Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 393 Killing the Poisonous Flood Dragon

"Well, he's right here, be careful." Cloud Beast said nervously, obviously extremely afraid of this mid-seventh-order monster.

"Little Cloud Beast, you are so brave to bring humans to my territory." A muffled voice came from ten miles away.

The first three words were still ten miles away, and as soon as the words were spoken, a middle-aged man appeared in the center of the lake and stood firmly in midair.

Li Qiuyu was also horrified. She didn't expect this mid-seventh-order monster to be so fast, as if it was standing in the air from afar.

"Poison Jiao, this was the place where the macaques used to be, you drove them away, now seek justice for them."

The trembling voice of the cloud beast sounded softly, and Li Qiuyu could also tell that the cloud beast had no confidence.

"Hey, you wait first, human beings, you can only come to the Hall of Nothingness after a year, but if you come early, you will lose it. The last time you came to human beings early was Sun Luo in front of me." The middle-aged man said loudly Said.

"Is it that simple? It depends on your abilities. I'm here to find you today." Li Qiuyu glanced lightly at the middle-aged man.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he unfolded his whole body, and a powerful momentum slammed into the middle-aged man, and there was a loud bang in the air.

Li Qiuyu even took a step back, never expecting that this poisonous dragon in the middle of the seventh rank would be so powerful after incarnating in human form.

"Hey, human, you can lose it. The difference between our realms is too great. You are in the early stage of alchemy. If I calculate according to your human beings, you are already at the stage of a big bag of Nascent Soul."

The middle-aged man didn't move at all, and he was also surprised by Li Qiuyu's aura in his heart, the powerful demonic aura carried a hint of phoenix aura.

"Try it and you'll know, do it."

Li Qiuyu glanced at the cloud beast, and spread the wind-cracked wings on his back, and quickly shot at the middle-aged man. With a wave of the Mie Shen halberd, he stabbed at the middle-aged man with a powerful force and a destructive aura.

The cloud beast also rammed its body towards the middle-aged man. He knew that even if he left now, the poisonous dragon would not let it go in the future, so he took advantage of Li Qiuyu's attack and attacked with all his strength.


The middle-aged man let out a cry of surprise. Seeing the power of the Mie Shen Halberd, he didn't dare to underestimate it. With a swipe of one hand, a strange grasping magic weapon grabbed towards the Mie Shen Halberd.

Even if the claws were transformed into a magic weapon after the incarnation of the poisonous dragon, it was extremely powerful, and the Mie Shen halberd stabbed at the claws as usual.

"Bang bang bang."

The God-destroying halberd and the grasping magic weapon collided fiercely a few times. Every time there was a collision, Li Qiuyu's consciousness shook slightly, and finally the God-destroying strike also became dim.


Li Qiuyu quickly put away the God-killing halberd, swiped the black long knife down, and was able to block the grasping magic weapon that was chasing up.

Li Qiuyu was knocked back hundreds of feet. At this time, the cloud beast's claws also ruthlessly grabbed the middle-aged man.


A light mask blocked the cloud beast's claws, and then the magic weapon of the grasping shape sent the cloud beast flying.

Li Qiuyu recuperated, and rushed towards the middle-aged man again. This time it was no longer a black long knife, but a black jade plate. Obtained in the Monk Storage Bag.

A black net-shaped attack directly covered the middle-aged man. It was also a seventh-level monster, but compared with this mid-level seventh-level poisonous dragon, the seventh-level dolphin was not at the same level at all.


When the middle-aged man saw the net-shaped attack, his heart was broken for a while, and he didn't dare to keep his hand anymore. He opened his mouth, and a blood-red mist shot towards the black net-shaped attack.


When the two red and black attacks in the air met, there was a scoffing sound immediately, a burst of white mist dispersed, Li Qiuyu's net attack disappeared, and the poison of the poisonous dragon was also offset.


Taking advantage of Li Qiuyu's fight with the poisonous flood dragon, the cloud beast that had been shot into the air quickly flipped somersaults in the air, and smashed its claws down again, hitting the middle-aged man's arm firmly.

"Little Cloud Beast, this deity is going to destroy you."

The furious middle-aged man instantly turned into a huge dragon about twenty feet long that appeared above the lake.

"It's better to have the main body."

Li Qiuyu saw that the poisonous dragon was furious by the cloud beast's paw, so it was easy to deal with it when it showed its body, and a ring of ice and fire appeared in its hand.

The fire attack shot at the poisonous dragon, and the cloud beast returned to Li Qiuyu's side ten feet away, and the ice cones shot at the poisonous dragon with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Hehe." Lie Qiuyu's horrified thing happened when the burning flames came to the poisonous dragon, because the poisonous dragon didn't resist at all, but swallowed the burning flames.

"Try this."

A huge ice dragon rushed over. Where the ice dragon passed, the air twisted for a while, and it felt like the air was also frozen.

Seeing the ice dragon bite, the poisonous flood dragon's huge tail swept towards the ice dragon viciously.


The ice dragon instantly turned into broken ice and fell into the lake. The ice cone shot by the cloud beast was also shot down, and the remaining ice cone fell on the poisonous dragon.

"Humans, let's see what else you can do."

"Hey, at first it was just to play with you, but now it's the real battle. Shocking finger."

Li Qiuyu quickly switched hands, and then pointed down towards the poisonous dragon, an invisible attack shot towards the poisonous dragon, trembling in the air.


The poisonous dragon also obviously felt the terrifying power, and quickly sucked up the lake water, and then turned the lake water into an ice wall tens of feet thick.

"click click"

The ice wall couldn't resist the devastating attack of the shocking fingers at all. In just one breath, the ice wall that was tens of feet thick turned into water vapor.

With the low level of the ice wall, the Poisonous Flood Dragon had enough chances to dodge, and the attack of the Shocking Finger instantly landed on a stone wall five hundred feet away.

The stone wall turned into ashes. Seeing the power of the sky-shocking finger, the poisonous dragon was also terrified. If it wasn't for the ice wall, it would have been seriously injured even if it didn't die.

"Okay, human, you can lose."

When the poisonous dragon was angry, the whole body's aura surged, and the powerful pressure ruthlessly pressed down on Li Qiuyu and the cloud beast. Li Qiuyu only felt a dull moment in the air.

"The mid-seventh-order monsters are really powerful, but." Li Qiuyu said calmly.

Then the Heaven-shocking Divine Art began to operate, the Phoenix Nine Transformations and the Heaven-shocking Divine Art operated at the same time, almost offsetting the sluggish feeling in the air.


Poison Jiao and Cloud Beast both looked at Li Qiuyu in amazement, with a look of horror on their faces, Li Qiuyu didn't have time to pay attention to this.

Raising his hands, a dark blue and a fiery red light group appeared in his hands, and then he put his hands together, and a red and blue beam of light smashed straight at the poisonous dragon.

"The air of nothingness."

The poisonous dragon yelled in horror, and then his body gathered and changed, and the last fist-sized bead bumped towards it with a fiery red light.

Cloud Beast quickly also shot out a fist-sized ice blue bead from its mouth. After Li Qiuyu swung it out in a compatible manner, the Devouring Shield quickly appeared on his body.



The inner alchemy of the poisonous dragon collided fiercely with the beam of light, and the beam of light trembled violently for a while, then dimmed, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth.

At this moment, the ice blue bead shot by the cloud beast also hit the poisonous dragon's fiery red bead fiercely. The poisonous dragon roared, and its whole body shook for a while. , the beads are dimmed.

The ice blue bead also returned to the cloud beast's mouth, and the cloud beast was thrown hundreds of feet away. Seeing that the poisonous dragon had been seriously injured, Li Qiuyu pointed out with another shocking wave.


A hole the size of more than a foot appeared on the huge head of the poisonous dragon, and one eye of the poisonous dragon was also destroyed by Li Qiuyu's shocking finger.

After he cast the Sky-shocking Finger, Li Qiuyu's body also shook for a while, feeling dizzy, and Li Qiuyu hurriedly asked for a Tianyuan Pill to throw into his mouth.

Forcibly adjusted his physical condition. After casting Shocking Heaven once, he continued to cast Ice and Fire Compatibility. It wasn't that the mana was not continuous, but that the mana was drawn out greatly, which brought him a sense of discomfort.

Fortunately, he had practiced the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, otherwise he would have been seriously injured. After colliding head-on with the poisonous dragon's inner alchemy, his mind was also slightly injured.

But when he used the Heaven-shocking Finger again, he naturally felt a strong sense of discomfort. After he stabilized his figure, he saw that the poisonous dragon was still flapping its tail in the lake.

The powerful attack raised the water of the lake tens of feet high. Seeing this, he knew that the poisonous dragon was seriously injured and could not see with his eyes. Naturally, this opportunity would not be missed.


A water-repellent halberd appeared in front of him, and then he also sacrificed the Mie Shen Halberd, which was ten feet long and thick as a bowl, and stabbed viciously at the poisonous flood dragon.


Using the God-destroying halberd with all its strength, coupled with the innately strong physique of Phoenix Nine Changes, the God-destroying halberd stabbed the poisonous dragon fiercely with a huge force of ten thousand catties, and the ten-foot-long God-destroying halberd nailed the poisonous dragon to death in the lake.

"Human, on you..."

The poisonous dragon let out a mournful cry, and finally slowly lost its breath, but at this moment, a miniature version of the poisonous dragon floated out from the poisonous dragon's body.

"Hmph, this is the first time I saw a monster in the Nascent Soul Stage, and I wanted to escape, but there was no way." Li Qiuyu stabbed fiercely at the miniature version of the poisonous flood dragon with his divine sense.


The mini version of the poisonous dragon screamed, and its tiny body shook. Li Qiuyu took this opportunity to slash out with a wave of mana, and Si Si imprisoned the mini version of the poisonous dragon in the air.

Immediately, a few more mysterious magic powers were fired up, and the tiny poisonous dragon looked at Li Qiuyu fiercely, but Li Qiuyu ignored it, and then put the miniature poisonous dragon into a jade box.

Two more high-grade talisman papers were pasted on the jade box. After finishing everything, put the storage bag into the monster storage bag. This mini version of the poisonous dragon is the distraction of the poisonous dragon.

"Are you okay?" Li Qiuyu looked at the cloud beast on the side, and asked calmly, seeing that the cloud beast was still staring at him in a daze.

"On you."

"What's wrong with me, why did the poisonous dragon talk about the air of nothingness just now, and now you are all talking about me, what's going on."

Li Qiuyu asked puzzledly, in the beginning of the fight, he didn't dare to be distracted, and he didn't have the chance to pay attention to these things, now that the poisonous dragon has been killed, he is much more stable.

"You have the breath of nothingness." The cloud beast was always ten feet away from Li Qiuyu, not daring to approach.

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