Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 6 Experience【Ascension to the Spiritual Realm Congratulations 1】

After reconnecting all the things he had cultivated, he used the vertical and horizontal technique to stride down the mountain. The whole person was as light as a fox, and disappeared into the bushes after a few ups and downs.

It is impossible to fly if the cultivation base has not broken through the tenth peak and reached a higher realm. Only monks who have reached the alchemy stage can stand in the air and fly freely in the air. It is not difficult to travel thousands of miles a day. The base period can only fly in the air with the help of magic weapons.

Not to mention the low-level monks in the qi training period. The qi training period is mainly to absorb external spiritual power and convert it into their own true energy. The higher the cultivation base, the more flexible the body and the faster the movement speed.It can jump vertically and horizontally at short distances.

If ordinary monks want to release their true energy, they have to be above the sixth level of Qi training. Like Li Qiuyu, it is impossible to use the true energy into green wood and chop the air without the help of magical weapons.

That is to say, although Li Qiuyu is only at the fourth level of Qi training, his real strength is not much worse than that of ordinary monks at the sixth level of Qi training.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the small courtyard, he saw a beautiful and petite figure busy in the courtyard. After only one day without seeing him, the small courtyard had been tidied up by Lan Yan, and he was much more angry.

"Brother is back, you haven't eaten yet, the meal is ready, you go eat." Seeing Li Qiuyu who appeared at the door, Lan Yan stopped to say hello, holding a broom in his hand.

"Have you cooked?" Li Qiuyu was taken aback, a little surprised.I didn't think that this girl really cooked the meal.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"It's okay, let's go, let's eat together."

When Li Qiuyu was strolling at the door, he saw Lan Yan still standing there, yelled and walked towards the door, entered the kitchen, and saw three delicious dishes on the table, just looking at the combination of the dishes Then the other person moved his index finger.

Just as he sat down, Lan Yan, who was following behind, put a bowl full of rice in front of him, but he stood aside, showing no intention of cooking together for dinner.

"Why don't you sit down and eat together?"

"Me?" Lan Yan looked at Li Qiuyu in surprise, and asked mischievously pointing at herself with her white jade fingers.

"Yeah, you are here, is there anyone else?"

"Is this in line with the rules? Then there is a reason for servants to sit at the same table with the master to eat." Lan Yan said softly, her face was full of grievances, which made people feel funny. It makes people speechless, obviously not the kind of quiet master, but still pretends to be very restrained.

"Sit down and eat. I don't dare to treat you like a human being. We are brothers and sisters. We don't want to be brothers and sisters in the future. There is no such thing as master and servant." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Thank you, brother."

"Hey" Li Qiuyu shook her head helplessly, ignored her, and started to eat on her own. To be honest, the food she cooks is really good, even though this little girl is small.

After eating, Li Qiuyu went back to her room, meditated and practiced. After two weeks, she only felt that the real energy in her dantian had increased a lot, and the real energy became more substantial.

The next day, after finishing his morning class, he explained a few words to Lan Yan and walked towards the back mountain, but not to the back mountain, but to other places, deep in the mountains.


Yes, it is experience. I already thought about it last night. Only real battles can improve the experience of battles. You can grow up in constant battles.

But this time, he didn't want to go into the deepest part of the mountain range, he just planned to find some relatively weaker monsters on the edge of the mountain range to practice.

Before I came, I didn't plan to stay there for a long time, so I brought a dagger with me, trying to go back in two days, and try not to worry the family members.

The Tianluan Mountains, stretching for thousands of miles, are the largest mountains in the Tianlong Kingdom. There are many monsters bred in them. There are only some low-level beasts on the edge of the mountains. The further you go, the stronger the monsters appear.

Monster beasts are divided into ten ranks. The first and second ranks are non-aggressive low-level beasts, which are delicacies on ordinary people’s dining tables. , the defense and attack are higher than humans, but the intelligence is low.

The fifth-level monsters are equivalent to the monks of the ninth level of Qi training. Even the ordinary tenth-level monks of Qi training do not dare to provoke them easily when they are alone, because the fifth-level monsters have begun to have wisdom.

Even if the monks on the tenth floor are facing each other, since they win, they will not be much better. Therefore, under normal circumstances, several people are together and form a team to strangle.

The sixth-level monsters correspond to the foundation-building period, the seventh-level monsters correspond to the golden core period, and the eighth-level monsters are called holy beasts. Even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage will sometimes act with mercy.

golden pig

Just after entering the mountains, I encountered a second-tier beast. This golden-armored pig is a real second-tier beast. Although it doesn't have much attack, its defense is not inferior to ordinary third-tier monsters. Just hearing the name and its shiny golden fur Know.

Li Qiuyu was still more than ten feet away from the Golden Armored Pig. A keen sense of smell is the talent of wild beasts. Seeing someone approaching, the Golden Armored Pig quickly stood up and quickly fled towards the depths of the mountains.

Maybe it was because I had seen someone culling the same kind before, so I ran away when I saw someone, and Li Qiuyu would let him slip away from under my nose.

Seeing that the golden-armored pig was about to run away, Li Qiuyu quickly used his body skills, and within a few breaths, the distance between the two was shortened to about ten feet. On the moving golden armored pig.

The golden-armored pig didn't cry out until it died, and was split in two. The violent inertia force made the golden-armored pig split into two and then rushed a long way.

From discovering the golden armored pig to killing it, it took only ten breaths before and after. A second-level golden armored monster died in his own hands. Looking at the golden armored pig that was split in half, the power of Aoki Slash in his heart also had a new lease of life. understanding.

Suddenly there was an inexplicable sadness in my heart. The strong are respected. People are like monsters. If the strength is low, it is inevitable to die. Only by constantly improving yourself can it be possible to avoid the end of the gold-armored pig in front of you.

After sorting out the emotions in my heart a little bit, I went deeper. The journey was fairly peaceful. I walked nearly thirty miles in, except for encountering a few first-order beasts, Li Qiuyu also dealt with them casually. No second-order beasts were seen.

I met a few ordinary hunters, but they were still moving about twenty miles away from the edge, but on the way, I saw a few medicinal herbs over 50 years old, which were one of the main ingredients for refining Tianyuan Dan. It can also be said to be an unexpected gain from this experience.

However, what puzzled him was that no one picked up the medicinal materials that had been used for 50 years in such a marginal area. It would be unreasonable to say that no one had discovered them. Could it be that no one knew this kind of medicinal materials?

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