Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 407 The Terror of the Man in White

Half a year is the time when the exit of the nothingness is opened, and no monks in the nothingness have ever known how to pass these monks out.

All I know is that on the last day of five years, they were all inexplicably transmitted to the outside of the void, and the locations were different.

Half a year is a long time for mortals, but in the eyes of monks.Half a year passed quickly, and Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't waste any time.

He also wants to collect more medicinal herbs and materials within half a year. Even though Bihai has more resources than Fengyue Continent, there are still too few existences like Land of Nothingness.

The land of nothingness will disappear in half a year, and only he knows this news. If Li Qiuyu is the culprit who knows that the land of nothingness will disappear, he will definitely be hunted down by a large number of monks.

"It's still you looking for medicinal herbs and materials with strong aura, and I'll be in charge of picking them." Li Qiuyu said to the cloud beast.

The cloud beast clicked, and finally disappeared in a flash. Li Qiuyu also flashed quickly, and chased after the cloud beast.

One person and one beast began to search for good medicinal materials and materials in the void again, and the harvest was quite large. On this day, the cloud beast came to a mountain range rich in aura.

"What?" Li Qiuyu asked calmly when he saw the appearance of the cloud beast, and he was also very happy in his heart. Every time the cloud beast found a place with strong aura, it would look like this.

"The aura here is so weird." Yun Beast looked at the mountains in front of him puzzled, because monsters are naturally sensitive to aura and breath.

"Indeed, do you know what it is?" Li Qiuyu also felt the strangeness of the aura.

"This should be a spiritual vein, and it has been sealed by someone." Cloud Beast's faint voice came out.

"Let's go and have a look." Li Qiuyu finished.The technique in his hand was constantly changing, and within a short while, he swiped his hands, and a crack appeared in the air.

The crack appeared ten miles away from Li Qiuyu's side. Li Qiuyu smiled wryly, and flew towards ten miles away with the cloud beast again.

He is a holy alchemy master, and he is also a formation master who understands formations. Although he is not as good as those professional formations, he still understands some basic knowledge.

You must know that the formations on Tianxuan Zhenjie are all ancient strange formations, and the outside of this mountain range are just some illusions.

But he still didn't know where the entrance of this illusion was, so he could only use some means to display it, and finally found the exit of this illusion.

When he came to the crack, he changed his hands, and the crack appeared again. Li Qiuyu entered in a flash, and the cloud beast followed closely behind.

What appeared in front of him was an ordinary cave, there was no prohibition, Li Qiuyu walked over cautiously, this cave was only two or three stone rooms.

The moment he stepped into the stone room, a burst of golden light enveloped him in the whole stone room, and before he could react, his whole body quickly fell down.

After a few breaths of effort, he once again felt that the ground was right under his feet. The scenery in front of him changed, and there was a huge stone altar with a radius of about twenty feet.

"It's such a strong aura, even if it's a low-level spirit stone, it's nothing more than that."

Coming here, Li Qiuyu's first impression is the richness of the aura, which has almost formed a substance.

"Extreme spiritual vein!"

Seeing the aura on the stone altar in front of him, Yun Beast said in surprise that aura is equally important to monsters, and Li Qiuyu finally adapted to the environment here.

I am now in a small square. In the square, there is a stone altar with a radius of twenty feet. In the middle of the stone altar stands a crystal clear pillar about ten feet high.

"Crystal Refining"

Crystal refining is a rare material, although it can't be compared with the gods like the seven-color sky-filling stone, it is also an extremely rare material.

Refining crystals are generally difficult to find, even if they are encountered, they are only a small piece. I did not expect a crystal refining pillar to appear in this place all of a sudden.

Really generous!

He walked slowly towards the stone altar, and stood beside the stone altar in a daze, looking at the ten-foot-high crystal refining pillar, which was one foot wide and one foot thick.

Li Qiuyu frowned. Such a large crystal refining pillar was taken away in this way, and the powerful and weird aura came from here.

"The aura came up from below." Cloud Beast sniffed and looked at the crystal refining pillar and said.

"The weird aura in this aura is neither demonic nor demonic." Li Qiuyu looked at the crystal refining pillar, wondering if he should take this crystal refining pillar away. If the sealed thing below was released by him, he would I can't go away either.

"Forget it, let's go, so as not to cause trouble, let him disappear." Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, greed destroys people.

Cloud Beast looked at Li Qiuyu puzzled, Li Qiuyu turned around and walked forward, because he didn't notice it when he came down, and only after he got down did he see a [-]-foot-high light falling from top to bottom on the ground.

"If you want to leave, why don't you leave like this? I have been trapped here for thousands of years, and someone finally appeared, haha." A cold voice sounded from the stone altar.

Li Qiuyu was startled, his consciousness swept around, but he didn't find the owner of the voice at all, and the body of the cloud beast was also trembling.

"who are you?"

"Hey, of course you don't know who I am, but there's no need to know the identity of this saint. Well, your strength is too weak. Hey, use your body first, and then go find another one." Leng The cold voice said to himself.

"This junior thinks he didn't offend senior or disturb senior's cleansing, so this junior apologizes to senior here." A man in white appeared in Li Qiuyu's sight.

With the appearance of the man in white, Li Qiuyu couldn't find when the man in white appeared, as if the man was there in the first place.

Can't tell age, can't tell cultivation level, Li Qiuyu was ready to leave after finishing speaking, this white-clothed man was really terrifying, it gave him a feeling of despair if he didn't make a move.


The man in white snorted softly, but in Li Qiuyu's heart, it was like a shocking lightning strike, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Senior is too deceitful." Li Qiuyu turned around and looked at the man in white who was fifty feet away, but the man never stepped out of the stone altar.

Just a soft snort hurt him a lot, his strength was amazing, this wasn't his God Killing Technique, if it was God Killing Skill, he would have been damaged long ago.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he changed his hands, and then pointed out, the shocking attack of destruction instantly came in front of the man in white.

"Hey, not bad."

The man in white was surprised, and then swiped a circle with one hand. The attack of the shaking finger was easily blocked, and the man in white didn't even move his body.

"What an awesome existence"

Li Qiuyu looked at the man in white in horror, knowing that the shocking finger is one of his most powerful skills, and its power is different from that of ice and fire.

"Try this." Li Qiuyu said solemnly, raising his hands, two balls of light appeared in his hands, and then he put his hands together, and a red and blue beam of light smashed towards the man in white.

"Hmph, you are still too weak. After a million years, you may be able to fight with me, but now you are honestly taken by me. You will never have this chance."

The man in white saw Li Qiuyu's icy compatibility, and his face became serious, and then he waved his hands, and a powerful light shot out from the crystal refining pillar.

Under the guidance of the monk in white, the light slammed into Li Qiuyu's beam of light fiercely. There was no sound as imagined, and the unfavorable compatibility of ice and fire was instantly melted by the light.

Immediately afterwards, the light shone directly towards Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu was startled, and his consciousness moved.The giant cauldron and ancient treasure instantly appeared in front of him, and the devouring shield also covered him.

The white light came to the giant cauldron in an instant, and the giant cauldron trembled violently. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Li Qiuyu's mouth. The ancient treasure of the giant cauldron was sacrificed by him with blood essence.

The Juding Ancient Treasure could only reduce part of its attack, and finally returned to its original shape, with all the white light falling on Li Qiuyu.

He shook his body for a while, and finally blocked the first wave of white light attack, but the man in white didn't stop there, but sacrificed a bigger white light.

The moment Li Qiuyu blocked the white light with the Shield of Devouring, he had already given him a chance, and the air magic art thought out, and immediately, a wooden ruler appeared in the air, and golden light radiated around the wooden ruler.

The golden light enveloped Li Qiuyu's whole body, and the light spread slowly, one foot, two feet, three feet....

Ten feet later, the white light of the monk in white had gathered, and he had already discovered the Tiantian Ruler in Li Qiuyu's hand.

"The psychic treasure, yes, junior, this psychic treasure is kept by the sage, and it can only display its true power in the hands of the sage."

The man in white nodded in satisfaction, and after finishing speaking, he struck the white light that had just gathered, which was countless times larger than the first attack.


Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention to the man in white, but swiped down the Tiantian Ruler in his hand. He knew the power of the white light, but he had reached the point where his talent was exhausted.

This is the first time I have encountered such a feeling. Even when I met the middle stage of alchemy in the foundation building stage, I could kill the opponent with the power of ice and fire.

Now the strength of this white-clothed man is unpredictable, and his cultivation in alchemy does not look like a white-clothed man's cultivator at all. He secretly calculated in his heart that this white-clothed man has definitely surpassed the realm of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Shocking the sky means no work, ice and fire compatibility failed, giant cauldron and ancient treasures have no work, now the power that can make him feel a little safe is Dingtian ruler, and he doesn't know if Dingtian ruler can kill the opponent.

Even if it can't be killed, there must be a chance to escape from this dangerous place. The white light collided with the golden light emitted by Ding Tianchi fiercely.

The light broke through the white light in one fell swoop and hit the man in white straightly. Li Qiuyu was stunned in front of the man in white in an instant.

"Hey, junior, let me tell you, I am not afraid of attacks." The man in white was pierced by the golden light, but to Li Qiuyu's horror, the man in white was still standing at the original place intact.

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