun fruit, 10 thousand year ginseng essence, seventh level inner alchemy and seventh level monster blood essence.It's okay to say that the blood of the seventh-level monster is fine, but he can still ask for a drop or two of the blood of the green clothes.

Ten years can be said to be a vicissitudes in Li Qiuyu's place, because sister Xiao Hanyue and Xue Yingdiao Lvyi are still trapped in the space necklace.

However, with the improvement of his cultivation base, the restraint in the space necklace has also loosened a little bit, but Li Qiuyu dare not attack with his spiritual sense, fearing to injure the two sisters and the green-clothed blood eagle.

His cultivation base has also been completely stabilized, and he has reached a peak in the early stage of alchemy, and he can control the registered spells and magic weapons as he likes.

For ten years, Li Qiuyu has not left Yunlu Island for a single step. Li Qiuyu's name is a god-like existence on Yunlu Island, and he dare not spread any information about Li Qiuyu to the outside world.

Several forces thought that Li Qiuyu had left, because besides Li Qiuyu, there were two other people in Yunlu Island who could refine the advanced third-grade Zhengqi pill.

They are Lingyu and Gongsun Lanyu. The outside world has always believed that all the pills are refined by Gongsun Lanyu and Lingyu, so it also makes people greedy.

Nanyue married

"Brother Cheng, I think the power on Yunlu Island is pretty good. What do you think?" A black-clothed monk said softly. It looked like he was half a hundred years old, but his cultivation was profound, and he had reached the peak of the mid-stage alchemy. .

Sitting beside him were six or seven monks who had also reached the alchemy stage, with a monstrous lotus flower embroidered on the chest of their clothes. Those monks who knew the power distribution around Nanyue City knew that they were monks of the White Lotus Sect.

There are a total of ten alchemy-stage monks in the White Lotus Sect, and they can be considered a thousand-year-old power in Nanyue City. The appearance of Shendan Pavilion and Yunlu Island gradually made them jealous.

"Brother Ximen, the power of Yunlu Island is indeed powerful. I wonder why Brother Ximen mentioned Yunlu Island to me?" Cheng Yunxi smiled slightly.

Marriage is also one of the top ten forces in Nanyue City, and there are 15 monks in the alchemy stage. If it weren't for the fact that there were no monks in the late stage of alchemy, Marriage would have become the largest force in Nanyue City long ago.

"Brother Cheng understands people, so let's stop pretending to be confused. We only need the spirit stones and pills from Yunlu Island, and the rest will belong to your Cheng family."

Ximen Ling said loudly, and finally looked at Cheng Yunxi, and the whole living room suddenly fell silent, without a single sound.

"Okay, but the power of Yunlu Island is not small. Our two families alone may not be able to afford such a price. You must know that the other party has at least twelve alchemy stages, and the monks in the foundation stage are no better than our two factions." few."

Chengyunxi thought for a while, and calculated all the benefits. Yunlu Island is worth 3000 million. If the alchemists on it are controlled by his own family, it will definitely be an attractive wealth.

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