"Well, the quality is really different. In the future, I will get the best clothes in the world for the three of you to wear."

Li Qiuyu stroked the two bellybands in his hands, the quality was really different, and he blamed himself for caring too little for the two sisters.

In the past, the two sisters followed me, and I never thought about these problems. The two sisters didn't have spirit stones on them, and it was hard to ask me for them, so they wore very ordinary clothes.

"My lord, don't be like this. You are working hard in the realm of self-cultivation alone. My sister and I can handle these things." Xiao Hanyue followed Li Qiuyu for a long time, so she naturally saw what Li Qiuyu was thinking.

"Come on, try it." Li Qiuyu put aside the clothes that Xiao Hanyue had taken off, then took the purple bellyband in her hand, and came to Xiao Hanyue.

He stretched out his hand to hang the apron around Xiao Hanyue's neck, gently covered the two towering jade peaks, and then tied the belt on the back.

Finally, I gently stroked the jade peak with my hands to check whether the size was suitable, and I was extremely satisfied. This apron was born for Xiao Hanyue.

The size is right, the towering jade peak is restrained inside, the eyes looked up and down the whole body several times, and backed away when there was no problem.

"How is it? Is the tightness suitable? How does it feel to wear?" Li Qiuyu said softly.

"Well, it's too comfortable to wear, and the size is suitable. Young master, do you think Hanyue looks good in this?" Xiao Hanyue enjoyed Li Qiuyu's gentle attire.

Li Qiuyu's gentleness has filled her heart with happiness, her body being gently touched by Li Qiuyu, this feeling is really good.

"Looks good, this dress is specially made for Hanyue." Li Qiuyu said flatly with admiring eyes.

"Okay, I want this." Xiao Hanyue was very sweet when she heard Li Qiuyu's praise. A woman is a confidant. As long as Li Qiuyu likes it, she will be happy in her heart. Whatever she wears is for the son.

Xiao Hanyue put on another pair of wrap trousers, matched with this apron, it is simply wonderful, Li Qiuyu praised it again.

Xiao Hanyue then changed a few bellybands to congratulate her to wrap her trousers. Her bellybands were all chosen to be large, because her Yufeng was too full.

After half an hour, Xiao Hanyue tried on eight or nine sets of clothes, and five or six of the clothes inside, and finally she chose some that seemed suitable, and she chose thirteen sets in total.

She put all these clothes beside Li Qiuyu, then put on the original clothes again, Li Qiuyu also helped her tidy them up, and the two walked out.

"Look at how many spirit stones these need." Li Qiuyu said lightly, and handed over a storage bag.

Seeing Li Qiuyu and Li Qiuyu coming out, the woman hurried up to greet her, took the storage bag in her hand, and poked her spiritual sense in, with a startled expression on her face.

The bellybands inside are all the largest size, but the clothes are very petite. It seems that this fairy has a lot of money. I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to wear such a bellyband, but I was surprised by the quantity inside.

"Senior, these clothes have a total of 110 million low-level spirit stones." The woman said respectfully, the quality of these clothes is absolutely high, and the workmanship is also the best.

"Well, I'll give you the spirit stone first." With a move of consciousness, Li Qiuyu quickly handed over 110 million spirit stones, and then Xiao Hanyue happily put away the storage bag, which was full of clothes she had never seen before. , but also the choice of my beloved.

"Which of you two will try on the clothes first?" Li Qiuyu shouted at Xiao Qiuyue and Ling Ling.

"Sister Qiuyue, let's go first." Ling Ling said softly, pushing Xiao Qiuyue beside her.

"Fairy, please, there are more here." The woman pointed her hand at another wooden door.

"Oh, wait." Li Qiuyu quickly entered the room where Xian Hanyue was trying on clothes just now, because there was also the Nine Palaces Profound Formation he had cast inside.

Go in and quickly remove the formation, and finally lead Xiao Qiuyue into another room under the woman's puzzled gaze.

The scale inside is the same as the one at the beginning, and the layout is exactly the same. Xiao Qiuyue and Xiao Hanyue have the same expressions. Seeing the clothes and bellybands inside, they are overjoyed.

Finally, some clothes and bellybands were quickly brought over, more than twenty sets, and some colorful things were placed in front of Li Qiuyu.

Then she took off her whole body, Li Qiuyu tried each piece for her, but Xiao Qiuyue didn't notice the firmness and fullness of her chest.

Half of them were too small. In desperation, they only wore a bellyband and trousers to choose a bigger bellyband. Fortunately, Li Qiuyu set up formations and prohibitions here.

After half an hour, ten sets of suitable clothes and bellybands were packed into a storage bag. Xiao Qiuyue happily took Li Qiuyu's hand and appeared outside. Withdrawal is prohibited.

Xiao Qiuyue spent 100 million yuan on her clothes, and the two sisters chatted happily while Li Qiuyu and Lingling entered another room.

The female shopkeeper was stunned. The clothes she chose had large bellybands, and the clothes were petite. Looking at the clothes, she could tell her figure.

Lingling is different from sister Xiao Hanyue. Li Qiuyu helped her choose completely. Li Qiuyu went around the room and chose more than ten sets of clothes according to the size of Lingling's chest.

In the end, Lingling took off her clothes by herself, and Li Qiuyu put them on for her one by one, keeping the suitable ones. Her Yufeng was the same size as Xiao Qiuyue.

I also chose eleven sets of clothes, but the bellybands inside were all purple and light green. The three women's clothes cost a total of 320 million.

The four of them left the clothing store satisfied, ate some meals in the inn on the street, and then flew to Yunlu Island on the Tianyun Shenzhou.

The three girls were talking excitedly on the Tianyun Shenzhou, most of them were talking about their clothes, and they were eager to return home. The three girls wanted to go back to Yunlu Peak quickly, wash these clothes and change them.

In less than a day, the four of them returned to Yunlu Island. The three sisters also took Li Qiuyu's clothes, and happily went to a pool not far from the top of the mountain to wash all the newly bought clothes.

In less than an hour, colorful clothes were everywhere on the top of the mountain, and the three of them hung up their washed clothes to dry.

When Li Qiuyu saw these colorful clothes, she shook her head with a smile, and finally began to meditate and rest, letting these beauties play.

Lingling took sister Xiao Hanyue to play around in Yunlu Island, going out to stroll by the seaside every day, while Li Qiuyu meditated and practiced on the top of the mountain.

From time to time, he also accompanied the three girls to play in the sea. This sea area is near the sea, and there are no monsters invited from Ada. Only two thousand miles away, there are fifth-level monsters.

The few first- and second-order sea beasts are the objects of the three girls' play, and they don't kill them. After a long time, these little sea beasts are not afraid of them.

And playing with them, Li Qiuyu was speechless for a while, this world is too crazy, he just sits by the seaside and watches the three girls playing in the sea.

Occasionally, Li Qiuyu was also pulled in, but when there were four of Li Qiuyu at the beach, the disciples of Yunlu Island stayed away from the beach and hid far away.

The good times passed by in two months, and Li Qiuyu started to prepare for the Sea of ​​Immorality. In fact, there was nothing to prepare. The things used by the monks were all in the storage bag, but this time Li Qiuyu took the time to go to the sea. I went to buy countless jade bottles in the city.

He didn't know where the Sea of ​​Wuwang was, so he must have prepared more. On this day, he called Master Long Yun to his face.

"I'm going to the sea of ​​innocence this time, and try to gather the strength of Yunlu Island so as not to be jealous of other strengths." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"My disciple respects my uncle's teaching. Yunlu Island's current strength also has the conditions to protect itself. I have arranged all the elites on Qianling Island. They will develop after my uncle returns smoothly."

Master Long Yun also knew that Li Qiuyu would be away for a while. During this time, it is inevitable that some ambitious people will covet Yunlu Island. There are many alchemy stages in Yunlu Island. , the loss is absolutely heavy.

"Put this one away. If you encounter something that can't be solved, crush it, and someone will help you solve it." Li Qiuyu handed a jade pendant to Long Yun. This jade pendant was given to him by Qingzicheng. The matter on Qianling Island can still be easily resolved.

"Disciple obeys."

After Li Qiuyu arranged everything, she left Yunlu Island with Lingling and Xiao Hanyue, and flew directly towards Aoxiao City, which is millions of miles away.

On the way, they didn't encounter any unsuspecting robbers. The four of them rode the Tianyun Shenzhou leisurely in the clouds, and took a rest in some mountains in a few days.

Stopping and stopping like this, half a year later, Li Qiuyu brought the three daughters to this powerful city again. Li Qiuyu's arrival did not attract many people's attention.

However, some people still paid attention to Li Qiuyu's arrival, because Li Qiuyu raised Qianling Island to a fourth-level island more than ten years ago with his alchemy cultivation.

The reputation of the holy alchemist caused a strong shock in Aoxiao City, but Li Qiuyu didn't care about it, as long as others don't pay attention to himself and the three women, and don't have any conflict of interest with him.

"Third Uncle, I saw His Excellency the Holy Alchemist from more than ten years ago appear." The blue-clothed monk Bai Ziqing came to a secret room and said respectfully to Bai Yuntian.

"Well, he will definitely come. He will never give up the place of Wuwanghai, but don't let other disciples of our Bai family provoke him."

Bai Yuntian said lightly, he didn't know what he was thinking at the end, and Bai Ziqing didn't dare to disturb him. The third uncle in front of him reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul five years ago and became one of the four masters of Aoxiao City.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist has also reached the Nascent Soul Stage. I feel that his cultivation is no worse than mine." Bai Ziqing said softly, with admiration on his face.

"That's right, the Holy Alchemist is really powerful, but in the Sea of ​​Unrepentant, I don't know if he can come out alive." Bai Yuntian had a weird smile on his face.

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