Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 403 News of Ten Thousand Years Sun Liquid

Li Qiuyu looked at the Xuangui Beast, and the Xuangui Beast looked at Li Qiuyu at the same time, with a calm expression, not knowing what it was thinking at all.

"What is the use of the seven-color sky-replenishing stone?" [Seeking gold medals, red envelopes, comments, recommendations, favorites]

"You really want to know?"

"Of course, this seven-color sky-replenishing stone is a divine item. I don't want you to waste it. I need to know whether you can use it properly."

Xuan Gui Beast said in a deep voice, with a serious look in his eyes.

"Refining the Ninety-Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation."

"Exterminating Heaven Sword Formation?"

"Yes, of course you don't know the power of the Nine-Nine Heaven-Exterminating Sword Formation, nor do you know the materials and difficulty of refining the Heaven-Exterminating Sword Formation."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, his voice was full of anticipation, and he also wanted to know the power of this Heaven Miting Sword Formation.

"tell me the story."

"Seventy-one kinds of auxiliary materials are needed, ten kinds of rare materials, a total of ninety-nine 71 kinds, and the seven-color sky-filling stone is one of the ten kinds. , the Mietian Sword Formation needs the Mietian Sword."

"The Nine-Nine Destroying Heaven Sword Formation requires 81 Destroying Heaven Swords. In addition to the seven-color sky-replenishing stones, the Destroying Heaven Sword also needs rare materials such as meteorites, earth-yin stones, and Gengjin."

Li Qiuyu roughly talked about the materials of the Nine Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation, even though the Xuan Gui Beast lived for 29 years, he was shocked by these materials and the quantity.

"I believe this power is also terrifying."

"Of course, we will only know after the sword formation is actually refined."

"How much material did you find?"

"All 71 kinds of auxiliary materials have been found, and some of Gengjin, Diyin Stone, and Sky Meteorite have been found."

"How many Mietian Swords can be refined by this seven-colored Tianbushiying?"

"Half is enough to refine 81 Heaven Mie Swords."

"Okay, I'll give you this seven-color sky-replenishing stone. If I need it, you can score me a point."

Li Qiuyu communicated with Xuan Gui Beast/, and put the seven-color sky-filling stone into the space necklace like a baby. He didn't know what this stone altar was built with, it was so hard, but he also put it None of these stones were left in the space necklace.

After leaving the stone room, the mysterious turtle took all the useful things away, and I don't know where it was placed. Li Qiuyu came out of the ancient cave and waited for it.

"Could it be that you have been like this all the time and stopped practicing?"

Li Qiuyu looked at the black tortoise the size of a fist, and said puzzledly, it's a pity that the space necklace dared not enter again, otherwise, Li Qiuyu would put it and the cloud beast in it too.

"It's okay, just give me a monster storage bag." Xuangui Beast said in a deep voice.

"Then practice on your own, I usually won't bother you." Li Qiuyu took out a monster storage bag, and finally with a movement of consciousness, the mysterious turtle entered the storage bag.

He also didn't want to always rely on the help of monsters, so that his strength and experience would never increase, nor would he become stronger. Only by facing everything by himself could he become a truly powerful monk.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not use this mysterious turtle to help deal with the opponent. After Li Qiuyu put away the storage bag, he shot it quickly.

The cloud beast has some connections with Li Qiuyu's consciousness, and Li Qiuyu is naturally not afraid of losing it. Besides, the speed here is not necessarily much faster than the cloud beast.

One person and one beast lived a life of treasure hunting as usual. After three months, Li Qiuyu also searched the eighth area almost all over, but most of the time he was flying.

He dismissed the low-level medicinal materials and materials, and only stopped the medicinal materials and rare materials that were more than ten thousand years old. With the existence of the cloud beast, all the treasures and medicinal materials that were more than ten thousand years old entered Li Qiuyu's space necklace.

However, when he came out of the seventh area, he met many monks looking for medicinal materials and killing high-level monsters. Li Qiuyu didn't contact these monks, but just flew away quickly.

But he didn't look for anyone else, but some monks who didn't have long eyes were staring at him. Two monks in the late stage of alchemy and two monks in the middle stage of alchemy stopped Li Qiuyu.

"Fellow Daoist, it's been a while since you entered the seventh area. Hand over your storage bag, and we may consider letting you go."

A monk in Tsing Yi who was in the mid-stage of alchemy said with a sinister smile, but his tone of voice was lukewarm, as if he was talking about something very casual.

"Go away, I am in a good mood today."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, then turned around and walked to the other side. He didn't want to waste time. These guys seemed to be monks who specialize in robbing orders.

"What an arrogant guy." A white-haired old man said loudly, his whole body's momentum soared, and the existence of the peak in the later stage of hunger, did not expect Li Qiuyu to ignore the existence of the four of them so much.


Li Qiuyu was also angry, with a movement of his consciousness, the Mie Shen Halberd came out, and then stabbed at the white-haired old man, the distance between the two was ten feet.

The Mie Shen Halberd had almost reached ten feet, and it fell straight in front of the white-haired old man without flying through the air, and the white-haired old man was startled by the aura of destruction.

The white-haired old man quickly blocked a black shield in front of him, and stabbed the shield fiercely with the God-destroying halberd. He didn't know what material this shield was made of, but there was no trace of damage under the attack of the God-destroying halberd. .

However, Li Qiuyu's technique of using the Nine Changes of the Phoenix, coupled with the powerful attack of the Mie Shen Halberd itself, forcibly knocked the white-haired old man and the shield into the air.

When Li Qiuyu made a move, the cloud beast shook its palm-sized body, shook its head two feet, and the monster-sized monster rushed out, and slapped a late-stage alchemy monk fiercely with its huge claws.


The other three people didn't expect that the palm-sized cloud beast was actually a two-foot-sized cloud beast, and the realm had reached the middle stage of seventh order.

The strength of the mid-seventh stage is very close to the Nascent Soul stage, and it is not impossible to say that it is some ordinary Nascent Soul stage. The monks in the late stage of alchemy quickly sacrificed the magic weapon, and two monks in the mid-stage of alchemy also joined the battle group.

After Li Qiuyu used the Miserable Halberd in vain, he changed his hands quickly, and then pointed out. At this moment, the white-haired old man was also furious, and a fiery red burning flame chopped down.

Unexpectedly, the defensive magic weapon that he was proud of was also knocked away by Li Qiuyu's powerful attack force, which made his heart beat.

Shocking Finger met the burning flame fiercely, the flame dissipated instantly, and then a destructive aura came in front of the white-haired old man.


Under the black shield, the shocking finger still stopped, but the black shield was also hit back to its original shape, the black shield was connected with the white-haired old man, and the old man also spit out a mouthful of blood after being attacked by the black shield .


The black long knife swung down, and a powerful force slashed at the white-haired old man. Before the white-haired old man was injured, he was slashed to the ground before he had time to react.

A bloodstain appeared from between the old man's eyebrows, and his whole body was split in two, and then he fell heavily on the ground. Li Qiuyu took advantage of the opportunity to suck back the black shield, and there were also a lot of storage bags and fire magic weapons.

The loss of the white-haired old man hit the hearts of the other three monks hard. The peak companion in the late stage of alchemy was lost in two breaths in front of the middle stage of alchemy.


A mid-stage cultivator shouted loudly, and after barely defusing the cloud beast's attack, he turned around and flew out. This young cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy was too perverted.

"I want to leave, it's too late."

Li Qiuyu couldn't allow someone to escape from under his nose, the God-killing halberd shot at the fleeing mid-stage cultivator, and the black long knife swung at another mid-stage cultivator.


With a scream, a hole the size of a bowl appeared in the vest of the mid-term cultivator who escaped first.

"Fellow Daoist, stop, please take the next life."

The mid-term cultivator in front of the black long knife blocked Li Qiuyu's attack, and seeing the loss of the other two companions, there was a pleading look on his face.

"Tell me a reason for letting me go around you."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, there is also a monk in the late stage of alchemy being restrained by the cloud beast, and the mid-stage monk in front of him is not his opponent at all.

"I'll give you my storage bag, and I'll tell you a piece of news. Fairy Ziyu got a bottle of 10-year-old sun liquid, which is in the seventh area."

"it is good."

Li Qiuyu was overjoyed, the 10-year sun liquid, he did not expect that all the good things in the world would be hit by him, and then the black long knife slashed down fiercely, and the god-destroying halberd also stabbed out.


Seeing Li Qiuyu's expression, the monks in the mid-term thought that Li Qiuyu was going to let him go. He was about to leave, but the light of the black long knife had already been cut off, and there was an even more powerful God Extinguishing Halberd behind him.

"I didn't say bypass you."

The mid-term cultivator blocked the attack of the black long knife again, but was pierced by the Mie Shen halberd and fell slowly. Li Qiuyu glanced at the mid-term cultivator and said disdainfully.

"It's time to end."

Li Qiuyu looked at the late alchemy cultivator at Yunshou and Face Paint, and said loudly. After he finished speaking, Yunshou shot out an ice-blue inner alchemy.


Rao was so hungry that his defense was amazing and his physique was strong in the later stage, but he was still vulnerable to the attack of the inner alchemy of the mid-seventh-order monster.

Li Qiuyu stretched out his hand and sucked it, and the three modified magic weapons and storage bags entered his hands, and then put them into the space necklace.

Since he was in the seventh area, that is to say, he was in the same area as himself, as long as he found other monks and asked, he would probably know.

What he thought was right, after questioning six or seven monks, he finally knew the direction in which Ziyu Fairy escaped, and every time he asked other monks, he appeared in a different form.

Two days later, in front of a huge cave, there were more than a dozen monks at the alchemy stage, most of them were at the middle stage of alchemy, and there were four at the late stage of alchemy.

The arrival of Li Qiuyu did not surprise them, because there are not a few monks who want to obtain 10-year solar liquid.

"Fellow Taoist Jupiter, there is nothing we can do about this Ziyu fairy hiding in the cave." A monk in the late stage of alchemy said anxiously, dressed in pure white clothes, making the whole person feel elegant.

"Brother Tan is in a hurry. Let's find a way to let Fairy Ziyu come out by herself. We have formed a relationship with her. We must kill her here, so as not to be hunted down by her forces in the future."

A monk in crane clothes said lightly, it seemed that he had already made up his mind, with a strange smile on his face.

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