Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 511 Preparing the Refiner

On this island, with Li Qiuyu's formation and prohibition, Li Qiuyu is the real master of this island.

There are too many monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and there will inevitably be some friction. Naturally, he will not let such a thing happen, and he has also established some rules of the Xiaoyao League.

Traitors extract their souls, kill each other, extract their souls, betray their companions, extract their souls, commit crimes all at once, extract their souls.

The other rules are determined by those managers. The simple three rules, no monk thinks that this is just for fun, and no one dares to challenge Li Qiuyu's strength. Most of the masters in the Xiaoyao League are in the cloud, and it is natural to kill some of them. Influence.

The outside world is completely chaotic. The two super powers are colliding with each other every day. Jiuxing Palace has been the overlord of Bihai for thousands of years. Naturally, it should not be underestimated. Some masters and methods are extremely powerful.

Although the Xiaoyao League is less than 30 years old, most of the entire Bihai belongs to the Xiaoyao League, and there are tens of thousands of monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, Li Qiuyu handed everything over to the four elders and patriarch Qing Zicheng who came from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the following matters were also managed step by step without any confusion in the management.

Qingzicheng, who has been the patriarch for hundreds of years, is very familiar with these things. The Tianling clan is always ready to return to Bihai, so naturally they have some means.

The outside affairs have nothing to do with Li Qiuyu. He accompanied the three daughters to practice and play in the cave. Every time he sent the harvested spirit stones from Qingzi City to Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu would leave some of them to him.

In the future, he will need a lot of spiritual stones to control the blue sea, but Li Qiuyu will take away all the materials and medicinal materials, and attack the cities and islands, and a lot of wealth will flow in.

Li Qiuyu receives hundreds of millions of spirit stones every month. The space necklace is full of storage bags, and the storage bags are full of spirit stones and medicinal materials, as well as some top-quality materials.

"Brother Qiuyu, there are so many herbs and spirit stones out there, how can I spend them all?" Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu's space necklace, nearly 2000 billion spirit stones, countless herbs, except for the herbs in the storage bag, his The space necklace has 1000 to [-] miles full of medicinal materials.

The territory of those sea beasts has also become smaller.Li Qiuyu has no choice. If his current cultivation level does not break through, the space necklace is still only two thousand miles away.

"In the future, there will be many places where we need spirit stones, and we need to raise your three daughters and piglets." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"Hmph, I'm not a little pig." Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue said softly.

"Aren't you going to see your grandfather?" Li Qiuyu asked Lingling.

"No, I only went two days ago, and grandpa is very busy, so I won't bother him anymore." Lingling said happily.

"You can't go out for a while, I will release the green clothes, the black turtle beast and the cloud beast to protect you." Li Qiuyu said to the three girls seriously.

"My lord, are you going out?" Xiao Hanyue asked softly.

"No, I feel an opportunity has come these days. I want to refine the Mietian Sword." Li Qiuyu said seriously, with excitement showing on his face, but he calmed down soon.

"Ah, really, I really want to see the real power of the Mietian Sword Formation at that time, Xiao Qiuyue said in surprise, last time I saw a little superficial, and I am looking forward to the power of the Mietian Sword Formation in my heart.

"Brother Qiuyu, you can go, or you can take the Xuangui Beast with you, at least I can protect you." Lingling said softly.

"Well, it's true. Trusting others is better than trusting it and its safety. Even if it loses its soul, it will resist for me." Li Qiuyu touched a little turtle.

"Yeah, because even if its soul is gone, as long as the young master is there, it will come back to life." Xiao Hanyue also knows about the Tower of Nothingness.

"I'm going now, Lingling. During this period of time, I have asked your grandfather and several elders to arrange reliable people here. If there is anything, please notify me during hell time." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Brother Qiuyu, I understand." Seeing Li Qiuyu's expression, Ling Ling knew the seriousness of the matter. In Brother Qiuyu's eyes, the three of her sisters were more important than anything else.

"Young Master, you can go. Don't worry about us here. If you encounter any danger, I will notify you. Even if it disturbs your sword practice, because Hanyue and the three will not let you be alone."

Only when Xiao Hanyue said this would she make Li Qiuyu feel at ease. She is not selfish, because she wants to think about Li Qiuyu. If there are no materials, she can look for them, but if her three sisters are gone, the young master will definitely go crazy.

"Well, I'm leaving first." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flickered, and he quickly left the island. Before leaving the island, he disguised himself as a young monk.

In a continuous mountain range a million miles away, a young monk appeared, and he walked lightly in this mountain range. At this moment, dozens of devastating attacks came down on him without any warning , when it was about to hit him, Li Qiuyu swiped with one hand, and a light shield appeared ten feet away in the sky.

After the light shield appeared, the Mingguang Baojian shone upwards, and a ray of light blocked the attacks. At the moment the Mingguang Baojian and the light shield appeared, these attacks were also withdrawn by its owner.

"Little Lord."

A wave of divine sense came, the voice was full of horror, and the blows of dozens of top masters were easily resolved.

"Well, I'm about to go in, keep it safe, and strictly prevent any animals from entering it." Li Qiuyu sent her voice back with her spiritual sense.

It turned out that he had chosen this mountain range a long time ago. There is an excellent fire in the center of the earth below it, and there is also a spiritual vein. Originally, this was the place where a big family occupied, but the patriarch was secretly surrendered by Li Qiuyu.

More than fifty Nascent Soul stage monks surrendered under Li Qiuyu's seat. This place is the core of the family, and only Nascent Soul stage monks can enter.

Li Qiuyu arranged all the Nascent Soul monks in this city in this mountain range, and there were more than a hundred monks he trusted.

There are more than 2000 Nascent Soul stage monks in the entire mountain range, and the closer to the center, the denser the Nascent Soul stage monks.

He was also afraid of being disturbed by others when he was refining the weapon. Only Li Qiuyu could have so many monks in the infant stage as guards.

Li Qiuyu's consciousness turned into phantoms and walked through the mountains, leaving a formation and prohibition from time to time, as long as someone touched it, he could sense it.

When he came to a stone gate, Li Qiuyu hit it with several spells of mana, and then chanted a formula continuously, and the stone gate slowly opened.

After entering the inside, a stone ladder extends straight down. The temperature gets higher the further you go down. After walking a full [-] steps of stone stairs, you finally arrive at a stone room. The stone room is extremely spacious, and there are many maze-like inside. aisle.

Li Qiuyu set up countless formations and prohibitions here. For the sake of safety, within five miles of Shimen, there are [-] monks at the peak of the early Yuanying period and [-] monks at the middle stage of the Yuanying period. These monks are all guided by Li Qiuyu passed.

And it is absolutely reliable, he has already issued a death order, even if he is dead, he cannot let an ant enter the stone gate.

We all know that Li Qiuyu has important things to do inside, and being arranged by Li Qiuyu to come here shows that Li Qiuyu trusts them. As long as Li Qiuyu can successfully complete the affairs here, they will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Li Qiuyu went straight into a secret room, and there was a secret passage in the secret room, only Li Qiuyu and the patriarch of this family knew about it.

After entering the passage below the secret room, the temperature immediately rose by more than two times. Not to mention the refining device, even if a monk in the alchemy stage came in here, it would not last long before it would be damaged.

"You should get used to the temperature here. If you don't have that, wait for me outside. You know, this is the most important moment for me to refine weapons. Don't let anyone in." Li Qiuyu said seriously.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside, and I will never let anyone in. I'll give you this strand of soul. If I'm lost, you can restore me."

The body of the tortoise next to Li Qiuyu instantly became a foot in size, and finally closed its eyes to separate a wisp of soul, the look in the eyes was extremely painful.

Dividing the soul is more uncomfortable than dying once. After a while, Li Qiuyu put a faint soul in a jade bottle, and finally sealed it with the magic of forbidden spirit.

"Hehe, I won't let you lose. Even if you lose, I will make you come back to life." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he walked inside alone. Underneath, the blue flame kept beating, and the spirit of fire could still be seen from time to time.

The fire spirit refers to the flame with its own spirituality that is more than ten thousand years old. Only after reaching a million years, it becomes a fire spirit in human form.

Such a fire spirit can melt everything in the world. Li Qiuyu's refining of the Heaven Extinguishing Sword this time is to find this fire spirit that is more than ten thousand years old.

Where there is a fire spirit, the temperature is naturally countless times higher than other places. Finally, he walked to a place where he could not move forward.

There are also countless fire spirits here. Li Qiuyu threw an ancient treasure down, and saw that the ancient treasure began to rebound when it touched the fire spirit. Within a moment, the ancient treasure had disappeared.

Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction, what kind of existence is Gu Bao, Li Qiuyu will naturally not feel sorry for Gu Bao, he is definitely one of the best characters in Bihai.

"It seems that this is the best place. Even without the fire elves, I can still melt these materials."

Li Qiuyu said to himself, with a confident expression on his face and a hint of excitement, which was no less exciting than his refining Tianying Pill.

He slowly settled down here, and began to adjust his mood. Only when he calmed down, could he perfectly solve the things he had to do.

Ten days passed, Li Qiuyu slightly opened his eyes, his eyes were unusually bright, extremely calm, without any emotion or expression.

With a movement of his consciousness, colorful things came out of the space necklace. These were the materials he had searched for Bi Hai for countless years, and the materials for refining the Heaven Extinguishing Sword.

After arranging these materials, a giant cauldron of an ancient treasure appeared in front of him. He had already divided the materials. This giant cauldron was also the main tool for refining the Heaven Mie Sword.

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