The high-ranking monks of the big families and great sects learned from their disciples that there are indeed a lot of precious medicinal materials in it, and the aura is also very strong, but there are monsters where there are precious medicinal materials, and some of the four low-ranking monks died in the Under the claws of monster beasts.

Some died from cannibalism, some died from the space gale, and some lost their way and were finally trapped inside. Some monks were even far away from the teleportation array and had no time to come out. They had to wait 60 years to come out.

Since then, several small countries around Tianlong Kingdom have also received news, and they all sent low-level monks into the space crack in the second 60 years, and told their disciples to find the teleportation array in the hundred days and make preparations to come out .

When a large number of monks entered inside for the second time, they found a strange thing, because they saw that the same sects who entered here last time were real fellow sects who had not had time to teleport.

Not only beside the teleportation array, there are also corpses in other places. These corpses are not decomposed, and they are no different from just lost. There is no scar on their bodies. After they came out, they brought out several corpses.

After research by the most prestigious eight holy monks at that time, it was finally concluded that the monks who stayed inside died normally, not homicides.

Everyone knows that generally, monks who practice qi will not get sick and will live to be a hundred years old. The monks who enter the space crack are all very talented monks, and most of them are above the seventh level of qi training.They are all around 40 to [-] years old, and old age is not something that cannot be justified.

It is only after the research of the holy monks that they have all died for nearly 60 years, that is to say, they died in it within a few months after entering.

No one objected to the respectful title of the low-level monks of the holy monks for the old monsters in the transformation period.Because the exercises practiced by a holy monk among them are very peculiar time poisons, and those who are poisoned will age quickly.

There was no cure, so no one dared to stay inside for more than [-] days, and started waiting beside the teleportation array after [-] days.

There are also many monks who write down the terrain and important places they are in, and give them to the senior monks in the door to study, and gradually research a set of methods for entering and exiting.

This is the so-called Tianluan Order today. Because the various sects were afraid that too many people would enter, they finally produced tokens for the wonders of Tianluan, including several small countries near the Tianlong Kingdom. A total of 880 important tokens were made. [-] eight Tianluan orders.

Thousands of years have passed, and the 60-year Tianluan experience has become more and more intense. There are more and more monks, and the gap in the elixir is getting bigger and bigger.Herbs are more important.Killing and seizing treasures can be seen everywhere in it, and those who come out of it have gone through bloody experience, and the chances of breaking through the foundation building stage are far more than others.

In the long river of time, the Tianluan Order no longer gathers monks from Tianlong and several other countries.Many of the Tianluan orders fell into the hands of casual cultivators.

"Thank you Zhang Daoyou for explaining it to me. It really gave me a lot of insight." Li Qiuyu waited for Zhang Tianhang to finish speaking, and bowed politely, knowing a lot about the inside of Tianluan Wonders.

"Li Daoyou is polite, we are both loose cultivators, we should be united, haha." Zhang Tianhang laughed, and greeted Li Qiuyu, sacrificed the magic weapon and flew towards the distance together.

The two talked and laughed all the way, Li Qiuyu hadn't felt this way for a long time, the feeling that he only had when he was with friends in his previous life also appeared here.It's just that he didn't dare to trust Zhang Tianhang too much. After all, most monks in the cultivation world are sinister and cunning.

They are all selfish beings. There are a few people with a kind heart like Ling Lanxin, who must guard against others and harm others. He still has to be on guard against Zhang Tianhang all the time.

After flying for two full hours, under Zhang Tianhang's leadership, Li Qiuyu naturally wouldn't worry about going in the wrong direction. Before dark, the Tianluan Mountains faintly appeared in sight. During the flight, he saw many monks coming.

Most of them are three or five people together, among them there are quite a few monks who are uniformly dressed. Needless to say, they are all monks from the same sect or family. Most of these monks are above the seventh floor of Qi training, and most of them are on the ninth floor Wandering around.And now Li Qiuyu didn't hide his cultivation, the cultivation base of the early stage of the seventh floor.

Compared to his realm, Li Qiuyu's realm is considered to be at the bottom here, and others look at him in an extremely unworthy manner, and some even treat him as if he were a dead person.

Li Qiuyu didn't bother, others looked down on her, but her cultivation level was too low, who said no, in the wonders of the sky, high-level and powerful monsters came out, and there was such a person as Gang Feng, even killing people and seizing treasures was a must. much more common.

Being low-key is one of the basic conditions for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Brother Zhang, you are late, but let us wait." A rough voice came.

"Brother Longxing, I think you guys just arrived, you want to lie to me, hehe." Zhang Tianhang said loudly.

Only now did Li Qiuyu see clearly that the person who spoke was a big man. As the saying goes, you can know a person by listening to his voice. This person is no different from an ordinary person, with a beard on his face, his whole person is more heroic.

"Hey, who is the little brother beside you." Long Xing asked loudly.

"I'm here, Li Qiuyu. I've met Daoist Brother Long and fellow Taoists." Li Qiuyu said politely like Long Xing, and greeted the monks around Long Xing.

"Let's introduce ourselves, everyone will be our own people from now on." Zhang Tianhang said.

"Han Yulong, the seventh level of Qi training in the fire department, I hope fellow Taoists will take care of you in the future." It was a young monk in brocade clothes who was in his 20s who spoke.

"At the lower Xiaoyue Peak, the eighth floor of the earth element Qi training." A middle-aged monk in blue stood up.

"I don't need to say more, Long Xing, the eighth level of gold system Qi training. Hehe" Long Xing said with a smile.

"Zhang Tianhang, the ninth level of wood-type qi training."

"Li Qiuyu, the seventh level of wood-type qi training."

All five of them briefly introduced themselves, and everyone's cultivation level was revealed, so that it showed that everyone was frank.

"The cultivation of the five of us is not high, and we are nothing in the eyes of other monks, let alone other families and fighting forces. We must be united, otherwise we will all lose, and the attributes of each person's practice are different. Let's arrange the fighting method." Among the five here, Zhang Tianhang is the one with the highest cultivation level, and his speech is naturally the most effective.

"I listened to Brother Zhang's arrangement, and I believe the fellow Taoists have no objections." Long Xing said loudly, looking at Li Qiuyu and the others.

"I have no opinion,"

"I have no opinion."

"I have no opinion either"

"Since everyone respects me, I won't let you down. I'll make arrangements now. No matter what the situation is, I won't mess up the way of fighting." Zhang Tianhang glanced at several people, and finally explained the tactics of the battle. .

It is nothing more than that Xiao Yuefeng of the earth system is mainly responsible for defense, Long Xing of gold system is mainly responsible for attack, Han Yulong of fire system is the striker, and Li Qiuyu and Zhang Tianhang are both of wood system, and the two cooperate with each other.

This kind of tactics is actually not a kind of tactics, but just to greet everyone first, so as not to mess up during the battle, after arranging everything, Zhang Tianhang led the four of them to fly towards the Tianluan Mountains. After flying for an hour, the sky It also slowly darkened.

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