For Li Qiuyu, in addition to respect and admiration, he also had a little more gratitude. Murong Qingqing was his most beloved granddaughter. If he was insulted by the Wu family, with the strength of the Wu family, he could only hold back.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiuyu would completely wipe out the Wu family in one fell swoop. This spirit, which he does not worship, respects the strong, and it is vividly and exquisitely reflected here.

"Forget it, Qingqing is also a disciple of Nanyue City, not to mention that in front of me, those blind guys of the Wu family dare to do something." Li Qiuyu said calmly, and he was also able to handle these things with ease.

"The [-] islands near Qianling Island now respect my uncle more, and our Qianling Island can also develop rapidly during these times." The elder said seriously.

"By the way, I'm going to the sea of ​​innocence, but about the quota, you release this news, 1000 million quotas, come to me in exchange, after I leave, you have to be careful and try to preserve your strength." Li Qiu Yu looked at all the elders and said seriously.

"The disciple understands that I will use some means to spread the news about the quota in the past two days. I believe other islands will naturally be interested."

The Great Elder secretly said in surprise, this uncle is really planning to develop his own strength on Qianling Island, and at the same time not forgetting to suppress the strength of other islands, and also earn back his spirit stones.

He was really sold by his uncle, and even counted the money for his uncle. If you meet such an opponent, you should consider yourself unlucky. Fortunately, you are not an opponent.

Li Qiuyu's body disappeared without warning after finishing the treatment. When she reappeared, she was already outside Nanyue City. She flew two or three times and returned to the top of Yunlu Island.

There is still a whole year until the Sea of ​​Unreasonable will enter, and Li Qiuyu doesn't know what the benefits of entering it are?Is it endless treasures, or endless monsters, or endless medicinal materials?

But he has to arrive at Aoxiao City within half a year, because when he arrives at Aoxiao City, he will know all his doubts.

"Things are almost arranged. In two months, we will go to a far away place, where there are many masters." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, looking at the three peerless beauties in front of her, feeling very refreshed.

"Brother Qiuyu, what do you think about my grandfather and the others?" Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu seriously. In this strange world, she followed Li Qiuyu out alone. Li Qiuyu was also her reliance, her beloved. .

"Let's go and have a look in two days." Li Qiuyu glanced at Lingling and knew that she missed her relatives, so she said softly.

"My lord, will we have enough time for two months?" Xiao Hanyue asked worriedly.

"Okay, but we will play less." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while.

"The conditions in the Sea of ​​Unbelief should be very harsh. Let's go to the city to prepare some worries." Xiao Qiuyue said softly.

"Qiuyue really thought of it this time. We really need to prepare some things for daily use. Hanyue has to think about these things. Let's go shopping with her when the time comes." Li Qiuyu was stunned, she just knew how to play My little girl also sometimes thinks about problems.

"Then, my son, we have nothing to do now, or we can go now." Xiao Hanyue said, going to a strange place, food, use, these must be prepared, because it is inconvenient for her three girls.

"Let's go, are you going?" Li Qiuyu said deliberately, and after leaving, she pulled Xiao Hanyue's jade hand and flew out quickly.

"Brother Qiuyu, let's go too, wait for Lingling." Lingling was taken aback for a moment, then realized that Brother Qiuyu was teasing them, and hurried to catch up.

Li Qiuyu was just teasing them, seeing Ling Ling and Xiao Qiuyue chasing after them, she quickly sacrificed the Tianyun Shenzhou, and dragged Xiao Hanyue onto the Tianyun Shenzhou.

Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue also came to the Tianyun Shenzhou one after another. Lingling pouted her red mouth and pretended to be angry, and kept waving her pink hands on Li Qiuyu's chest.

"Brother Qiuyu, you know how to bully Lingling and sister Qiuyue."

"I'm testing your reflexes, haha." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, and finally drove the Tianyun Shenzhou quickly, and flew in another direction.

The patrolling disciples of Yunlu Island saw the four people in the air, and knew that they were the island owner and the three fairies, so they quietly avoided them so as not to spoil the scenery.

Li Qiuyu took the three of them flying all the way to another city on Qianling Island. A day later, the four of them came to a huge city.

Finally, they landed in a relatively secluded place not far away, and the last group of four walked slowly towards the city.

"Fellow daoist, stay for a while, do you have any tokens?" A monk in the Qi training period couldn't see clearly the cultivation of the four of them, but the temperament and the three peerless fairies were not in the world, so he shouted politely.

"Well, this." Li Qiuyu took out his token of Yunlu Island. This token is the token of the owner of Yunlu Island. With his strength, he naturally wouldn't worry about anything.

"This junior doesn't know that senior is coming, so please forgive me." The monks in the Qi training period knew that they couldn't make a mistake when they saw the word Yunlu Island, but when they saw Li Qiuyu's name, they knew that the person in front of them was a legend like a god.

But Li Qiuyu waved his hand, but he didn't dare to extend it. After Li Qiuyu took back the token, he took the three of them away.

In the city, Xiao Hanyue began to buy a lot of things for daily use, and bought dozens of quilts. These things used by mortals don't cost much Lingshi at all.

Quilts, some things you need to eat, and clothes. Girls love clothes by nature. The three girls don't know how much each of them bought.

Because the three girls had a lot of storage bags from Li Qiuyu, and after they bought the clothes they wore outside, they each chose five or six pieces for Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu followed with a smile. later.

When buying clothes for themselves, the girls searched all over the city, and finally found the best clothing store in the city.

Moreover, they made clothes specially for women. The three women had Li Qiuyu by their side and were outside. They were a little shy, but they finally pulled Li Qiuyu in.

There is only one signboard outside the whole shop, and inside the shop are some expensive fabrics, smooth and soft, and the whole shop is full of women, men are refused to enter.

But seeing the three peerless girls with the man beside them, the shopkeeper inside hesitated for a moment, and made an exception to let Li Qiuyu in.

"I don't know what kind of fabric the three fairies like, or do they want to make clothes?" A shopkeeper in her thirties said politely.

"We're going to make the clothes we wear inside. I don't know if there are any ready-made ones. We want the best quality." Xiao Hanyue said softly, and finally glanced at Li Qiuyu beside her

"Okay, our store is the best clothing store in the whole city, but the price is ten times that of other stores." The shopkeeper said with a smile, and she was just taking a woman who practiced eight levels of Qi.

"Well, let's try it first, Lingling, Qiuyue, you wait first." After Xiao Hanyue finished speaking, she pulled Li Qiuyu inside, and the shopkeeper's expression changed. How could she be ashamed to see this man by her side.


The shopkeeper looked at Li Qiuyu in a daze, not knowing what to say, these people should not be offended, but he was too embarrassed.

"How many clothes do you have in there? How many are left? If there is less, I will take all of them." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

"Senior misunderstood, it's just that seniors do this again, and juniors can't choose for the fairy." The shopkeeper knew that Li Qiuyu had misunderstood, so he quickly explained.

"You don't need it here, we can choose by ourselves." Lingling said crisply behind her.

"The junior will first wish the fairy a fruitful return." The woman said respectfully, and finally stood respectfully aside, talking with Ling Ling and Xiao Qiuyue.

Xiao Hanyue took Li Qiuyu into a room, the room was more than ten feet in size, and the interior was exquisitely furnished.

It was full of women's clothes, most of which were women's bellybands and trousers. After Li Qiuyu entered, he felt embarrassed. Although Xiao Hanyue followed him, he was still a little bit embarrassed by the green clothes of so many girls. timid.

"Wow, these clothes are of good quality." Xiao Hanyue said excitedly, holding a piece of clothes in her hand.

"Well, just choose more. I lack everything, even if I don't lack spirit stones. Even if I don't have spirit stones, I will get them all for you." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Thank you son, Hanyue is so happy." Xiao Hanyue held a purple apron in her hand, which was made of fine and precious fabric.

"These are clothes that Hanyue has never encountered before. They must be very comfortable to wear." Xiao Hanyue happily looked at these clothes and bellybands, held them in her hands and stroked them lovingly.

"My lord, I want to try." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"Well, try it, I'm going out first." Li Qiuyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood and prepared to leave.

"I want my son to help me choose." Xiao Hanyue said softly, with a shy face.

"Oh, alright." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, a Nine Palaces Profound Formation was cast, and then several prohibitions were cast. The woman was still timid in unfamiliar places, especially when trying on clothes.

Seeing this, Xiao Hanyue smiled happily. Li Qiuyu was so considerate to her, she gently took off her clothes, and finally even took off her bellyband and trousers.

A flawless and delicate body was displayed in front of Li Qiuyu, exquisite and exquisite, especially the two towering jade peaks on the chest, trembling in the air.

With a shy face on his face, Li Qiuyu was stunned for a moment. If it wasn't for the shop, he might have executed Xiao Hanyue on the spot.

Li Qiuyu held the clothes and bellyband that Xiao Hanyue had taken off in his hands, and bursts of woman's fragrance came into his nose, and it also carried Xiao Hanyue's body temperature.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xiao Hanyue felt very proud in her heart. The young master liked her, which was her greatest pride. She handed a purple apron to Li Qiuyu.

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