The golden light also disappeared, and the whole basement was filled with a strange atmosphere. The words of the man in white made Li Qiuyu despair.

He didn't let the cloud beast attack. Although the cloud beast was a mid-seventh-level monster, it was still a bit inferior to his powerful spells.


Li Qiuyu hummed in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking. The lotus flower between his eyebrows trembled slightly, and a mysterious light shot straight at the white-clothed monk.


The monk in white was also taken aback by the mysterious light between Li Qiuyu's eyebrows, and then he chanted a jerky spell, and then sound waves scattered in all directions.

"The art of demon voice."

Li Qiuyu was horrified, and saw that the sound wave cast by the man in white was exactly the same as the one he had seen in the book, one of the most powerful spells for monsters, the magic sound technique.

The mysterious light finally came into contact with the sound wave, and the light and sound wave continued to fight each other. Li Qiuyu's mana seemed to be emptied, and with a move of consciousness, a colorful Tianying Pill was thrown into his mouth.

After a while, Li Qiuyu had already consumed two Tianying Pills, but the extravagant light and sound waves were still on par. The man in white was horrified when he saw Li Qiuyu's actions.

He relied on the white light coming out of the crystal refining pillar as his strength, and his cultivation level was several levels higher than Li Qiuyu's. As long as Li Qiuyu's mana was exhausted, he would be able to restrain him.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu's elixir can restore mana in an instant, he smiled bitterly in his heart. Only he knew his details. Although he was the existence of the peak of the divine beast, he was just a trace of the divine beast.

Three Tianying Pills

Four Tianying Pills


The eight Tianying Pills have been thrown into the mouth, and the mana has returned to its peak state again. The man in white has a happy and carefree expression, and there is no change at all.

Li Qiuyu also groaned secretly in his heart, if this continues, the Tianying Pill will always be used up, he is not feeling sorry for the Tianying Pill now, as the Tianying Pill can be refined again after it is used up, but life is important.

With a move of his consciousness, he accidentally encountered the wrath of the gods. The wrath of the gods can have effects other than himself every time. He doesn't know how this time.

When Li Qiuyu cast the wrath of the gods, the man in white also moved, and a sky-burning breath swelled out, and the sound waves always blocked the mysterious light that Li Qiuyu cast.

The whole body of the man in white turned into a sky-burning flame, and the flame surrounded him. At this moment, Li Qiuyu waved down the wrath of the gods in his hand.

Dozens of thunder and lightning fishes swam out, and sure enough, the thunder and lightning came to the flames of the man in white, and there were bursts of explosions, and the expression of the man in white changed.

Li Qiuyu's mysterious light was also withdrawn, and the thunder and lightning of the wrath of the gods continued to swim out, but they could only temporarily trap the man in white. As soon as he loosened himself, the man in white would come out.

"Think you can trap me in this way?" The white-clothed man's face changed for a while, and finally he said relaxedly.

He put his hands together and pulled them together, the flames scattered in all directions, and lightning came to him in an instant, but a phantom floated out from the man in white.

He rushed straight towards Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu didn't expect such a change, he couldn't react in time, and the phantom flashed in between Li Qiuyu's eyebrows.

"Hey, junior, don't make unnecessary struggles, I will borrow your body temporarily." A voice sounded in Li Qiuyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Get out, it's not that simple to seize the house." Li Qiuyu's face was full of pain, and he saw the wrath of the gods and several other magic weapons fell to the ground, holding his head tightly with his hands.

A white consciousness directly attacked another group of pink consciousness. The white consciousness was dozens of times stronger than the pink consciousness. In a short while, the pink consciousness was only half the size.

The expression on Li Qiuyu's face was constantly changing, suffering for a while, and proud for a while. The pink consciousness was Li Qiuyu's soul, and under the attack of the white consciousness, he retreated steadily.

"Junior, at this time, you still have to struggle, give up resistance, everything about you will become mine, and I will make you stronger, so powerful that the entire human world is invincible." The white consciousness said arrogantly.

"Hmph, every time you think about it, even if you destroy my body, you don't want to use it to harm others." Pink's consciousness gradually diminished.

Li Qiuyu's face turned ruthless, his body swelled, and the mana in his dantian also churned, and the golden inner alchemy was circulating rapidly inside.

"I want to blow myself up, it's too late." The white consciousness was also horrified, it didn't expect the other party to be so vicious and decisive.

Immediately, the white consciousness wrapped around the pink consciousness fiercely, and Li Qiuyu's body slowly returned to its original shape. Just as his body was soaring, the space necklace on his chest emitted colorful light.

The colorful light wrapped Li Qiuyu's body again, Li Qiuyu naturally didn't know it, but the man in white turned his eyes and saw the colorful light around Li Qiuyu, his expression was horrified.

The white consciousness in Li Qiuyu's sea of ​​consciousness just wrapped the pink consciousness, then paused, and devoured the pink consciousness fiercely.

At this moment, the sea of ​​consciousness slowly turned into seven-colored colors, and then a seven-colored consciousness was condensed. The seven-colored consciousness didn't stop at all, and it wrapped up the white consciousness.

The white consciousness also noticed the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it was too late to retreat. The whole white consciousness was wrapped by the colorful consciousness, and the colorful consciousness kept devouring the white consciousness. The pink consciousness in the innermost part also got a chance and started to fight back.

Outside, the man in white moved his body with a resolute expression on his face. No one thought that the man in white could move after entering Li Qiuyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw a hard look on his face, a shocking monster force slowly brewed out, a hand slowly stretched out, and a gray light cut straight towards Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu didn't know the danger was coming, the gray light cut across Li Qiuyu's body in an instant, and to the horror of the man in white, the gray light didn't respond to Li Qiuyu's colorful light.

"Junior, who the hell are you? How could you divide your body into two?" The white consciousness roared loudly.

"Who am I, you don't care, you still have to take care of yourself." The colorful consciousness and the pink consciousness quickly swallowed the white consciousness.

A moment later, the white consciousness was completely swallowed up by the pink and colorful consciousness, and at this moment, the colorful consciousness and the pink consciousness were instantly compatible.

The two consciousnesses spun endlessly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally the sea of ​​consciousness completely turned into seven colors, the pink consciousness reappeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the seven-color consciousness scattered and returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Qiuyu slowly opened his eyes, only to see the white-clothed man collapsed, with a look of horror in his eyes, just now he took advantage of his own consciousness and was about to take it away, but unexpectedly, Li Qiuyu wiped out his consciousness instead.

"Who is Your Excellency?" The man in white was wrapped in white light and said coldly.

"Who am I? You don't care, you provoked me first." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he raised his hands, and the ice-fire beam of light slammed straight at the man in white.

He took a risky blow, and his spiritual consciousness was weakened. He didn't know if the other party's cultivation base was also weakened. He had no way out. If he was cowardly and fled first, he would definitely be attacked by the other party.

A golden light flashed out, and the man in white disappeared under the golden light. Li Qiuyu swayed for a while, and then forcibly stabilized himself.

"Hey, junior, you just killed a little bit of my soul. If you are destined to come to the spirit world, I will treat you well, haha!" An ethereal voice came into Li Qiuyu's ears.

The entire basement was silent, without a single sound, Li Qiuyu threw a Tianying Pill into the mouth, and his mana recovered to its peak, but his consciousness was weak.

The crystal refining pillar had been standing on the stone altar for a long time, but the strange aura was gone, and the aura was dispirited, but he didn't dare to practice here. Since the man in white had disappeared for a long time, this crystal refining pillar should also end.

The black long knife was quickly sacrificed, and then swung out, straight to the towering crystal refining pillar, Li Qiuyu's body was shaken, wiping the sweat from his consciousness, and looked at the place where the black long knife fell.

There was only a slight scratch left on the bottom of the crystal refining pillar, Li Qiuyu smiled wryly in his heart, but he did not give up.

Two days later, the ten-foot-tall crystal refining pillar finally collapsed. When the pillar collapsed, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and the entire pillar entered the space necklace.

After the pillars disappeared, the entire stone altar emitted golden rays of light, and a strange formation appeared on the stone altar.

"Demon Destroyer Array"

Li Qiuyu still knows a little about the formations, and the Yaoyao formation is definitely the same existence as the Zhuxian formation. After the formation was activated, Li Qiuyu quickly stood on the stone altar.

After a quick feeling of falling, Li Qiuyu came to the bottom of an abyss about a thousand feet deep, and the abyss was surrounded by dark and hard stone layers.

"Hey, it's actually Qiongqi's clone."

Li Qiuyu saw a huge monster body trapped in the formation, and the formation shone with a magical brilliance. The eyes of the Qiongqi monster looked at Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu felt a chill all over his body.

It's just that this Qiongqi monster is already dying, and the soul just now has dissipated, and what remains in the body is only a weak breath.

"Human, who are you? Why do you have the aurora and emptiness." Qiongqi looked at Li Qiuyu and asked.

"Who sealed you here?" Qi training Li Qiuyu asked Qiongqi without any words.

"I don't know who sealed me here, could it be?" Qiongqi's eyes flashed, and finally weakened again.

"Since you are sealed, you should fall."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he ignored it and started looking for it in other places. The spiritual energy here is rich, and the spiritual vein is nearby.

"I want to lose, I have been sealed here for thousands of years, and no one killed me, what a joke." Qiong Qi seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Look at this, as long as I leave the void, the void will never exist." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and with a move of consciousness, the tower of void appeared in his hand.

"this is?"

Qiongqi looked at Li Qiuyu in bewilderment, but Li Qiuyu's words made him horrified. Li Qiuyu had just killed his soul, and he was quite capable, so he would not make such a meaningless joke.

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