Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 8 Late Night Crisis

Sure enough, when Li Qiuyu hid under a boulder just after extinguishing the fire heart, white lights appeared in the air one after the other, and their speed was a little faster than that of the lightning mink.

He was so alive, the light in front of him happened to fall on another boulder one foot away from him, and the other two groups fell ten feet away in no particular order.

Only now can I see clearly that the one closest to Li Qiuyu is a stunning girl who looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. It is charming.

The naked jade feet are suspended half a foot above the ground, like a nine-day fairy descending from the sky. It is not only amazing, but also has an aura that cannot be violated.

The two groups of white rays of light outside the order were also two middle-aged monks in their thirties, with a strange monster rusted on their blue clothes, and Li Qiuyu, who was ten feet away, could feel the cold breath.

Li Qiuyu had no choice but to restrain the Heaven-shocking Divine Art in his dantian, and put himself in a tortoise's breath. It's best not to let people notice his existence.

Because he knew that if he was noticed for the slightest movement, he would die completely in an instant.

The three people in front of him are far from what he can touch. Although the monks will not easily reveal the depth of their cultivation, when they are really exercising their skills, they will be able to tell the level of their cultivation from the aura they emit.

After the monks reach the foundation building stage, they will emit different lights when they use their true energy, which has a certain defensive effect. The foundation building stage is white.

The monks in the Jindan period will be golden after obtaining the Golden Core Dao, and the monks in the Nascent Soul period will be blue.

The three people in front of them are obviously the monks of the Foundation Establishment stage, and the girl with silvery white light has reached the stage of the Foundation Establishment stage. Although the other two are not as deep as the stunning girl, they are not far behind.

"Fairy Ling, as long as you hand over what's in your hand, our brothers and sisters won't make things difficult for you." The slightly taller man in Tsing Yi spoke first.

"My surname is Shi, don't be ashamed. It's not that this fairy is belittling you. It's because of your mid-stage foundation establishment cultivation. If you want to get the treasure from this fairy, wait for another ten years of practice before coming back."

The crisp and sweet voice lightly spread into Li Qiuyu's ears like the sound of nature.

"Although Fairy Ling is at the late stage of foundation establishment, it's a pity that she has just stepped into the late stage. Our brothers are also at the peak of the middle stage of foundation establishment. It seems that the fairy is still injured, hehe." The short man The monk smiled sinisterly, and a pair of triangular eyes kept turning on the opponent.

He and the surnamed Shi belong to the same sect, Shi Haotian and Yu Chengfeng respectively. They are disciples of the Aolin Sect, one of the three major sects of Tianlong Kingdom, and the stunning girl who is being chased is also a disciple of one of the three major sects.

Ling Lanxin, a genius disciple of Diyan Peak, was furious at the thought of what happened today.

It turned out that after breaking through the late stage of foundation establishment in the sect, her realm was not yet stable, and she planned to come out to practice.With Di Yanfeng's status in Tianlong Kingdom, he still dare not provoke him easily in Tianlong Kingdom, not to mention that Ling Lanxin has a cultivation base in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

In the late stage of foundation establishment, for Tianlongguo, it is a transcendent existence, and after a month or two, it went smoothly. I also encountered a fifth-order monster in the Tianluan Mountains. The magic weapon is also easily beheaded.

Unexpectedly, when he was preparing to return to the sect, he encountered a Duolong beast that had just advanced to the sixth level in the Tianluan Mountains. One of the medicinal materials.

Although the monks in the foundation building period can deal with monsters of the fifth level, Dan is helpless against the monsters of the sixth level. Kill the sixth-order Doron beast in a short time.

The cockroaches were attacking the cicadas, how could they know that the oriole was behind, the battle of one man and one beast had already fallen into the eyes of those who cared, but it was hidden relatively deep, and the genius monk of Diyan Peak did not notice it.

Under the attacks of countless magical weapons, the Doron Beast was also in a state of exhaustion. When the last powerful attack fell on the Doron Beast, the Doron Beast, which had just been promoted to the sixth level, finally fell down.

Watching the Duolong beast die in front of him after fighting for a long time, a sixth-level Duolong beast inner alchemy will be added to his storage ring, and after finding several other high-level medicinal materials, the fourth-rank alchemy can be cultivated. , I believe that it is not impossible to break through the late stage of foundation establishment and obtain the Jindan Dao.

When he was about to take the inner alchemy of Duolong Beast, a gloomy sword light shot over, and the speed was instantaneous, so he had no choice but to block the sharp blow with a magic weapon for protection.

This sudden attack made her extremely angry, but before she could see her attacker clearly, a more fierce black light fell from the sky, and the magic weapon that had just blocked the first attack had not fully recovered and was scattered.

The whole person was blown out by the black light. When she was in the air, the severe trauma made her unable to suppress the churning energy in her body. She felt a sweetness in her throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Although the opponent is a sneak attack, and there is more than one person, it can hurt his cultivation base in the late foundation establishment stage. His cultivation level is not lower than his own, at least he is also a peak figure in the late foundation establishment stage.

Under the sudden injury, the opponent had already calculated it. In this case, I have no chance of winning at all, and I am not sure that I can get out of the opponent's calculation.

With the help of the opponent's attack, he used a clever movement in the air, and fell towards the opponent's body of Duolong beast. With a wave of his left hand, Duolong beast disappeared without a trace and entered her storage ring. Swipe in the other direction without the slightest stagnation.

While escaping, he turned his head and glanced at the person who attacked him secretly, secretly remembering the person who attacked him.

The one who attacked him was an old and a middle-aged monk. The detection technique swept over the two of them, and the cultivation base was at the peak in the late foundation establishment period.And there are two of them, they are not characters that I can handle at all.

Seeing the prey running away with the treasure in front of them, the two looked at each other and quickly chased after them.

Ling Lanxin saw that the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Ling Lanxin frowned, and a green jade pendant appeared in her hand, and she moved slightly in her mouth. Her whole body was wrapped, and then the whole person disappeared.

The two looked at Ling Lanxin who had disappeared, and shook their heads helplessly.

"I didn't expect this girl to have such a Pokémon in her hands. Di Yanfeng is really willing to give up that immortal."

"Now that girl has used this treasure, but she has paid a very high price, and she will not be able to recover for a year. The current cultivation base can also be similar to some monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment."

"Order the other people in front to kill it in the Tianluan Mountains, so as not to spread it to Emperor Yanfeng's ears, and it will cause trouble if we miss our major event."

An old man and a middle school commanded the foundation-building disciples in the mountains with a secret method, and they ran in opposite directions without the slightest sluggishness, and disappeared into the mountains in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the two of them left, at the place where Ling Lanxin disappeared, the air twisted strangely for a while, and a beautiful figure appeared. It was Ling Lanxin who the two of them thought had escaped just now.

It turned out that she didn't leave, but used a high-level invisibility magic weapon, a treasure that could move instantly, even the genius monk Ling Lanxin of Diyan Peak didn't have it.

If you are unlucky, you can meet ghosts even if you drink water.

As soon as she appeared, she encountered enemies who were following her, two mid-stage foundation-building monks, so the three of them chased in the mountains, and the low-level hostile monks encountered on the way were also wiped out by her.

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