Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 513 The Strength of the Happy League

"Brother Qiuyu, what's wrong with you?"

Lingling and Xiao Qiuyue ran out happily when they heard that Li Qiuyu was back. They had never been separated from Li Qiuyu for so long, even in Fengyue Continent, it was only half a year.

And at that time, the relationship between the three of them was not as close as it is now, but this time they are so close that they cannot be separated.

How can she endure such pain of lovesickness, and Ling Ling has been with Li Qiuyu for decades, together every day, and has never been separated.

In three years, the three of them seemed to have passed a century, looking forward to Li Qiuyu's appearance in front of the three of them every day, and also knowing that Li Qiuyu would refine the Tian Mie Sword, so they couldn't be distracted.

How could he have thought that Li Qiuyu would be so exhausted after three years, and his spirit was very poor, and his heart was stabbed. He would rather suffer like this than see Li Qiuyu become like this.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Li Qiuyu smiled comfortingly, and gave the two of them an encouraging look.

"My lord, why don't you sleep inside first." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"It's better to take a bath before going to bed. I haven't taken a bath and slept for three years. It's really difficult to refine this Tian Mie Sword." Li Qiuyu smiled, and finally the three women brought Li Qiuyu to the pool.

Undressed for him, the whole body of clothes was quickly removed, Li Qiuyu was also quietly soaked in the water, and the cool feeling gradually made his fatigue disappear.

The three of Xiao Hanyue quickly washed Li Qiuyu, changed into clean clothes, and fell asleep within a moment after returning to the room.

When the three of them saw Li Qiuyu sleeping peacefully, they were very comforted in their hearts. Only at this time, seeing Li Qiuyu sleeping peacefully, knew that Li Qiuyu could feel a little safe at this time.

The three women gently massaged Li Qiuyu's body with their jade hands, hoping to dissipate the fatigue as soon as possible. No matter how powerful a monk is, he is still a mortal, and he will not be tired until he reaches another level.

After half an hour, the three women also stopped slowly, not daring to disturb Li Qiuyu, so they quietly fell asleep beside her.

With Li Qiuyu by their side, they can also feel that now is the safest time, and there is never a safer time than now.

Li Qiuyu slept for ten days, and the spirit of her whole body returned, and she returned to the way she was before refining the weapon. Although she slept in the secret room for a few days, it was still not as safe as here.

After he woke up, he saw Ling Ling and sister Xiao Hanyue meditating beside him. They could stay by Li Qiuyu's side for ten days.

"My lord, you are awake." Xiao Qiuyue shouted happily when she saw Li Qiuyu's spirit recovered.

"Well, I'm finally refreshed." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, it's really rare for a Nascent Soul cultivator to be so tired.

"My lord, you should rest first. I have my younger sister to accompany you. I will cook something to eat." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"Brother Qiuyu, why have you been here for so long? Have you encountered any trouble?" Lingling asked with concern. She can ignore other things, but Li Qiuyu is the person she cares about the most.

"There is no trouble, and the Mietian Sword has been refined successfully." Li Qiuyu gently stroked Ling Ling's hair, and said calmly.

Xiao Qiuyue said in surprise: "The Tian Mie Tian Sword Formation has been refined successfully, congratulations, young master."

"Did anything happen to you during this time?" Li Qiuyu asked with concern.

"No, but the Xiaoyao League and the Jiuxing Palace have been in a stalemate. In the past three years, our Xiaoyaomeng has captured [-] islands near the Jiuxing Palace, and there are still [-] that have not been captured."

Ling Ling said softly, it is definitely a big surprise to achieve such an achievement in three years. After hearing this, Li Qiuyu was also very pleasantly surprised, and it was several times faster than she imagined.

"Okay, I'll ask about the current situation after dinner." Li Qiuyu said with satisfaction, the current Mietian Sword has been successfully refined, and I believe that no one can easily cultivate the Mietian Sword Formation to the extreme. break it.

"My lord, let's go in and eat." After a quarter of an hour, Xiao Qiuyue called out.

"Well, let's go! Let's go to eat. It's been a long time since I ate the meal made by Hanyue." Li Qiuyu stood up, and the two girls were the same as before, one on each side, holding Li Qiuyu's arm in her arms.

When they went in, they saw Xiao Hanyue getting ready to come out, and it seemed that the meal had already been prepared.

"Young Master, the meal is ready, you can eat some first." Xiao Hanyue said happily like a little girl, and finally put a chair for Li Qiuyu, and brought up a bowl of porridge and a few dishes of side dishes.

"Well, it smells so good. I haven't been late for Hanyue's meal for a long time, and my stomach is flat." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and finally picked up the bowl, and you will finish a bowl of porridge soon.

"Brother Qiu Yu, slow down." Ling Ling said quickly, with an expression of extreme concern on her face.

After eating four bowls in a row, Li Qiuyu patted her belly in satisfaction. After Xiao Hanyue packed the bowls and chopsticks, the four of them walked out together, and then sat in a place with a nice view to rest.

"My lord, I heard from my two younger sisters that you have successfully refined the Heaven Mie Sword, is it true?"

Xiao Hanyue looked at Xiao Qiuyu on her jade legs, and asked tenderly, Li Qiuyu sat on the stone and rested her head on Xiao Hanyue's jade legs.

"Well, the refining has been successful, and the ten Mietian swords are all at the level of psychic treasures. I will cultivate this formation after a while, and then I will be able to exert some power." Li Qiuyu smiled. said with a smile.

"Brother Qiuyu, sister Qiuyue said that the formation is very powerful, can it compete with your Dingtian Ruler?" Ling Ling also asked, wondering why Li Qiuyu wanted to refine this sword formation.

"Of course, although a single Mietian sword cannot compete with Dingtian ruler, this is a sword array, and its power is definitely stronger than Dingtian ruler. After a while, they will grow with my strength, because Mietian The Heavenly Sword is a spiritual treasure that I refined."

Li Qiuyu said confidently, there is nothing better than what he refined, and the Mietian Sword will also grow with his cultivation.

The four of them were talking softly under the rising sun. It was not until noon that Li Qiuyu left the three daughters and walked towards the place where Qingzicheng lived.

"This subordinate has met the young master." Qing Zicheng saluted Li Qiuyu respectfully.

"Well, tell me about the recent situation." Li Qiuyu sat on the chair and said lightly. These things are related to whether he can return to Fengyue Continent.

"Returning to the young master, the islands near the Jiuxing Palace are basically controlled by our Xiaoyaomeng disciples, but there are still [-] islands that are not controlled, and the power of the [-] islands is also extremely powerful, but we have already arranged some The disciples enter the interior, as long as the city is broken, we have a chance to occupy them."

"Then how many Yuanying stage disciples are we now?" Li Qiuyu looked at Qingzicheng.

"Now there are more than 7000 Nascent Soul disciples in the open, and more than 2 monks in the dark. This time, they are attacking 300 islands and obtaining [-] billion spirit stones."

Qingzicheng handed 300 billion spiritual stones to Li Qiuyu, Li Qiuyu kept the 200 billion spiritual stones, and kept the other 100 billion for Qingzicheng himself.

But the medicinal materials and materials have been collected. For him, the more the better, but the medicinal materials that Qingzicheng needs are not very useful.

"Okay, gather all the strength, we want to attack these islands in the shortest possible time, and fight a bloody road. You hold your hands in your hands, and I will take away the disciples I want in the future."

"I also want to bring Ling Ling back to Fengyue Continent. I will bring her back to see you when I have a chance in the future, but I need the power to tear apart the space."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, Ling Ling was his own granddaughter, so she was naturally a little bit reluctant. When she arrived in front of Jiuxing Palace, the battle was imminent, and she didn't have so much time to explain these things.

"In the future, Lingling will be taken care of by the young master. Lingling is born with a girlish air. I hope the young master will be more patient. After all, women are like this."

The corners of Qingzicheng's eyes were wet for a while, but Ling Ling and Li Qiuyu were a natural couple, and he was most at ease with Li Qiuyu, but this only relative might be leaving, of course he couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry about this, Lingling and the others are my favorite people, and I will never let anyone bully them, even if they are gods, I will kill them, men, naturally they must be considerate and take care of their women. "

Li Qiuyu said earnestly, his women cannot be bullied by others, nor can they be wronged, so naturally he will not make them angry.

"When will the young master attack Jiuxing Island?" Qing Zicheng saw that Li Qiuyu was going to concentrate all his strength, and he would definitely destroy Jiuxing Palace in the shortest possible time.

"Well, next year, let all the strength gather first. When attacking, let all the monks try to reach the Nine Star Palace in the shortest possible time, but remember to protect your own strength. Chance to return to the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"As for the back of Jiuxing Island, I will find a way to attack. We will attack Jiuxing Island together and then enter Jiuxing Palace."

Li Qiuyu spoke out her plan, and with more than 4 obvious strengths, it is still possible to fight a bloody road.

I can kill Jiuxing Palace from another direction, even if I rely on more than a hundred sea beasts in my hands, plus more than ten thousand monks on my island.

He will definitely be able to kill other hostile forces wantonly, and he will completely control the Mietian Sword Formation this year, so that he can also increase his strength by then.

"The subordinates will do it now, gather all the strength, and wait for the young master to attack together next year." Qingzicheng said respectfully, Li Qiuyu attacked Jiuxing Palace, and in the end he was also from the Tianling clan, and they wanted to return to Fengyue.

Li Qiuyu left Qingzi City and went straight back to his residence. He had been with San Nvfei for three years and missed her to the extreme.

In the evening, the four of them were lingering in the room to their heart's content. The three women each asked for three times before falling asleep. Li Qiuyu also gave all the essence of his three years to the three of them.

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