Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 7 Lightning Mink [200 million words congratulations 1 time]

Don't think about things that you can't figure out. There is no need to plunge yourself into hard thinking, which will make people dull. Put the medicinal materials into the space necklace, search around, and leave indifferently after making sure that there is nothing missing.

He no longer intends to go deeper, so he decides to search around, because the sky is slowly fading, if it is dark and he is still deeper, no one knows whether he will encounter high-level monsters, and he can only wait until Moving forward tomorrow.

Hard work pays off, and I met a third-level lightning mink less than two miles away. It is worthy of the name, and its speed is as fast as lightning. Among the third-level monsters, except for a few flying monsters of the same level, he is the most Difficult to deal with.

Not to mention its speed, and its attack power is also very powerful. Li Qiuyu disappeared after taking a look at it several feet away, so he could only rely on his spiritual sense to lock its location.

After finally encountering it, I will definitely not let it slip away from my nose.


Li Qiuyu was surprised by the action of the lightning mink. It turned out that the lightning mink did not intend to escape, but approached him from another direction. He did not expect the little third-level lightning mink to be so cunning.

With the locking of his consciousness, when he saw that the lightning sable was only two feet away from him, he rushed towards him fiercely.

Its speed was more than double that of before. He didn't think that the Lightning Mink would attack on his own initiative, and it was too late to defend, so he had to quickly lift up his true energy, use his body skills to the limit and dodge to the side.

I only felt a cold in my left hand, and the sleeve of my left hand was torn off by sharp claws, leaving a thin bloodstain on my arm. A gust of mountain wind blew in, and my vest was slightly cold. It turned out that I was so frightened by this quick blow that I was sweating all over my body. .

If my speed were any slower, not only would my hand be scrapped, maybe even half of my life would be lost. Thinking about it, I was afraid.

Without giving him much time, the Lightning Marten was strung two feet away by his own violent inertial force. Seeing that his attack had failed, he chirped anxiously, stood up and rushed forward again.

Li Qiuyu was ready after the Lightning Mink attacked her. A yellow-gray earth wall appeared one meter in front of him. Just as the earth wall was completed, the Lightning Mink pounced on him. She didn't think that Li Qiuyu's earth wall could be activated instantly. .

The speed of the flutter was too fast, the entire Lightning Mink had a close contact with the earth wall, and the earth wall trembled violently, showing signs of collapse.


The sound of an object landing softly sounded in front of the trembling earth wall.

The Lightning Mink was knocked two feet away by the force of the earth wall's rebound. Seeing that it had just got up and was about to rush over again, Li Qiuyu's Green Wood Slash had already cut through the air and landed firmly on the Lightning Mink.

A cunning Tier [-] Lightning Sable was cut off by Aoki and died unexpectedly. It was split into two, and it couldn't die any more.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, from the discovery of the lightning mink to the execution, it took less than ten breaths. Only Li Qiuyu could understand the danger.

No wonder it is said that only in battle can one become truly powerful.

Under the pressure of the lightning sable, he was able to cast the Earth Wall Art and the Green Wood Slash in an instant. If there was no battle, it would take some time to cultivate these two spells to be instant. OK,

From the time of cultivation to the present, Earth Wall Art and Aoki Slash can be used instantly in the second cast, which has to be said to be a miraculous progress and harvest.

After briefly treating the wound on his left hand, he looked at the sky and said that it was not early, so Li Qiuyu had no choice but to walk to the dead Lightning Mink and prepare to treat it as his food tonight.

It wasn't until now that I really saw clearly that the monster beast that actively attacked itself was too inconspicuous, a little bigger than an ordinary weasel, but I didn't expect such a small monster beast to have such speed and attack.

Holding the two halves of the Lightning Mink, he shook his head helplessly. It's too small, isn't it enough for a barbecue?

In a world where the strong are respected, it is the same with monsters and beasts, and this is what happens to the weak.

After running for two hours in the jungle, I finally found a water source beside a valley. A steady stream flows from a remote mountain. Li Qiuyu used a dagger to clean the lightning mink's fur. After washing it in water, he was ready to light a fire.

There are dead branches everywhere in the deep mountains, and it doesn’t take a while to bring a large pile of dry wood fire, take out the fire on your body and start the fire with skill and a little strangeness, the fire has slowly flourished, after coming to this world The first big barbecue business is about to begin.

Fortunately, everything was prepared when we entered the mountain, and there were also a lot of salt and fire.

"If you know the fire-type spells, you don't need to bring fire seeds when you practice. Any fire-type spells can solve the trouble of making fire. You must practice some fire-type spells in the future." Li Qiuyu thought secretly.

If the fire attribute monk knew his thoughts, would he have the urge to vomit blood?

Not long after, bursts of tempting aroma emanated from the roasted mink in his hand.The salt is evenly sprinkled on the tender and tender barbecue, gradually showing a golden luster.Just looking at it makes people move their index fingers.

Seeing that the fragrant meat in his hand was almost ready, he tore off a piece of leg meat and began to bite slowly.

The delicate meat is tender and delicious, and it is even more delicious than He BBQ in the modern society in his previous life. I saw him nodding his head while eating, "It's really the best."

The two pieces of lightning mink meat were quickly dried up by him, and he stood up and walked to the edge of the stream to wash off the oil on his hands, then found a big rock and sat down satisfied.

The sky gradually darkened, and it was not far away from the darkness. I carefully observed the landform I was in now. There were huge rocks all around. It was not difficult to find a shelter from the wind.

I found a decent place to shelter, and it was not a problem to shelter from the wind and rain, so I sat cross-legged on the spot.

Although it is still early spring, and the night in the deep mountains is cool, but for Li Qiuyu, it has no effect at all. After reaching a certain level, the body can almost be invulnerable to water and fire, even in the frozen snowy region of the extreme north. , is not affected at all.

Sleeping in the wild in the mountains is a great envy of monks. It doesn't hurt the average monk not to sleep for three or four days, but meditation is the best choice. When meditating, people can maintain the highest vigilance.

The true essence circulates continuously in the meridians of the whole body, and the internal vision technique also follows the circulation of the true essence in the meridians. After three weeks, I can clearly feel that the true essence in the dantian has increased a lot, compared to when I was practicing in Tianxing Pavilion before. To double.

Li Qiuyu naturally knew that this was because the aura in the mountains was stronger than that in Tianxing Pavilion.

Otherwise, some powerful sects and families would settle down in places with strong aura, and there were countless people practicing in the deep mountains and rivers. It is normal to fight for the territory with rich aura.

There will be no shortage of extermination of sects, survival of the fittest.

The mountains in the middle of the night are not peaceful, and the screams of monsters are heard from time to time. The night is the world of monsters, isn't it?

Suddenly, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes slightly closed, with a cautious look in his eyes.

It turned out that after he finished his exercise, his whole body was in an ethereal state, and every plant and tree within a radius of twenty feet around him was under his control. Although his spiritual consciousness could not extend farther, since he practiced the Heaven-shocking Divine Art, his eyes and ears have also changed. Get smarter.

A sound of the air being strongly impacted came into my ears from two miles away, and the sound happened to be approaching my side, the sound changed from far to near, and it was extremely fast.

From the point of view of speed, it is definitely an existence that can kill oneself in seconds.Be careful not to make a big mistake, and quickly extinguish the flames that have not been extinguished.

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