Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 5 Girl Blue Smoke

The next day, just after dawn, I heard someone walking towards my residence, with light footsteps making a slight rustling sound. If ordinary people would not notice it at all, it is fortunate that he has just broken through to the fourth level of Qi training, and his cultivation base can also be said to be Dajin, the spiritual consciousness of the whole person has improved a lot, and now within a radius of ten feet, he can clearly understand everything around him even without eyes.

Judging from the sound just now, it should be a girl's footsteps. With a slight turn in my mind, I knew roughly that it should be the little girl named Lan Yan that my grandfather said yesterday. She is about the same age as me and can take care of her. What have I got?

Shaking his head helplessly in his heart, he slowly sat up from the bed.

"Brother, are you there?" A soft voice came into Li Qiuyu's ears.


Li Qiuyu just woke up when she heard Lan Yan calling her, so she had to straighten her clothes, open the door and go out.

Standing in front of her was a girl who was about the same age as her. She was dressed in blue clothes, her long hair reached her waist, and there were two cute little braids in front. The big dimples and a pair of big clear eyes stared at Li Qiuyu in a daze.

"What a natural beauty, she is so cute now, how much trouble will she have when she grows up?" Li Qiuyu said secretly in her heart.

"Are you Lan Yan?"

"Yes, the pavilion master asked me to take care of your life, and I will no longer be a member of Tianxing Pavilion in the future."

"Not from Tianxing Pavilion? How do you say that?"

"Brother, don't you know?"

"I'll ask you if I know."

"Brother, you are the grandson of the pavilion master, so you definitely don't need to know this. Disciples like us without spiritual roots are doomed to have no future, so in the end, we have to manage the business of Tianxing Pavilion, or we will be assigned to fellow disciples with high cultivation levels." Became a servant." Lan Yan said sadly.

Li Qiuyu has never heard of such a rule. As Lan Yan said, he is Li Chongyang's grandson, knowing it is no different from not knowing it. This kind of rule is the same in every family and sect.

Lan Yan is now 13 years old, and has reached the third level of Qi training. If she continues like this, she really has no future, and there is no way out in the future. Li Chongyang arranged her to be next to Li Qiuyu, which can be regarded as giving her a stable way out.

"Are you dissatisfied with this arrangement?" Li Qiuyu asked lightly.

"No, I don't mean anything, this is my fate, and I have no dissatisfaction with the pavilion master's arrangement." Lan Yan said in a panic, her eyes were full of anxiety.

"I have no other intentions. If you don't want to come here, I can ask Grandpa to arrange other things for you. Anyway, you are still young, and you still have a lot of opportunities to practice. You can also work in Tianxing Pavilion in the future." Li Qiuyu didn't panic. He hurriedly said that he actually didn't want to live here with more than one person, his own life can be solved by himself, but more people would be more inconvenient.

"Brother, are you driving me away, woo woo."

"Actually, I don't need anyone to take care of me. You see, I am also a person without spiritual roots. I have more time to practice. Just make sure you don't disturb me when I am practicing, and you can stay." See this little girl said Two sentences actually started to cry, he was born afraid of women crying, so he had to let her stay.

"Thank you, brother, I promise not to disturb you, hehe." Hearing that Li Qiuyu asked her to stay, the person who was crying just now immediately laughed.A few tears were still hanging on his face, Li Qiuyu was stunned by this light smile.

Hey, this little girl played tricks on her feelings.

"Whether you live here or in the front, you go to my mother tomorrow to get some money, why don't you just look at it and buy it yourself, apart from cooking for me and cleaning up, you should practice the rest of the time."

"Thank you brother, I'll just live here, and there are a few spare rooms here anyway."

"I'm going to practice in the back mountain. You don't need to ask me to eat today. I will come back by myself in the afternoon." Li Qiuyu explained a few words and went to the back mountain.

"I see." Lan Yan saw that Li Qiuyu had finished speaking and left. She walked forward without any delay.

Although she is only 13 years old, she is still a child, but her heart is mature, and she is not like other girls who don't know anything. On the contrary, she is smarter than most of the same age. A mortal must live on.

Li Chongyang asked her to take care of Li Qiuyu's life. She must know what the pavilion master meant, which was to give herself a way out of life. Although she knew that Li Qiuyu was a person with low spiritual roots, he had a pavilion master's grandfather.

Besides, when Li Qiuyu came to the top of the mountain, he read the spells he had practiced from beginning to end, and then slowly realized it. It took two hours to open his eyes.

"Aoki Slash"

This low-level wood attribute spell, as long as the monks who cultivate the wood system, can do this, because the low-level offensive spells of the wood attribute are just like this, although they all know Aoki Slash, but few can really master this spell.

Qingmu Zhan is also the only spell that can be cultivated below the fifth level of Qi training. Most people have already reached the fifth level of Qi training before they have truly mastered this spell. Water is so boring and wastes time on this low-level spell. It is an advanced spell, and this is one of the reasons why no one really masters Aoki Zhan.

Spells are also divided into low level, middle level, high level, holy level, god level and heaven level.

Low-level spells are generally known to low-level monks in the coming year. Intermediate-level spells can only be practiced after five or more levels of qi training. High-level spells are generally only available in big families and sects, but they are also extremely strictly controlled.

The better the things, the fewer things there are, and the holy and god-level things can only be regarded as legends.

Li Qiuyu slowly raised his hands, the whole body's true energy poured into his arms like a flood, and he saw a crescent-shaped scimitar that was more than a foot long and the size of a palm appeared between his hands. Infused, the entire blade turned from white to turquoise.

The cyan green wood scimitar slowly fell from between the hands to the right side. Li Qiuyu was a little excited when he saw the realm that he had never reached before. Distorted, there was a slight sound on the edge of the mountain top, it turned out that the chop fell on a boulder five feet away from him.

There was a crack invisible to the naked eye on the stone. If he hadn't looked carefully, it would have been hard to find. A two-meter-long stone was almost divided into two. Seeing this result, Li Qiuyu was shocked. After such a blow, it can't be split in half.

He also knows that other monks will not stand there like a stone for you to chop. Besides, the defense of the monks is still strong, let alone those defensive auxiliary treasures. Which monk does not have one or two life-saving guys? .

But in terms of power, this Qingmu Zhan is really fierce when used with the technique of Shocking God Art.

This is because my cultivation base is too low. If my cultivation base improves in the future, I believe that the power of Aoki Zhan will be improved. Besides, this is the first time to use it, and the whole process will take a long time. Finally, it is best to do it instantly, otherwise you will be killed by your opponent several times before you finish casting the spell.

The only offensive spell is Aoki Slash, but the defensive spell must not be ignored. Isn't it said that if you want to hit someone, you must learn to be beaten? Although it sounds a little useless, it is also the truth.

Defensive magic weapon can be relied on, and the defense of one's own body is also essential. It is said that knowing whether the defensive magic weapon can really resist the opponent's attack, if it can't resist it, then you have to rely on your own defense to save your life.

He knew a little about defensive spells, and that was the earth attribute spell that was called the most defensive. In the Tianxing Pavilion, there was only a low-level "thick soil wall", and even better, he couldn't practice it himself.

Without a spiritual root, it would be equally bad to learn any attributes of exercises.But no matter how bad it is.But it also depends on the main attribute skills that you practice. For example, people who major in earth-type skills will definitely not learn wood-attribute spells.

It's not that there are people who practice two-attribute exercises, they are all people with extremely high spiritual roots, or people who are born with dual attributes.That is one master and one auxiliary.

Li Qiuyu was also disheartened when he saw the earth-type defensive spell "Wall of Thick Earth".It was just memorized by the cultivation method. After practicing for a long time, there was no improvement, so I gave up. Now that I have practiced the Shocking God Art, there is no need to have attributes, because the Shocking God Art itself is a skill without attributes. Law.

Raise your hands slowly, and slowly gather the true essence in your hands according to the running route of the thick earth wall. The gray true essence forms a miniature wall, and with the continuous infusion of true essence, the earth wall grows rapidly In a matter of breaths, the entire two-meter-long earthen wall was pushed one foot away from the person with both hands.The thin earth wall collapsed and dissipated in just a few breaths. Li Qiuyu knew that this was due to his lack of cultivation. After his cultivation improved, the earth wall would become stronger. Now it can be regarded as a combination of strength and defense .

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