"Brother Cheng, don't worry, I have already contacted two other sects with good strength, Brother Cheng of Tianlingmen and Ziyunzong, you know."

Ximen Ling said with a smile, the Cheng family promised to come down and deal with Yunlu Island in this way, and it would be absolutely easy to capture. Thinking of the medicine and wealth of Yunlu Island, he was very excited.

"Hehe, the strength of these two forces is pretty good, but Brother Ximen must pay attention, our family must not hide it, or we may not be able to afford such revenge when Yunlu Island has a chance to sue." Cheng Yunxi said seriously.

"Of course, I naturally know that our White Lotus Sect has six alchemy-stage monks, Tianlingmen has three alchemy-stage monks, and Ziyunmen has three alchemy-stage monks. No matter how you get married, you can get six alchemy-stage monks." A long-term monk."

Ximen Ling looked at Cheng Yunxi, and said indifferently, his face was full of anticipation. This kind of union, even if they don't want to start a family, still have a chance, but they just tie the family together.

"Okay, we also have six monks at the alchemy stage, and fifty at the foundation establishment stage." Cheng Yunxi pondered for a moment. There should be [-] monks at the alchemy stage in total, and they should have no problem dealing with Yunlu Island.

"Let Brother Cheng rest assured, our suzerain just reached the late stage of alchemy two years ago, otherwise we would have already attacked Yunlu Island." Ximen Ling said confidently.

"Sect Master Ximen has already reached the late stage of alchemy, and it really couldn't be better." Cheng Yunxi was surprised and overjoyed. It seems that the White Lotus Sect has long wanted to annex Yunlu Island, and there are late stage monks , It couldn't be better to deal with Yunlu Island.

"The matter is settled like this. After five days, we will all gather at the beach and destroy Yunlu Island in one fell swoop." Ximenling said happily.

"Okay, let's attack Yunlu Island together in five days." Cheng Yunxi said straightforwardly.

Ximenling took a few alchemy stage monks and quickly left the Chengjia, and then left Nanyue City. After Ximenling left, Cheng Yunxi came to a secret room in the deep courtyard of the Chengjia.

"Second Uncle, you know what Ximenling of the White Lotus Sect said just now. I don't know what you think of it." Cheng Yunxi bowed respectfully to a middle-aged monk.

"This suggestion is good, but it's very risky. Even if we take Yunlu Island, we won't be able to take advantage of it. Besides, the loss of the alchemist will definitely bring disaster to our family. We still don't want it." Go make this idea." The middle-aged monk pondered for a moment, then said lightly.

"Yunxi knows, let them toss. After Yunlu Island falls into Bailianzong, we will attack Bailianzong. There is no reason for other monks to blame us." Cheng Yunxi smiled sinisterly. road.

"Be careful yourself, you are now the head of the married family, and everything must be considered for the overall situation of the married family." The middle-aged monk said seriously.

"Yunxi understands, I will take care of it." After Cheng Yunxi finished speaking, he saluted the middle-aged monk and left the secret room.

Li Qiuyu knew that powerful people were jealous of Yunlu Island, but he didn't expect that someone had already started plotting against Yunlu Island. He practiced hard on the top of the mountain, and came to Yun Ling'er to relax from time to time.

In ten years, Yun Ling'er is also 25 or [-] years old, but Li Qiuyu gave her a Zhuyan Pill ten years ago, and now she still looks [-] or [-] years old, but her appearance is more beautiful and refined.

In the middle stage of foundation establishment, she can be regarded as an upper-middle-level figure in Yunlu Island, but she has been practicing in Li Qiuyu's Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation.

Counting the years, it has been 15 years since Li Qiuyu came to Bihai, and she cannot forget Fengyue Continent in her heart. This Yun Linger completely regards Li Qiuyu as an elder.

However, Li Qiuyu's appearance is still the same as ten years ago, but with the increase in cultivation base, the whole person looks more strange.

On this day, he was cultivating, and his whole body was in a state of emptiness. He was in his consciousness within a radius of five hundred miles. A large number of monks appeared by the seaside of Nanyue City, and all of them were profound.

The lowest one was also at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and there were still more than a dozen alchemy stage monks, counting as many as 200. Li Qiuyu was taken aback, as the one who should come had come.

"Linger, go to Longyun and notify the defense of the whole island that there is an enemy attack." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly, and a subtle sound wave was sent towards Yun Linger.

Yun Ling'er was shocked when she got the voice transmission from her uncle, she didn't know who would dare to come to Yunlu Island to make trouble, and the whole island was on alert.

On the beach a hundred miles away from Nanyue City, a large number of monks looked at the direction of Yunlu Island excitedly, and they all regarded Yunlu Island as something in their pockets.

"Brother Ximen, why haven't the family members arrived yet? Could it be that they have repented?"

A female cultivator in white gauze said loudly, with doubts in her eyes, she also came to attack Yunlu Island at the invitation of Bailianzong Ximenling, the elder of the Ziyun sect, Fairy Ziling.

"Fairy Ziling, don't worry. Let's wait a little longer. Even if we don't get married, the strength of our three factions can deal with Yunlu Island. It's just that our losses will be greater, but our gains will be much greater." Ximen Ling smiled. Said.

"Brother Ximen said that the twelve alchemy cultivators on Yunlu Island have all formed alchemy recently, and there is no need to worry about being even more stupid. With the cooperation of our Ziyun, Bailian, and Tianling sects, it is not easy to catch them." Heaven Jin Wuyun of Lingmen said loudly that his cultivation in the middle stage of alchemy is naturally something to be proud of.

Half an hour passed, and Ximenling showed disappointment on his face. He was sure that the married couple would not be involved, and their movement had already attracted the attention of the forces in Nanyue City.

"Go, attack Yunlu Island with all your strength." A black-clothed monk said loudly, his face was covered by a veil, and he couldn't see the slightest expression, but his whole body exuded a cold aura, coupled with Ximen Ling's respectful attitude towards this person, Everyone knew that this person was Ximen Luoyun, the suzerain of the White Lotus Sect.

Two hundred senior monks quickly flew towards Yunlu Island. The speed of the foundation-building monks was naturally extremely fast, and they had already entered Yunlu Island a hundred miles away in a short time.

This is already the monitoring place of Yunlu Island. After receiving Li Qiuyu's sound transmission warning, the defense is naturally much tighter. Most of the monks are gathered together, ready to meet the enemy.

"This is the area of ​​Yunlu Island, please show the token to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, and then enter Yunlu Island one step further, kill without mercy!"

A monk patrolling in the middle stage of foundation establishment said loudly, feeling horrified in his heart, more than 200 monks came at once, and there were also twelve alchemy stage monks, the more powerful one couldn't even see through his own middle stage of foundation establishment.


A cold voice came out, and then a lotus-shaped white cloud covered the five patrolling monks, and the five monks were lost without the slightest chance to fight back.

After killing the five patrolling monks, more than 200 monks landed towards Yunlu Island without any pause, and saw that the whole island was empty without a single figure.

"Sovereign, something is wrong. Could it be that Yunlu Island knew we were coming, and everyone withdrew?" a monk in the alchemy stage asked loudly.

"Hey, the White Lotus Sect, the Ziyun Sect, and the Tianling Sect are so brave, they dare to touch our Yunlu Island." A loud voice sounded, and a huge mask appeared two hundred feet away, with all the people inside. It is a monk above the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"It turns out that we have prepared for it a long time ago. From now on, Yunlu Island will belong to our three factions." Ximenling looked at the monks in the mask.

More than two hundred monks quickly flashed out of the mask, and there were actually more than 2000 people inside, all of whom were disciples in the Qi training period.

The number of people on both sides was almost the same. There were more than 200 foundation-building monks standing behind the eleven alchemy-stage monks on Yunlu Island, most of whom were in the middle and late foundation-building stages.

The other foundation-building stage monks were in the mask, all of them had serious expressions on their faces. After all, the other party had monks in the middle and late stages of alchemy.

"Hands on"

Simon Luoyun said coldly, the number of the two sides is almost the same, and the strength of the alchemy stage monks on his side is much stronger than that of Yunlu Island. As long as the opponent's alchemy stage monks are solved, these low-level disciples are not enough at all For concern.

The monks on both sides are on the verge of breaking out, with eleven monks at the alchemy stage facing twelve monks at the alchemy stage, and monks at the foundation establishment stage facing each other at the foundation establishment stage.

Only Ximen Luoyun did not move, because Li Qiuyu, the spirit alchemist, never appeared, and time passed slowly. The alchemy stage monks on Yunlu Island only broke through in the past ten years, and the others were also at the peak of the early stage, and Bailian There are several middle-stage monks in the alchemy stage of the Zongsan Sect.

Fortunately, more than a dozen monks in the late stage of foundation establishment in Yunlu Island restrained a monk in the early stage of alchemy. Otherwise, the monks in the early stage of alchemy would enter the battle of the modified foundation stage, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I heard that your island master is also an existence in the alchemy stage. Could it be that you don't care about your losses, or your island master has already left." Ximen Luoyun said boldly.

"Dare to come to my Yunlu Island. It seems that I didn't take Li seriously. If I don't do anything for ten years, I will teach you a lesson." An elegant voice sounded in the air.

Li Qiuyu's figure appeared in mid-air, without the slightest aura in her body, and finally landed slowly, [-] feet away from Ximen Luoyun.

"Are you the alchemist of Yunlu Island?" Ximen Luoyun was also surprised when he saw Li Qiuyu. Seeing that Yanzi was a young man, his actual age could not be seen at all.

"All the disciples in the foundation-building period will go back. Be careful, what will happen if you violate Yunlu Island." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

After he appeared, everyone stopped, and more than 200 foundation-building stage monks all entered the mask, and the lost more than ten foundation-building stage disciples were also carried back.

"It's so arrogant, I want to see how capable the alchemist is." Ximen Ling saw that Li Qiuyu was only at the peak of the early stage of alchemy, and that he was at the peak of the middle stage of alchemy. said loudly.

"Okay, I'll give you this chance, but you have to lose, everyone has to lose." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the momentum of his whole body surged, and a powerful monster energy surged out.

"Seventh brother be careful." Seeing Li Qiuyu's aura, Ximen Luoyun finally knew that Li Qiuyu was not an ordinary alchemy cultivator, so he lightly reminded him.

"Deal with him, a small problem." Ximen Ling was also surprised by Li Qiuyu's aura, but the whole aura rose to the end, and it could only be almost the same as his peak in the middle stage of alchemy.

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