Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 458 Qianling Island, Ranked 1

"Now that the ranking of the islands is being upgraded, I believe everyone doesn't need to tell me which island is No. 1. This number is obvious to all."

"No.1 is the Qianling Island represented by His Excellency the Holy Alchemist. Qianling Island has become the second fourth-level island in the south and the first island where the Holy Alchemist appears. I am lucky and honored for all the monks in the southern islands. .”

"Congratulations, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, and congratulations to Qianling Island."

Some monks stood up and clasped their fists and said that there was no hatred or gap between the two. At this time, Daoxi was just saying something casually.

The status of His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is definitely the top existence in Bihai, and the monks who won the most against Li Qiuyu, or the monks who were offended by Li Qiuyu, have all been lost.

"Thank you, thank you." Li Qiuyu stood up and clasped his fists around in return. In his opinion, these things can be dealt with casually.

"No.2 is Zilong Island, congratulations to Zilong Island for becoming No.2."

"No.3 is Tianming Island. Congratulations to Tianming Island for becoming No.3."

In a short while, the ranking of the upgraded island was photographed, Ziming Island was ranked seventh, and Li Qiuyu also clasped his fists at the cultivator of Ziming Island and said hi.

"The island ranked No. 1 this time has 700 quotas to enter the sea of ​​innocence, but since the jade slips obtained by Qianling Island are 400 yuan, in terms of regulations, the islands with more than 100 yuan jade slips do not reach [-] yuan. If you add [-] yuan of jade slips to the four hundred islands, you will add ten places."

"Qianling Island received 740 yuan, an increase of [-] places, that is, [-] places, and a reward of [-] million spirit stones and [-] magic weapons. The rewards were delivered to the elders of Qianling Island by the people of this city. "

"No. 2 survived the [-] entry quota, and got [-] million spiritual stone rewards, and ten magic weapons."

"No.3 has [-] places to enter, and will be rewarded with [-] million spirit stones and five magic weapons."

"No. 4...."

Li Qiuyu memorized all the rewards for the following rankings. The latter rewards were pitifully low, but the last place also had two places to enter.

"The ranking of the islands is certain, and the time to enter the Sea of ​​Immortality is today, 20 years later. Fellow Daoists, please remember the time and arrange the number of places to enter."

"The most important thing is that Qianling Island has been upgraded to a fourth-level island. The [-] islands near Qianling Island are managed by Qianling Island. The name of the island will be passed on to each island within a year."

"Please take care of me, Holy Alchemy Master." The monk from Ziming Island waited for the monks on the steps to finish speaking, and then came to Li Qiuyu, and said politely to Li Qiuyu with his fists clasped.

"Fellow Daoist is joking. This seat is just a monk in the alchemy period. It's just a matter of luck. In the future, Ziming Island will need to help Qianling more." Li Qiuyu smiled and said.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has won the award, please support me a lot in the future." The representative of another island also came to Li Qiuyu, smiled sincerely, and said politely, it is not known whether Li Qiuyu is sincere or not.

"Our Tianming Island is too far away from Qianling Island, but if we have problems in alchemy in the future, we will have to trouble Your Excellency the Alchemist."

The cultivator from Tianming Island also stepped forward and said, at this time, it's almost a fool not to do things that don't cost a single spirit stone.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist's courage makes me also admire you. I heard that Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist sold more than 200 high-grade fourth-grade pills at the auction site for one hundred low-level spirit stones each. Bihai still thinks of such a handiwork. For the first time."

The monk on the steps said loudly, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"What? Only one hundred low-level spirit stones are needed for a fourth-grade high-level elixir?" A monk who went to Yuanying looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, do you think His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is short of spirit stones? Haha!" The monk on the steps laughed loudly when he saw the Nascent Soul Stage monk below.

The other monks also knew what the monks on the steps meant. Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist would be short of spirit stones. This is naturally impossible. Even if there is a lack of spirit stones, the fourth-grade high-grade pills cannot be sold for 100 yuan of low-level spirit stones.

You don't need to think about it, you know that His Excellency the Holy Alchemist is too bored to distribute these pills, but he doesn't want to violate some of his principles.

"Okay, fellow daoists, let's go on your own. For those who have been upgraded, the rewards and the title Ao Xiaocheng will be delivered within half a year, and the news will be delivered within one day. For islands that have not been upgraded, we will work harder next time."

Li Qiuyu saw that the matter of upgrading was finally over, so he turned around and walked towards the square, feeling relieved, he had already become the focus of all the monks, so he was really not used to it.

The other monks didn't bother him, they greeted each other politely when they met, and gave each other a good impression, secretly thinking in their hearts, if there is no deep hatred, it is best not to provoke this Holy Alchemy Master.

The cultivation base of the alchemy stage dared to enter the space crack, and he also got 740 pieces of jade slips, which means that at least three hundred monks of the Nascent Soul stage were lost in his hands.

Even if there is no such strength, no one will offend the identity of a holy alchemy master. Imagine killing hundreds of Yuanying stage monks and more than 400 peak monks in the late stage of alchemy within three years of the alchemy stage. This terrifying strength is already difficult to describe. described.

white house

In the hall of the Bai family, all the monks who had gone to the Nascent Soul were sitting. The Bai family could become the fifth existence of the top ten families in Aoxiao City, thanks to the more than ten Nascent Soul monks in this hall.

"It's a good thing you didn't embarrass that Holy Alchemist last time." Bai Yuntian looked at Bai Ziqing who was sitting below and said with satisfaction.

"Third Uncle, what's the matter?" Bai Ziqing, a cultivator in blue, asked in puzzlement when he saw his Third Uncle's appearance.

"Do you know which island is the number one island this time?" Bai Yuntian said lightly.

"Is it Zilong Island or Tianming Island? These two islands are very powerful." Bai Ziqing said.

"No, you will never guess that a ninth-level island will become No. 1, and even become a fourth-level island." Bai Yuntian said with emotion.

"The ninth-level island has been upgraded to a fourth-level island? No. 1 of the ninth-level island?" Bai Ziqing and the others said in surprise, but seeing Bai Yuntian's appearance, it didn't look like he was joking.

"That's right, Qianling Island, the ninth-level island, obtained 740 pieces of jade slips, became No.1, and was upgraded to a fourth-level island, which means that it is His Excellency the Holy Alchemist." Bai Yuntian said.

"How can a monk in the alchemy stage be so perverted?" Bai Ziqing said in horror. His Excellency the alchemist's cultivation is only in the late stage of alchemy, and he knew it at the auction.

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to do it like this. It is absolutely impossible to get so many jade slips by luck. Besides, the identity of a holy alchemist is not luck." Bai Yuntian said lightly, still thinking about Li Qiuyu. The origin of the jade slips.

"I really didn't expect His Excellency the Saint Alchemist in the alchemy stage to have such a powerful strength. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant in the auction last time. He didn't take these monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul into his eyes at all." Bai Ziqing said. .

"I will report this matter to my superiors. You'd better not provoke him." Bai Yuntian said loudly, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Junior knows."

Bai Ziqing and the others replied respectfully, and finally left the hall, leaving Bai Yuntian alone in his seat, thinking about the above things.

Li Qiuyu quickly returned to the inn, saw that Lingling was still practicing, so she didn't bother him, she also imposed a small prohibition, and began to practice on her own, this practice lasted more than ten days.

In Qianling Island, the sky has been turned upside down, especially in Nanyue City, the entire square is extremely lively. Three years ago, Nanyue City became the largest city in Qianling Island in one fell swoop.

Your Excellency, the alchemist of Yunlu Island in Nanyue City, took out [-] million spirit stones to build Nanyue City, strengthen the city of Nanyue City, and enhance the strength of monks.Today, three years later, a shocking loud noise appeared in the sky, and at the same time a huge firework exploded, and countless monks quickly felt the square.

A quarter of an hour later, a ray of light appeared on the huge bulletin board. After the subtitle message appeared, all the monks who got it were shocked.

"Qianling Island has become the No. 1 island in this island upgrade. It has been upgraded to a fourth-level island. Qianling Island will be rewarded with [-] million spiritual stones and [-] magic weapons. The [-] nearby islands will be managed and ruled by Qianling Island."

"What? Qianling Island has become a fourth-level island!"

"Two hundred islands belong to Qianling Island?"

The news shook the hearts of the monks in the square. Qianling Island had been a ninth-level island for tens of thousands of years, but it did not expect to become a fourth-level island all of a sudden.

In the secret room of the square hall, the thirteen elders all looked excited. The news spread in half an hour, and they dared to spread the news after studying for a long time.

"I didn't expect our fourteenth elder to be so powerful that we could upgrade a ninth-level island to a fourth-level island in one fell swoop. If we are lucky, we will have no problem becoming a third-level island." The second elder said happily.

"Enough, 740 pieces of jade slips, that is to say, half of the Nascent Soul cultivators have been lost in his hands." The Great Elder analyzed it, horrified in his heart.

What kind of existence is the monk in the Nascent Soul Stage? I didn't expect Li Qiuyu to test the strength of the late stage of the alchemy to defeat the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and the late stage of the alchemy.

"I don't know when Elder Li will come back?" Eleventh Elder pondered for a moment and said.

"Should be soon, come back from Aoxiao City, even if you fly non-stop, it will take several months." The Great Elder calmed down and said lightly.

"It seems that our Nanyue City is going to shine in the blue sea." The thirteenth elder said with a smile.

"It is also necessary to improve the overall strength of Qianling Island. It is not enough to rely on Elder Li alone. It is impossible for him to attend to the upgrade of the island forever."

The Great Elder said seriously, everyone is aware of this issue, the strength of Qianling Island is still really bad, the ranking and title have improved, but the overall strength has not improved.

"Okay, let's try to promote some talented disciples within a hundred years, and gradually improve the internal strength of Qianling Island and Nanyue City."

The second elder said calmly, he is in charge of finances, and all money, big or small, is taken from him. Of the dozen or so elders, only three or four are actually in charge.

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