Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 525 Yuyun Linger

"We are only gentle with the young master, and it doesn't matter if I kill all the others." Xiao Qiuyue said in a loud voice.

"Li Qiuyu stroked Xiao Qiuyue's hair with a smile, her eyes were full of tenderness, she couldn't be more satisfied if she could win the heart of an alluring beauty.

"We have to go back too. After we go back, we have to leave Bihai and return to Fengyue Continent again." Li Qiuyu looked into the distance and said calmly, thinking that his grandpa and parents didn't know if they were still there, and Tianlong Kingdom didn't know if they still existed.

"Well, young master, after we return to Fengyue, we will intensify our cultivation, and then we can live freely." Xiao Hanyue said softly.

"Brother Qiuyu, shall we go back to Bihai?" Lingling looked at Li Qiuyu beautifully. She also wanted to go back to Li Qiuyu's hometown, but her grandfather and clansmen were still here.

"Well, when our cultivation level is high, we will tear apart the space and return to Bihai." Li Qiuyu gently embraced Lingling in his arms.

"When are we going back to Xiaoyao Palace?" Xiao Qiuyue asked.

"Just tomorrow. These disciples' cultivation bases are not high, and their speed is much slower." Li Qiuyu pondered for a while, thinking that the hundred alchemists and the three alchemists were all at the foundation building stage and the alchemy stage, and returned to the alchemy stage. It must take a long time to get to Xiaoyao Palace.

The three girls snuggled up beside Li Qiuyu, looking at the beautiful blue sea. This was the last time they lived quietly in Yunlu Island.

The next day, Li Qiuyu flew towards Aoxiao City with a hundred alchemists and three spirit alchemists, and all the forces in Nanyue City respectfully sent them off.

It wasn't until the figures of Li Qiuyu's people disappeared into the sky that they dispersed and returned to a peaceful life of cultivation.

For a year, Li Qiuyu took more than a hundred disciples from Yunlu Island to fly towards Aoxiao City, and they were not in a hurry, stopping as they walked.

Finally came to the realm of Ao Xiao Island, but Li Qiuyu's Ao Xiao Chenghai is ten days away, Li Qiuyu also let these disciples fly, giving them a chance to exercise.

On this day, Li Qiuyu was standing on top of the ancient flying treasure, and suddenly he frowned, with a trace of killing intent on his face, the three women saw it, and stared at Li Qiuyu puzzled.

Although the three of their daughters are all Yuanying monks, their spiritual consciousness is not as strong as Li Qiuyu's, and they can only reach about two thousand miles away, but Li Qiuyu can reach seven thousand miles away.

"I met an acquaintance, but the situation is not good. You fly towards Aoxiao City, and I will catch up with you in a moment." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, she disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Li Qiuyu leave, Xiao Hanyue drove the ancient flying treasure and flew away with these disciples. He also knew that as long as there was no powerful conspiracy in this Bihai, no one could be Li Qiuyu's opponent.

On an island with five thousand Li Qiuyu, a female cultivator with a charming character stared at the other dozen or so monks vigilantly.

The female cultivator is a disciple of the early Yuanying stage, and Fang Fang is a disciple of the early Yuanying stage, eight alchemy stages, and five foundation-building stages.

There was still a trace of blood on the corner of the nun's mouth, which reflected her delicate cheeks even more. She looked at the other person with the right eyes, and her body was a little weak.

"Fairy Yun, as long as you agree to our master, we will politely show you as the master's wife, and our master is also a monk in the Nascent Soul stage."

A monk of the alchemy stage said loudly, and looked at the monk of the Yuanying stage beside him, with a fawning expression on his face.

"Luo Lintian, you are so old that you don't know how to be ashamed when you reach the Nascent Soul stage." This female cultivator Li Qiuyu is very familiar with her, she is Yun Ling'er who accompanied her when she was practicing in Yunlu Island.

He also didn't expect that this Yun Ling'er had also successfully reached the realm of the Nascent Soul stage, but at this time, he obviously encountered something like Murong Qingqing, and smiled secretly in his heart, such things were always encountered by himself.

"Fairy Yun, as long as you marry the deity, we practice the way of dual cultivation. When the time comes, our cultivation base will skyrocket, and we may even reach a higher level." Nascent Soul Stage said with a smile.

"It's a good idea, you don't know who I am, do you?" Yun Ling'er said softly, thinking of someone, the corners of her eyes brightened.

"Hey, I really want to know who Fairy Yun is." The middle-aged monk Luo Lintian laughed loudly. In this place with no people around for thousands of miles, he has the advantage here, and he is not afraid of anyone at all.

"I'm the disciple of the lord of Xiaoyao Palace." Yun Ling'er said softly, a look of pride appeared on her face, but then it became dim, and she hadn't seen that peerless uncle for many years.

"Haha, Fairy Yun is confused. Disciple of the lord of Xiaoyao Palace, you will use such a great god to suppress me. However, even if Li Qiuyu comes, I am not afraid, but you should come with me now."

Luo Lintian was stunned for a moment, naturally he wouldn't believe Yun Linger's words, if it was true that Yun Linger had something to do with the lord of Xiaoyao Palace, he wouldn't be on the sidelines alone and be targeted by him.

After finishing speaking, a golden light hit Yun Ling'er, and then a spell was fired, and other disciples also cast some forbidden spells.

Naturally, they didn't want Yun Ling'er's life, otherwise Yun Ling'er would have been ruined long ago. Yun Ling'er is the beauty of the role that the head of the Nascent Soul Stage favors, so naturally they want to catch her alive.

Seeing that the golden light and other attacks were about to come in front of Yun Linger, Yun Linger quickly sacrificed the magic weapon and swung towards the attack in front.

"You're so majestic, let's see what kind of abilities you have. How dare you have an evil intention towards this disciple. A cold voice appeared in the air, and then a shocking coercion came down.

All the attacks turned into nothingness under the coercion, and more than a dozen monks fell down like rain, and fell hard on the island.

Li Qiuyu didn't want to waste time in front of such monks, and directly put the coercion on everyone. With his current strength, even if he didn't do anything, coercion alone would suppress the monks in the early Yuanying stage.

"Uncle, is that you?"

When Yun Linger heard this voice, she was startled, thinking that she was dreaming, at a time of danger, could it be that she was hallucinating, but she watched more than ten opponents fall towards the ground, and a boy's body appeared hundreds of feet in the air figure.

This figure always dissipates like this, with a confident look on his face forever, and the world is out of sight.

"Hehe, Ling'er, I didn't expect her cultivation to improve so quickly, she has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and she is still like a child."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said, looking at Yun Ling'er quietly, Yun Ling'er's delicate body flashed, and when she reappeared, she had already come in front of Li Qiuyu, threw herself into Li Qiuyu's arms, and sobbed continuously.

"Uncle Master, why are you here? Linger has been looking for you for a long time, but she has never found you, and she was bullied by them." Yun Linger sobbed for a while, Li Qiuyu gently stroked her back with her hand, and finally said softly .

"Well, I'm also going back to Yunlu Island." Li Qiuyu patted Yun Ling'er on the back lightly, and finally separated from Yun Ling'er. This girl didn't expect to be wronged and cry here.

The fourteen monks below were firmly suppressed by Li Qiuyu's coercion on the ground, and even the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage couldn't move.

"Palace Master, please forgive me. I didn't know Fairy Yun was your disciple." Luo Lintian kept saying, but Li Qiuyu didn't pay any attention to him.

"Ling'er, you will punish them now. If you offend our Xiaoyao Palace people, they will naturally be punished, otherwise it will damage my Xiaoyao Palace's reputation."

Li Qiuyu smiled and said to Yun Ling'er, and finally looked at the monk below, his eyes were like looking at a dead person, indeed he was looking at a dead person, so that the monk, as long as he wants, can disappear in an instant.

"Ling'er depends entirely on the uncle." After Yun Ling'er saw Li Qiuyu, she didn't have any other thoughts to take care of the affairs here, and had already vented all her grievances in front of Li Qiuyu.

"Okay, if you dare to offend our Xiaoyao Palace disciples, don't you say that I won't be afraid when I come, so I'll give you a good time and die."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he took Yun Ling'er away, and the last word "death" came out, and more than ten powerful divine senses stabbed at the monk on the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah...

With constant screams, fourteen monks bled to death from seven orifices, and the Nascent Soul of the Nascent Soul Stage monk was also lost in his body.

Li Qiuyu's current consciousness has reached the realm of divine consciousness transformation, even if the great monks are not careful in the later stage, they will be killed in the right way.

Li Qiuyu opened a body shield, covered Yun Ling'er, and quickly flew towards the distance. Fourteen storage bags and magic weapons were drawn into Li Qiuyu's hands.

"Uncle, where are we going now?"

Yun Ling'er felt extremely safe by Li Qiuyu's side. The man next to her was her uncle, and her cultivation was also given by him. Moreover, this man was the number one expert in the world and Bi Hai's highest informer.

"I also want to leave Qianling Island and go back to Xiaoyao Palace to practice in seclusion. I'll have someone send you back to Yunlu Island later. Where's your mother?"

Li Qiuyu spoke, and finally looked at Yun Ling'er next to him. This girl was the disciple he most liked when he was in retreat on Yunlu Island.

"My mother has already passed away." Yun Ling'er said softly, with a look of uncertainty on her face, it's like this in the world of cultivation, the higher the level of cultivation, the more lonely and the fewer relatives.

"I don't have time to send you back, but you have also reached the Nascent Soul stage. When you arrive at Aoxiao City ahead, I will ask some monks to escort you back." Li Qiuyu also wants to chase Xiao Hanyue and others, so naturally he can't be here delay.


"what happened?"

Li Qiuyu saw Yun Ling'er calling her, but she didn't speak, and she didn't know what was going on, so she asked softly.

"Ling'er Yunlu Island has no relatives, uncle, take me to Xiaoyao Palace." Yun Ling'er looked at Li Qiuyu expectantly.

"This seat is leaving Bihai."

"Leaving Bihai?"

"Yes, now that Bihai has ruled, I'm going back to other places. I'm not a monk in this place."

Li Qiuyu said via voice transmission, with an extremely serious face.

"Then uncle, take me too." Yun Ling'er looked at Li Qiuyu's serious expression, pondered for a moment, and summoned up her courage to say.

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