Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 517 Breaking the Formation

Li Qiuyu continued to be compatible with each other, and the fort destroyed another one, but the shock he received also increased.

"The magic treasure, the ancient treasure, blew itself up."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, although the self-detonation of the magic weapon and Lingbao is not as powerful as the self-destruction of the Nascent Soul stage monk, it is not small.

These monks attacked countless cities, and they must have obtained a lot of treasures. Now there is no need to wait any longer. The monks of the Tianling clan lost more than [-] people, which was completely self-destructing.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

"Long, boom."

Under Li Qiuyu's order, all the monks turned their weaker magic weapons and ancient treasures into full swing, and went straight to attack the magic crystal cannon, and the sound of explosions in the air kept going.

At the same time, there was the scream of Nascent Soul Stage monks losing their lives, and a large number of Nascent Soul Stage and Core Formation Stage monks were lost. Li Qiuyu hurriedly recuperated his body.

He just attacked two magic crystal cannons, which made him receive some shocks. Under such circumstances, only by reaching the peak of his prosperity all the time can he have the hope of victory.

One day later, the monks of the Xiaoyao League lost [-], and the monks of the alchemy stage lost [-]. Li Qiuyu's injuries also recovered to full strength. The attack is not effective at all.

Waiting for Li Qiuyu to think of a way, Li Qiuyu checked the formation for a moment with his spiritual sense, and ordered a Nascent Soul stage monk to attack with all his strength.

A powerful and domineering gold attack hit the formation, and the formation showed no sign of being attacked. Li Qiuyu was horrified. This formation is more like the Jiugong Tianxuan formation, but this formation is infinitely more powerful than the Jiugong Tianxuan formation. .

"Stand back, let me try."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, her whole body floated up, and then five monster beast inner alchemy that was at the peak of the late seventh-order stage appeared in her hands.

Then five inner alchemists with different attributes were suspended in the air, spinning rapidly, forming a multicolored halo, the monks below were all horrified, they never thought that besides the identity of the holy alchemist, the lord would have such a profound ability in the formation.


The multicolored halo pressed straight towards the formation, and the formation below trembled violently after touching the multicolored halo, and calmed down again after a while.

Li Qiuyu was completely shocked, and the power of the seventh-level monster inner alchemy did not shake it when he used the five elements breaking the ban.

In the depths of the Nine Star Palace, five elders of the late Yuanying period stood respectfully, and a young man closed his eyes slightly. In front of them, there were eight bright mirrors with a radius of two feet, and all the monks of Li Qiuyu Xiaoyao League appeared in the mirrors.

And also printed their every move into the mirror. Seeing Li Qiuyu destroy the magic crystal cannon, the five old men who had been calm were also moved.

This kind of attack is simply not something that a peak cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying can perform, even if it is himself, the attack power is no more than that.

Finally, seeing the cultivator of the Tianling clan blew himself up and destroyed the magic crystal cannon, his eyes showed doubts. Is it true that Yuanying went to the cultivator to sacrifice himself and others?

Could it be that Li Qiuyu's charm is so great? Even countless monks in the Nascent Soul stage voluntarily blew themselves up, and even a holy alchemist did not have such charm.

"Hmph, this junior's strength is not bad, but he shouldn't be against me, no matter how powerful he is, but in front of me, he's still like an ant."

The young man smiled and said, there was a hint of viciousness on his face, a hint of playfulness, what was he really thinking?

"Palace Master, should we let them destroy the Jiuxing Palace?" An old man standing at the front asked respectfully.

"Hmph, I'm too boring here, and I want to leave here too. Isn't it boring to have no opponents to attack, I'm immortal, and I still want to turn them into puppets one by one in the end, he helped a lot."

"Palace Master is wise. When they attack, we will completely turn them into demon slaves. It will be more beneficial for Palace Master to complete the inheritance."

The old man happily said that his eyes showed admiration, the strength of the palace lord in front of him, even his own cultivation base in the late Yuanying period could not be clearly seen.

After finishing speaking, the five people quietly looked at the monks in the mirror, and the young man slowly lay down on the tall throne, ignoring the outside affairs.

Seeing that the Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Technique had no effect, Li Qiuyu finally floated down and closed his eyes slowly. After half a month like this, none of the monks dared to disturb Li Qiuyu at all.

"One Dragon Heaven and Earth Formation, prepare."

"Heaven and Earth Destroyer Formation, get ready."

"The sleepy demon clears the formation, prepare."

"Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, prepare."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, and within a quarter of an hour, he called out the names of 36 formations, and after he finished calling out, several Nascent Soul stage monks quickly stood up.

Among the tens of thousands of infants, Li Qiuyu asked Qingzicheng to hide the Yuan infants of the Eastern Formation, otherwise they would be harmed and attack a city, the most important formation.

Unexpectedly, 36 odd formations are really gathered together now, and 36 formations quickly appear within a radius of one mile.

Li Qiuyu asked all the monks to sacrifice part of their mana to the 36 formations. In a moment, a shocking mysterious aura entered the formation.


The formation obtained astonishing magic power, and under Li Qiuyu's order, 36 mysterious auras pressed towards the crystal light shield on the city.

"The ancient treasure blew itself up."

Seeing that the crystal formations were trembling constantly, instead of being distorted, Li Qiuyu knew that this method was really useful. The 36 different tactics combined together had such a huge power that he was also horrified.

When nearly a hundred ancient treasures exploded on top of the formation at the same time, the crystal formation receded like the spring sun melting snow, and tens of thousands of Nascent Soul stage monks in the city were horrified.

"The Xiaoyao League is invincible in the world, and the Xiaoyao King dominates Bihai."

The 4 yuan infant stage monk shouted loudly, seeing that the shocking magic crystal cannon was wiped out, and the solid formation disappeared, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Attack all, kill all the demons in Jiuxing Palace, and hold Bihai in our own hands." Qi Lian said loudly, and all the monks quickly flew towards Jiuxing Palace.

Nearly [-] Nascent Soul cultivators from both sides fought in the air and in the city. They were all Nascent Soul cultivators. Li Qiuyu had already refined a unique medicinal fragrance from each Nascent Soul cultivator, which could easily Spot enemies and companions.

After all the monks went in, leaving Qingzicheng and five hundred Yuanying stage monks outside, Li Qiuyu looked at Qingzicheng.

Qingzicheng also hurried to Li Qiuyu, knowing that Li Qiuyu wanted to say something, he stood quietly aside, waiting for Li Qiuyu to speak.

"If I kill Di Shi Qingling here, I will leave here. These are all your own people. From now on, Bihai will be under your command. I would rather kill [-] people by mistake than let one person go. When the time comes, I will When I come to Bihai again, I don’t want to see Bihai in someone else’s hands.”

"Also, these sea beasts/are handed over to you, I will put them back into the sea now, only you can summon them, but please don't go to the sea of ​​innocence again, I will take them away."

Li Qiuyu looked at the remaining [-] Nascent Soul stage monks behind him, with a look of satisfaction on his face. These monks were all loyal and talented monks, and they were left after countless fights.

"The subordinates know, please take care of the young master. The five late Nascent Soul and the mysterious palace master are extremely powerful. We will find a way to kill them."

"This seat knows that you are waiting here now. If I am lost, you should quickly return to the land of heavenly spirits, wait for a comeback, preserve your strength, and this seat will come again."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he threw a piece of jade slip to Qingzicheng, and Ling Ling also said goodbye to Qingzicheng. In the end, Li Qiuyu called back the space necklace, and finally called back the space necklace from the hundred Nascent Soul stage monks behind him.

After the three women entered the space necklace, Li Qiuyu's body flashed and quickly disappeared into the city without the slightest breath.

"My subordinates wish the young master to kill Emperor Shi Qingling safely." Qingzicheng saluted respectfully, and more than 500 monks behind him also saluted.

Entering the city, countless monks were still fighting, and every moment, there were monks in the Nascent Soul Stage who were lost. Li Qiuyu led more than a thousand monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to kill them in the depths of the Jiuxing Palace.

A moment later, Li Qiuyu and the others teleported to a majestic hall. The whole hall gave people a sense of fear, and felt that the hall in front of them was not a dead thing, but 21 prehistoric beasts.

"Haha, Di Shi Qingling, are you just hiding like this?"

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, and the sound spread far away, her eyes were quietly staring at this magical hall, at this moment, the hall trembled, and the huge stone door of the hall slowly opened.

A young man was sitting on a tall throne, and five old men stood quietly beside him. Li Qiuyu felt in his heart that the five old men were indeed monks in the late Yuanying period.

Moreover, the cultivator is extremely advanced, but the young man sitting in the middle has a cultivation base, and he can't see clearly, he doesn't know what state it is.

"Li Qiuyu, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I never thought that you have not disappointed me. I noticed you 50 years ago. Do you think you can conquer the Nine Stars Palace with your trash? , Ben Sheng is lonely, let's see if you can make Ben Sheng feel a little like an opponent."

The young man said lightly, he didn't have the slightest breath on his body, he felt like a dead person, and the eyes he looked at Li Qiuyu were extremely cold.

"Di Shi Qingling, you've covered the sea with charcoal, let me see how sacred you are." Li Qiuyu said coldly, staring at the five old men.

"You five don't move, let everyone here change their roles." The young man said with a smile, and suddenly, a shocking demonic energy charged in every corner of the city.

And it quickly spread throughout the city. After the demonic energy passed by, the Nascent Soul stage monks did not resist, and even the magic weapons and ancient treasures in their hands instantly turned black, completely becoming magic weapons.

The monk also became a puppet of the demon clan. Li Qiuyu was terrified, and there was a trace of regret secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that he had actually become the emperor Shi Qingling.

The Nascent Soul cultivators around him also panicked, and one by one the cultivators continued to become puppets of the demons, completely controlled by the demons.

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