Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 404 Purple Rain Fairy

"What way?" [Xiaoyao seeks gold medals, gift red envelopes, comments and favorites, click to recommend]

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Tong Ming has a good solution." Some other monks looked at the monk who had just spoken.

"We have a total of fourteen fellow daoists here. Five fellow daoists go in every time. We just need to find a way to force her out. Even if she has a powerful ancient treasure, she will not be our opponent." Tong Ming smiled. Said.

"Whoever wants to go in, after getting the 10-year solar liquid, we will distribute it equally." The monk surnamed Tan looked around at the monks and said.

"This method is good, but whoever goes in first, if they are dealt with by Ziyu's ancient treasure, that one will not be fun." An old man in the middle stage of alchemy said in a daze, even if he didn't say it, other monks would know the situation.

"If you want to get the treasure, you have to take risks. Are you still here to enjoy the rewards? Tong Ming looked coldly at the mid-stage cultivator who just spoke.

"That Tong Ming Taoist friend go in and have a look first."

"I go in?"

"Since Tongming Daoist suggested it, why don't you go in first?"

"Okay, whoever will go in with me." Tong Ming saw that other monks were looking at him, so it was hard to refuse, because these monks were not good scum.

"I'll go with you." Li Qiuyu looked at Tong Ming, turned around in his mind, and said.

"Okay, who else?"

"I'll go as well."

In a moment, Li Qiuyu and the other four people walked slowly towards the cave. Li Qiuyu secretly circulated the mana in his whole body, and he would strike immediately if there was any threat.

The cave is countless times larger than what you see from the outside, and it is also two or three feet high. There is no shadow of Ziyu inside, and the only one is a passage with a width of one foot.

"Fairy Ziyu should be inside, let's go in and look for it."


The five of them walked cautiously into the passage. The passage was very long. They walked for half an hour before reaching the exit of the passage, but at the exit, they were actually blocked by a powerful prohibition.

"Hands on, we will ban breaking."

"Wait, let me try." A middle-aged man said loudly, a formation flag was raised, and then a mana hit it, and the formation flag emitted a golden energy.

The golden color instantly hit the prohibition, and the prohibition trembled violently. Seeing this, several other monks, before the middle-aged man opened his mouth, they all sacrificed their magic weapon and smashed it hard.

The prohibition was finally dissipated. After the prohibition was broken, several people extended their spiritual senses. Inside was a lawn with a radius of one mile, surrounded by cliffs.

A female cultivator was meditating on a stone beside the lawn to heal her wounds. It was obvious that she had been seriously injured from the very beginning. When Li Qiuyu saw the female cultivator with his spiritual sense, this female cultivator was the one who reminded him when he came in.

"Let's go, she's injured, we might kill her, the 10-year solar liquid is ours." Brother Tongming said happily, a hint of malice flashed in his eyes, and it was fleeting.

But Li Qiuyu saw this vicious intention, this Tongming was not a good scum from the beginning, Li Qiuyu had paid attention to this guy long ago.

Several people quickly flashed into the lawn. After they came in, the woman slowly opened her eyes. Last time Li Qiuyu only saw her beautiful back.

Now I finally saw her true face, her beautiful face was slightly haggard, but it didn't affect her peerless beauty at all.

It looks like he is only about 20 years old. In the world of comprehension, one can't tell the real age by looking at the appearance. Often some monks above the alchemy stage look like boys and girls on the outside, but they are actually old monsters of two or three hundred years old. up.

But the female cultivator in front of me is really only in her thirties. Due to her outstanding talent, she reached the alchemy stage in her twenties.

Fairy Ziyu also saw Li Qiuyu, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes, but now Li Qiuyu is on the opposing side.

"Fairy Ziyu, it looks like you've been seriously injured. Hand over the 10-year solar liquid, and the outside world can consider letting you go." Tong Ming said loudly, his eyes scanning Fairy Ziyu wantonly.

"Tong Ming, aren't you afraid of being chased by my family?" Fairy Ziyu said softly.

"Do it, she has an ancient treasure in her hand, we will restrain her, otherwise the 10-year-old sun liquid will be destroyed." Hearing Zi Yu's words, Tong Ming's worries reappeared.

"Okay, let's do it together." Li Qiuyu said lightly.Immediately, the aura unfolded on his body, and his hands kept changing.

Seeing Li Qiuyu casting a spell, although he didn't know what kind of spell it was, seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, he knew it was not easy, so he was secretly happy.

Tong Ming also sacrificed a magic weapon, and quickly hit Fairy Ziyu, at this moment, a destructive aura struck behind him.


Tong Ming was horrified when he saw Li Qiuyu's attack aimed at him. He was already old in moves, and the magic weapon to attack Ziyu was also in the air.

The other monks didn't know why Li Qiuyu suddenly dealt with Tongming, they were startled for a moment, but they reacted quickly, and three powerful attacks hit Li Qiuyu.


Seeing that Li Qiuyu's attack was powerful, Tong Ming had no choice but to sacrifice a defensive magic weapon indiscriminately, and the protective cover was opened, but the power of the shaking finger could be resisted by an ordinary magic weapon.

The Heaven-shocking Finger smashed through the defensive magic weapon without the slightest resistance, and then shattered the protective shield. Tong Ming cried out in grief for the last time, and his whole body was quickly reduced to ashes.

The attacks of the other three also came behind Li Qiuyu, and Ziyu did not expect that Li Qiuyu would suddenly target the most powerful Tongming.

When she blocked Tong Ming's attack, she had already seen three other people attacking Li Qiuyu. She had been seriously injured, and she had no chance to help Li Qiuyu at all.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu was about to be hit by the three magic weapons, with a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a khaki-colored shield appeared behind him, and then the mask on his body suddenly lit up.

The Devouring Shield unfolded, and the Earth Shield was instantly shattered under the attack of three magic weapons, but Li Qiuyu didn't care at all.

The three attacks disappeared instantly on the mask. Li Qiuyu swayed slightly, then turned to look at the three monks with a strange smile in his eyes.

The three of them were horrified. They all knew the magic weapon of the Earth Shield, but they didn't expect Li Qiuyu's body shield to be so perverted that it didn't even affect the attacks of the three people's magic weapon at all.

At this moment, a monk yelled, a mouthful of blood spewed out, no one knew what was going on, only Li Qiuyu and Ziyu saw it, a snow-white monster two feet in size opened its mouth and shot an ice blue inner alchemy.

Under the inner alchemy attack of the seventh-level mid-stage monster, this mid-stage cultivator didn't react at all, and died without even turning around.

"You are together."

The middle-aged man said angrily, with a sense of fear in his heart, Ziyu would be difficult to deal with, and there was a mysterious Li Qiuyu, and there was a mid-seventh-order monster behind him.

"That's right, you can survive by surrendering to me." Li Qiuyu said coldly, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"Why do you want to help her?" A monk in Tsing Yi looked at Li Qiuyu, and then at the entrance of the cave. The mid-seventh-level monsters were already blocking him, and it was unrealistic to escape.

"Is it necessary to know? Anyway, you are all dead. When she entered the void, she reminded me." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and took a last look at Fairy Ziyu.

"Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple, it takes three breaths to think about it." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, her whole body stretched out, and when she raised her hands, two balls of light appeared in her hands.

With the hands together, a wave of destruction spread out with the breath of death. If the two of them don't surrender, they will be lost immediately.

"Okay, I surrender." The middle-aged man said loudly.

"You're late." After speaking, Li Qiuyu waved his hand, and a beam of red and blue light hit another middle-stage cultivator.

There was no reaction at all, the mid-stage cultivator turned into nothingness, and even the storage bag disappeared. After killing the mid-stage cultivator in Tsing Yi, Li Qiuyu looked at the middle-aged man indifferently.

"As long as you don't betray me, you won't regret today's decision in the future. This elixir is for you. As long as you don't betray me, you are safe." Li Qiuyu shot a elixir. "

This elixir was also refined by Li Qiuyu with a lot of painstaking efforts before, and Sima Yong was the first to take it.

The middle-aged man swallowed the elixir without the slightest hesitation, but there was no reaction, and he looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled.

"Have you ever heard of a holy alchemist?" After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he ignored the middle-aged man.

"Sacred Alchemist?" The middle-aged man said puzzled, and finally thought of the Holy Alchemist, and looked at Li Qiuyu in horror.

"So you are Fairy Ziyu. I'm calling Li Qiuyu. Thank you for reminding me last time." Li Qiuyu bowed politely to Fairy Ziyu.

"You don't have to be polite, fellow daoist. Last time I reminded you by the way. This time, I would like to thank fellow daoist Li for making the move." Fairy Ziyu didn't expect that Li Qiuyu would be so polite now.

"Fairy's injury is really not serious. If it is not treated in time, I'm afraid it will be a hindrance to future monks." Li Qiuyu's consciousness swept Ziyu's body, and he, who was in the realm of a holy alchemist, could easily see Ziyu's injury. Fairy's current situation.

"I also know this. It is still nearly half a year before the void land opens and leaves, and I can only suppress the injury." Fairy Ziyu shook her head helplessly.

"If the fairy believes in me, this injury is still hard to come by." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, and wanted to exchange some of the 10-year sun liquid from Ziyu Fairy.

"I was also a fellow daoist who rescued me just now, so I naturally believe in fellow daoists." Fairy Ziyu said softly.

"Okay, keep your mind on it, and I'll help you." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a powerful aura unfolded, and then he swiped both hands, and pointed towards Fairy Ziyu's eyebrows with one hand.

Fairy Ziyu was horrified, but it was too late to regret. Meixin is the most important family of monks, so she didn't expect to be cheated by Li Qiuyu.

Just when she was secretly regretting, a docile mana flowed straight from the center of her eyebrows into her meridians, and then entered her dantian, and the mana rushed directly towards the ice poison in the sea of ​​qi.

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