Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 402 Seven Colored Heavenly Stones

"I can still believe you against a cultivator who is in the early stages of Nascent Soul or even at the peak of the early stage, but do you think I will believe everything you say?"

Li Qiuyu looked at the fist-sized tortoise ten feet away in disbelief and said, he is not afraid of the monks in the late stage of alchemy, but with the existence of the Nascent Soul Qiqi level, he can only run away.

"I am in the void, guarding the souls and treasures of my ancestors. I need to seal them with demon power from time to time. I don't have much time to practice. If the problems here are solved, my strength will definitely increase rapidly."

Xuanguishou said disapprovingly, a fist-sized tortoise actually emitted a powerful and deep voice, which made Li Qiuyu very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, so you even planned on me, you went out with me to prevent your ancestor's soul from dissipating." Li Qiuyu finally understood why this mysterious turtle agreed to go out with him so quickly.

"I have no other choice, only your Tower of Nothingness can keep the soul of my ancestors alive, but after 1 years, I will be 30 years old, and I can inherit the souls of my ancestors."

With the expectant eyes of the Xuangui Beast, he imagined how glorious he would be after inheriting the powerful cultivation base of his ancestor Xuanwu.

"1 years? Even if I don't lose, I still have to reach the hole stage or above. What a joke, let alone the hole stage, even the Nascent Soul stage is not so easy to reach."

Li Qiuyu said slightly angrily, after ten thousand years, only the monks of the Dongxu stage can ascend to the spiritual world, and a monk of the Nascent Soul stage will be invincible in the human world.

"Is the lineage of the Void Lord so easily lost? I don't believe that you have never encountered threats to your life."

The Xuan Gui Beast gave Li Qiuyu an indifferent glance, secretly thinking that the human beings in front of them are still too small.

"Of course, let's not talk about these things. We will go to your place first. After you leave, something will happen." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flashed, and he flew towards the mountains quickly.

Before arriving at the mountain range, Li Qiuyu saw that the most powerful aura just now had loosened and became extremely unstable, and the mysterious turtle was naturally aware of it.

"Hurry up, put the spiritual energy into the Tower of Nothingness, or it will be too late." Xuangui Beast looked at Li Qiuyu with a begging look in his eyes, knowing that the most powerful spiritual energy is the spiritual vein that suppresses Xuanwu.

"Get out of the way, I'll try."

Li Qiuyu sacrificed the Tower of Nothingness, and looked at it carefully. There was nothing unusual about it. He never thought that the Great Hall of Nothingness would finally turn into a tower-shaped treasure in his hands.

He tried to cover a relatively weak aura, and then sucked in the mana, and the suction was transmitted to the Void Tower. At this moment, the Void Tower finally responded.

A ray of seven-colored light shone towards the aura with misty mist, and instantly contacted with the aura, and the aura was also enveloped by the colorful light and mist.

"Sky cold aurora, air of nothingness."

The Xuangui Beast was startled, and looked at Li Qiuyu in horror. It was really afraid of the young monk in front of it now, and the Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness were also in the Tower of Nothingness.

Li Qiuyu ignored it, but focused on watching the reaction of Tianhan Jiguang and the Qi of nothingness in front of the aura. What excited him was that the aura was tightly wrapped by the Jiguang and the Qi of nothingness.

Immediately, the spiritual energy was sucked by the void tower, and just after this spiritual energy entered the void tower, the largest spiritual energy column in the middle trembled even more violently.


He knew that there was no need to delay, so he quickly covered the void tower to the spiritual energy column in the middle, and prepared to put the spiritual energy column into the void tower.

"No, then do you think my ancestor's soul was destroyed by the aurora and emptiness?" Xuangui shouted in horror.

"I can control Tianhan Aurora and the Qi of Nothingness." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and then continued to use the Tower of Nothingness.

Half an hour later, more than sixty spiritual qis had all entered the Tower of Nothingness, and the Xuan Gui Beast just looked at Li Qiuyu in a daze.

When absorbing the most powerful aura in the middle, Li Qiuyu clearly felt a powerful monster aura inside, as if it was sealed by something.

After finishing everything, Li Qiuyu was so tired that he was about to collapse. He meditated and rested for a while, and the Tianying Pill could restore mana and physical strength, but Li Qiuyu's mana absorption of spiritual energy was not something that Tianying Pill could solve.


Seeing Li Qiuyu's recovery, the Xuangui Beast asked in a deep voice, and then flew towards an ancient cave in the mountains.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu will not lag behind, for the treasure that is about to be obtained, he will hardly let it slip away from his nose.

The outside of this ancient cave was blocked by a strange prohibition, and it was impossible to tell how big the cave was, but after he entered the cave, he was finally stunned by this huge ancient cave.

This is not an ancient cave at all, but an incomparably huge square, about two hundred feet high, with a radius of nearly tens of miles wide.

There are also fluorescent stones inside, illuminating the ancient cave brightly. Li Qiuyu followed the black tortoise into the innermost part. Inside is a stone room with a radius of only ten feet.

Simple and simple, with a stone couch and nothing, Li Qiuyu naturally knew that there must be a cave here.

Sure enough, the fist-sized body of the black tortoise gradually grew bigger, and stopped when it was a full foot in size. The tortoise also spewed out an identical alchemy.

The two inner alchemy were constantly spinning in the air in the stone room. After a while, Li Qiuyu finally saw the trajectory of the two inner alchemy, and each rotation carried a certain natural law.

After a while, a gray curtain of light appeared in the trajectory of Neidan's gliding, and a powerful monster force from the snake's head hit it.

A crack two feet wide and five feet high suddenly appeared in the stone room, and the body of the black tortoise quickly flashed in. At the same time, Li Qiuyu also entered inside with the cloud beast.

Inside is the same stone room with a radius of hundreds of feet, but the scenery inside is completely different from the outside.

A tall stone altar was covered by a layer of mysterious light. Li Qiuyu didn't know what was inside, but his consciousness was cut off a foot away from the mask.


The deep voice of the black tortoise sounded, and a stream of pure demon power spewed out from its mouth. The demon power hit the mask, and the mask melted, and nine items appeared inside.

"Ninth-rank sapphire beast inner alchemy."

"The ninth-order silver dragon's main meridians."

Li Qiuyu read out these items one by one, and was horrified in her heart. Any of these items is an existence that has long since disappeared from the human world.

Five top grade spirit stones.

Each one has different attributes, five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the size is no different from ordinary low-level spirit stones, but the aura in this top-quality spirit stone is already millions of times that of low-level spirit stones.

Li Qiuyu also knew that these five spirit stones must have certain uses, otherwise with the power and strength of Xuanwu, there would not be only five spirit stones.

He didn't recognize the other item. A crystal clear jade bottle contained a bright red blood essence. The outside of the jade bottle was sealed by a silver jade slip. Naturally, he didn't know what monster blood essence was inside.

"This is a drop of blood essence left by my ancestors. Only by relying on this drop of blood essence can it fuse with his soul. But this blood essence will have to wait 1 years later. I don't know if it will last until then."

There is a fiery breath in the eyes of the black turtle beast. As long as it can fuse the soul of the ancestor, it will definitely reach a dream state.

"It seems that this forbidden stone room is dedicated to this drop of blood."

"Yes, Not Bad."

"You keep the blood, you don't need other things, I'll take it." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

Xuan Gui Beast didn't say anything, and didn't collect the blood essence from the jade bottle, but just looked at the jade bottle blankly, Li Qiuyu didn't know what it was thinking.

"Help me keep this blood essence. You should have a way to keep it until 1 years later." Xuangui Beast pondered for a moment, then said to Li Qiuyu.

"Hey, if I'm lost within 1 years, your hope is gone." Li Qiuyu said, looking at the mysterious turtle seriously.

"Since you are lost, the souls of my ancestors will also disappear, so what's the use of this drop of blood," Xuangui Beast said.

"That's right, let's go." After Li Qiuyu put the nine items into the space necklace, he was about to leave.

"This stone altar was built with countless rare materials. Is there any way for you to take them away, lest they disappear in time?"

"Let me try."

Li Qiuyu took out a golden dagger, poured mana into it, and then slashed down fiercely, only to see a scratch more than an inch deep on the stone altar.

"So solid."

Li Qiuyu was horrified, because this golden dagger was also a magic weapon, and with his mana infusion, he could only cut a one-inch crack in it.

He swung his short sword around the scratches several days later, and after a cup of tea, he finally cut the scratches to a foot deep when he made the last stroke.

A ray of colorful light shot out from the gap, Li Qiuyu blocked it with his hand, blocked his eyes, and then backed away.

This colorful light was not Tianhan Aurora. Li Qiuyu was terrified, his eyes showed excitement, and finally he quickly swung his short sword on the stone altar.

Half an hour later, the entire stone altar, which was one foot long, two feet wide, and three feet high, finally turned into several pieces, and Li Qiuyu completely ignored the stones.

"Seven-color sky-replenishing stone. It's really a seven-color sky-replenishing stone."

It was the first time that Li Qiuyu showed such a surprised look in front of the two monsters, only to see a colorful spar with a size of one foot in Li Qiuyu's sight.

When he saw the colorful rays of light, he was already suspicious, but he didn't expect that it was really what he imagined. The colorful sky-replenishing stone was the main refining material for the Mietian Sword.

It is countless times rarer than the nine materials. The seven-color sky-replenishing stone is an item in mythology in ancient times. The sky-replenishing stone alone has magical power.

"It's no wonder that the Xuanwu family is forbidden to leave this stone room for generations. It turns out that in addition to the blood and soul of the ancestors, there are also these seven-color sky-replenishing stones."

Xuan Gui Beast said in a daze, although it is a monster, it also knows a little about the gods of heaven and earth. This seven-color sky-filling stone is no longer a material, but a god.

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