Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 460 Five Years of Yunlu Island

"When I'm in retreat, don't disturb me. If you need anything, you can go to the monk who just met at the alchemy stage. His name is Long Yun, and he is the head of Yunlu Island. Our Yunlu Island is not poor. , if you want anything, just tell me."

"Lingling knows that Lingling also wants to practice in closed doors, and strive to reach the middle stage of foundation establishment, hehe!" Lingling smiled happily after finishing speaking.

"From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to practice in closed doors. Take this, and when they see this, it's like seeing me. If they don't know you, just say my name and Long Yun's name, and put them away at any time when they go out." Take it with you."

Li Qiuyu handed a garden card to Ling Ling, which is the token of the owner of Yunlu Island, and then pointed to the cloud beast and the black turtle beast that were just released. I believe there are these two monsters, two Nascent Soul Can't monks do anything to Ling Ling?Besides, it's just in case.

"Thank you Brother Qiuyu." Lingling said tenderly when he saw the two monsters. He also knew that each monster in the coming year would be equivalent to two Nascent Soul stage monks.

After finishing speaking, Lingling took the cloud beast and the mysterious turtle beast back to her room. In fact, the place where Li Qiuyu practiced was less than fifty feet away from where Lingling lived.

Li Qiuyu displayed a small Nine Palaces Tianxuan Formation, and then the whole person was easily in the formation, entered the formation, and he practiced slowly, trying to calm his mood in a short time. The peak has been reached for a long time.

There was no need to practice anymore, but no matter how he calmed down, it was difficult for him to calm down, so he simply ignored it and sacrificed the tripod.

He began to refine the pills, but he did not refine the third-rank pills, but the fourth-rank Huitian pills, fourth-rank Lingyu pills and Huishen pills. After half a year, the pills in his space necklace have grown to a large size. Heaped up.

But his mood still hadn't returned to the calmest, he started to refine Tianying Pill and Good Fortune Pill again, and two years passed after a while.

He refined two furnaces of Tianying Pill and one furnace of Good Fortune Pill, and it took four months to refine each batch of item pill, and his cultivation base would increase a lot for each furnace of refining pill, but Just didn't find an opportunity.

Not long after he returned to Yunlu Island, the thirteen elders in Nanyue City knew that Li Qiuyu had returned, but Master Longyun declined the visiting monks on the grounds that the island owner was practicing in seclusion.

With Li Qiuyu's reputation and Shendan Pavilion's status on Qianling Island, Master Longyun found the Great Elder and included all the islands around Yunlu Island with a radius of a thousand miles under the jurisdiction of Yunlu Island.

The outer disciples recruited by Yunlu Island are all above the Foundation Establishment Stage, unless the Qi training disciples have special skills or outstanding talents.

The fame and welfare of Yunlu Island are the existence that the low-level monks and high-level monks of the entire Qianling Island want to come in.However, the conditions for recruiting monks in Yunlu Island are also extremely harsh, and they have to go through repeated tests.

When Li Qiuyu was refining pills, he also came out to play with Ling Ling for a few days, or to teach her cultivation, and Ling Ling also successfully entered the late stage of foundation establishment.

After refining the second furnace of Tianying Pill, Li Qiuyu finally felt a slight loosening of his realm, and he hurried back to the formation to learn.

Ling Ling is also practicing seriously, but Li Qiuyu has not come out for three full years this time, but every six months, a message is sent to Ling Ling.

"Well, I've never gone out to play. I'm going to see what Brother Qiuyu's Yunlu Island is like?" Lingling said with a smile, stood up, hugged the cloud beast, and the black turtle followed behind, forming a formation Go down to the top of the mountain.

In the five years since I came to Yunlu Island, Ling Ling has also changed from a 14-year-old girl to a peerless fairy. Li Qiuyu also saw Ling Ling's beautiful appearance, and looked at her like Xiao Qiuyue Every time, there is a kind of appreciation in the eyes.

The cultivation base in the later stage of foundation establishment can be regarded as an upper-middle existence in Yunlu Island, not to mention a peerless beauty who can make thousands of monks fall in love with her frown and smile.

"Which senior sister and junior sister are you a disciple of, why did you just break into the deity's training place?" A middle-aged monk also showed a surprised expression when he saw Ling Ling, and then asked seriously.

In Yunlu Island, etiquette is a very serious matter. Although he is a monk in the alchemy period, he dare not touch the rules of Yunlu Island.

Thinking that Lingling is the same disciple of the alchemy stage, I gently taught you that this female disciple of the foundation stage not only greeted me politely when she saw her, but also ignored her.

"Who are you? Why are you talking so rudely?" Ling Ling was extremely dissatisfied when she saw the old-fashioned way this middle-aged monk spoke.

His cultivation base is not as deep as his brother Qiu Yu's, but his airs are quite high, and he still has some grievances in his heart, so he said reluctantly.

"What a sharp-mouthed junior, I want to send you to your master to see how your master teaches you." The middle-aged monk said loudly.

In fact, he was also practicing in the pavilion. Ling Ling passed by here, and the sound only alarmed him. He spoke loudly, attracting some disciples from Yunlu Island.

"Brother Ting, why are you getting angry here?" A female cultivator in the early stage of alchemy said, and walked slowly towards the pavilion, seeing her disciples in the foundation building stage and Qi training stage respectfully saluted and said hello.

"Hmph, I'm really not polite." Seeing that Ling Ling didn't salute, the female cultivator said softly.

"The cultivation level is not high, I didn't expect that the airs are quite big, hum." After Lingling finished speaking, she was ready to leave angrily, but the middle-aged monk would not let him leave.

"Say, you are the disciple of that fellow daoist, so rude." The middle-aged monk yelled angrily, but he still didn't dare to fight, because Yunlu Dao does not allow fighting, and the other party is a junior in the foundation establishment period.

"My disciple, you are not qualified to ask." After Lingling finished speaking, she carried the cloud beast and left, followed by the black turtle beast.

"I'll take you to find your master right away." After the middle-aged monk finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab the air, and a ray of light grabbed at Ling Ling, and Ling Ling swung out a sword light without any scruples.

"Okay, I violated the rules of Yunlu Island and dared to attack the elders." The claw shadow caught by the middle-aged monk was instantly defeated by Ling Ling's sword light. Although Ling Ling was in the late stage of foundation establishment, he shot with all his strength. Inadvertently lost face.

"Boy, I'll give you three breaths, get away from me." A deep voice came out.

"Who, dare to speak to this deity like this." The middle-aged monk said loudly, turned around and searched around, feeling extremely puzzled.

"What are you looking at, I'm here." The cloud beast jumped out of Ling Ling's hands, and its body became the size of a person.

"It turned out to be a monster. No wonder you, a junior, dare to be so disrespectful." The middle-aged monk was stunned, and then sacrificed a powerful ray of light, ready to restrain the monster.


A majestic voice came, and the middle-aged monk heard the voice, quickly withdrew his mana, stood up quietly, and saluted the visitor.

"I have met the master." The middle-aged monk saluted the visitor, and the female nun just now also saluted respectfully.

"It turned out to be Long Yun, look at the people below you, they are so rude, they actually did something to me." Ling Ling said angrily, she had seen Long Yun once, so naturally she would not forget it.

"Fairy Lingling forgives my sins. I have no way to discipline them. Let me tell you how to punish them." Long Yun was dealing with some matters. He just passed by here and saw someone arguing, so he came over to have a look.

But a person was photocopied into his mind. This figure was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. When he saw the woman's appearance clearly, he knew he was in trouble.

The first time I saw this Ling Ling, she was only fourteen or fifteen years old. I haven't seen her for five years. Now she has become a peerless beauty, but her appearance has never changed.

"It's rare for me to pay attention to your affairs. You can explain this matter to my brother Qiuyu yourself in the future." After Ling Ling finished speaking, she walked forward slowly, and he still wanted to go to the beach to play.

"Brother Qiu Yu?" The middle-aged monk and female cultivator asked inwardly in horror when they heard it, and when they saw that Master Long Yun was so respectful to this woman named Lingling, they knew they were in trouble.

They didn't expect this woman to say the words "Brother Qiu Yu", which completely stunned them. The word Qiu Yu is the name of the island owner. Could it be that this woman has something to do with the island owner.

"You two have caused a good thing, you can find a way to solve it yourself." Seeing Ling Ling and the two monsters leaving and walking towards the beach, Master Long Yun knew that the woman was going to play at the beach, and now he couldn't bother her at all. So as not to add fuel to the fire.

"Master, who is she?"

The middle-aged monk asked in a daze, hoping that the master's answer had nothing to do with the island master, so that he would be able to resolve it a bit.

"Her identity is enough to represent the island owner. Didn't you hear her call the island owner?" Long Yun said angrily.

"Is he the island owner's younger sister? But we don't seem to know that the island owner has a younger sister." The female cultivator of Danqi said puzzledly.

"The relationship between her and the island owner is not something you can talk about. Go back and face the wall for a year." Long Yun shook his head helplessly, with a look of distress on his face.

Now he is still trying to find a way to solve this matter. The last time he came out from the island lord, the island lord mentioned the identity of this Ling Ling. He didn't expect that this woman would encounter something unsatisfactory the first time she came out.

Lingling also came to the beach to play angrily. After a while, she had already forgotten what happened just now. There is no such sea area in the Tianling Realm. Naturally, Lingling felt novelty, playing here for three hours.

Just when she was about to go back, there was a thunder in the sky, and then a message came into his mind: "Lingling, hurry up and tell people to stay away and evacuate to the seaside."

Lingling was startled, this was Brother Qiu Yu's voice, could it be that Brother Qiu Yu was about to break through the Core Formation Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage.

She hurriedly flew back to the place where she just came, and when she left the beach, she met Long Yun and more than a dozen hungry monks of that period, and countless monks of the foundation establishment period were waiting for him.

"Fairy Lingling, those two blind disciples were punished just now, I hope Fairy Lingling will not be angry." Daoist Long Yun said politely, he was also afraid that Li Qiuyu would blame him, so he could only wait here for Lingling return.

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