That night, they were all exhausted and exhausted, and finally fell asleep leaning against Li Qiuyu without any strength, and did not wake up until noon the next day.

After the four of them got up, Li Qiuyu stepped into the pool with a flash of his body, and the cool water made him feel refreshed.

After him, there were three peerless people. The four of them played in the water for a while, and Li Qiuyu took a quick set of clothes from Xiao Hanyue and changed into them.

"I want to practice the Heaven Miting Sword Formation, so you should practice hard too. The time for us to attack the Nine Star Palace is not far away." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

Li Qiuyu came out of the cave, and with a movement of his consciousness, nine Mietian swords flashed out from between his eyebrows, and then he began to swing these Mietian swords according to the previously practiced formation.

It is not the same thing at all to use a magic weapon to replace the Mietian Sword and the real Mietian Sword. Li Qiuyu would have difficulty in controlling the nine-handed Lingbao at the same time.

However, he persisted with his strong and perverted spiritual consciousness. After practicing the sword array, his spiritual consciousness was exhausted, so he had to stop and take the recovery pill.

As time went by, Li Qiuyu also succeeded in rehearsing the Mietian Sword Formation, and its power was beyond his expectations. I believe that even an existence at the peak of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage would be immediately damaged if it entered the sword formation.

The colorful sword lights covered the entire formation. Under the rotation of the sword formation, it was almost invincible. There was a hint of joy on his face, and his hard work was not in vain.

Half a year later, when Li Qiuyu was practicing the sword formation, suddenly, earth-shaking surges broke out in his dantian, and Li Qiuyu quickly took back his sword formation.

Holding Yuan Shouyi and running the Shocking God Art, but it didn't work at all, Li Qiuyu showed pain on his face.

"It's over, the peak of the Nascent Soul stage has reached the spiritual world point, if you don't break through, you will die, and the lightest is to scrap your dantian, which is definitely worse than death for a Nascent Soul stage monk.

The other Mietian sword in Dantian also kept beating at this time, and Li Qiuyu's mind was shocked, which made the situation worse.

His abnormal movement also attracted the attention of others. Lingling and the three daughters even saw Li Qiuyu's painful expression, but her own cultivation was much weaker than Li Qiuyu's, and she didn't know how to solve it.

The whole island knew that Li Qiuyu had changed during his training, but was quickly suppressed by Qingzicheng and some managers.

Shocking God Art is useless, neither is Phoenix Nine Transformations.

Tianxuan True Solution

Destroyer Sword Formation

Li Qiuyu's mind flashed the sword formula of Mietian Sword Formation, and this crazy idea formed in Li Qiuyu's mind.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, never hesitated in the decision, and did not give him time to hesitate, and the sword art of Mietian Sword Formation worked quickly.

The Mietian Sword in the dantian was also sensed, and a delicate Mietian Sword was constantly spinning inside, finally absorbing all the excess mana in the dantian.

Outside, the three sisters Xiao Hanyue looked at the sky over the entire island in surprise, and there was a baby cloud in the sky, and the baby cloud was extremely powerful.

It was several times stronger than when Ling Ling was a baby, and she saw it when Ling Ling was a baby, and it was several times bigger than the baby scene she knew.

Just now Li Qiuyu asked the three sisters to leave the cave quickly, and finally dispersed the ban. Not long after they came out, a baby cloud appeared in the space.

"Hey, why is there such a big baby cloud? Could it be that the young master is becoming a baby? Impossible, it is impossible for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to get a baby cloud, what they get is a robbery cloud." Qing Zicheng said in horror.

Other monks also discovered this problem. They could still believe that the three fairies had become babies, but the three fairies were already outside, and the one inside must be the young master.

In the cave, Li Qiuyu quickly pressed the other nine Mietian swords under the dantian, and quickly rotated the first Mietian sword in the dantian.

His idea was not wrong, even if he used spiritual treasures like Mietian Sword to consume mana, an hour would pass as soon as the time was mixed, and he knew the situation outside.

"Do you want to form another Nascent Soul?"

When Li Qiuyu saw the Nascent Soul in the air, she didn't know what kind of mood she was in, but she didn't even have an inner alchemy, and both the Yaoying and the Nascent Soul passed through the Golden Alchemy to become babies.

"Jianying, this is the time to die, the worst is to continue to break through."

Li Qiuyu was horrified to feel his absoluteness, this decision was beyond his own character, but he didn't have time to react.

Everything was carried out according to the procedure of becoming a baby. He continuously injected mana into the Mietian Sword, and then quickly sacrificed it with the sword formula of the Mietian Sword Formation.


There was a burst of thunder in the sky, and countless electric arcs were flying, and the Tian Mie Sword in Li Qiuyu's dantian became smaller and smaller.

Immediately, a sword spirit appeared in the Mietian Sword, and the sword spirit already had its own personality, Li Qiuyu's own personality.

The thunder in the sky became louder and louder, and then, a bolt of lightning struck down, hitting hard towards the top of the mountain, and towards the cave, until it came straight to Li Qiuyu.


After a moment of numbness, the thunder and lightning concentrated on Li Qiuyu's body, but was blocked by a light shield, and hundreds of thunder and lightning struck down at the same time.

The Mietian Sword in Li Qiuyu's dantian has disappeared, leaving only a spiritual power in his mana. At this moment, a hint of surprise appeared in Li Qiuyu's eyes.

The Mietian Sword in the dantian actually turned into a golden bead. The bead rotated continuously, and every time the bead rotated, it would become bigger.

After a hundred lightning strikes, the golden beads in Li Qiuyu's dantian finally reached a peak.At this time, Li Qiuyu felt a little relieved.

However, the countless thunder and lightning made him unbearable, and he had to go through it twice to become a baby. Only after the golden core was broken can he become a baby.

But when the golden core shattered, he must have been struck by lightning and vanished into thin air, no, this will not work, Li Qiuyu secretly thought.

The sword formula was running quickly, and after a full quarter of an hour, the golden core was finally slowly broken, until it was finally transformed into mana.

He didn't know how long it took before a Nascent Soul the size of a mother appeared in his dantian. Li Qiuyu was overjoyed in his heart. He had been at the peak of the Nascent Soul for decades. There are also two nascent infants, and the other demon infant has reached the late stage.

The baby cloud in the sky quickly came down, Li Qiuyu moved his consciousness, and swung the three-foot long sword fiercely, a white sword light struck the baby cloud violently.

But Li Qiuyu also consumed a lot of mana. A Tianying Pill entered his mouth, and his mana was restored. After more than ten attacks, Yingyun was finally crushed by the white general.


Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, and then grabbed the baby cloud in the air with one hand, and the baby cloud quickly descended, and finally entered Li Qiuyu's cave.

One day later, Li Qiuyu had already refined all the infant clouds with a radius of one mile. This is also because his cultivation had reached a powerful level, otherwise these infant clouds would not have been resolved within two months.

Under the nourishment of Yingyun, the other two Nascent Souls in the dantian were quietly on the side, because they had just dealt with Yingyun and refined the golden elixir to become Nascent Souls, and they were the two of them who helped.

The new Nascent Soul also became golden, but it was smaller than the other two Nascent Souls, but its power was not small at all.

After seeing the calm in the sky, all the monks returned to their residence with puzzled expressions, and Xiao Hanyue and others rushed towards the cave.

In his spiritual consciousness, seeing Li Qiuyu was practicing and nothing happened, he felt relieved a lot, and he didn't dare to disturb him now, so he had to start practicing by himself.

Half a year later, Li Qiuyu opened his eyes, the eyes gleaming, the three Nascent Souls in the dantian closed their eyes peacefully, and the sea water below was continuously circulating.

Moreover, the nine-handled Heaven Extinguishing Sword is also nourished in the sea water. With the nourishment of Yingyun, they also took advantage of it, and now their power has increased a little.

The spiritual connection with Li Qiuyu has increased a little, and the third Nascent Soul has also become more stable, and the mana has dropped to half of the original level. Although it is only half, the quality has improved to the level of Lingwa.

The strength of the whole person also skyrocketed. He didn't know how much he was secretly lucky. Fortunately, he had refined ten swords to destroy the sky, otherwise he would be in trouble this time.

"My lord, you're all right." Xiao Hanyue didn't know what to say when she saw Li Qiuyu wake up. Li Qiuyu was already in the Nascent Soul stage, and it was impossible to become a baby, but did she reach the middle stage?

"Well, well, I didn't expect to make me a three-yuan baby." Li Qiuyu said with a smile, with an excited look on his face.

"Triple baby?"

The sisters and three daughters were all surprised and said that she heard that some genius monks had refined twin babies, but those people were all super geniuses with super good luck and skills.

There are almost no monks who have really achieved twin babies in the cultivation world. Li Qiuyu has cultivated twin babies. They all feel that Li Qiuyu is the No. 1 in the world. They didn't expect that there are actually three Nascent Souls now.

"Well, take a look." With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a golden Nascent Soul appeared on top of Li Qiuyu's head. It looked exactly like Li Qiuyu's, and it was extremely cute.

"It's really a three-yuan baby, I didn't expect it to be so cute." Lingling said happily.

Sanyuanying represents that the strength will be increased to another level on the basis of the original, and I don't know what kind of existence Li Qiuyu's current cultivation base has reached.

"We rested for two months, and officially attacked a dozen islands near Jiuxing Island in two months, trying to wipe them all out."

Li Qiuyu said confidently, he has great confidence in both Nascent Souls, and now he has added another Nascent Soul, and the Mietian Sword Formation has basically succeeded.

"Okay, let's practice for another two months."

The three of Xiao Qiuyue said in a soft voice, and Li Qiuyu also told Qingzicheng about her situation, but she only said that she had encountered some problems in her cultivation, and she didn't say anything about the Sanyuanying, and asked them to implement it on time. offense matters.

Li Qiuyu's time is much more urgent now. Not only do you have to practice your Heaven-shocking Divine Art and Phoenix Nine Transformations, but also some spells and pills, and sacrifice treasures.

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