A quarter of an hour passed, and almost all the more than a thousand infant stage monks beside Li Qiuyu became puppets, and only a hundred or so mid-stage monks were supported by powerful ancient treasures and profound mana.

Li Qiuyu also sacrificed the Shield of Devouring, and the sapphire sword radiated electric arcs to block the devilish energy from his body, and looked at Di Shi Qingling quietly.

"Li Qiuyu, I will see how long you can last. Look, human beings have completely become puppets of my demons. I can give you a chance. As long as you surrender to me, I can perfect you. It also skyrocketed." Di Shi Qingling said with a smile.

"Di Shi Qingling, is this the only ability? If you only have this ability, you can definitely lose it." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, with a movement of consciousness, a three-foot long sword was swung at Di Shi Qingling.

The white sword light came to Di Shi Qingling in an instant, without seeing how the other party reacted, he stretched out his hand and caught the white sword light with his arm.


Li Qiuyu was secretly shocked, the psychic treasure could be caught physically, and the defense of the demons was really strong, it seemed that this was the real opponent.

After he did it, the mid-stage Nascent Soul around him also became puppets one by one, and the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators couldn't resist for long.

"It seems that you still have a few tricks. I will fulfill you today. Thank you for bringing so many Nascent Soul puppets to me."

Di Shi Qingling glanced at the five late Nascent Soul cultivators beside him. The five cultivators immediately understood what the Palace Master meant, and their mana soared, turning into demonic energy in an instant.

"It turns out that they are all demons. No wonder I am so sure to keep this seat." Li Qiuyu said in horror, five demons in the late Nascent Soul, and there is a young man who doesn't know the depth.

The five elders of the late Yuanying stage each sacrificed their psychic magic weapons and attacked Li Qiuyu fiercely. A series of powerful magic energy pierced the air and came straight to Li Qiuyu.

"Fire and ice are compatible."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, moving his hands quickly, and then a beam of light greeted the powerful magic energy, and his body flashed quickly.


There was a loud noise, and the whole city trembled, and Li Qiuyu was thrown straight up, until he stopped at a place two hundred feet in the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The five late Nascent Soul demons are powerful, and Li Qiuyu has never encountered them before. With one move, his mind was shocked.

"But that's it, I don't have any strength, I'm killed." Di Shi Qingling said to the five old men coldly with disappointment in his eyes.

"Your subordinate obeys the order and kills him immediately." The five old men nodded respectfully and shot towards the sky above Li Qiuyu.

"The Burning Flame"

Li Qiuyu suppressed the shock in his heart, suppressed a sea of ​​flames, and attacked the five old men in the late Nascent Soul stage.

The sea of ​​fire trembled for a while when it was hit by a huge demonic energy, and then several attacks of magical energy, the sea of ​​fire finally dispersed, and then five powerful demonic energy shot towards Li Qiuyu.

The sky turned black, and in Li Qiuyu's consciousness, there was not a single human being in the city, and all of them turned into puppets of the demon race.

"fixed day"

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, the three-foot long sword was retracted, and a wooden ruler appeared in his hand, and finally the golden light ball shot at an old man in the late Yuanying period.


Seeing the golden light ball, the other four old men shouted in horror, the power of the mysterious treasure of this golden light ball is also the nemesis attack of the demons.


The golden ball of light hit an old man fiercely, and the old man spurted out a mouthful of black blood, his whole body shook, and he slowly fell down.

Li Qiuyu also spat out a mouthful of blood. When he was attacking the old man, the other four old men wanted to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, but Li Qiuyu couldn't dodge in time and was hit by a magic weapon.

The body trembled violently in the air, and the demonic energy eroded towards Li Qiuyu's body with erosive force, and he was terrified. The strength difference between the late Yuanying and the early Yuanying was too far.

He was not damaged by the Xuantian Treasure attack, but lost his fighting power. It seems that he still underestimated the Nascent Soul stage monks in the world.

Li Qiuyu dodged quickly in the air, and with his superb agility, he circled around the remaining four late Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Phoenix Nine Transformations."

Finally finding a chance, Li Qiuyu's aura changed, and his whole body changed back to the aura of a demon baby. The demon baby of the late Nascent Soul was finally able to resist some of the coercion and demonic energy of the four late Nascent Soul monks.

"It turned out to be a pair of monks. The late Nascent Soul is really good." The four late Nascent Soul monks said in horror. The monks at the early Nascent Soul wounded their companions, which is already a shame, and now they have reached the late Nascent Soul.

After reaching the late Nascent Soul stage, Li Qiuyu unfolded his whole body and began to attack the four late Nascent Soul monks in the air.

"Crack of the Glacier"

"World Burning Flames."

"Amazing Finger"

"Cold Light Slash."

"Fire and ice are compatible."

A series of powerful attacks continued to attack the four late Nascent Soul monks, but how could the late Nascent Soul monks be so easy to kill.

Even if it is one, it is difficult to kill it, and there are four of them together, and there is an unknown palace master staring at it below, which made Li Qiuyu feel powerless for the first time, if it weren't for how many pieces he still had in his hands. The trump card is to take this place. This place is the only place that can return to Fengyue.

It wasn't for these reasons, he ran away after looking for it. He thought that he would be invincible as long as he used the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix to reach the late Yuanying stage, but he didn't expect that it was not what he imagined.

The four elders in the late Nascent Soul were also terrified. The more they fought, the more surprised they became. They didn't expect the opponent's magic power to be so strong, powerful, powerful spells, and abnormal Lingbao.

After turning mana into magic energy, his strength is much stronger. Even if he encounters the late Nascent Soul alone, he can kill it without much effort.

Fortunately, the four of us have no way to deal with the monk in front of us, we can only stand in a stalemate, but we must always be careful of the opponent's attack.

Li Qiuyu gradually felt that the devilish energy in the air didn't repel him at all, as if he was still afraid of himself. This situation was also seen by Di Shi Qingling, and he was very confused.

Li Qiuyu was not afraid of the demonic energy, and felt a little comforted in his heart, but his heart became more and more bitter. If there were four mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators facing him, he would definitely be able to instantly kill them one by one.

The four nascent souls in the later stage actually made him feel powerless, and suddenly he had a move in his heart, so he could only use his own trump card. If this dragged on, the young people below would have seen his details clearly.

I have the Tianying Pill, but the late Nascent Soul cultivator in front of me didn't consume much magic power at all in the magic energy.

Li Qiuyu changed his body again, far away from the encirclement and attack of the four, and threw a Tianying Pill into his mouth.

The five people flickered in the air for a long time, but in fact it took only a few breaths. With the help of Tianying Pill, Li Qiuyu's mana and demon power returned to their peak.

"Hey, the elixir that instantly restores mana, the reputation of the holy alchemist is not for nothing."

The four demon elders of the late Nascent Soul, Jing Ha, said that when they were stunned, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and nine colorful daggers flashed from between his eyebrows.

The daggers spread out in an instant, and within a radius of one mile, the nine Heaven Extinguishing Swords unfolded, and the nine daggers spun rapidly, surrounding the three Nascent Soul Late Stages.

"The Mietian Sword Formation can also destroy demons."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, flashing his hands quickly, and then shot out one after another of mana, the sword formation quickly formed, and Di Shi Qingling's eyes below also showed a hint of excitement.

Under the control of Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness, the nine seven-colored short swords also formed a sword formation smoothly. The eyes of the four late Nascent Soul demon elders showed horror, and they did not expect that the other party would actually use the sword formation.

The sword array is generally a powerful endorsement, which gathers a composite of countless powers, especially for the powerful suppression of the demons.

"Hurry up, let's find a way to get out first, or it will be too late."

An old man shouted loudly, with a frightened look on his face. The other sword formations were fine, but he didn't expect that the daggers in this sword formation were all psychic treasures.

"It's too late, there is only a forceful attack."

A radius of two hundred feet is filled with colorful rays of light, all of which are colorful sword glows. Li Qiuyu also knows that any object that touches the sword glow will instantly turn into nothingness.

Li Qiuyu was also very anxious, because Di Shi Qingling below had already shown signs of making a move, as long as the four old men were damaged, it would be the time when they were damaged.

Because I have completely used my spiritual sense and magic power here, and the powerful existence below has not yet made a move, that guy will definitely not let me kill the four powerful garrisons.

"God Killing"

Li Qiuyu said softly, Yuan Ying immediately came out of his body, and Yuan Ying controlled the sword array, standing quietly in the air, without moving at all.

After the Nascent Soul came out, bursts of magic power continued to hit the formation, and the formation became smaller and smaller. Now it is only one foot in radius, and the attacks of the four demon elders in the late stage of the Nascent Soul are getting weaker and weaker.

Only tightly squeezed together, not daring to let the wizard's generals touch their own bodies, as long as they touch, they will disappear.


The arm of an old man from the demon race was accidentally touched by a colorful sword light, and as a result, the arm turned into nothingness without a trace of blood.

"Let's stop here. If you want to use this sword array to deal with them, it's fine. Even if it's me, you can do it a little bit, but not now. After a thousand years, your sword array city can still rely on this sword array to destroy me. Kill. It's impossible now."

Di Shi Qingling's body disappeared without the slightest sign, and appeared strangely next to Li Qiuyu's body. He stretched out his hand to grab Li Qiuyu, and he was about to grab Li Qiuyu in his hand.

What surprised him happened, Li Qiuyu's body flickered strangely, leaving his palm, looking at Di Shi Qingling from hundreds of feet away.

"Haha, it turns out that you are a twin baby monk. No wonder you are so powerful, but in front of me, you have no chance at all."

Di Shi Qingling's body flickered strangely, and he came to Li Qiuyu's side again, but Li Qiuyu kept flickering, and the moment Di Shi Qingling appeared beside him, he had already moved to the Another place.

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