Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 512 Extinguishing Heaven Sword, Success

After doing all the preparations, with a move of his consciousness, a blue flame shot straight at the giant cauldron. With the flame of the fire spirit, as long as it is controlled by spiritual energy, it is naturally easy to control.

Li Qiuyu also practiced the fire element, so he was naturally not afraid of fire. The flames kept beating under the giant cauldron, and the giant cauldron was also spinning endlessly under Li Qiuyu's control.

Practicing qi is not alchemy, alchemy is to melt each medicinal material, and the time is set, but refining equipment is completely different, only need to melt these materials.

However, some things should pay attention to the time, such as the 20-year-old sun liquid, the eighth-level monster inner alchemy and blood essence, these things will be melted in the end.


A black stone was thrown into the giant cauldron. There was no movement in the giant cauldron, but after a while, a wisp of green smoke came out, and there was a sound like boiling water.

After two months like this, some common materials have been refined by one-third, but there are still countless materials waiting for her to refine.

Alchemy and equipment require cultivation and mana. In two months, he has used twenty Tianying Pills, and this is also with the help of the fire spirit below, otherwise he would not be able to sustain it.

Time passed slowly, half a year passed, the basic materials on the ground had been resolved, completely turned into an unknown liquid, and the liquid contained aura, spirituality, and countless strange attributes.

"Finally refined these common materials."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, with no joy or worry on his face, and then threw a Tianying Pill into the mouth, and his mana was restored instantly, and a piece of Earth Yin Stone was thrown into the giant cauldron.

Suddenly, the inside of the giant cauldron seemed to be overturned, and it took a full month to stop slowly. Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense looked inside it countless times.

It wasn't until the Earth Yin Stone melted that he breathed a sigh of relief. After the Earth Yin Stone melted, he threw two pieces of the Sky Meteorite into it.

What he wants to refine are ten swords that destroy the sky. Because he is afraid of accidents, he will count accidents in everything he does.

It took a full year and a half to melt the ten rare materials. After melting, Li Qiuyu kept stirring his consciousness and mana inside.

In the high temperature of thousands of degrees, even if Li Qiuyu practiced the fire-type kungfu, he would be exposed to the flames every day when making alchemy, but in this giant cauldron, his magic power would be exhausted in less than an hour. Fortunately, he was supported by the Tianying Pill.

A day later, he had used up fourteen Tianying Pills, and now it was the most critical time, to condense the liquid into ten Heaven-killing Swords.

"This seat defies the sky and refines the Extinguisher Sword, sacrifice"

Li Qiuyu said secretly, and finally whispered a sacrificial word, the consciousness was separated, and finally turned into ten kinds of consciousness and ten magic powers.

Spiritual consciousness controls the change of mana, but the consumption of mana and spirituality is extremely fast. The mana is exhausted in half an hour, and the spirituality is better, because Li Qiuyu's spirituality has surpassed the realm of the great monk in the late Nascent Soul.

After five days of the rapid consumption of Tianying Pill, ten dim short swords appeared in the giant cauldron, and then the huge cauldron was covered and opened.

The ten daggers flew out quickly, Li Qiuyu moved his consciousness, controlled the ten daggers, and then shot a stream of blood towards the daggers.


There was a soft sound, and a trace of green smoke floated out of the dagger, and then the other nine daggers were also infused with blood essence, and the daggers after the infusion of essence blood finally had a slight connection with Li Qiuyu, feeling that this dagger was part of the body. part.

"The aura of the heavens and the earth casts the body of my spirit sword."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a swipe of one hand, a stone door not far away opened, and a spiritual energy to Onda rushed over. This spiritual energy is the center of the spiritual vein. Rich spiritual energy has advantages and disadvantages.

If the aura is strong, low-level cultivators will not only benefit from cultivation, but will be instantly corroded by the aura and die.

But with Li Qiuyu's cultivation, he was not afraid of these auras at all, and the ten daggers in front of him also quickly absorbed the aura.

Half a year later, the aura of Lingmai also became weak, Chance didn't look like Lingmai, and the short sword was still a little far from success.

Li Qiuyu Jianda's spiritual veins were gone, so he quickly used the Heaven-shocking Divine Art to absorb the spiritual energy from outside. Immediately, the monks on the ground saw the spiritual energy in the air seep into the ground like crazy.

The spiritual energy within a radius of a hundred miles was emptied within a month, and it became a place with no value for cultivation.

Li Qiuyu looked at the ten daggers with satisfaction from below, and the daggers no longer had that gloomy look.

And it turned into a colorful color, not sure what color it is at all, but the aura on it flickers, and each handle has reached the level of psychic treasures, no worse than my own three-foot long sword.

"Hey, fire elf."

At this moment, a one-foot-sized rabbit appeared in Li Qiuyu's consciousness. It looked extremely cute. Li Qiuyu's mind kept spinning, wondering if he should catch Qi and practice the sword.

"Well, man, big things don't stick to small things."

Li Qiuyu said to himself, and then cast out formations one after another, a celestial baby was still imported there, and then put ten daggers into the giant cauldron.

The temperature of the giant cauldron is just right, it will not harm the short sword, and the short sword still needs to be sacrificed, so naturally it will not be put into the storage bag.

After finishing everything, a powerful divine sense stabbed at the rabbit in the sea of ​​flames, only to see the rabbit's red eyes froze for a moment, then froze.

Li Qiuyu stretched out his hand and grabbed the rabbit, five powerful magical powers imprisoned the rabbit, followed by several spells, completely imprisoning the rabbit.

Seemingly simple, if Li Qiuyu made a slight mistake, he would be destroyed by this rabbit. Fortunately, his series of actions caught this unintelligent rabbit.

"The power of the Mietian Sword, I believe it should be able to be upgraded to its true quality."

Li Qiuyu imprisoned the rabbit, and finally the ten Mietian swords were pierced through the rabbit's body continuously. Every time the Mietian sword was pierced, the brilliance of the Mietian sword became stronger, and the rabbit became weaker. After a long time, the rabbit completely became A phantom, Li Qiuyu imprisoned it, and finally put it into a storage bag.

"Hey, Mietian Sword, Mietian Sword, I finally refined it."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, his face was full of excitement, and he, who would not be overjoyed at first, also laughed, this Tian Mie Sword is enough to make his strength skyrocket.

After a while, he threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth with his consciousness, his mana recovered, and the giant cauldron was put away. Finally, he turned the ten short swords into phantoms and entered between his eyebrows.

This Heaven Extinguishing Sword was forged by him with his blood essence, so naturally he didn't need to refine it with blood, as long as he nourished it with his own essence every day, the relationship between the two would be closer.

The ten Mietian swords tempered by the fire elves can destroy even some spiritual treasures. If the nine swords are used together to display the Mietian sword array, Li Qiuyu doesn't know what can resist it.

Li Qiuyu dragged his exhausted body out of the secret room, came to the place where the black turtle beast was, and saw the black turtle beast watching the movement on the stone ladder vigilantly.

At the same time, he also felt Li Qiuyu's appearance, saw Li Qiuyu's appearance, and asked Li Qiuyu with puzzled eyes.

"It succeeded. After more than three years, it finally succeeded." Li Qiuyu laughed loudly.

"Hey, judging by your expression, the things you refined should be good." Xuangui Beast saw Li Qiuyu laughing.

"Well, I don't know the real power yet, but I think there are not many monks in the Nascent Soul stage who can resist it." Li Qiuyu said confidently.

"so smart?"

"Of course, otherwise, what's the use of refining it with my countless painstaking efforts. I also have a lot of psychic treasures in my hand. You can keep an eye on it for me. I'll take a rest." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his consciousness moved, A quilt appears on the ground.

Ignoring the Xuangui Beast, it quickly fell asleep. For more than three years, it was restless and sleepless, and it also consumed consciousness and mana.

"Hey, it's really not easy. After more than three years, even the deity can't stand it." Seeing Li Qiuyu's appearance, Xuanguishou also showed a look of admiration in his eyes.

This sleep lasted for five days, Li Qiuyu slowly woke up, the spirit on his face recovered a lot, and finally put away the quilt.Put the mysterious tortoise into the space to connect, and finally go up the stone ladder.

"The young master has come out."

A middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator shouted happily.

"My subordinates see you, young master, young master, you." Immediately, nearly a hundred monks in the Nascent Soul Stage rushed to Li Qiuyu's side. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was not in good spirits, they asked incomprehensibly.

"It's okay, I haven't slept for three years, are you tired?" Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a smile on his face.

"Young master, your work has succeeded."

"Well, it worked. Tell the others to evacuate." Li Qiuyu said calmly. Finally, he quickly sacrificed the ancient flying treasure and flew straight to Wanglong Island.

"Do you think the young master is cultivating or refining something?" After Li Qiuyu left for a while, a beginner monk asked curiously.

"Don't ask more about the young master in the future, but the young master obviously refined some powerful treasure this time, and he succeeded in refining it. With the young master's strength, he still spent so much energy refining something. Definitely domineering."

"Go, let the others evacuate, it seems that we are going to really confront the Jiuxing Palace."

These monks said a few words, and then began to secretly transmit sound. The monks here all use their own secret technique to transmit sound. If the password is wrong, there will be problems.

With a distance of a million miles, if Li Qiuyu used teleportation and flight, he would not need it in a day, but this time he was too tired to refine the Heaven Extinguishing Sword. He flew alone with the ancient treasure, and he did not return to the island until the third day above.

"Young master, you are back, so you are."

Xiao Hanyue happened to be resting outside and didn't cultivate. When she saw Li Qiuyu appearing, and her face was not in such a good spirit, she asked in surprise, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

Xiao Hanyue gently protected Li Qiuyu and walked inside. When entering, Xian Hanyue called Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue out with her spiritual sense.

After Li Qiuyu left, Tan only practiced some spells and sacrificing ancient treasures, instead of retreating, Xiao Hanyue quickly called out the two of them.

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