Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 459 Ready to Retreat

Li Qiuyu didn't know what was going on in the outside world, but after he came out of cultivation, he recruited Su Yunshan's three late alchemy monks back.

"I have seen you, son, congratulations on your safe return."

Su Yunshan bowed respectfully to Li Qiuyu, and kept her eyes on Li Qiuyu, because they also knew that Qianling Island represented by Li Qiuyu won No.1 and became a fourth-level island.

The 740 pieces of jade slips have become the first time that the upgrade of the islands in the southern part of the Bihai has reached more than 400 yuan.

I was puzzled by Li Qiuyu's strength. Even with the help of eighth-level monsters, it was impossible to kill so many Nascent Soul and Alchemy Stage monks in three years.

"Well, we are going back soon, do you have anything else to do?" Li Qiuyu asked, looking at Su Yunshan and the other two.

"I don't have anything to do with me." Su Yunshan looked at Ling Ling beside Li Qiuyu, feeling a little surprised in her heart, she never thought that there are such cute and beautiful girls in this world.

She is also a peerless beauty, but when she sees Ling Ling, she feels inferior to her. Apart from her appearance, Ling Ling is clearly overwhelmed, mainly because of her natural wisdom.

"Then let's leave immediately and go back to Qianling Island." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he took Lingling to the courtyard, took away the remaining spirit stones from the shopkeeper, and left the inn directly.

A group of five people left Aoxiao City, Li Qiuyu cast Tianyun Shenzhou, hugged Ling Ling, and flew out quickly.

"Brother Qiuyu, where are we going now?" Lingling said softly, standing beside Li Qiuyu, holding the corner of Li Qiuyu's clothes with one hand.

"Well, let's go back to Qianling Island." Li Qiuyu smiled and looked ahead. It was also the first time for Ling Ling to ride the Tianyun Shenzhou, and she flew by herself in the space crack.

Su Yunshan saw Lingling and Li Qiuyu's close expressions when they talked, and knew that the two had a close relationship. She didn't know where this Lingling came from. Only in the early stage of foundation establishment could she be with Li Qiuyu.

But she also discovered that Ling Ling was still a virgin, which meant that Li Qiuyu and Li Qiuyu had no close relationship, and that was the key.

"Lingling, you have to learn to fly by yourself in the future. I will teach you how to control the flying magic weapon. You are optimistic." Li Qiuyu said to Lingling beside her.

"Well, brother Qiuyu, please tell me, Lingling, listen." Lingling said softly, she also knew that she could not bring Li Qiuyu a burden.

The two were flying in the air, and the other three followed far behind. In less than a moment, Ling Ling was able to control the Tianyun Shenzhou. Li Qiuyu closed his eyes, and Lingling controlled the Tianyun Shenzhou.

After three months of flying, the five of them finally entered the realm of Qianling Island. Ling Ling was not only not tired of living in the wind and sleeping for three months, but liked this kind of life because she could be with Li Qiuyu every day.

Along the way, I hardly met anyone who didn't have long eyes, and the only monk in the Nascent Soul stage was killed by Li Qiuyu with a three-foot long sword in a blink of an eye.

Su Yunshan and the two monks at the late stage of alchemy watched Li Qiuyu's chic movements in horror, and the monks at the Nascent Soul stage easily crushed to death like ants.

It was really lucky that I was able to escape a catastrophe before. If I really killed myself, I wouldn't even have a chance to fight back.

Ling Ling's cultivation base is also growing rapidly. There is Li Qiuyu, a holy alchemist, by her side. He Chou's cultivation base does not increase. In three months, he has cultivated to the peak in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Lingling and Su Yunshan have a good relationship. The two beauties talk and laugh all day long, and Lingling wants to spend it in laughter.

In Yunlu Island, I was very excited to learn that the island owner, Li Qiuyu, raised Qianling Island to a fourth-level island millions of miles away, but I don't know when the island owner will come back.

Now Yunlu Island is famous in Nanyue City, and even the entire Qianling Island. If you know Qianling Island, you will know the name of His Excellency the Saint Alchemist of Yunlu Island.

On this day, the disciples of Yunlu Island were all practicing seriously, but five fast-flying figures appeared in the air, and they entered the realm of Yunlu Island in a flash.

"This is the territory of Yunlu Island. Fellow Daoists, please stop. Yunlu Island prohibits flying in the air, and anyone who violates the rules will be shot." A loud voice came out.

After the reputation of Yunlu Island grew, every patrol was led by a monk in the alchemy stage, but Li Qiuyu and others flew too fast, and they didn't see clearly that Li Qiuyu was in the Tianyun Shenzhou.

Li Qiuyu didn't speak either. Seeing that Li Qiuyu didn't make a sound, Ling Ling quickly flew the Tianyun Shenzhou forward, and after a while, she came to the place hundreds of feet in front of the monk who had just spoken.

"This deity counts to three times. If fellow Taoist doesn't hit the ground, don't blame Yunlu Island for attacking." Ming Yuling said loudly, with a slight anger rising in his heart. The reputation of Yunlu Island is inviolable.

"It's my seat."

Li Qiuyu stood up slowly, and said lightly, he also wanted to see Yunlu Island's attitude towards the foreign enemies, saw what the patrolling disciples did, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, it's the island owner. It's the island owner who has returned." Ming Yuling said excitedly. He is also a monk who broke through the alchemy stage recently, and he came out to do the task just after he stabilized his realm.

He has also heard about Li Qiuyu's deeds in Aoxiao City in the past two days. Besides, Li Qiuyu fought against the monks of the three Bailian sects before, and his strength is definitely something that the disciples of Dandan look up to.

Unexpectedly, the first time I brought my disciples out on patrol, I met the island owner back. I was naturally very happy, and quickly saluted respectfully and shouted: "Disciple has seen the island owner."

"Well, you did a good job. It's not long since you formed the alchemy. Practice hard." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she flew back to the top of Yunlu Island with Ling Ling.

Su Yunshan and others followed behind, and Li Qiuyu arranged Lingling in a separate room. On the top of the mountain, there were only four or five room-sized pavilions.

"What, the island owner is back." Master Long Yun said in surprise when he heard Ming Yuling speak.

"Yes, I just met Elder Su and the other three, but there is a young girl beside the island owner." Ming Yuling said respectfully.

Reverend Long Yun is his master. Although he is in the alchemy stage now, he still respects Reverend Long Yun the same.

"Okay, you lead someone to patrol, and I'll go to pay the island owner a rest."

Immortal Long Yun left the hall after finishing speaking, and quickly flew towards the top of the mountain. In the past three years, he has managed Yunlu Island in an orderly manner, and there is no shortage of spirit stones, but he dare not use one more spirit stone.

"Long Yun has met the island owner, congratulations on the island owner's safe return." Long Yun came to Li Qiuyu and saluted politely.

"Well, brother, you don't need to be too polite." Li Qiuyu waved his hand and said politely. Although Long Yun's cultivation base is not high, when he came out of Bihai, he still relied on Lanyin and Zixue to save him.

And Long Yun also took him in. If someone respects me a foot, I will give him another foot. If someone bullies me an inch, I will destroy his family. This is the principle of Li Qiuyu's life.

"Our Yunlu Island now has more than [-] monks at the alchemy stage. Do you want to expand the island?" Long Yun sat in front of Li Qiuyu respectfully and asked.

"Well, Yunlu Island can be expanded, but monks in the Qi training period cannot enter my Yunlu Island, unless they are talented, have special skills, or special monks, you can arrange these things yourself."

Li Qiuyu heard that Long Yun wanted to expand the island, which was in line with his idea. Yunlu Island's influence in Nanyue City is not bad, but it is nothing in Qianling Island.

I have a lot of spirit stones and elixir, and I can use these spirit stones to expand Yunlu Island and become a powerful sword for myself in the blue sea.

"This Long Yun knows that our Yunlu Island needs 3000 million yuan a year to spend, and we earn [-] million spirit stones every year, but our real strength has not improved at all." Long Yun said seriously.

"This seat knows that the real strength of Yunlu Island is to be improved slowly. Only when the strength of Yunlu Island is improved, will it not be coveted by others. Announce a message in Nanyue City, enter Yunlu Island, and prohibit Flying high in the sky, kill anyone over ten feet."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, outsiders, flying within ten feet, eased the difficulty for the patrolling foundation-building disciples, and if the alchemy-stage monks flew above a thousand feet, the foundation-building monks would not be able to fly up at all.

The gap between the two is so big. After this regulation comes out, those who respect Yunlu Island must fly at low altitude.

"Long Yun will do it immediately, but should the news of the island owner's return be spread?" Long Yun looked at Li Qiuyu, quietly waiting for Li Qiuyu's answer.

"No need to spread the news of my return. If others find out, they can use the excuse that I am retreating to push it away. Let Su Yunshan and the three of them solve the things that Yunlu Island can't solve. Remember, the three of them are just Those who are controlled by me with means, be careful."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she waved her hand, indicating that Long Yun could leave, but when Long Yun was about to leave, Li Qiuyu said lightly: "Ling Ling can represent this seat, she is only in the foundation building stage now, don't let people bully her." she."

"Long Yun knows." Long Yun respectfully bid farewell to Li Qiuyu, glanced at Lingling, and finally nodded and smiled at Lingling.

"Lingling, you will practice here from now on. If you are bored after training, you can go out to play, but you can't leave Yunlu Island, you know?"

Li Qiuyu said softly to Lingling that he will go to retreat and practice when he comes back this time, because the peak in the late stage of alchemy has made him afraid to practice anymore.

"Brother Qiuyu, are you not here? Don't leave Lingling here alone, okay?" Lingling thought that Li Qiuyu was going to leave, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking, little girl? I want to practice in seclusion in this place. I don't know how long it will take me to retreat this time. I am afraid that you will be lonely." Li Qiuyu smiled and stroked Lingling's hair lightly .

"Oh, it turns out that Brother Qiuyu is going to retreat. Lingling is not afraid, as long as Brother Qiuyu is here, if I am bored, I will go down to play." Lingling said happily. So sweet.

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