Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 510 Elite Disciples

Watching Li Qiuyu rehearse the magic weapon over and over again, and Li Qiuyu didn't look impatient at all, she persisted for half a year.

She still didn't see any power in this sword formation, so she couldn't help asking: "My lord, why can't Qiuyue see a trace of power, even the power of the basic magic weapon has disappeared."

"Really? Take a look."

Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness moved, and the nine magic weapons turned rapidly in an instant, and then formed a circle, and the sword glows seemed to emit icy breaths. In an instant, a huge hole with a radius of ten feet and a bottomless depth appeared on the entire ground.

After reading it, Xiao Qiuyue was extremely horrified, she didn't expect the sword array to change so much, so fast, even with her peak strength in the late stage of alchemy, she didn't know how to deal with it when she used the spirit treasure.

This sword formation is a magic weapon, if the Nine-Handed Spirit Treasure, the Mietian Sword is here, I don't know who can escape from this sword formation.

"Don't underestimate the power of this sword array. If this sword array can be successfully refined, it will definitely become the nemesis of some monks, especially demonic and evil cultivators." Li Qiuyu saw Xiao Qiuyue's appearance, with a move of consciousness, the sword array stopped quickly.

Then he put his arms around Xiao Qiuyue and walked into the cave. When the two came to the water pool, a battle and slaughter would naturally be inevitable.

An hour passed, Xiao Qiuyue was completely exhausted, and then Li Qiuyu carried her back to the room in the cave to rest. He quickly washed his clothes and hers, dried them, and fell asleep beside Xiao Qiuyue.

A year has passed like this. In addition to practicing a few normal skills and spells every day, Li Qiuyu basically practiced the Mietian Sword Formation during the day, and spent an hour at night comprehending the refining method of the Mietian Sword.

Ling Ling's Nascent Soul is also stable in the early stage, and her cultivation base is growing rapidly. Xiao Hanyue's later stage of alchemy is also almost reaching a high level, and Li Qiuyu's peak is not far away.

The news from other islands also made Li Qiuyu very happy. The opportunity did not encounter any major obstacles. The third-level islands near the Jiuxing Palace were basically ruled by the Xiaoyao League.

When the Xiaoyao League quickly ruled these islands, the Jiuxing Palace officially put a lot of power on the thirty second- and third-tier islands nearby.

They also didn't expect that Li Qiuyu would attack east and west, and his strength would expand so quickly. Under the rule of these islands, some islands near and south of Qianling Island would automatically surrender, attacking back and forth. Naturally, they were not the opponents of Xiaoyaomeng.

Because there are only Nascent Soul Stage and Core Formation disciples under the Xiaoyao League, hundreds of Nascent Soul Stage monks attack a family, and thousands of Nascent Soul Stage monks attack a city.

All the wealth has become in the pocket. If this continues, half of the wealth of the exterminated families and cities will go into Li Qiuyu's hands, and half will be rewarded to the disciples below, and all the materials and medicinal materials will go into Li Qiuyu's hands.

Every time you attack a family, your strength will increase by one family's strength, and after attacking a city, your strength will increase by one city's strength.

The way of snowballing quickly caused the Xiaoyao League and Jiuxing Palace to confront each other. Without the presence of Jiuxing Palace, some families and cities would not be the opponents of Xiaoyaomeng at all.

"My lord, most of the entire Bihai is in our hands now, are we going to attack the Jiuxing Palace?" Xiao Hanyue asked Li Qiuyu after she got to know some things after she left the customs.

"No, we are consolidating our own strength now, because we are now in a state of siege. What we are really anxious about is the Nine Stars Palace. We need to fully consolidate the strength we have obtained, and rebound from the Nine Stars Palace. During this period of time, we wantonly collected treasures And medicinal materials, the more spirit stones, the better."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, in front of his own woman, he would not pay that much attention, and only his own woman knew his true face.

He wants to collect materials and spirit stones as much as possible, even if he fails, there will be a time to make a comeback, and he has to take away some monks who really surrendered to him in the Nascent Soul stage.

Li Qiuyu has been secretly observing these things for a long time. He has also selected [-] reliable disciples who are at the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul and the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and they are all monks with outstanding talents. high realm.

As long as they don't betray him, and they don't lose in the process of attacking Jiuxing Palace, he will take them away.

He secretly told these monks about these things, and these monks were horrified and completely surrendered to Li Qiuyu.

Naturally, Li Qiuyu would not train them less, and also gave advice on elixir and some cultivation matters. Although Li Qiuyu was only in the early Yuanying stage, the exercises he cultivated were all super god-level existences.

Moreover, some experience and talents cannot be compensated by the realm of cultivation. Li Qiuyu will do it again. These monks will get a lot of gains. If there is no gain, Li Qiuyu will naturally not want them.

"I didn't expect our young master's strength to reach this level. I really can't think of anyone who can match him." Zhang Zihao shook his head and said. He is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, less than four hundred years old, and he has reached such an achievement.

The [-] Yuanying disciples who had just gone were all called to a quiet pavilion by Li Qiuyu, and asked them to bring up the places where they could not practice.

Since Li Qiuyu gave them pointers for the first time, no one came here in the end, and this place has become a forbidden area.

Only Nascent Soul stage monks with outstanding contributions and talents have the opportunity to come here, and the monks who come here will get some rewards. What they want is not spirit stones, and there are too few pills, which are of no use to them. Only the disciple who was really favored by Li Qiuyu can get a lot of pills.

They wanted Li Qiuyu to point out the flaws and bottlenecks in his cultivation. No matter if it was a demon cultivator or a demon cultivator, as long as he was not a heinous cultivator and made contributions to the Xiaoyao League, he would not refuse.

"Otherwise, how could we become the enemy of Jiuxing Palace? Our Xiaoyao League should replace Jiuxing Palace soon." A big man monk said loudly.

"Hmph, look at your worthless appearance."

A middle-aged man who was at the peak of the early stage of Nascent Soul took a look at the big man and said with disdain.

"What's the matter? Why am I hopeless." The big man looked at the middle-aged monk in confusion.

"We have to work hard to cultivate. After erasing the Nine Stars Palace, we can reach another realm. It is not a right. If you have such a mind, if you are known by the young master, you will have no chance."

The middle-aged monk said in an old-fashioned way, but the big man was not slow at all, and listened to the middle-aged words seriously.

"Let's not talk about you, tell me, is the young master really only in the early Yuanying stage?" Seeing that the big man didn't speak, the middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, and then said.

"The realm is in the early stage, but the strength of the cultivation base, not to mention the early stage, the monks in the middle stage will be killed in seconds. Didn't you see the Patriarch of the Qing family in Haikou City last time? None of our four Nascent Souls defeated him in the middle stage. In the end, the young master Kill him instantly with one move, the Patriarch of the Qing family is at the peak of the mid-Yuanying stage."

"The cultivator at the peak in the mid-Yuanying period was also instantly killed by a single move." Jing Hai, a young man in the early stage, said that he had never seen Li Qiuyu make a move.

"Of course you don't know. At that time we thought our eyes were blurred. With one move, and it was still empty-handed, the Patriarch of the Qing family was completely reduced to ashes in the air, and even the spiritual treasure was crushed."

The cultivator who spoke just now showed a look of admiration in his eyes. He is also a top genius. He did not expect to be attacked by Li Qiuyu's Xiaoyao League. After surrendering, he was extremely dissatisfied, but after seeing the Patriarch of Killing Family with one move, he completely surrendered.

"Speaking of the young master's strength, I have seen it once. It should be eight years ago. In Linglong City, the Kang family can be regarded as a top-level family. 36 Nascent Soul stage monks were all wiped out by him in a short while. Kill, with one move, Burning World Flames, all the masters of the Kang family will be reduced to ashes."

The middle-aged monk said with lingering fear, who can achieve these strengths, maybe only Li Qiuyu can do it.

This is also why Li Qiuyu's cultivation base in the past few decades is at the peak of Yuanying's early stage, and all he cultivates are spells and basic sacrificial magic weapons.

The demon baby reached the late stage, which caused his mana to skyrocket, and he cultivated the Heaven-shocking Nine Forms to the limit, but the remaining piece of ice flame could never be refined.

"Do you know the real age of the young master?" A young monk said mysteriously.

"Looking at the young master's cultivation, he should be six hundred years old. But I don't know how the young master cultivated. He still looks like a teenager. Are all holy alchemists so young?" A black-clothed monk said coldly.

"You won't believe the real age of our young master. There are three fairies." The young monk said with a smile.

"Don't be a fool, if you don't tell me, get out of here." The other monks said loudly.

"Hmph, the young master is not yet a hundred years old, only over eighty years old. Of the three fairies, two are about the same age as the young master. The other one is invisible, but definitely younger than the other two fairies." The young monk said. Seeing that he had provoked everyone's anger, he snorted and said quickly.

"You're so young. To achieve such strength and cultivation at the age of a hundred is hurting your self-esteem, let's not talk about it." Several monks shook their heads. They were also genius monks on one side, but in front of Li Qiuyu, they were nothing. Well, they wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the young man's cultivation method that could tell the age of others.

"Let's talk, I want to go back and comprehend the exercises modified by the young master. When we attack the Jiuxing Palace, the power may be much greater." After the big man finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.But there was a booming sound.

The big man was slammed to the ground, and there was a burst of laughter from behind, and he was still saying that he was an idiot.

"This idiot, he did such a thing again. I have said it many times. The use of mana and teleportation is forbidden on this island, but I can't remember the sentence."

"Grandma, I've been bumped hundreds of times." The big man quickly stood up and yelled twice before striding forward.

Li Qiuyu used prohibition and formation. It is not allowed to cast spells and teleportation on this island. I didn't expect this guy just couldn't remember.

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