"The center of nothingness? Kill me." Li Qiuyu said helplessly. The center of nothingness is the place where the hall of nothingness appears.

With a distance of tens of thousands of miles, it took two years to open the hall?This is a huge calculation. It is thousands of miles away from the teleportation to here. Even if the monks in the alchemy stage don't eat or drink, it will take half a year to fly.

In addition to rest, encountering monsters blocking the way, and if there is an air ban, magic weapons cannot be used to fly. If you want to rush to the center, there is not much time for treasure hunting in two years.

However, he was instantly teleported to the center of the void, directly reducing the distance of tens of thousands of miles and the unknown dangers on the way, and he himself was also blinded.

But he faced tens of thousands of high-level monsters by himself: "Could it be the relationship between the space necklace and the colorful light of the tower-shaped hall?"

Li Qiuyu was puzzled, otherwise there is such a powerful teleportation array in the world?Is there such a coincidence in the world?Even if he came to Fengyue Continent from another world, he didn't believe that he came here by mistake in the teleportation array unintentionally.

"You said I came a year and a half earlier?" Li Qiuyu looked at the cloud beast and asked.

"Yes, humans will come in here every hundred years, but this time there is still a year and a half before the century, even if it is the soonest, it is half a year earlier, but it was encountered by the poisonous dragon, and it was finally damaged. .” Cloud Beast said proudly.

"There are so many senior monks here, how do you still exist?" Li Qiuyu asked seriously.

"Half a month before the opening of the Hall of Nothingness, the monsters here will be trapped by invisible prohibitions, or the monsters will be covered by an invisible mist, and the monks will not be able to see them. As long as we don't attack humans, you will never see them." .”

The cloud beast crawled on the ground, extremely leisurely, but Li Qiuyu was in a daze on the spot.

"Do you know where the Hall of Nothingness is opened?" Li Qiuyu felt more and more that this place of nothingness was controlled by an invisible hand.

Li Qiuyu hates the feeling of being controlled by unknown dangers, but his cultivation at the early stage of alchemy can only be manipulated here.

"Hall of nothingness?" Yun Beast trembled in fear.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"If you beat me to death, I will not take you to the Hall of Nothingness. Even if I am willing to take you there, we have no chance to reach that place."

The cloud beast kept shaking its head, feeling that there was something that frightened him there, and Li Qiuyu was even more confused. The seventh-level monster would rather be beaten to death by himself than go to that place.

"You know that place? Is there anything powerful there?"

"It's only a hundred thousand miles away from here, but no one or any beast can enter within a thousand miles of the Great Hall of Nothingness. The Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness are everywhere within a thousand miles of the Great Hall of Nothingness."

"Tianhan Aurora and Qi of Nothingness? What are those?" Li Qiuyu said in surprise.

"Gang Feng, you should know that Tianhan Jiguang is an existence thousands of times more powerful than Gangfeng, not to mention the alchemy stage and the seventh-level monsters, even if the eighth-level monsters go there, they can be instantly killed in front of Tianhan Jiguang It's gone to ashes."

The cloud beast seemed to have thought of something, the fear in its eyes became more intense, and Li Qiuyu was also horrified when he heard that the gang wind was already an irresistible existence in the alchemy stage. The air of nothingness.

"Then why did someone enter the Hall of Nothingness after it was opened?"

"When the Great Hall of Nothingness was opened, the Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness disappeared. Do you know why there are no humans from the Nascent Soul Stage here?"


"Because monks who have passed the alchemy stage will be instantly killed by Tianhan Jiguang as soon as they enter. I heard from the ancestors of the cloud beast family that many monks in the late stage of transformation were also instantly killed by Tianhan Jiguang. Prohibited borders inside and outside."

"Is there an existence that can be instantly killed by a cultivator in the transformation stage?"

"In addition to Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness, sometimes there will be other unknown dangers of interest. Although they are not as powerful as the Aurora Tianhan and the Qi of Nothingness, they are still difficult to deal with."

"Are there any powerful monsters on the way?"

Li Qiuyu calmed down for a while, and her heart was filled with some inexplicable emotions, including fear, excitement, and anticipation.

"Of course there is. That 10-year-old poisonous flood dragon must have reached the mid-seventh stage by now, which is equivalent to your human's Nascent Soul stage monks, and it is a transformed monster."

The cloud beast didn't know what Li Qiuyu was thinking, but if Li Qiuyu wanted to ask, it could only answer one by one.

"Okay, let's practice here for two months, and then go to meet the mid-seventh-stage monster. If we can kill the mid-seventh-stage poisonous dragon, that place will be for you to practice. You just need to bring me to the hall of nothingness. Where the sky is cold and the aurora is, I will let you go, we owe nothing to each other."

"Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, since he came here a year and a half before others, he would not give up this opportunity.

"Let me think about it, and I'll give you an answer in five days." The cloud beast pondered as if something had happened.

"it is good"

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he came to these thousand-year-old spiritual fruits, and with a movement of consciousness, a huge handprint grabbed towards the thousand-year-old spiritual fruits, and finally put them into the space necklace continuously.

Half an hour later, tens of thousands of thousand-year-old spiritual fruits had all entered the space necklace, and Li Qiuyu saw that the cloud beast was still in deep meditation.

With a movement in my heart, a top-quality spiritual weapon appeared in my hand, and then I drew it down under the spiritual fruit trees. Finally, with a movement of consciousness, more than ten spiritual fruit trees have entered the space necklace.

Only after his cultivation reached the alchemy stage, the space inside the space necklace has reached a radius of a hundred miles, and planting some medicinal materials and fruit trees is naturally inconspicuous.

After half an hour, half of the spiritual fruit trees and some rare medicinal seedlings and medicinal materials have entered the space necklace, and there is no such aura in the beginning.

"Hey, is it necessary for you to ruin this place like this?" Cloud Beast slowly stood up.

After thinking about it for an hour, Li Qiuyu appeared too fast, a year and a half earlier than the average monk, and as a monk in the early stage of alchemy, in his eyes, he was much weaker than those monks who entered before. , but it happened to come in first.

He also secretly decided to take the risk and try to get rid of this human being earlier, but seeing Li Qiuyu ruin the place where he lived, he was furious.

"I want to plant these things and eat them slowly later." Li Qiuyu said indifferently.

"How do you plant"

"Of course I have a way."

"What you said just now, do you really mean what you say?" Yun Beast stared at Li Qiuyu with two big eyes and asked intently.

"Of course I mean what I say, have you considered it?"

"Well, at that time, don't pull me as a backup. At most, I will help you deal with the poisonous dragon. It is you who really do it. I am not the opponent of the poisonous dragon."

"Okay, we will leave in two months." Li Qiuyu said happily, and finally shot more than ten demon pills towards the cloud beast.

"This is?"

Cloud Beast caught the elixir shot by Li Qiuyu, looked at it suspiciously, and was very pleasantly surprised at the end, it naturally knew that this fingernail-sized elixir was useful to it, and it played a great role in improving its cultivation.

Li Qiuyu also ignored the cloud beast, and began to practice on his own. Although the spirit tree was removed from this place, the spirit energy did not decrease at all.

The aura is more than five times that of the outer continent. A spirit jade pill is thrown into the mouth, and finally it starts to be refined slowly. It takes ten days to refine a spirit jade pill.

Ten days later, he slowly opened his eyes, and his cultivation base had increased a lot, but this was also compared to the outside, but he was at the peak cultivation base in the early stage of alchemy, and these cultivation bases could not be seen at all.

The cloud beast is also practicing breathing, and one person and one beast do not disturb each other. Li Qiuyu has practiced and sacrificed some spells and magic weapons. After being attacked last time, the Night Spear has not recovered.

He can only use the first-class magic weapon of Mie Shen Ji, but these magic weapons are gradually unable to do what he wants. Fortunately, he has the Earth Shield and the ancient treasure of the giant cauldron.

He also wants to replace these magic weapons one by one, but there is no chance and chance, even if they come in the void, it depends on luck.

Thousands of miles away, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment entered the land of nothingness, saw the spiritual energy inside, and was very happy.

Moreover, not far away, there was a Ten Thousand Years Medicinal Plant. He walked towards the Ten Thousand Years Herb in surprise, and just as he stretched out his hand, a golden light shot over.

The light was so fast that he didn't have a chance to react. It penetrated straight through his chest from his vest. In the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he didn't dare to turn around and looked over. A monk in the middle stage of alchemy looked at him darkly.

Except here, in other places, there were killings and treasure hunting, or teaming up to kill high-level monsters, and finally being killed by another pair of monks who teamed up.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are killings. In the world of comprehension, this iron law is vividly and exquisitely embodied.

Li Qiuyu was right in thinking, this empty place is indeed forbidden by air restrictions, a monk in the late stage of alchemy just sacrificed his magic weapon and flew up, only twenty feet above the ground, when an invisible wind slammed down.

The speed was extremely fast, and the late-stage monk fell down desperately. The monks behind saw the Hunger Pill fall and stopped moving.

The cultivators behind could only give up the flying magic weapon and fly close to the ground with their own body skills, not daring to exceed the range of ten feet high.

Li Qiuyu and Yunshou practiced for two months, and Yunshou took Li Qiuyu towards the direction of the poisonous dragon, and the distance between the two places was nearly [-] miles.

Li Qiuyu was afraid of air restrictions, so he could only ride the cloud beast at a fast speed. The cloud beast looked bulky, but its movements were like lightning, no slower than Li Qiuyu's Tianyun Shenzhou.

The distance of [-] miles has been reached in half a day. In front of a huge lake, the cloud beast stopped, as if it was terrified of the existence in the lake.

"Is the poisonous dragon in this place?" Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense swept around, and there were no powerful monsters within a radius of fifty miles.

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