Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 503 Attacking the Zhang Family

"I don't want to sleep alone, I want to sleep next to Brother Qiu Yu." Ling Ling said softly, and stretched out her hand back.

Two jade hands crossed back and forth on Li Qiuyu's body, their jade peaks rubbed against Li Qiuyu's body, Li Qiuyu didn't know what to do for a while.

After a while, Li Qiuyu gently grasped the hands of the two of them, and they kissed each other. Both of them stopped consciously and slept peacefully beside Li Qiuyu.

Early the next morning, the four of Li Qiuyu got up and washed up and went towards Bai's house. When they arrived, Qin Anlin was also waiting at Bai's house.

He also wanted to see what Li Qiuyu was able to do to make his talented brother submit to him. He had offended the Zhang family, and he wanted Li Qiuyu to surprise him this time.

"The young master has arrived."

Bai Yuntian saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully, led the four of them into the room, and prepared to attack the Zhang family today.

"How many people do you have?" Li Qiuyu said calmly, this was just for a small family.

"Our two families together have 23 Nascent Soul stage disciples, but their true strength is not as good as that of the Zhang family." Bai Yuntian said seriously.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to restrain them for a while." Li Qiuyu said indifferently.

"Subordinates know."

"Okay, let's go there first, subdue them and then prepare for other families." Li Qiuyu said lightly, then stood up and walked outside.

Seeing Li Qiuyu stand up, Bai Yuntian hurriedly gathered his disciples from the Bai family, and flew straight towards the Zhang family.

Some monks were horrified when they saw so many monks in the infant stage and alchemy stage dispatched by the Bai family and the Qin family at the same time.

"The Zhang Family in Ao Xiao City, I will ask you again, whether you submit to the Xiaoyao League or not." Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, her whole body above the height of Zhang's mansion.

With three beauties snuggling beside him, and behind them Nascent Soul stage monks from the Bai family and the Qin family, the whole scene was enough to make any small force tremble with fear.

"Xiaoyaomeng really came here, no way."

"Didn't you hear what he said just now?"

Some monks were horrified. They heard about the Xiaoyaomeng when they were there. The more than 100 islands in the south have completely surrendered.

I didn't expect the Xiaoyao League to come so quickly. You must know that no matter how powerful the Xiaoyao League is, it will not rule more than 100 large and small islands within half a year.

"Li Qiuyu, as the elder of Aoxiao City, I swear my allegiance to the Jiuxing Palace. Others are afraid of you, so I will come to test how capable you are."

"Hmph, have the Qin family and the Bai family become the minions of the Xiaoyao League?" Zhang Hanyang looked at the disciples of the Qin and Bai families behind Li Qiuyu, and said disdainfully.

"Zhang Hanyang, this deity is also the head of Aoxiao City's family. He knows that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Don't you not know what is good." Bai Yuntian said loudly. He is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so naturally he will not be afraid of Zhang Hanyang.

"Hmph, let me see what qualifications you have to be so rampant in front of me, you're just a bigger ant." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the momentum of his whole body exploded.

The aura of the peak cultivation base in the early stage of Yuanying was stronger than that of the mid-stage Yuanying monk. Seeing Li Qiuyu's aura, Zhang Hanyang also knew that the opponent was not simple.

"Sure enough, there are a few tricks, but it is still a monk in the early Yuanying period." Zhang Hanyang said coldly, and a black dagger was sacrificed.

"Top-level ancient treasure, not bad, but I don't like it, this ancient treasure has to be accepted in front of me." Li Qiuyu saw the ancient treasure in Zhang Hanyang's hand, and knew that it was very powerful.

With a wave of consciousness, a black long knife appeared in his hand and he cut it down. Although the magic weapon was not as good as the ancient treasure, he didn't want to reveal his details all at once.

"Could it be that you want to kill this deity just by relying on this magic weapon?" Zhang Hanyang said disdainfully when he saw the power of Li Qiuyu's black blade light.

After speaking, he swung out a sword light and greeted Li Qiuyu's black sword light, and the other sixteen Yuanying disciples also attacked Li Qiuyu.

But Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention at all, the Qin family and the Bai family had already dispatched, and the 23 Nascent Soul Stages fought with the Zhang Family's Nascent Soul Stage.


The sword light and the knife light collided together instantly, and a violent sound exploded in the air.The black sword light disappeared, and the sword light shot straight at Li Qiuyu.

Zhang Hanyang looked at the ancient treasure in his hand with surprise in his eyes. It doesn't matter how strong the other party is, in front of his own ancient treasure, he is still deflated.

Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention to it, with a move of his consciousness, the Devouring Shield unfolded, and the sword light flashed on the Devouring Shield.

"Hmph, what a powerful defense."

Zhang Hanyang was also shocked. The defense of ordinary monks cannot withstand the attacks of ancient treasures and magic weapons. He did not expect Li Qiuyu to easily resist his own sword light.

"So that's what you're capable of? I said you in the mid-Yuanying period are just a bigger ant in front of me." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his hands changed for a while, and then he pointed out. The fingers rubbed against the air, creating a burst of burning breath.

"Hey, what a powerful attack."

Although Zhang Hanyang hadn't seen Li Qiuyu's power, this finger was absolutely no weaker than any ancient treasure's attack.

A sword light went up to meet it again, and then sacrificed a red jade slip, which immediately turned into a fire dragon biting at Li Qiuyu's finger.

"Out of control."

Although Gu Bao's sword light is domineering, how can it compare with the Shocking Finger? In the past, Li Qiuyu could only catch it when he was in the alchemy stage.

It can be said that Li Qiuyu is now at the peak of Yuanying's early stage cultivation, and the strength of the twin babies is definitely stronger than the monks at the peak of Yuanying's mid-stage.

The sword light disappeared.

The finger force of the Sky-Shaking Finger pointed directly at Zhang Hanyang, the red fire dragon trembled violently, and then slowly faded away, and finally resisted the Sky-Shaking Finger.

However, Li Qiuyu had a chance to stop with just one blow. After the Heaven-shaking Finger, the four cold light slashes had already stood down, and the power of the cold light slash was no less powerful than the sky-shattering finger.


The red fire dragon collapsed, and the remaining three cold light cuts also came to Zhang Hanyang. Zhang Hanyang did not expect the opponent's attack speed to be so fast.


Zhang Hanyang shouted loudly, a golden halo covered him, and three cold lights rang out, the golden halo did not change at all.

"A good ancient treasure, Lingling, this ancient treasure is given to you."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, after several rounds between the two of them, Li Qiuyu always understated the opponent's attack immediately, and did not move a single step.

"Brother Qiuyu, thank you, I want it." Ling Ling said softly, as if this ancient treasure was in Li Qiuyu's hands.

"It's crazy."

Zhang Hanyang saw that Li Qiuyu and the others were still so chic and natural in the fight, and they treated themselves as if they were dead.

"This seat is just arrogant, I won't play with you anymore, it's a loss." Li Qiuyu said loudly, raising his hands, a red light and a dark blue light cluster appeared in his hands.

Immediately, he pressed his hands together, and a red and blue beam of light smashed towards Zhang Hanyang. The powerful attack carried the breath of death and destruction.

"Hey, dual elements of ice and fire." Zhang Hanyang was also shocked for a while, it is already difficult to raise his cultivation base to the Nascent Soul stage with just ice and fire, let alone the incompatible dual elements of ice and fire.

The beam of light cut through the air and came straight to Zhang Hanyang. In desperation, Zhang Hanyang could only spray a stream of blood on the golden halo, which greatly increased the power of the golden halo.

"Bang, puff"

The beam of light is very hungry and yours hit the golden halo, the golden halo trembled in an instant, and finally changed back to its original shape, the beam of light completely fell on Zhang Hanyang.

The body defense and body shield in the middle stage of Yuanying are still very powerful. Zhang Hanyang was hit by the powerful impact force of the beam of light and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood spewed out, and his whole face was extremely pale.

"The skin is really thick enough." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he tried his best to be surprised. The defense in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul was really strong. With a move of consciousness, a tower-shaped psychic treasure was sacrificed. This psychic treasure is also Obtained in the sea of ​​innocence.

"Spiritual Treasure."

Zhang Hanyang was shocked, but he didn't wait for him to hesitate at all. The pagoda became [-] feet in size, and finally fell down. If he was hit, even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage would be turned into meat sauce.

"The world is icy."

Seeing this, Zhang Hanyang's expression changed, and an ice-blue crutch appeared in front of him, exuding an icy aura.

"Hey, the psychic treasure of the ice element, no wonder it will take over the ice and fire compatibility of this seat." Li Qiuyu felt relieved on his face, and thought that the defense of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage was really different from that of the early monks.

When the pagoda fell, Zhang Hanyang also sacrificed the psychic treasure in his hand, and a huge icicle hit the lofty pagoda.


There was another loud noise, and all the monks flew away, watching the fight between the two in horror. This is no longer a fight, but a tyranny to Zhang Hanyang.

The impact of the two psychic treasures was difficult even for Yuanying to go to the monks. The pagoda was shaken, and finally flew back towards Li Qiuyu, returning to its original shape.

"Hey, so it's just that, and I want to dominate Bihai, hmph."

Zhang Hanyang was very excited when he saw that the crutch in his hand defeated the opponent's psychic treasure. If he killed Li Qiuyu, Jiuxing Palace would definitely reward him.

"Hey, things that don't know whether they are dead or alive are always the saddest." Li Qiuyu smiled lightly.

After finishing speaking, with a movement of consciousness, a dull three-foot long sword was sacrificed, and finally the long sword swung downward, and a white sword light shot straight down.

"There are a lot of psychic treasures." Seeing that Li Qiuyu was another psychic treasure, Zhang Hanyang felt a burst of envy, but as long as he killed Li Qiuyu, these things would be his own.

Without even noticing that he was being watched by the god of death, the white sword light came to Zhang Hanyang as if ignoring the distance, and it was too late when he found out that there was danger.

The crutch of the ice-type psychic treasure went up to Jianmang, and the icicle met Jianmang two feet away, without any hindrance.

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