Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 515 Attack on Nine Star Island

The most important thing is to cultivate the Heaven Miting Sword Formation, but this made him worry for nothing. After cultivating the third Nascent Soul, his spiritual consciousness has skyrocketed, and the range of seven thousand miles is not a problem.

Moreover, using the Mietian Sword has become the foundation of the Nascent Soul, and the cultivation of the Mietian Sword Formation is a matter of course. Now he can also exert some of the power of the Mietian Sword Formation.

But there is still a long way to go from Mahayana, even the Xiaocheng of Mietian Sword Formation, the power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The peak state of the Nascent Soul Stage is nothing in this Bihai. If you treat Li Qiuyu as an ordinary Nascent Soul Stage, then you can lose it.

Not to mention the three Nascent Souls, even if there is only one Nascent Soul, he would still kill the monks of the same class, not to mention that his demon baby has reached the late stage. With three Nascent Souls, no one can imagine the depth of his strength .

In terms of the profundity of mana alone, even the general monks of the late Nascent Soul would never want to compete with him. The current Mietian Sword Formation is his trump card, and he has mastered several psychic treasures to another level.

In two months, Qingzi City has gathered 5 yuan of infant monks and more than [-] of alchemy monks to attack the unexpected island of Jiuxing Palace.

As long as it blocks the way forward and erases it at all costs, the cultivators of Jiuxing Palace also felt the crisis in the past two months, and mobilized all their strength to strictly defend.

But under the onslaught of the 5 yuan infant stage monks and the spirit treasures, ancient treasures and magic weapons of the alchemy stage, even the ancient strange array would not be smashed.

The four islands have been wiped out in two months. These islands are the real strength of Jiuxing Palace. The monks who control here are also inextricably linked with Jiuxing Palace, and there is no such thing as submission.

The meeting between the two parties is life and death. Wherever Xiaoyaomeng passed, the air was messy and the aura was distorted.

Now the army of the Xiaoyao League has arrived at the last defensive island of Jiuxing Island. In this battle, more than 3 Yuanying stage monks and more than [-] Yuanying stage monks in Qingzicheng's hands have been lost.

"The Xiaoyao League cleans up the demons for Bihai, and the Xiaoyao King is invincible and dominates the world."

Qing Zicheng said loudly, after he finished speaking, all the disciples behind him catered to him, and the morale immediately increased rapidly. Li Qiuyu's strength has also been seen by many monks, killing the existence of the peak of the Nascent Soul in seconds.

"Now, as the leader of the Xiaoyao League, at the order of the King of Xiaoyao, I will completely wipe out this island within one month, trample the Nine Star Palace under my feet, and make the world tremble for us."

"Xiaoyao League is invincible, and dominates the blue sea."


Qingzicheng shouted loudly, and tens of thousands of colorful spells and magic weapons attacked the city defense formation of the first island in front of him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a solid defensive formation suddenly shattered, and all the monks quickly cast spells to bombard it. A moment later, Qingzi City flashed in, and then tens of thousands of monks followed in, heading straight to kill.

Li Qiuyu also stabilized his cultivation in the hot spring in two months, and his energy and spirit reached a peak state. On this day, he received a secret voice transmission from Qingzi City, and Jiuxing Island was already in sight.

It is already thousands of miles away from Jiuxing Island, and the distance of ten thousand miles is simply a moment for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Core Formation Stage.

Seeing that the external strength of the Xiaoyao League was approaching Jiuxing Island, Li Qiuyu knew that the time had come. If he went late, it would bring huge losses to the Xiaoyao League.

"This lord now announces that we will go all out towards the Nine Stars Palace. Those who stand in the way will be killed. We will all advance by sea, and we will reach outside the Nine Stars Palace in a month. This lord will personally lead you to level the Nine Stars Palace and achieve an eternal happiness." Dynasty. Create a happy dynasty that truly serves monks, are you willing to follow me to accomplish this world-defying deed?"

Li Qiuyu said loudly, and the whole sound spread throughout a hundred miles. In front of his eyes, there were 2 yuan of infant monks, and these monks were all really powerful people.

"The subordinates are willing to follow the lord to sweep up the blue sea, level the Nine Star Palace, and achieve a world-defying and immortal feat." A middle-stage Nascent Soul monk replied loudly.

"The Xiaoyao League sweeps the blue sea. The leader is invincible in the world. The subordinates are willing to follow the leader. They will not hesitate to be smashed to pieces. Even if their souls are scattered, they must help the leader conquer the whole world."

"The lord is invincible in the world."

"This seat will defeat the nine stars for Tian Tian."

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, more than a hundred black objects flew towards the sea area, and when they landed on the sea surface, they all turned into sizes ranging from ten to two hundred feet in radius.

"Sea beasts, seventh-order sea beasts, eighth-order sea beasts."

"The peak sea beast in the late eighth order."

"The lord is invincible in the world, sweeps the blue sea, and dominates the world."

All monks have strong spiritual sense, so they can clearly see these fast-growing sea beasts. The lowest ones are the early seventh-order, and the most powerful are the peaks of the late eighth-order. There are more than a hundred such sea beasts.

Leaving aside the quantity and strength, even with such a large size, I don’t know where to put it. This lord is still shocking.

These sea beasts alone are equivalent to countless Nascent Soul stage monks. In the sea, they are even more overlord.


Li Qiuyu took the lead and took the three daughters of Ling Ling to fly towards a late eighth-order sea beast, and finally landed on this sea beast.

The monks behind also saw Li Qiuyu's movements, and quickly floated up, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts. These are powerful existences, but they didn't expect to be used as mounts now.

The sea beast quickly shuttled away to the distance, ten miles away from the island, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and the eyes of the three Nascent Souls in his body suddenly opened, and the sea below was churning.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiuyu waved one hand, and a sea of ​​flames floated towards the island. In an instant, the island thousands of miles away quickly burned.

The sea beasts seem bulky, but in the sea, their speed is not slower than monks casting magic weapons, and they are also extremely safe. Li Qiuyu and the three women are in a very calm mood.

The two eighth-order sea beasts behind them are also riding on Li Qiuyu's trusted Nascent Soul stage disciples, a total of 400 people. Li Qiuyu also said that after this war is over, he will take them to a holy place for cultivation.

Wanglong Island is only 200 million miles away from Jiuxing Palace, and there is a second-level island in the middle. For sea beasts, 200 million miles is only more than ten days.

"The Xiaoyao League conquers the Nine Star Palace, those who submit will survive, and those who disobey will be scattered."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, a huge defensive city appeared hundreds of miles away, and there were countless Nascent Soul stage monks in the sea area.There are more than a thousand of them.

"The Xiaoyao League acted against the sky, provoked the Bihai war, and disrupted the cultivation of the bottleneck of the monks in the world. As the elder of the second-level island in the Bihai, I will never ignore it."

A voice spoke righteously, and the voice reached Li Qiuyu, who was a hundred miles away, and Li Qiuyu smiled faintly.

"Those who block, can only lose a map. As a holy alchemist, I shouldn't participate in the world's battles, but I was calculated by the Jiuxing Palace to send the world's monks into the hands of the demons. Over the past ten thousand years, how many powerful monks have been killed?" Devouring by the demons is the evil deed of Jiuxing Palace."

Li Qiuyu said indifferently, seeing more than a thousand Nascent Soul stage monks, he didn't want to kill them here, because talents are hard to come by, and coming will also damage the strength of Xiaoyao League.

"Haha, this is your excuse to fight for the hegemony over the blue sea, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, who would believe it?" The person who spoke was the chief elder, a white-haired old man.

He had already reached the peak stage of the Nascent Soul, and one foot had already entered the late stage. Li Qiuyu had never met such a cultivator.

"Gong, make this the foundation of my Xiaoyao League." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, his body flashed and quickly disappeared on the sea beast.

Leaving the third daughter on the sea beast, two small pets and a woman in green appeared next to the third daughter, so Li Qiuyu was naturally not worried.

After Li Qiuyu flew out, some of the monks behind also flew away with Li Qiuyu. The opponent was a former Yu Yuanying stage monk, but Li Qiuyu followed behind more than 3000 people, in a three-on-one posture.

"You are also a cultivator at the peak of the mid-Yuanying period. If I kill you instantly, it will definitely be an insult to you and a blow to you, but this is what I want to do."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the aura of his whole body soared, the aura of the whole person was equal to the aura of the great elder who was at the peak in the middle period, and then a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and the mana in his hand rushed in quickly.

Seeing Li Qiuyu's tone and reputation, the Great Elder also showed a dignified look, but now there is no way out, Li Qiuyu has killed the monk who was at the peak of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage.

"Xuantian Treasure, no wonder."

The white-haired old man said in horror that he recognized the wooden ruler in Li Qiuyu's hand. Li Qiuyu had always regarded it as a psychic treasure, but he didn't expect many people to say it was the Xuantian treasure.

"Let's lose it."

The wooden ruler emitted a golden light, and the aura in the sky trembled. Li Qiuyu waved the wooden ruler in his hand, and the golden light hit the pharaoh straight.

"There is no light in the world, the holy land of demons."

The white-haired old man shouted loudly, and the aura of his whole body changed drastically. Suddenly, a soaring demonic energy surged out, and a black and strange mirror shot out from between his eyebrows.

The mirror blocked the golden light, and Li Qiuyu was shocked. He didn't expect that the white-haired old man really belonged to the demons, and the sunglasses belonged to the demons.

"Ah, it's the demons, and the minions of Jiuxing Palace are also demons."

The [-] monks behind Li Qiuyu saw this scene, and knew that Li Qiuyu was not lying, that Jiuxing Palace was really a puppet of the demons, sending the monks from Bihai to the powerful hands of the demons.


With a loud bang,

Thousands of feet high waves gushed out of the entire sea area, extending hundreds of miles away, but the waves calmed down instantly in front of the sea beast, and there was no movement on the sea surface.

I saw a small sea beast at the beginning of the seventh level deploying a powerful talent to suppress these waves. This sea beast was recovered by Li Qiuyu, and I didn't expect it to be really used at this time.

The monks of the Xiaoyao League did not expect a seventh-order sea beast to be so powerful. They really admired themselves as the leader, and there are all kinds of existences.

But what they were concerned about was the fight between Li Qiuyu and the white-haired old man. The other party was more than 1000 yuan old, and there were 3000 people in the Xiaoyao League staring at him, and they didn't dare to move.

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