Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 48 Before Entering the Crack

The five found a relatively remote canyon and stopped, planning to spend the night here. It’s okay here, and it’s considered a safe haven for injuries. On the way into the mountains, they met many monks. Hurry up.

"Everyone split up, let's go find something to eat, but we have to be careful, it's best to be together in two or three, don't disperse." Zhang Tianhang said softly after all the places were selected.

"Okay, someone will follow me to prepare firewood." Han Yulong said casually.

"Then I'll be with Fellow Daoist Han." Li Qiuyu responded, and turned around with Han Yulong to prepare the fire.

After a while, when Han Yulong came back, the other three also came back, holding a fat third-grade monster rabbit in their hands.

"Everyone wait, let the younger brother do the barbecue." Li Qiuyu took the rabbit from the three of them, and went to the stream by himself to wash the dead rabbit clean.

"Brother Han, hehe." Li Qiuyu pointed to the firewood piled on the ground, and stared at Han Yulong with a playful look in his eyes.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?" Confused by Li Qiuyu's movements, Han Yulong asked helplessly.

"Brother Han, isn't the fire element technique? You are here. You have to do this kind of thing. Don't say we stole your limelight." Just after Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the other three laughed, only Han Yulong didn't know why.

"Brother Li, it turns out that you used the fire element technique I practiced to light the fire. You can think about it!" Han Yulong finally came to his senses.Shaking his head helplessly, he finally casually shot out a piece of fire element essence, and the withered material fire also ignited violently.

Li Qiuyu skewered the three hares with wooden sticks, just like the modern roasted whole lamb. After a while, the smell of meat came from the hares into the noses of several people.

He turned the wooden stick on which the hares were strung together, and at the same time gently stirred the flames. He also controlled the flames as he wished. He is a standard alchemist, so he must have high requirements for the control of the flames.

"Brother Li, you are very familiar with fire control techniques. You must have also practiced fire-type kung fu." Han Yulong saw Li Qiuyu's way of controlling fire, and his heart was slightly shocked. He practiced fire-type kung fu by himself. He is not as proficient in controlling the fire element as Li Qiuyu in front of him.

I also began to wonder if Li Qiuyu was using a fire-type exercise, but what the other party was talking about was a wood-type exercise, and practitioners with both fire and wood elements rarely encountered it.

"Brother Han, do you think I'm a dual element of fire and wood?" Li Qiuyu said softly.

"That's not true, after all, it's difficult to cultivate fire and wood dual elements, but I saw that Brother Li was very good at controlling the flames when relying on the hare.

Li Qiuyu didn't say much. He said that the hare slowly turned golden yellow under the flames, and the aroma was even stronger. He could clearly feel the stomachs of the people sitting next to him rebelling.

"Brother Li, are you ready? I can't wait." Naturally, the rough and crazed Long Xing was the first to speak.

"Okay. Let's taste my little brother's handicraft." Li Qiuyu divided the rabbit into two, handed it to Han Yulong and Xiao Yuefeng, and handed the other whole rabbit to Long Xing.Zhang Tianhang and himself shared a roasted rabbit.

"Brother Li still understands me!" Long Xing felt refreshed when he saw Li Qiuyu gave him a whole rabbit.

In fact, Li Qiuyu also saw Long Xing's rough appearance, so instead of splitting the rabbit in half, it is better to give him a whole one, anyway, there is still one rabbit that is enough for Zhang Tianhang to divide.

"Brother Li's craftsmanship is really good. I have never eaten such a delicious hare." Han Yulong said while eating.

After Li Qiuyu finished eating, each of them found a place to meditate and rest, without saying a word, the next morning, several people stood up to clear up, and began to fly deep into the mountains.

The five of them flew in the mountains for a day and a night, and finally came to the grand canyon with the amazing scenery of Tianluan. They flew all the way, and they could see flying monks everywhere, and they also encountered some low-level monsters on the way, most of them were around the first level. They killed the monsters that blocked the way.

Only Li Qiuyu didn't do anything, but roasted hares twice for the four of them, especially Long Xing, who could eat a big rabbit without any leftovers.

When they came to the Grand Canyon, there were already three or four thousand monks gathered here, and a large number of monks rushed here. Under the leadership of Zhang Tianhang, Li Qiuyu came to a quieter place to meditate and rest.

"Oh, isn't this our Brother Zhang Tianhang? Why are you here too? Are you not afraid of being lost if it's so difficult?" An extremely discordant voice came over.

Li Qiuyu opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi who was about 30 years old, and there were six or seven other monks in the same clothes beside him.

"Dong Ming, don't be arrogant. We haven't settled the account last time. This time we will settle it at once." Zhang Tianhang said coldly.

"Okay, if you're not looking for me, I'm still looking for you. I'll see if you're as lucky as last time this time. We'll see you inside, and I'll give you a ride when the time comes." Dong Ming said fiercely , the monks around him also looked at Li Qiuyu and the others contemptuously.


After Dong Ming and the others left, Zhang Tianhang turned to Li Qiuyu and the others and said, "Fellow Daoists, this is a personal grievance between me and Dong Ming. If we meet them at that time, you should find a way to leave. Leave me alone, you can see clearly, the seven of them are all about the eighth level of Qi training, we are no match for others."

"As far as Brother Zhang is concerned, although we are not the opponents of Dong Ming and the others, we are not rookies who are slaughtered by others. Besides, the inside is so big, we may not meet them just now." Long Xing said proudly.

"Okay, after we go in, we will meet at the Wannian Ancient Matsushita in the west. I bought this from Fangshi. Take it with you, and we will all sense each other's existence within a hundred miles." Zhang Tianhang said from his arms He took out several talisman papers and handed them to the four of them.

Li Qiuyu looked at the yellow paper, which was one inch wide and half a foot long, with strange pictures and texts drawn on it, which was no different from the talisman paper used by modern Taoist priests.

It's just that he didn't believe that such a simple piece of talisman paper would have such a miraculous function, but he still picked up the talisman paper with the mentality of believing that it had something rather than nothing.

After he went in, he didn't intend to join Zhang Tianhang and the others, because he didn't like to fight with others, and his secrets were not for others to see.

I learned from Zhang Tianhang that after entering this space crack, he will be teleported to different places at random. If he is lucky, he may be teleported to a place that is safe and has a lot of medicinal materials. If he is unlucky, he may be teleported to the monster beast den. middle.

"Calculating the time, there are still ten days before the opening of the gate of space. During this time, as long as you are near the Grand Canyon, you will be safe. There are no monsters and beasts nearby, and you will not worry about someone killing someone to seize treasure, because During this month, fights among monks are strictly prohibited." After Zhang Tianhang finished speaking lightly, he began to meditate directly.

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