After the white sword light passed, there was no sound, only the whole body of Zhang Hanyang in the mid-Yuanying stage was slowly withering.

In the mid-Yuanying period, after losing his cultivation base and life, he would return to being like a mortal. After living for hundreds of years, his whole body turned into a skeleton.

Even Yuanying didn't escape, and everyone was shocked by this scene. This dim three-foot long sword is too powerful.

After claiming that everyone hadn't reacted for a moment, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and a storage bag and two treasures returned to Li Qiuyu's hands.

Then another white sword light was drawn out, hitting a monk from the Zhang family who was at the peak of the early Yuanying stage. Seeing the attack coming, he finally reacted and roared loudly.

This roar also became the last time he spoke in his glorious life. With a flash of sword light, the whole person was cut into two halves.

The other monks also woke up, and the battle continued, but the Zhang family's monks lost two, which was a great blow to them. Originally, the monks of the Nascent Soul stage would not be lost if they reached such a state, unless they encountered Heaven-defying Lingbao.

Or monks whose realm exceeds a very high level, otherwise they will not be lost, even if they are lost, they will still be physically damaged. The Nascent Soul has a chance to escape, but in front of Li Qiuyu, less than five breaths before and after, two Nascent Soul stage The monks are lost.

There are only a few monks peeping here from a distance, and they gradually have some ideas in their hearts. At least they can solve the immediate matter at present.

Among them, only Bai Yuntian was not surprised. Li Qiuyu's strength is definitely more than that. Just what he saw, he is much stronger than now.

"Brother Qiuyu, help me erase this ancient treasure's aura first." Ling Ling held the golden halo in her hand, looked at it happily, and finally handed the golden halo to Li Qiuyu.

"My lord, I want that psychic treasure. In the future, I will cultivate the water system to the extreme and become an ice system." Xiao Qiuyue said softly, not treating this place as a battleground for monks at all.

"Okay, I'll help you erase the breath and consciousness inside and give it back to you." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, watching the scene of fighting skills.

Two of the sixteen Nascent Soul stage monks were lost, and the Bai family and the Qin family had 23, almost two against one. Naturally, Li Qiuyu didn't have to worry, and Bai Yuntian was still a mid Nascent Soul stage monk.

"My lord, what about those monks who spy on us?" Xiao Hanyue asked softly.

"Don't worry about them, they will naturally do something at that time, it depends on their choice." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth, and then swung out another sword.

"Ah, how despicable."

A monk from the Zhang family who was at the peak of the early Yuanying period was entangled by the opponent in front of him. He wanted to escape a long time ago. Just when the opponent was ready to escape, a sword light shot from behind, and he had no time to resist it. I can only shout angrily.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person froze in the air, and then fell downwards. When falling, the opponent's attack was too late to retract, and it smashed hard on it.

With a loud bang, the monk was shattered into pieces, and Li Qiuyu also took the magic weapon and the storage bag. Just now, the monk from the Qin family saluted and nodded to Li Qiuyu to express his gratitude.

The loss of the decoration of the third Nascent Soul stage made the Zhang family completely lose their will to fight. The longer the time dragged on, the greater their danger.

"Li Qiuyu, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, I will remember you." An old man from the Zhang family slammed a blow at his opponent, and then teleported away.

"Hmph, if you want to leave, stay here."

Li Qiuyu snorted coldly, with a hint of a smile on his face, with a movement of consciousness, a transparent dagger appeared in his hand, and then he held the dagger with one hand and waved it, causing the space to appear distorted.

The old man who had just teleported away stumbled and was knocked back. Before Li Qiuyu was hundreds of feet away, Li Qiuyu didn't wait for him to react, and swung a white light from the three-foot long sword in his hand.The sword light entered between the eyebrows when the old man reacted.

Seeing a bright halo, the old man's pupils widened, showing despair and panic. In an instant, he lost consciousness and fell down hard.

Li Qiuyu grabbed it from the air, and the old man's waist moved, and a storage bag and magic weapon came to Li Qiuyu's hands, the loss of the fourth Nascent Soul Stage monk.

"Space treasure, what a powerful space treasure." A Nascent Soul cultivator not far away in the dark said in horror, with a hint of envy on his face.

Li Qiuyu naturally knew that these monks were hiding, but he didn't dare to come out for a while, so as not to be killed by Li Qiuyu by mistake. In the fourth Nascent Soul stage, the old man's loss, followed by the fifth, sixth, and seventh monks. loss.

Every time one is lost, the strength of the Zhang family will be lower. The monks of the Qin family and the Bai family are now two-on-one, or three-on-one.

It is not easy to lose one-on-one willingly, in the same class, but under the siege of two or three monks, it is strange not to lose.

"Hmph, I want to blow myself up. There's no such simple thing. Do you think I'm watching a show?" Li Qiuyu said in a daze. After seeing a Nascent Soul cultivator displaying an ancient treasure, he ignored it.Run the mana with all your strength.

This sign was discovered by Li Qiuyu, and the movements of these few people would naturally not allow him to blew himself up successfully. After speaking, a shocking finger was quickly displayed.


The dantian was hit by the sky-shocking finger before the exercise was completed. Even if he did not die, he became a waste. There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and this monk became a Nascent Soul Stage who fell to death in hell.

"It's over."

Li Qiuyu didn't want to waste any more time. With a flash of his body, he quickly joined the battle. Naturally, he didn't have to worry about the three girls behind him. There were black turtle beasts and cloud beasts, and ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul stage were just looking for death.

The moment his body flickered, a sword glow shot out, and the head of the nearest Nascent Soul cultivator was decapitated, and Li Qiuyu reached out and snatched his magic weapon and storage bag.

The whole process took an instant, and after finishing everything, he wanted to shoot at another monk nearby, and four or five monks besieged one, so there was no extra energy to resist.

Li Qiuyu took back the three-foot long sword. This long sword consumes a lot of mana, and now he doesn't need to use the psychic treasure.

A moment later, twenty monks threw magic weapons and spells on a peak monk in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, ending the fighting in the Nascent Soul stage.

"The Zhang family, disrespect the Xiaoyao League and kill them all."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he waved his hands quickly, and then the sky was filled with scorching heat, and a sea of ​​flames pressed down, covering a radius of one mile with a sea of ​​burning flames.


Some monks at the alchemy stage can still resist for a while, but they turn into nothingness after just one or two breaths, and the monks at the foundation establishment stage are like straw meeting a raging fire.

The monks looked at the sea of ​​fire below from the air. Although it was more than a hundred feet high, the temperature of the sea of ​​fire felt extremely hot, and even the monks in the alchemy stage felt dizzy.

Not long after, the bottom was scorched black, without a breath of life. Seeing the power of the sea of ​​flames, all the monks were stunned.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Zhang family's sixteen Nascent Soul stage monks, and there are also mid-stage monks, together with the alchemy stage and foundation establishment stage disciples, were all lost at once.

"Fellow daoists, why don't you come out, you should come up with a choice."

Li Qiuyu looked around, and finally said loudly, now that the Zhang family has been overthrown, and their own strength is also clear to them, it is time to make a decision.

"This subordinate represents the Long family to submit to the Xiaoyao League, and is willing to follow the Xiaoyao King to compete in the blue sea." An old man in white came a hundred feet away from Li Qiuyu and said respectfully.

"Okay, I've made a note." Li Qiuyu said with a faint smile.

"This subordinate represents the Wang family, and is willing to follow Xiaoyao King to conquer the Bihai Nine Star Palace." After the white-clothed old man appeared, the Yuanying stage monks of the Wang family also knew that the end had been decided, and the only way to go was to surrender.

In less than a moment, the ten major forces in Aoxiao City had surrendered. Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction. Finally, Qin Anlin arranged for all the powers and families to surrender in Aoxiao Island, waiting for the army of Xiaoyao League to attack other islands.

Li Qiuyu brought the three daughters back to the inn, the matter of Ao Xiaocheng was basically settled, and he could take a rest with peace of mind.

"My lord, will those families go back on their word?" Xiao Qiuyue looked at Li Qiuyu with her beautiful eyes, and said softly.

"No, for the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage who surrendered, half of a family must surrender a trace of soul." Li Qiuyu said lightly, this is the rule of the realm of cultivation.

Although vicious, it is also the only way to control senior monks. As long as the monk whose soul is controlled has the intention of betrayal, Li Qiuyu will kill him with a move of consciousness.

"Brother Qiuyu, have you finished the golden ring that was used by the Nascent Soul just now?" Ling Ling called out softly, holding Li Qiuyu's hand and shaking it.

"Not yet, you guys wait, I'll go and see what else you can use." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she left the three girls and went back to her room.

Well, yes, the total number of Lingshi is a billion. It seems that this is all the property of the Zhang family, and there are also a lot of medicinal materials and some magic weapons.

And there are two defensive ancient treasures. Li Qiuyu sacrificed the golden ring and the ice-type psychic treasure a little bit, and the other two good ancient treasures were distributed to the three sisters Xiao Hanyue after refining.

"Young master, don't you want to keep one?" Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"It's not like the average monk wants to use the one that breaks my attack. It must consume a lot of power. At that time, my Devouring Shield is enough to resist." Li Qiuyu said it well. His few ancient treasures and The psychic treasure, ordinary monks don't want to break it at all.

Even if it is broken, Li Qiuyu's Devouring Shield, Ring of Ice and Fire, and the ancient treasure of the giant cauldron can easily be low-grade. His Phoenix Nine Transformations, his body is already an existence with extremely strong defense.

"As long as you three babies don't get hurt, I'll be relieved." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, reaching out to embrace the three girls into her arms.

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